《Bone Sage》Chapter 3: Roads and Travels.
Melton was riding carriage that was eventually going to lead him down to the capital. The capital is a large fortified city where the governing face ,which is in this case the king and him ministers, do all their administrative work. The city was build around river so there is quite a few bridges. It is also a city in which many churches that worship upper beings reside. One of them was the church of Bytos where Melton was heading. The carriage was shaking but since he traveled quite a lot in his past life there was no much of an issue there. The person operating the carriage was a elderly man, presumably in his sixties , with a grey mustache and a cap. Since he was getting bored and was only passenger , Melton decided to have a small talk with the man. The old man was happy he could share some of his stories and kill time along with Melton so they began their talk. His name was Marcus and he was working along his horse for quite a long time. When he was young his parents died early and he had to take care of his sibling and the home. He and his twin brother Nicol were working very hard to earn money and feed the family but since there were 8 of them it required a lot of effort. One day when he was wandering around in the forest picking up mushrooms and berries to sell he stumbled upon a group of bandits that were transferring the goods they stole. He quietly eavesdropped their conversation and learned the point at which they will make a transaction. After getting back to town he alerted the guards along with authorities of Thorpes . They decided to listen to they young boy and , along with him, made an ambush. After the bandits were imprisoned and goods were taken from them authorities decided his contribution should not be left unrewarded. Marcus knew that what he needed the most was a stable source of income but since he was too young they did not want to make him work as a guard. The mayor knew Marcus was good with animals and he had an idea of making letting him learn how to ride a carriage so he can deliver the goods from the town and back. He then became a transporter apprentice until he learned how to ride and take care of horses. His talent helped him earn that quite fast and so the rose and carriage the bandits used to steal and plunder the villages is not his tool of helping the city and his family. Because of the story with the bandits he became quite popular so his days were filled with riding day and night which helped him feed his family and even start his own. On a way to one of the smaller villages filled with humble people who grow wheat and corn he found a women who shone like none did . Every time he would visit the village he would prepare flowers and compliments to give to the girl that touched his heart. After about a year he collected a nice sum of money and decided to buy a ring and propose. 45 years later they are blessed with 3 kids and 4 grandchildren. His oldest son Eugen became a scholar in the capital and is happily married with one son. His oldest daughter Daisy became an pharmacist and fell in love with a merchant. She is married and recently gave birth to second daughter. His youngest son Sheldon followed the same path his father did and is married a girl he was friends with ever since childhood. He went to deliver some goods to the east while his wife and daughter are still in the town.
Melton found the story Marcus told him quite interesting. Even though he did not like younger people in his world he was always fascinated about struggles and efforts older people had to put. Marcus was also quite a nice and polite person who did not boast of the struggles he survived which made Melton amassed in his stories. Usually people , especially older generations , took great pride in what they did and the life they had so they tough high of themselves which would ruin the story from viewers eyes. Melton would ask Marcus if he had any stories about his travels, people he met, or things he witnessed. Marcus had excitement in his eyes, as if he was waiting for Melton to said it since the dawn of ages, and gladly began to speak while the carriage was going forward. He spoke of the great capital filled with beautiful mansions and plaza with a fountain in the middle. About the variety of races and people there are with many beliefs and ideologies. He also spoke about a few times he was tasked to deliver something from outside the country and many beautiful scenes he witnessed, majestic mountains raging trough the clouds on a certain southern kingdom, a massive complex of houses built onto the trees in far west of a certain continent, mystic lights shining the sky in the night up far north. He did not have many opportunities to travel far but every time he did it was an experience that was living forever inside his hearth and mind. When he would come back he would also find a souvenirs and bring them back for his family. Even though he visited so many fascinating places there was still one place he was holding dearest and that is the town he grew up in and a place his family is waiting for his return: The city of Thorpes. Stories continued for hours and hours until they reached a certain flat area where they stopped to spend the night. Marcus went to take care of his horse and Melton started preparing a sandwich from the ingredients he had in his bag. While preparing he would take a bit from cheese and jerky in the meantime and noticed the cheese tasted unusually good. It was the same sensation he had when eating with the priest. After he made sandwiches Marcus lit the fire using a device resembling a lighter. They ate the food, prepared blankets and went to sleep for the night. Early in the morning Marcus woke up Melton so they can resume their travel as soon as possible. They picked up all the things they had and continued to go on. After about 5 hours they reached their checkpoint , which was one of the merchant cities , where they resupplied and slept the night at the inn. What Melton noticed during the stay at the inn was that it was not only the cheese, but milks as well , that tasted extraordinary. He concluded that it seems like his body has a unique reaction with all diary product and it seemed like he was correct. After resting the night they went their way again and continued to travel. Since their horse was quite well rested they went to the next checkpoint without having to spend the night on the open field. After taking a small break at the city and feeding the horse they were ready to reach final destination of their travel, the capital Frostford , and so they went on their way. After reaching the city gates guard greeted Marcus and let him in without checking. Melton was confused but Marcus said that it is a benefit you get when you do your job honestly and properly for so long. Since he was always kind to everyone and did his job to the best of his abilities while being kind to even the guard that just started , Marcus was a face the capital would gladly welcome with open hands. Melton knew the capital would be large when seeing it from outside but only upon getting inside did he realize how massive that place is. "It is the capital of Urfon for a reason" Marcus said while they were riding the fine road towards the center of the town.
Upon getting in central district near plaza Melton saw massive church with very unique decorations. In front of the church there was the priest and four guard protecting him. The moment he noticed Marcus and Melton he immediately rushed towards them happily while waving his hand. The guard were surprised how quickly and careless the priest was so they hurried as well. When priest reached their carriage he noticed that he was quite young. It was a young man in his twenties with pitch black hair and eyes that stood out in his white robes and pale white skin.
"Hey Marcus is this guy Melton?" the priest said with excitement
The guards caught up and started scolding priest for suddenly running without a guard to protect him. The priest ignored their words and approached Melton face to face with a excited smile, a bit too close for Meltons choice, and asked him.
"Are you by any chance Melton?"
"Umm. yeah" Melton replied slowly backing off and gaining personal space.
"Great. You were the person I was waiting for"
The priest grabbed Melton by his legs and lifted him up from carriage. The moment Meltons bodyweight reached his shoulder they both collapsed on the ground.
The guard were shocked and worried because of what happened. They quickly lifted them both up but this time decided to keep holding the priest so he wont do any more jests. A guard who helped Melton get up apologized for priests actions while others were very angry at what the young priest did.
"Well. The important thing is that we get going. Come on Melton lemme show you around the church." young priest said and started heading towards the church, this time in regular walking speed. Marcus said his farewell and went on his way so now Melton followed the young priest inside. The two guard that helped him get up were guarding him from both sides while other two were guarding the priest until they both reached the inside. The church was massive, far larger than ones he saw on the travel, and they reached an empty praying hall. There was a statue of an upper being Bytos also known as "The Hand of Deals". The statue resembled an eyeball with lids cut in half surrounded by rings rotating around it and flying hands. Since they were not able to make the statue flying they had to make it hang each part from the ceiling. When they got closer to the statue the priest started talking.
"The thing you are looking at is statue of Bytos, one of the upper beings that govern this world and the protector of contracts. In this world when two people agree upon a deal and shake their hands the deal they made is blessed by Bytos. Upon trying to break the deal you made you will be forced to finish it and will experience great pain trying to resist. I even heard some people went as far as to die because they could not achieve what they said the will. And I am one of the high ranking priests in this church Mathias. Few days ago I got an oracle that you will arrive and that you shall be of great help to this world. It got me so excided I barely slept last few days."
"Ok ok but what should I do exactly"
"I dunno. We can pray together and maybe he will answer us."
"You really seem optimistic for someone that does not know shit about things"
"And you are very interesting fellow darling" Mathias said while winking his left eye
"Please don't do that ever again"
"Jeez you are no fun. Anyway lets get started. Since this statues in churches are used to pray for the upper being they are chiseled to resemble they get power to act as an a bridge between us and them. Since you arrived I assume we will be in luck this time"
"But how should I pray anyway"
"Cmon man. Just connect your hands since that is one of signatures of Bytos ,close your eyes and hope you can contact him."
Melton did the thing priest told him to and together with him started praying. Then he was teleported to the same dark place he saw when he died but this time it started getting brighter until it was completely white. Surprisingly enough the whiteness did not hurt for his eyes and was pleasant just like the one he saw when hands connected and spoke to him. Next to him was Mathias who sat down with his legs crossed and hand on his ankles. In front of them Bytos appeared. He looked just like the statues did . The three rings surrounding his eye were slowly rotating and there was at least 10 hands floating round him. One pair of hand started flying above his eye and rings and connected just the way it did in the afterlife. The light appeared again and upper being started speaking.
"I once again excuse myself for having to bother you young Melton."
"At least it is more pleasant being surrounded with this white surrounding than be in pitch blackness."
"I see. Unlike Xatris who wanted to make her appearance from light flashy and special I prefer thing to be simple and formal"
"That is fair. Anyway. What was the reason I got summoned this time?"
"Due to Xatris being weak on default we were not able to give you much information about the things you have to do or the powers you were given so I decided to give you extra help with information."
"Okay then let me hear it." Melton said with confidence
"We are all glad you got such confidence. It indeed will help you a lot in future. First things first I owe you more information about this world. You can think of this world as some sort of medieval fantasy from famous books in the world you resided. There are many races that resemble humans but have difference such as elves, dwarves and many else. They are all unique because of the conditions their ancestors lived in which forced them to evolve in many different ways. Elves lived in the areas with heavy forests and spirits so they because excellent hunters and botanists. Dwarves grew up in a region with heavy mountains so they are more hairy and smaller. Since mountains are rich in metals they were traditionally good smiths and inventors. Devils lived in a place where there was little food so they were forced to eat any monster they had. Because of that they are excellent fighters and have immunity to most poisons. In order to make it easier for everyone upper beings decided to give them aid in return for prayers by giving them blessings and help. Because of influence of upper beings people started being born with unique abilities and started spreading their domains. After building large settlements they all started cooperating with each other to prosper every ones lives and started building churches to gain blessings. Every person is born with a unique ability that depends from person to person and the only limit to those abilities are imagination and stamina of individual."
" So that means that even I got something right?"
"Indeed. You have and ability to extend , manipulate and regenerate your bones. You also gain increased regeneration and exhaustion relief from diary products"
"So that is why cheese and milk taste so good?"
"Exactly. You will be able to master it quickly as long as you learn to use your imagination to visualize new ways to attack. There is another thing you need to know though."
"And that thing is??"
"There is an organization of few extremely powerful individuals that brings a huge amount of trouble and torment to this world. There is not a lot that is known about them except that they go by the name of Council of Torment and that their leader is called Helios Aloniss. They spread their roots deep into countries and collect exceptional individuals to add to their ranks. It seems their plan is to cause an all out and destroy all the countries. Even though it seems like a hard task all the upper beings are asking for you to stop their plans and save the people of this world. You can feel free to gather a team of elite fighters and use their help to reach this goal".
The moment Bytos finished speaking Mathias jumped on his legs and said
"Elite fighter? Looks like a job for me. Church work is really boring at I am thirsty for action"
"Great. You got your first ally. Since he is a member of my church I can guarantee his skills and strength."
"You sure about this?" Melton said a bit worried
" Worry not. He may not look like it but his birth was gifted and he was blessed as one of youngest high rank priests."
"Yeah . No worries . I am suuuuper strong"
"Ok Ok can we get our way now. I would like to test my powers"
"If that is what you wish . Farewell young ones I wish best of luck for all your adventures" Bytos said as they both started waking up.
After waking up they went to the training ground reserved for church guard and Melton tried his ability. After putting his and forward and imagined a sharpened bone growing out of his upper part of hand and pierce the dummy. The thing he imagined happened in a split of a second and there was a hole in both the dummy and the wall.
"So cool " Mathias said excided and asked "Wanna see my power"
"Why not"
Mathias reached his hand out and a beam as wide as his had started appearing and piercing dummy with easy. After hitting the wall it started bouncing and nearly hit Melton in his right foot.
"What the hell was that!?"
"This is my ability. It is a energy blast but it can only pierce certain object like thin metal, cloth ,wood and flesh. It is kind of made to only kill people and pierce their armor so it bounces off the other things like stone."
"I am pretty sure that fact makes it far deadlier than a regular blast."
"Yup. Except the stone golem would beat my ass with ease"
"Uh. Ok. Anyway. What should we do now."
"I think we should go to the mercenary guild so you can gain combat experience and then go to the information guild to get info on Council of Torment".
"Alright then. Time to start our new adventure!"
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Emiluna is about to turn 16 and gain access to her first two classes. Living in a small village in the middle of nowhere, she always wanted to become a Hunter. Having learned a bit under her parents, a miller and a seamstress, she was sure she could never pick a class that meant staying inside all day. But being a Hunter is more than just a class. It means providing meat for the village, culling small pests near the cultivated fields and most importantly guarding the village from predators and monsters. But Emiluna is not a normal girl and her destiny far bigger than she could have ever imagined.Join her as she finds out what awaits just behind the horizon.[Word from the author]I am looking to create a fantasy world that has some logic to it and stays believable even as characters gain power and progress in levels.Classes and level quantify the people's progress, but they do not artificially inflate their power to demi-god levels. I am primarily trying to write a captivating story, not "power-porn". That means it will be slower than the fast burning litRPG you might be used to, but it won't burn out that quickly either and I won't drop half of my plots at the wayside. I should mention that English is not my native language. I hope it is mostly unnoticeable, but sometimes I manage to slip some awkard sentence structure in there (German sometimes puts things together in reverse).It it also my first time writing an actual fantasy novel and the first time writing anything at length in English. Any constructive feedback is very welcome.Credit where credit is due: Cover picture by Paul Bica (Licensed under CC 2.0)Check out his amazing photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dexxusYes, my cover picture is a photo, not a drawing. :D I might try my hand at some Paint-ification later to add the title.[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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