《The Cycler Gangs of Beta Fornax》Chapter 12 - In Transit
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: HD;ψA => HD;αLV => ED;γGI => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.03.07 04:97:33 LT-- --:--:--
From: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
I'm concerned that I haven't heard from you since your recent excavation on Beta Fornax II. I assume you made your flight on Hibiscus Nine and will receive this message. I hope you were able to extract the data files from the '40s derelict ship at the site; they are critical for confirming my suspicions about the data you'll be examining at Concordia Station. Having data spread across both time and space will reinforce any pattern that may exist. Please get back to me as soon as you can and let me know what you find.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Outgoing message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII => ED;γGI => HD;αLV => HD;ψA
Sent: UPT 836.03.08 00:12:88 LT-- --:--:--
From: Dr. Fern Angstrom
To: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
Hello Mother. I ran into some trouble on the junkworld; I was only able to retrieve a few fragments of the files you sent me there for. It's still inconclusive, so I hope this trip doesn't turn out to be a waste of your research budget. I'm still not sure what you're expecting to find. What looks like a pattern to you appears to look like random noise to your colleagues at Arcturus Academy.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Outgoing message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII
Sent: UPT 836.03.08 00:40:12 LT-- --:--:--
From: Juno Bandersnatch
To: Fred Bandersnatch
Freddo, howz it hang; hope you got my bike to safety; pls tell me my sweet mods are out of Betts prying claws; shoot me news my man.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.03.15 03:62:09 LT18 17:99:95
From: Fred Bandersnatch
To: Juno Bandersnatch
Yo J your bike's good for now except things are gettin uggo ‘round here; have to play it safe & pretend to help Betts go after you, cuz she’s riled up Rambo, Tomahawk, Lise, and Calvin against you for spoiling the raid; if you wanna keep in touch, change your handle to something else; how bout Mars Elwich; she’s a cousin of mine in The Shebops in the Einstein Cluster; i'll disable auth for that handle so nobody can tell its not really her when your messages come in; i'll delete your last one & this one from the send log;
As for the sitch: Random weren’t tough enough to try a counter siege, but word in the speakeasies is its all out war on BF-II; rumor has it not just here but all over the Priaspora, the gangs are brawling fiercer than ever before; Gallagher acts like he knows somethin' but won't spit it; did he tell you anything? Even the speakeasies are having fights break out nearby; so far they're still respecting the joints and not fighting on the premises but you gotta bring muscle to get away from their vicinity safely;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Outgoing message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII
Sent: UPT 836.03.22 02:99:03 LT-- --:--:--
From: Mars Elwich
To: Fred Bandersnatch
Shiz Fred, that’s not good; member the other day on the junk run I was late for? Look for a green Pinto; bring a sample of my DNA & use it to trigger a bioscan; old uncle Alec left me a vid hid in the dash console; lmk what it says; i never got to finish watchin’ it;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: HD;ψA => HD;αLV => ED;γGI => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.03.39 04:01:79 LT-- --:--:--
From: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
Fern, I know you have not been supportive of my theory; you don't seem to tire of reminding me how hare-brained you think it is. I've taken many risks to pursue this and it will be a huge breakthrough if you would just set aside your doubts for a moment and be the smart girl I've tried so hard to raise.
I'm doing this for you, you know; to assure you a place in the highest ranks of Arcturus Academy. Your work on my research will give you the chance to go anywhere you please. To leave Arcturus and do research at another Academy if you like, even. If I wasn't so certain of the pattern to the warping of stellar signatures from deep space, I wouldn't be pushing you so hard to continue on this. You know I can't do this myself. You know that the relativity lab at Concordia Station is the only one with the equipment to handle the integration of the data samples I'm still collecting from halfway across the Priaspora. I can't be in every star system at once. I need you, Fern, you're the only one I can trust to help me finish this work quickly.
There are others who doubt me. Jaron Tythe, the Chair of the Theoretical Physics Department has convinced the Academy Committee to cut off my funding if I don't demonstrate evidence to them upon your arrival. He's always angling to push his own theories about gravitational lensing, despite what my results suggest from experiment.
I've been reluctant to tell you in more detail what I am expecting, because I am concerned about Tythe getting in my way or trying to claim my success as his own. But here it is: I suspect there is some kind of communiqué being transmitted via stellar gravitational lensing, and I believe that any such messages should materialize once you combine all of the data samples and run them through the ST warp-simulator. I eagerly await the results of your analysis.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.03.41 04:01:79 LT18 06:49:98
From: Gallagher Bandersnatch
To: Mars Elwich
Psyched 2 hear you’re safe and far away kid; Fred filled me in & said 2 use this handle; i'm afraid my worst fears are comin true; it's clearer now than ever that the Academies are messin with Hipstamatic, tryin to make it so we all fight each other; we're trash to them, less than human, you get that? how convenient is it 2 have the trash clean itself up for them, hm?
You’re prob wondering about my evidence to support this accusation; it’s plain as day; I’ve been talking 2 some regular feeds for Bandersnatch and some feeds for Random and even Moby; they’re all saying the same thing; the stuff Hipstamatic has been pushing to the gangs is gettin more and more contentious; the odds don’t make no sense; BF-IIs a big planet with lots of junk from over six gens; what are the odds we’d be fighting over the same stuff more every day?
think on it kid;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Outgoing message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII
Sent: UPT 836.03.55 01:32:65 LT-- --:--:--
From: Mars Elwich
To: Gallagher Bandersnatch
Gal, that’s a pretty crazy theory you got there; you’re making me real nervous lemme tell ya; my take on the Academies is that we are just invisible 2 them; sure we get in their junk @times but we are so far from anything they care about why would they bother with us? but this is scary shiz gal; you’re talkin’ full-scale war.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.03.79 00:17:99 LT18 09:65:73
From: Fred Bandersnatch
To: Mars Elwich
Aw hell cuz i got bad news; really bad; really really bad; turns out Betts hired some goons to go after u; she managed to help them get on a starship and follow u; they’re only 4 hours behind u so you might want to book transit far from Concordia Station as soon as you arrive there; they’re on a ship called Cinquefoil Seven; keep a lookout;
i hope u make it; it’d be good to have you back one day;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII
Sent: UPT 836.03.86 04:06:02 LT-- --:--:--
From: Mars Elwich
To: Fred Bandersnatch
How’d Betts get guys on a ship? she been holdin’ out on us? Keepin’ infobucks 2 herself that we coulda used to turn the heat up? & Fred how’d u know where I’m heading? i don't remember tellin u; Fern here, my ride outta that hellhole we call home says that the starport doesn’t make starship destinations public;
dunno if u been talkin to Gallagher or what but he's really convinced that the Academies are messin’ with Hipstamatic 2 screw us;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: HD;ψA => HD;αLV => ED;γGI => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.03.99 03:95:96 LT-- --:--:--
From: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
I wonder, Fern dear, if you have had a chance to examine the data while you are in transit to Concordia Station. Maybe you will find something even before you can integrate it? I'm counting on you, as this may be our last chance to prove my theory.
It seems Jaron Tythe has sent some of his graduate students to oversee your final data analysis. They are on the Cinquefoil Seven and will rendezvous with you at the station. Do keep an eye on them and make sure they are focused on observation as we want to support them in their duties without allowing them to feel that they have to put in any effort to help us with our work. I want to make absolutely sure that any results they report back to Tythe are accurate and don't somehow get mangled along the way.
Just to be extra cautious, send me the final results directly from the ST warp-simulator console via the Concordia causal channel before they are given over to Tythe's observers ― just so I can double-check the results to ensure Tythe gets a completely accurate report, and so I can publish without further delay.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Outgoing message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII => ED;γGI => HD;αLV => HD;ψA
Sent: UPT 836.04.02 01:91:00
From: Dr. Fern Angstrom
To: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
Hello Mother. I am doing what I can to put your data together. I must confess, I have been surprised to find that there is a pattern emerging. You may be on to something after all. The bending of starlight from regions hundreds of light years distant from one another seems to come together to form a coherent stream of information, as if someone is, indeed, sending a message. But who? And how? There's no known technology in the Priaspora that can warp space-time by that magnitude. And even if there is, how would it affect regions of space spread so far apart and, more to the point, so far from any of the settled star clusters?
I do hope the data integration at Concordia can make this clearer. We almost have enough data here to trilaterate―with the last bit of data at the station, we'll be able to identify with good precision the source of the message stream.
My analysis so far suggests that we will have no problem providing only the most accurate and valuable results to demonstrate to Jaron Tythe's observers. But just to be sure, as you requested, I will send you the results to go over before I deliver them to Tythe.
Your desire to help me in my career is touching, mother. What would I do without you to tell me what's best for me?
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.13 02:19:33
From: Fred Bandersnatch
To: Mars Elwich
Marsypants my fave cuz; I know you’re real pissed at Betts but she’s makin noises about wanting 2 get u back & in the game again; yeah she’s got some beef but she’s admitted that you got talent & she doesn't want to lose you; it sounds like her goons really just want 2 bargain with u; find a way 2 negotiate; even make a peace offering;
the fighting between the gangs is still bad but some of them are stepping up & forging alliances 2 be safer; there have been a few mergers that’ve brought the number of gangs on BF-II down from 20 to 13 @ last count; Moby’s reached out 2 us bout an alliance; heh your old Uncle Alec's gang; it might not even be a bad idea; the fighting’s been getting closer to home here and Joe's wiggin’; we need some stability or he might throw us 2 the wolves.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII
Sent: UPT 836.04.20 00:00:14
From: Mars Elwich
To: Fred Bandersnatch
huh alliances? somehow cuz your reassurances aren’t doing it for me; i don’t trust Betts; i never have; u still never told me how u knew where i was goin; or how Betts found out;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming messages
tx-rt ED; εRIII => ED;γGI => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.36 03:83:15 LT25 18:97:75
From: PALS (Priaspora Automated Location Services)
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
Sybil Angstrom has checked in at Rinpoche University
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: ED;εRIII => ED;γGI => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.36 03:85:15 LT25 19:00:75
From: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
I have stopped by my office at Rinpoche University, on my way to Chi Suleiman III. Some of the more supportive staff I have are based here. I've been explaining the situation and trying to get some backing from a department chair here who is willing to try to convince Tythe to support my work.
Fern, I am beside myself with confusion and consternation. Upon my arrival, I found an approval request waiting for me for a new research assistant. What is this about? I never authorized additional research assistants. It seems it was never relayed from Michelson-Morley Starport to Psi Arachne, but sent instead to my office here. Who is this research assistant? The approval request said her name was Jenkins Agven? This project is already on a tight budget and it is very upsetting to hear this. I don't recall you telling me about her. I assume the starport let her through even with pending approval, given your rank at Arcturus Academy.
I've looked through the Academy database and haven't found any record of her. My staff here, although supportive, have looked askance at this use of funds for a spontaneous research assistant hire that I knew nothing about.
Fern, remember, this is all for you―despite your disrespectful sarcasm, you do need me for your career, don't forget that. As bright as you are, moving up takes connections and focus, and you've always needed me to help you keep your head out of the clouds. I can't help you achieve your best if you surprise me with complications like this. Please explain.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Outgoing message
tx-rt: TRV;H9 => BD;βFII => ED;γGI => ED;εRIII
Sent: UPT 836.04.41 04:55:42 LT-- --:--:--
From: Dr. Fern Angstrom
To: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
Jenkins Agven is an archivist who worked for me on BF-II. She was especially helpful and so I asked her to be my research assistant. She is a freelance archivist with roots among the local merchers, so she would not be in the Academy database. I assure you that the quality of her work and my ability to get you a final data analysis more quickly will be well worth the small extra expense to have her with me on this trip.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming messages
tx-rt FD; χSIII => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.56 02:57:15 LT21 20:86:93
From: PALS (Priaspora Automated Location Services)
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
Dr. Sybil Angstrom has checked in at Sulei University
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: FD;χSIII => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.56 02:60:18 LT21 20:89:93
From: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
I've arrived back at my office on Chi Suleiman III. All right, I am approving your research assistant and sending it up the chain. Anything that will help us publish more quickly can't hurt, I suppose. But please try to keep any further expenses for her to a minimum.
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.60 01:12:96 LT18 14:77:43
From: Gallagher Bandersnatch
To: Mars Elwich
been tryin hard 2 warn Bandersnatch about the Academies intentions w/us; about the coming slaughter; but they aren’t having it; damn kids are blind; but at least the new alliance w/Moby should keep us safe for longer; don't know if you heard but we're one gang, now; Bandersnatch and Moby; might need a new name but we'll see.
seems Joe's a little bit less uneasy now; Moby's guys give us more protection and that make's Joe's Post a lot more secure;
you’ll be happy 2 hear this: Betts was ousted as part of the terms of the alliance; seems some ancient beef she and Alec had was held firm by Moby; so maybe she'll leave you alone now; Fred was ousted along with her; the two of them have been inseparable since you left; they both joined MegaDeth;
i caught Fred picking off mods from your bike and muttering about a vid left in some old lime green Pinto so I made him spit details about the vid; he laughed at the idea u thought he'd go dig it up for you so I shoved him against a wall and made him give me details then shooed his ass away from your bike - it's someplace safe now; went to investigate this Pinto and found the vid;
funny thing about the vid; Alec was kinda cryptic; mentioned something about a 'larger purpose' for the gang; and he talked about how 'the others would save us,' which didn't make a whole lotta sense;
about 20 days ago, I overheard Fred tellin’ Betts where u were headed; seems he was able to hack the BF starport database and get it for her so she could send her goons after u; maybe she'll call ‘em off now that she ain’t a gang leader no more, though;
TRV Hibiscus Nine - Incoming message
tx-rt: FD;χSIII => BD;βFII => TRV;H9
Sent: UPT 836.04.65 00:13:82 LT25 07:54:21
From: Dr. Sybil Angstrom
To: Dr. Fern Angstrom
Oh Fern, I don't know what's happening. My approval for your research assistant, Jenkins Agven, has been denied. What is bizarre is that the approval was denied at the Academy Chair level. That's never happened to me before, I've had every Academy Chair until this one at my beck and call. My Department Chair approved it, the University Chair approved it, but when it got to the Academy Chair it was denied. No reason was given. All I was told is that upon your arrival at Tau Concordia, the Admin Compliance Officers there will be questioning your research assistant and wanting to see her archivist credentials. I really don't know what's going on. I'm disturbed at the thought of this having anything to do with those in the Academy who are doubtful of my research; I would not have thought their power extended so far. But I have to ask—are you absolutely certain of the credentials of this Agven? Are you sure she doesn’t have some kind of checkered past?
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