《33》Chapter 4: The Uncanny Exchangers
Hero and his siblings were future kidnappers.
Years ago, before meeting Sydney, Everett, Wade, Kat, and the blonde-haired Macy, Hero hadn't expected he would wear a uniform meant for an employee of the Ascend Museum.
Each of the Ascend Museum employee jackets in the spaceship had The Ascend Museum Employee designed on the back of it, in the Soynite language. Each of the jackets had an image of the Ascend Museum on the back of it. If any Soynite wanted to see what the Ascend Museum had looked like before its destruction, they could just move their attention to the back of the blue jacket Hero wore.
Hero hadn't killed a person to get the employee jacket, but the boy knew killing was necessary.
Sometimes, of course.
Hero hadn't expected he would live inside the fastest Soynite spaceship in the universe.
Land Preachman deserved to be in the spacecraft, which he had stocked with many supplies, but the man wasn't with Hero and the other Exchangers. The man was not with anyone.
Neither of the Exchangers had been killed during the panic at the museum. A Freeman hadn't taken Hero's life during the biggest attack on Soy in Soynite history, but the ruthless Freeman enemies were the reason why Mitch Shame was gone.
Sydney's biological father, Mitch, was away from his family. He was apart from the family he deserved to reunite with.
The Freemans manufactured Vamp, the same purple substance found in the Exchangers' syringes. Hero's too-pale opponents produced Vamp, Freeman-on-Soynite violence, and misery. After destroying the Soynites' home world, the Freemans had built buildings on planet Earth, and the vicious foes now hunted Soynites away from their barren planet, which had been a beautiful one.
Sure, the Freemans had demolished Soy and killed so many wonderful Soynites, but Soy could be revived and the Soynite population could grow.
The power to return glory and beauty to Soy was what the Soy Maker possessed.
The great Soy Maker had power. It had much power within it. Creating Hero's race was what the Soy Maker had done, and the Soy Maker had to be found. It had been public knowledge that Theo Majestic owned the Soy Maker, but Hero, Macy, Wade, Everett, Kat, and Sydney did not know the Soy Maker's current location. The Soy Maker, the most important item in the big universe, the same item that could bring life to Soy, was not with Hero. It was not with his family.
The Soy Maker favored Soynites.
Hero and his brothers and sisters would find the Soy Maker, the Exchanger believed.
They would go to Heaven. Again.
"I hope you don't get traumatized by what we're going to do," Macy said, speaking Soynite.
Maybe Kat would get traumatized.
Macy stood with her back facing Hero. She gazed at the space past the window's hard glass, viewing the outside, seeing Washington state's land.
The spaceship the Exchangers were in crushed green grass underneath its heavy weight.
They all had a mission to accomplish. As he stayed in Macy's bedroom, bathed in the light coming from Earth's radiant sun, Hero hadn't forgotten the mission was important.
A kidnapping had to happen.
The Exchangers owned syringes filled with a purple substance capable of forcing people into a state of unconsciousness. Vamp would temporarily erase any powers a Soynite had. The mastermind behind Soy's invasion had invented Vamp, but the Exchangers would use it. They would use it on their own people.
Hero had a family to take care of. His sister Sydney was the youngest Shame, but Hero didn't doubt she would refuse to participate in the kidnapping.
For the Exchangers' future victim, the kidnapping would be an issue. For the Exchangers, the kidnapping would be a wonderful deed. It was like how the Soynite-hating Freemans had prospered when they had destroyed the majority of the Soynite population. Due to the Freemans' existence, so many good and kind Soynites weren't able to live while Hero Shame lived.
Hero had caught sight of double triangles. He had pinned his blue-eyed gaze on Vamp in syringes that had been possessed by Lock's worshippers.
Hero had learned secrets. And he had lost his second father.
Dangerous weapons, unnecessary pain, and the splitting of families was what the Freemans brought. After they had killed Hero's first loved ones, the Freemans had taken away his adoptive father.
Hero was an Exchanger.
His father was not.
The person who had called Hero and his siblings the Exchangers had used the English term for the word. When Hero said Exchanger, he used the English word for it, not the Soynite word.
Watcher. Watchers. High. Highs. Pure. Pures. Bloodhound. Bloodhounds. Those terms were said in the English way, too.
The Exchangers had made their landing on Earth. Even before the attack on their planet, Soynites had taken trips to Earth.
Soynites were on Earth. The Freemans were on Earth, which didn't mean anything good.
"Kat might get traumatized," Hero said, mentioning the girl who had never killed. "She is going to be tough. Our sister is going to change, Macy."
Hero's first meeting with Kat Shame had happened inside the Ascend Museum, which had been named after Don Ascend. That demolished building was also where Hero had met his other siblings. Hero had found his present family within the Ascend Museum, but his original family had been killed in that place.
Kat was not dead. Because she had never made her enemies change into dead people, that was a problem.
Problems could be solved.
Planet Soy, Hero and his siblings' home planet, had been turned barren and gray. But it could be revived.
Mitch Shame, the father of Hero and the other Exchangers, was lost. He could be found.
Hostile Freemans lived. They hunted and killed Hero's people, but Hero's people, the Soynites, could kill Freemans.
The Soynite called Hero had found his current bravery. The boy had gained courage, which increased the possibility he would survive the war Lock Tannis had started, and it was not impossible for Hero's sister Kat to find her own courage.
Kat needed to change.
Macy turned.
Unlike Kat, Hero and Macy didn't have brown hair and brown eyes. Hero's eyes, eyes that had witnessed too many cruel events and unfair injustices, were blue. His hair was blond.
Macy, whose hair color was the same color Hase Majestic's descendants tended to have, was blonde-haired and blue-eyed.
Perhaps Macy was a Majestic and just didn't know it. Hero's hair was blond and his eyes were blue, but it wasn't guaranteed that all Soynites with blond hair and blue eyes belonged to the deceased Hase Majestic's bloodline. Hase was dead.
Hase's descendant Theo Majestic was more powerful than any Soynite alive. But Strife existed. A Freeman could use Strife to disable Theo's powers. With Strife on their side, a Freeman could make Theo's heart stop. A Freeman with Strife could make true death come to Theo, the Soynite who carried the best chance to kill the mastermind behind planet Soy's invasion. The invasion had made the hearts of Hero's first family stop beating, and other Soynite people had been killed in the Ascend Museum. Other Soynites had been killed in other places.
If Theo was dead, where did his body rest?
Hero's biological parents had lost their lives in the Ascend Museum. Those two Soynites had been good and kind, and their son had been a coward. But Hero's cowardice had gone away. His intent to do what he had to do hadn't gone away, because Hero knew it stayed within him, and it made the teenage Exchanger ready to inject Vamp into an unwilling Pure in the future.
Taking another Soynite against their will was what Hero would have to do. He and the other Exchangers had to become kidnappers, and Hero would rather have his brothers and sisters be ready to gain statuses as Soynite takers. The boy needed them to be ready. He had to be ready.
Hero's father had been taken, but he wasn't the first Soynite who had been abducted by the Freemans.
Not long ago, Hero and his siblings had discovered a building in the forest. The building was gray and huge. Hero and the other Exchangers had moved their attention to the people who had taken up space in the area outside the building.
The Freeman enemies operated in the building Hero and his loved ones had caught sight of. The Exchangers, they knew the building was a Freeman base.
A Freeman base might contain a Pure Soynite the Exchangers could see, meet, kidnap.
If Hero and his brothers and sisters found more than one Pure in the Freeman base, that would be better. Any Pure who would have the misfortune of coming in contact with the Exchangers was going to have a bad time, but that bad time would be worth it.
The Exchangers spent their time in the same forest as the Freeman base, ready to go on the offense before night arrived. It was a start.
As Hero and Macy stood beneath the bedroom's ceiling, the Freemans maintained their terrible eagerness to maim and kill Soynites, their Soy-borne enemies.
"You're right," Macy said, still speaking Soynite. Hero and the Exchangers preferred speaking their native language. "You out of all people changed. That means there's hope for Kat."
Hero nodded.
It was necessary for Kat and the other Exchangers to be willing to fight. It was necessary for them all to fight. They had to kill. Deep bravery needed to live in the Exchangers, and it had to be with them in battles against Soynites and Freemans.
Freemans were not only the people who were cruel and not human.
"Kat is going to be like the rest of us," Hero said. "She's going to be fine. Just like we are."
Macy put her hands on her hips, then she turned her back on Hero. She stared past the window. Hero had experienced moments when he had gazed through the spaceship's windows. The spaceship the teenager lived in was possibly the last Soynite spaceship. After all, the Exchangers hadn't brought their attention to a different Soynite spaceship in some time.
More than a little Soynite spaceships had been destroyed during the Freemans' attack on Soy. Hero didn't know how many Soynite spaceships were left in the universe, but he hoped enough of them still functioned. The Exchangers only had one spacecraft they could use to get from place to place. Their spaceship was the Soynite spacecraft with the ability to move faster than all the other Soynite spaceships, but it wasn't invincible. It could be damaged. It could be destroyed.
The Freemans had destroyed Kat's optimistic personality, but they had never been able to destroy the Exchangers' spaceship, which doubled as their only home.
Mitch Shame had raised his biological child in the quickest Soynite spaceship. With Mitch gone, Hero, Macy, Everett, Wade, and Kat had to care for the youngest Shame.
"Not all of us are fine," Macy said. "One of us isn't here."
"We're going to find him, Macy," Hero said. "You know that."
"Yes, I do," Macy replied.
She placed her hand against the window, as if Mitch had his hand against its other side. Macy moved her hand away, turned, then she hugged Hero after moving closer to her.
"It's great that you're still here," Macy said, the blonde girl talking while Hero hugged her back. "With you and me fighting together, the Freemans are going to be in trouble."
"True," Hero said, keeping his eyes open, staying vigilant as he embraced Macy. The hug ended. Hero pointed his thumb at the space behind him. "Let's go to the others."
The other Exchangers were part of Hero's family. In total, the Exchangers formed a group of six. A group of six was what the Soynite Highs formed. Hero didn't know if the Highs were alive, and he didn't know if there was a new generation of Highs. If the emergency protocol Theo Majestic had created had been followed with success, that meant six Soynite children had been made into Highs during the invasion.
Instead of going to meet Theo to be turned into a Soynite ruler, Hero had left planet Soy itself. His parents hadn't known the sweet luxury of escaping the Freemans' aggressive attack on Soy. They never would.
Hero Haysen had survived the worst attack on his home planet. He had become Hero Shame.
Sydney had been born as a Shame, but the other Exchangers had taken Shame as their last names. Hero had spent more time living with the family name of Shame than Haysen. And he hadn't had a living mother in his life in years, like the other Exchangers.
As for Sydney, the youngest of Hero's siblings, she had only known her mother for a few months. Mitch Shame's wife had become another person who hadn't survived that agonizing night at the museum.
The first of January was Sydney's birthday. She was alive. The same could not be said for her mother, but the eleven-year-old girl had several teenagers who cared about her. That was important. One of the reasons why it was important was the fact Freemans preferred to see Soynites die. Sydney was a Soynite. She always had been. The girl had been born as a Soynite. She would die as one.
Hero had always been a Soynite, but he hadn't always been an Exchanger.
Hero was no High.
Outside Macy's bedroom was a hall, which was one of several halls in the three-story spaceship. As he and Macy walked in the hall, Hero spotted two people. A boy and a girl. The boy was bigger than the girl. He was also older than her. Unlike the younger girl, his hair was brown. His eyes were brown.
The girl rode on the boy's back, clinging to him as he moved toward Hero.
Everett and Sydney.
They were just two of Hero's adoptive siblings. They were in the same hall as Hero and Macy, which meant there were now four out of six Exchangers inside the hall.
Hero didn't see Wade or Kat.
Wade, he was a few inches taller than Hero, who was six feet tall. Wade was the biggest Exchanger. There was a chance his hatred for the Freemans was bigger than Hero's hatred of them.
"It's a fine day for a kidnapping," Everett said, still moving toward Hero as he carried Sydney on his back. Everett was tall and muscular, but not as tall and muscular as the average Freeman man. "And it's a fine day to remember all of this is for the greater good."
Macy smiled.
"Hello, Everett," she said.
"Macy, I was looking outside before Everett found me," Sydney said. She moved off her older brother's back. "And I didn't see any Pale Monsters out there."
Soynite was the first language in history. The term "monster" had come because of the existence of the creatures native to planet Free. Freemans were not the vicious animals found on their home planet, but they were monstrous.
Macy brought a hand to Sydney's arm, touching her through the Ascend Museum employee jacket the kid wore.
"We're going to fight our way through a lot of them, Sydney," Macy said, moving her hand away from Sydney. "Just remember that the only good Freemans are the dead ones."
"I'm never going to forget," Sydney said. She brushed her dark blonde hair with her hand. The Freemans wouldn't try brushing Sydney's hair. They would try to shoot her. "And I'm never going to stop calling the Freemans Pale Monsters. They have real monsters on their planet, and the Freemans use them to hurt Soynites."
"The Freemans' monsters aren't just on Free," Hero said. He pointed at the space near his shoes, which touched the floor attached to the spaceship the boy had landed on Earth. "They're here, too."
"I know," Sydney said. Then she gestured to the backpack resting near her bedroom's closed door. "Can we go now? Please? I want to get this over with as soon as possible."
Sydney's backpack. The light in the hall glowed against its whiteness. It glowed against the yellow circle designed onto the backpack. There were five other backpacks that were white with yellow circles on them in the spaceship.
There were six Exchangers, six backpacks, and several syringes filled with Vamp.
"Sydney, your eagerness to kidnap another Soynite is inspirational," Everett said.
"And understandable," Hero said. He turned his head to Everett, then looked at Macy, then shifted his attention back to Sydney. "Whatever happens, we need to get ten Pures. When we attack the Freeman base, the Freemans there will try to kill us, but we're going to kill them. Remember, we're going to fight our way to the prison wing. They should have one. If we find a Pure there, we take them. If we find a Pure before reaching the prison wing, we take them."
Hero had already told the other Exchangers the plan, but reminding them about it wouldn't bring them any harm.
"Kat will be scared," Sydney said, clasping her hands together. "Do you still think she should come?"
"She will probably almost get killed a few times," Macy said. "I still think she should come. Her will to survive might come during a fight. It might make her kill a Freeman."
Kat, unlike her brothers and sisters, had never killed a Freeman. Even the eleven-year-old Sydney had taken a Freeman's life.
Not every Soynite had become a killer. Not every Soynite was a fighter. If Hero forgot either of those two facts, he could fill his mind with his brown-haired sister.
"Kat is going to come," Hero said. "All of us are going to stay together. In addition to that, Kat needs to be around Soynites who are willing to fight. If Kat stays here, Freemans will probably come to this spaceship and kill her. If she comes with us, she has a higher chance of surviving. Kat can't be alone."
The four Exchangers stood on the hall's hard and blue floor. Outside was green grass. The Exchangers would have to leave their spaceship. They would have to bring their shoes against Earth's grass, the same grass their combat-craving enemies had stepped on.
While some Soynites would rather keep their distance from any Freeman base, the Exchanger Soynites would rather infiltrate one. If Hero was a fortunate teenager, neither of his brothers and sisters would lay in puddles of their own blood before night arrived.
If the Exchangers were fortune Soynites, their father didn't lay in a puddle of his own blood.
The Exchangers were six in number. How many Freeman warriors would be inside the base. Fifty? A hundred? Five hundred? A thousand? Hero did not know.
Without a doubt, the Freeman warriors in the base were tall and strong. Hero was tall and strong, but the average Freeman man was taller and bigger than him. What Hero had was a Save. It was a useful save, and it would help him survive the battle that hadn't come yet.
Even if Hero and his loved ones killed every single Freeman in the base, other Freeman bases existed. The ruthless Freemans had made their advent on planet Earth, and those ruthless Freemans had made sure to build their terrible bases on the planet. They lacked the urge to be nice to Hero, Macy, Everett, Sydney, Wade, and Kat. Hero lacked the urge to be nice to the Freemans. It was fitting.
"We're a family," Hero said. "And we're going to get our father back. If one of us became a prisoner of the Freemans, Father would try to save us."
Sydney nodded. She turned and took quick steps toward her idle backpack, as if she had been informed the Freemans at the base planned on killing any Soynite prisoners they possibly had.
"Our backpacks are already filled with what we need," Hero said. "We're going to put them on, find Wade and Kat, then head out."
"To the Freeman base," Macy said.
"Yes," Hero replied. He watched Sydney kneel close to her backpack. "Even if the Freemans don't have a Pure in the base nearby, our attack on the place won't be a waste. No matter what happens, we are going to make the universe have less Freemans."
It would have been great if the Freemans hadn't slaughtered Hero's biological parents.
The Freemans outnumbered the Soynites, yes. Even before their devastating attack on Soy, Freemans had outnumbered Hero and his kind.
Sydney unzipped her backpack's largest pouch. The eleven-year-old pulled out a gun.
More than 132 months ago, Sydney had been a fetus inside her mother. Sydney's mother hadn't been killed as a pregnant woman, at least, but pregnant Soynites had been killed by Freemans.
Ascend Museum's namesake, Don Ascend, was a Soynite High. His wife had been pregnant.
Was that baby alive? Had it been killed during the invasion?
Freemans had killed pregnant women. They would have no problem with slaying an eleven-year-old girl. Sydney needed her gun.
Hero put his appreciation into the truth Sydney hadn't been killed as a baby.
The boy had lifted Sydney when she was still a baby, and he hoped she would always be willing to fight and kill the pale enemies who had come from planet Free.
The grass outside had come from Earth, but Sydney's weapon did not. The spaceship the Exchangers owned had moved away from Soy, and so did the laser pistol Sydney carried.
"This is going to make it harder for the Freemans to kill any of us," Sydney said, stroking the Soynite laser gun. She set the blue weapon on the floor, closed the backpack's largest pouch. The girl picked up the gun after putting on the backpack. She stood. "I'm ready."
After putting on their backpacks, Hero, Macy, Everett, and Sydney went to the hall outside the spaceship's bridge.
Wade and Kat sat across each other in the hall, keeping their backs against the walls as they held their backpacks. They glanced at Hero and the other Exchangers who stood. Wade looked at Kat. He looked away from her.
Kat had olive-toned skin, long hair, and she was the Exchanger who was most likely to run from danger than face it.
"You can't be a coward forever," Wade said. He moved into a standing position, put his backpack on. "I was giving Kat some advice. You need to fight in this war, Kat. You're sixteen years old. And you're going to get yourself killed if you keep your coward routine going."
"Be nice, Wade," Sydney said.
Kat's dark brown eyes stayed pointed at the wall ahead of her seated body. Sydney walked to the spot in front of her, then offered the sixteen-year-old girl her hand. Kat looked at it.
Like the other Exchangers who were not Sydney, Kat was sixteen years old. Hero was the eldest child, however.
"It's okay, Kat," Sydney said.
Kat grabbed her hand, and Sydney helped her stand.
Hero's brown-haired sibling had never been a fighter. The blond boy had experienced a time when he had never killed, but he couldn't claim a non-killer's status anymore.
Sydney distanced herself from Kat. Macy stepped past Sydney, then placed a hand against Kat's shoulder.
"Are you ready to leave?" Macy asked.
Kat exhaled a shivering breath, as if a Soynite with the power to create ice had brushed her neck with an icicle, and then the girl nodded.
"Y-yes," Kat said.
Kat grabbed her backpack.
After making their final preparations, the Exchangers exited the spaceship.
Hero took the lead.
Macy moved behind him.
Everett moved behind Macy.
Sydney moved behind Everett.
Kat moved behind Sydney.
Wade moved behind Kat.
Each Exchanger wielded a laser pistol in their hand. Each Exchanger wore a jacket. The jackets were supposed to be worn by employees of the Ascend Museum, but Hero knew the truth.
The Ascend Museum was gone.
Images showing what it had looked like remained on the future kidnappers' clothing. They took steps in the massive meadow where their spaceship had landed, which had happened because of Hero.
Hero had traveled through outer space's deepness. He now traveled toward a Freeman base, expecting the building to contain terror-causing horrors.
And Earth animals, birds, chirped as they flapped their feathered wings in the sky. Hero could do what they did. Animal natives to planet Soy didn't exist. They never had.
What existed was Hero's desire for the Earth grass under him to be Soy grass.
The sun's warm light touched Hero and his brothers and sisters as they moved. The Soynite youth were away from Soy, away from Heaven, away from the quickest Soynite spaceship, away from their father.
Mitch Shame's Ascend Museum employee jacket was gone, and so was the man himself, taken by hostiles who weren't gentle.
The Freemans the Exchangers moved toward were practiced killers, no doubt.
Pale and monstrous warriors had reached Soy and ruined Soynites on it, and now they ruined Soynites on Earth as well.
As the morning sun glowed its light, Hero and his companions wore their Soynite pendants. If a Freeman caught sight of the kids, they would know what they were.
But the Exchangers didn't plan on begging or pleading with the Freemans.
Kat might.
If Kat ran away from the possible upcoming battle, Hero and the others would still win. They were Exchangers. They would change their Freeman opponents into smoke, which is what Soynites had done during the chaos on Soy, chaos the Freemans had manifested.
While he kept his laser pistol in his hand, Hero clung to the desire to see a powerful Soynite kill Lock Tannis, the most evil being of all time. If Hero didn't become Lock's killer in the future, maybe a different blond-haired, blue-eyed Soynite would kill the Freeman ruler.
The Freemans would not release Mitch Shame. The Freemans would not let the man go back to his family. His family had to get him back, Hero knew.
Hero's father's late wife wasn't able to speak to her family, like her husband, but Mitch Shame didn't have to stay separated from his children. It was possible for a Soynite's child to find them. Hero hoped another Soynite with a missing father knew that.
The boy among his siblings wanted to talk to his father, hug him, help him live a happy life, but Lock Tannis and his people didn't want Mitch Shame to live a happy life.
Freemans were going to try ridding Earth of the Exchangers, who were younger than their lost and beloved father. No Exchanger had reached the age of twenty, but each Exchanger had reached the willingness to take a Pure Soynite against their will. Every Exchanger carried several syringes filled with purple Vamp in their backpack. The Vamp was meant to be fed into the Exchangers' future victim's bloodstream, and it would render the Pure unconscious and powerless.
Unconscious and powerless, Hero would rather avoid becoming that during the mission.
The Freeman military had journeyed to Soy. Six Soynites who had left that planet walked toward a Freeman military base, wielding weapons and possessing Vamp they intended on using on whatever Pure prisoners they might find.
Hero was no stranger to Freeman harshness. The Freemans weren't strangers to Soynites fighting them, and Hero, Macy, Everett, Sydney, Wade, and Mitch Shame had fought Freemans.
Without their father's assistance, the Exchangers were going to fight Freemans and take at least one Pure Soynite.
Hero had been raised with his fellow Exchangers. He didn't have the awful desire to see a Freeman take or kill any of them.
The Freeman military had weapons on their side, weapons made for harming and killing.
The Exchanger siblings had weapons on their side. And they wore their Ascend Museum employee jackets, but they had been too young to work at Ascend Museum. The Exchanger kids had never been Ascend Museum employees.
They wore Ascend Museum employee jackets, but they weren't Ascend Museum employees.
They were going to try freeing a Soynite from a Freeman base, but they weren't going to do it because they were kind.
They were the Exchangers.
Every item for sale on Soy had been free. The Vamp-filled syringes had been given to Hero and his siblings for free, but the Exchangers needed to use them for serious business.
A few minutes went by.
Past the trees was a wide wall, gray and solid. It wasn't the first time Hero had laid his gaze on the Freeman base, but the building's presence didn't make the Exchanger boy forget about the murderers within it.
The wall formed the Freeman base's rear. Hero and his five allies were smart enough to avoid starting their attack by advancing on the building's front entrance.
A voice slipped into the air. It was deep, and the voice's owner spoke in the same accent belonging to the invaders who had brought the ends to Soynite lives.
"Hide!" Hero said, speaking to the Exchangers.
They hid.
As he stood behind a tree, Hero listened as another Freeman voice shrouded the air.
"One of the bases in California was attacked," a Freeman said, speaking his native language. Hero had heard that voice before he hid. "A Soynite man and a Soynite girl were behind it. Warriors from that base are bringing the girl here."
As his free hand stayed against the tree's rough bark, Hero appreciated his fluency in the Freeman language. His siblings knew the language as well.
"You two!" another Freeman-accented voice yelled. Hero peeked from behind the tree. A Freeman warrior rushed toward two standing ones, each foe armed with a black laser rifle. The newly arrived Freeman was taller than the other two. He came to a halt near his Soynite-hating comrades. "Two Soynite males have entered the base! They attacked the front side, and now they're inside the building! Follow me!"
The Freeman trio turned their attention to the space close to the nearest corner of the base, then ran toward it. Hero wouldn't let them get too far.
"They're going to be dead," the taller Freeman said. "Just like Boris Endman."
Soynite High Boris Endman. He had failed at beating the Freemans.
The Exchangers would not.
REWRITE: https://royalroadl.com/fiction/15725/bloody-killing-game This story will no longer be updated. Luna is every man's dream girl. She's incredibly smart, unresistingly adorable AND good at cooking. So it's no wonder Ryo fell in love with her. But Luna carries a dark past. Contains coarse language, gore, nudity and a psychopathic yandere.
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