《A Tale from Entherah: The White Owl》Chapter 21: The Fall of a Dynasty


Entherah 2554 | The Crest of Autocracy

Or many of the Chusternians remembered as the Binding of Chains. Between the four shore lines of the Chrav lands sleep the great lake serous, Chairon. And above the lady’s own heart sat her lover, the islet terras, Chrovan. Wizards of the old Pillar-States say that the family that had lived there were the elementals’ children. Born terras and serous whom had lost their elemental being to the affections of humans. But many of the peoples of the realm believed to be the descendants of the noble entities and had tied their titles to claim their lands. Nevertheless, that family knew they were more special. For the beginning of the second era of Entherah, when the goddess made the humans, she chose a child of the quiet beings to be her Acolyte. The Thra religion commanded a name and the family called themselves the Chrovestera.

After the next hundred years, the Chrovestera found themselves as guides of Chustern, the power of the Chrovan Thra winning sisters and brothers after another. Not long, they were granted as High King of Chustern, governing the Chrav lands for another four hundred years.

They have become selfish, as they were written. Diverging from the solemn behaviors of snakes, the Chrovestera horded the kingdom’s wealth and bitten those who dared deny their orders. They have become tyrants, as the Chrav despised to believe. One in particular was the former High King Laliam Alvadin Chrovestera. A short gaunt man who had constantly hungered for superiority.

And through the royal, he inaugurated strict laws, many restrictive customs all to dampen the demands of his people. Protesters were locked in their homes, trade masters discriminated of their wares and practice, and the lords caught by charges of lies and treason. Many were bond by chains in those days, and many forgot the taste of freedom after that.


Entherah 2558 | The Rise of the Chrav Alliance

Domestic fear grew, and the Chrav rumbled as foreign exchange had simply left their fingers. Apparently, the other regions did not bother with what Chustern had put themselves into. As war after war broke out in other parts of the realm, it was only Thrindiyo who had lent the aid. Making an example out of the statecraft considered by the Jasakov Ski Empire, the Chrav Alliance was founded. Chrav Vastavim took hold of agriculture in the west and deprived the growing capital, Chrovan of food. Chrav Solvenhine taking in the lost trade masters and allowing the flow of money alone in the mass lands. Chrav Momkho, being closest to Thrindiyo provided iron and weapons. And for Chrav Chonerin, although being a small mining acreage, they had led the war.

Years did they fought, and years did the Chrav Alliance were ignorant of the power and right of their own Acolyte. Princess Laylic Novemron Chrovestera heired the guiding minds of Thravadin and won struggles beseeched of the commanding male lords. She also had her own aid. Promised to a prince from Krugan, eth smite turned the tables. Krugan had sent only a dragon for the princess and with its lust for rage lit Vastavim fields afire, Solvenhine ships burning, and Momkho foundries molten. The dragon tore through Chonerin men and the prince was promised to become the next High King of Chustern had the beast was not slew by the brave knight, young lord Armoldeous.

Chrovestera lost. Chrovan was left looted and empty as the four grand bridges that connected it to the main lands were destroyed. In the end, the Chrav Alliance shared of what was left of the dynasty, its gold, women, and the divine power. The Chrav Alliance was nationally recognized in Glasrun, the first day of the region’s spring. Luckily Chrovestera had enough daughters to feed the mighty new Kings. Now all formally independent, King Armoldeous’s warprize was the now untitled Laylic, as his bravery deserved the closest possibility to heir the region’s next Acolyte. With great fortune and Enthah’s concession, the Queen Laylic died as she had borne the now King Arleous Yovremnd Chonerin.


- Annals of Cheron Sovereignty

It had been a long time before Alve had regain her thoughts from the collapse she had taken. She and her guards waited as each of her classmates left the room. But such proceedings did not hinder the buzzing of princess’ ears. There was disbelief, to all she had been told, both from her teacher and her family. The void she felt inside turned to air as her stomach growled ravenously for the afternoon meal. She did however sadly remain on her chair, the musk of polished wood had begun to turn to a headache.

Of how could her prayers could be answered, Alve could only beg at the disguised face of Thravadin, her statue a small desk sculpture on the teacher’s. Oh, how she prayed every night, to even have a friend for once. Just this once, to have someone to hear her woes especially when she could not trust her own blood.

More moments fell. Alve was glad that her guards, Svyan and Aaphon had the patience that was absent from the Mistress that morning. The both of them had only stood by the door and remained vigilant for the entire time. The laughter of children outside the classroom’s windows finally broke her reverie. She had forgotten, Alve thought, of why she had wanted to enter the Pillar-States.

She started to gather her quill and paper, the large books for her guards to carry. Alve had finally dawned her cloak when a voice, a boyish whisper scolded “and don’t forget to study next time…” Although his Etharini had a rougher accent than most Chusternians used, Alve could not help herself feel cold. When she searched for the individual, whom the guards did not find nor heard of, Alve left the room with her guards in toe. She made a brisk escape as she tried to dab her goose bumps.

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