《A dry land》Chapter 1


Young man Luce dreams to have his own land. Due to their low life status as slave, his parents encourage him to work hard in serving their master.

One night he heard three knocks on the door. When he opened it there is no one outside, there's a key lying on the ground. He hurriedly run to his mother to show the key. As his mother inspecting the key, his father called him. Luce goes to his father. He sees his father's hand and clothes.

"What do you need father that you called me?"

"Can you get me my towel?"

"Sure father"

As he turns around his mother is looking at his husband with a shocking face, then she dropped the key. Remembering the thing his husband said, "I want my son to have a better life, and not be abused by pur master when he is allowed to work", she knows that the key is their master's house key.

"Mother, why is you face like that?", He said while smiling thinking it's funny. Luce realizes something is wrong because of the heavy atmosphere.

"Oy Luce, where's my towel?", He shouted.

"Yes father", He runs quickly to get his father a towel.

While on the room, he heard his mother shouted. He hurriedly goes down to check what happened. He started to breath heavily as soon as he sees his father lying down on the doorway with a shot in the back.

"DON'T MOVE", the guards shouted. Luce's legs was frozen and his mind was blank at that moments. Luce's mother was taken by the guards. Since she was heavy they have to put her in sleep so they can arrest her easily. Luce was taken away and they brought him into an orphan.

Luce walks while he is looking downward.


"Hello", the girl from the orphanage greeted him. Luce's mixed up feeling became relived as she heard the girl's voice. He lift his head and look at the girl and the saintess beside her.

Everything become so bright, the air feels different. It feels...warm. Luce faced the girl.

"Hello...What's your name?".

"I...My name is Luce"

"I'm Bella, nice to meet you. Welcome, this is your new home"

The guards are talking to saintess Liz before leaving him.

"He is from a slave family. He's father killed their master, and we don't know the reason yet"

"Thank you for the info officer"

"We'll leave him under your care"

"Yes, officer"

The guard left with the soldiers. Saintess Liz ask Bella to show him where the bath is and being him some clothes. While on the walk they had a conversation.

"So...for how long are you living here?", He ask.

"I was here since birth. Saintess Liz said that my parents handed me to her saying that I'm an unwanted child. So instead of killing me, they abandoned me here"

"I see, that's sad. Anyways do you have a dream that you want to reach?"

"I wanted to be a mage, a healer mage. Saintess Liz taught some magic"

"Wow you can use magic?"


"I haven't seen magic", sad tone.


"My master doesn't allowed me to go to the capital"

"Wait, your master don't use magic?"

"No, he was fat and moves slow", he giggles.

"Ok, here we are"

Luce, took a bath. While he is taking a bath, Bella sits down outside as she wants to talk to him more.

"So...you haven't seen magic?"

"I don't actually know that magic exist, I just hear some stories from my mother"


"By the way can you read and write?"

"Mother use to teach me, but I'm progressing slow"

"I see, tomorrow saintess Liz will teach us tomorrow"


~while sleeping~

"Remember son don't look down on other. It will help you create more friends and people that will love you". He dreamed of his mother.

Luce wakes up, he slowly opens his eyes with tears.

"Good morning Luce", The girl said. "You're a heavy sleeper aren't you", with a smile on her face.

~Bell sounds~

"Oooh, breakfast is ready come on up"

They both went down, and the other kids are gathered in the table. Saintess Liz introduce Luce to everyone.

"Hi...uhmm...my name is Luce, Nice to meet you guys", in shy tone and pose.

"Alright children let's eat and enjoy our meal"

"Thank you for the food", they all said.

Luce feels so happy. He have never had this kind of feeling nor experience in this.

Saintess Liz, started teaching the kids reading and writing. Luce is a fast learner and did all the activities the saintess given. After the class Luce approaches saintess Liz and ask if she can teach him about magic.

"Saintess Liz, I heard from Bella that you are teaching her magic"

"Oh my, Yes I am, why?"

"I want to learn magic too", with bright eyes.

"But first you need to learn the foundation of magic"

"Yes", he excitedly replied.

Magic. Everyone can use magic, as long as they have the mana, they can using it for many things like house chores, transportation, hospitals, and even in combat. Magic has 4 main element. The Fire, Wind, Water, Earth. Each element can have a different sub-elements. It is whether you inherited it from someone, talent, or you've worked hard for it. Anyone can have their own kind magic. Imagination is the limit.

Luce started to learn about magic from saintess Liz.

"Okay, first let's know which element you can use", she is a little hesitant since the guard told her that he have a potential, and he might have something that is dangerous.

"Alright...but how?", He ask. Saintess Liz forgot that Luce have zero knowledge on how to do it.

"Okay...watch and listen carefully. First you have to gather your mana in one place-", "how to gather?", Luce said as saintess Liz is demonstrating it.

"Let's go one step, back. Feel the flowing in your body. Once you can feel it, try to move it around. And if you already can move it, try to gather it in one place. Try using your dominant hand"

Luce closes his eyes and he can feel the flow of mana inside him. He tries to move it on his shoulder, feet, and then belly.

"Alright I can move it now"

"Very good, then onto the first step. Gather your mana on your dominant while holding this orb"

The orbs shines. It's color is unusual.

"This is amazing", saintess Liz said.

"Why?", Luce replied.

"The usual color for the elements are red, blue, gray, and brown, but yours is yellow. You have a rare affinity"

Luce is very very excited inside of him, but he remain calm so he won't look dumb.

"So what's my affinity saintess?"

Saintess Liz is worried that she haven't seen anything like that in her life.

"Uhmm...I will ask the high mages if they know what magic is this. It's my first time seeing it", saintess Liz said, with a face but a excited feeling.

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