
I loved the TV series Terranova, but it was abandoned like so many others.

My name is Nicolas and I'm a student at the technical school but my friends call me NICOLAS THE BAD LUCK.

I had a loving family but I often wondered if when we smiled it was to please me or out of pity?

Dogs would attack me for no reason. I would get sick in chains, I would catch everything that happened and it wouldn't stop. I had to go to the emergency room for a bleeding cut with a pencil sharpener and the ambulance was run over by a fire truck.

Anyway, I was healing fast so I got hurt right away.

I loved the transverse flute and I whistled my classics very well. I was a teenager but still single, the girls were afraid that my bad luck was contagious.

To get back on the bus, I used to go out of school in the city and I loved going through a small shopping mall where there was a musical instrument store and a computer store. Ah yes, we're in the late 80s. Internet was the big network project and all the magazines were talking about it. I was trying to convince my dad to invest in Apple and Microsoft.

I dreamed of having my TRS 80 with its 16-colour monitor and a Rush, Rumble and Crumble dinosaur game! Also this weekend I saw the movie TRON and it made me dream.

Lost in my thoughts, I was counting my money and how to invest in a PC, so expensive, so close, but only for professionals!

I passed the street to go to the music shop and I didn't see the piano falling down.

Falling on me, lost in my thoughts, lost in the game with the dinosaurs, a survival game. with cards and pawns and the computer as game master. Way ahead of its time, way ahead of its time, way ahead of its time. BOO-HOO, (CHORD SOUND LOST). Eh, not even bad.


Then everything went black.....

Ayyye, it hurts all over!

He's dragging and I'm all wet


Sound the thunder!

Ah, a cave to shelter me! It's dark and there's a cliff a high cliff! I just fell off the cliff and I'm, am, am?????

I'm NICOLAS! It's all black! No light, just lightning.

I can see claws and gigantic bones in the lightning. I'm going to see what it is.

A skull with lots of teeth. Oh it's big, it looks like a T rex! But a long neck and wings.

Underneath, I saw broken eggshells.

Oh, poor thing, she had to protect her eggs

But I'm bleeding! Ahh, I'm in pain and I see in the puddle a reflection that makes my blood run cold! a face full of teeth looking at me!

I took my legs around my neck and boom boom boom boom, the ground began to shake. The Monster launches out in pursuit of me. I run, I jump and I turn around to see nothing at all but between 2 flashes of lightning, a huge snake pursues me, a few centimetres from my bottom.

Mamaann, to the help I shouted but a high-pitched whistle came out of my mouth! Quickly a hole, a cave and CLAC made thunder and I huddled in the cave, folded up on me and tiredness and exhaustion got the better of me.

I fell asleep like a bundle, crying after my mother.

Where was I?

What was that? What was that?

What was it? Why?

And there's no such thing as dinosaurs! Well, there isn't!


The sounds of jungle and rainforest woke me up.

I yawned and tried to get up, but I got four LIMBS!

But, But my hands?????

I, I tried to touch my face but my head was away from my hands and I turned my head in a weird angle. I was full of blood. No, not blood, but I was all red! Red scales!

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