《DRAGON HUNTERS》#18: Encounter
Inside his room, Jamal stood in front of a full body mirror, trying on some new uniform
his mother had gotten for himself and the twin siblings. It started off with crimson red
exercise leggings, worn underneath knee-height black shorts. On top, he wore a black
sleeveless hooded shirt with a small pouch on the front, the hood having crimson
Magatama markings all over, and its back decorated with the Sanjuro Clan Symbol; the
Kanji representing Warrior (武) in the same color scheme. On his feet were black Crepe
shoes. He was also given a crimson bandana having black Magatamas, which he wore in
his hair, and black wristbands, striped red at the ends.
“Well, someone's excited.” – he heard a voice along with the opening of his door; it was
his eldest brother, Fūdo.
“Big brother?! You're home?” he asked in surprise.
“I need a little break now and then. Cool uniform,” he complimented him.
“Yeah, Mother got them made for us. They all match…well, Gina’s is more of a girl type,”
he informed him.
“I see. Well, you guys just do what you've always been doing. Those practicals’ll be a
piece of cake,” Fūdo encouraged.
“That's easier for you to say, brother…” Jamal responded while looking at him.
“Perhaps you're right…” he agreed. “But, someone like me having faith in someone like
you, says a lot, doesn't it?”
Jamal paused. He thought on the question, knowing full well how powerful an individual
his elder brother was; being within the Top 5 Strongest among the Two Clans outside of
Gadō and Tenchi…yet, he had faith in his ridiculously inferior younger brother.
“Well, I'm gonna watch a movie or something,” he said as he was leaving the room.
“…Thank you, big brother.”
Jamal was looking down when he said this, and he spoke rather silently. But Fūdo heard
him quite clearly.
“Don't mention it, kid,” he responded in his heart with a smile as he left.
Outside Tenchi’s Mansion, Emir had been lingering outside, more or less pacing back
and forth. He seemed somewhat focused, but also absent minded. He was shortly
interrupted by the call of a familiar voice:
“Find whatever you’re looking for?” – it was his brother, Lord Tenchi.
“Well, yes, but no,” he responded.
“I don’t know…something feels a little off-“
“I know,” Tenchi cut him off in response. “I’m not sure what exactly it is, neither do I
want it to be what I suspect…but just keep your eyes open. Take any approach you like,
your call.”
“Got it. So, how are those two?” Emir asked.
“Like mouse and cat, as usual. But, they’re running some drills right now,” Tenchi
informed him as he led him to the backyard area, where they stood by a corner, and saw
Satoru and Tarik meditating together on the grass; Satoru was actually immersed, while
Tarik fumbled now and then. They were preparing themselves for the test.
“That’s probably the most relaxed I’ve seen them while together,” Emir remarked.
“I hear you,” Tenchi responded. “Reminds you a little of Fūdo back then, doesn’t he?”
“Tarik? Absolutely. Fūdo’s written all over that kid - stubborn and reckless as hell, but he
doesn’t come short of promise. He’ll grow up just fine, Tenchi.”
“Hmph, I’m holding both you and Gadō to that,” he responded.
The two of them had returned to the front of the yard by this point. They took in the
view of the not-so-busy Grounds for a while, as well as the dark clouds that loomed in
the distance. It seemed like it would rain that night. After a moment of peace and quiet,
they both decided to return to their activities.
“It’s calm, but remember to keep a watch. I don’t think we’re going paranoid. Take Fūdo
or one of those guys with you,” Tenchi instructed.
“Got it. I’ll let you know what’s up,” Emir responded as he left.
He walked for a bit toward the south of the Grounds, and ended up visiting a Restaurant
Bar where he and his fellow High Rankers normally spend time hanging around.
Arriving, he was greeted by Katashi and Hayami who were having food.
“Yo! Captain Emir!”
“Emir-sensei! What’s up?”
“Not much, I’m doing a little sightseeing,” he responded as he went up to the counter
where they sat. “Something not too extreme, please,” he signaled to the waiter for a
“So, you ready to cheer on your knights in shining armor, Hayami?” he teased her as he
took a seat. But, she had a slightly distressed look on her face. She responded,
“Sensei…I’m accompanying the Trainees tonight. On that test.”
“Oh? Couldn’t stand the thought of not being there?” he joked once again.
“I have to be there…I just know it,” she reiterated, trying to express to him how serious
she was.
“…Well, I don’t think Chōjo or Miwa will stop you. Just let them know beforehand, so
they won’t be confused or distracted,” he instructed.
“Yes, I talked to them already. So now…here I am, just killing some time.”
There was a moment of silence among the 3 of them. Hayami hadn’t spoken to anyone
else regarding her dream, besides Fūdo. As far as Emir and Katashi could tell, it seemed
more like she just wanted to be around the trainees for some reason. However, they
didn’t ask her about it. But they could tell something was slightly off.
“Katashi, have you seen bigshot around?”
“Fūdo?” he started to respond. “I’m not sure. He’d normally be here, if he’s not with you.
Maybe he’s with Gadō-sama. Did something come up?”
“Nah, it’s nothing. I’ll see him when I see him, I guess,” he responded, finishing his glass
and leaving some money, as he started to leave.
“I’ll be off to my sightseeing again, you guys take care.”
“See you.”
“Alright, sensei.”
Hayami let out a sigh, and drank down the rest of her drink.
“I'm going. I'll see you soon, Katashi-kun,” she said to him as she got up and started
walking out.
“Hayami…something’s wrong, isn't there?” Katashi asked from his seat. “What's going
“It's nothing really, but I'll talk to you later. Something was bothering me, but I'm over it
She didn't want to have to lie, but she didn't want to talk about it. After all, it could've
just been her own paranoia, right?...at least, that's what she hoped.
“Who am I kidding...I didn't want to acknowledge it, but I can't deny it any longer,” she
thought as she walked along, looking up into the dark clouds that loomed across the
“...Someone is going to die tonight.”
The time had finally come; walking to the south of the Grounds, toward Field A. were
Ilmar, Akiro, Jamal, Zeke, Gina, Amira, Satoru, Kinshi, and Tarik. They were all fitted out
in their best gear - Gadō’s children wearing matching uniforms; Satoru and Tarik
wearing long sleeved white tops unbuttoned, with dark long pants and a black sash tied
around their waists. On the backs of their shirts were the Yamaguchi Clan Symbol, the
Kanji representing Wisdom (知). The others wore the standard Hunter uniform: for the
Sanjuros, a black long-sleeved turtleneck undershirt with a crimson sleeveless vest
worn over, bearing the Clan Symbol, along with black ankle joggers and red Crepe boots.
For the Yamaguchis, a dark grey or dark purple long-sleeved shirt with a matching
hooded cloak worn over, having their Clan Symbol on it, army-style ankle joggers of
matching color, and white or dark sandals.
“The three of you look pretty good in those matching clothes,” Akiro complimented the
“Thanks, I guess,” Ilmar responded. “They’re cool, but I think the fact that they match is
kinda embarrassing,” he lamented.
“Huh? Shouldn’t twins wear matching clothes?” Gina asked with an offended look.
“That doesn’t have to be a thing.”
“Of course it does!” they argued.
“Alright, alright! Don’t get at each other’s throats before the test. We’ll have to stick
together,” Akiro broke up the argument he indirectly started.
“How are you feeling, Tarik?” Jamal asked his friend.
“I’m pretty good…I’ve been meditating up until about an hour ago,” he responded.
“Steffan-sensei sent me a message, saying he'll be busy by the time we leave. He wished me
good luck.”
“Well…Ilmar and I haven’t sparred for a few days. Fūdo told us to try and give our
bodies a rest, since he knew we’d need it for today, and this whole week,” he informed him.
“I see…I feel like I’m ready for this…I’m not scared at all, y’know,” Tarik shared with
“Right? This feels…less worrying than it should be.”
“Is that the rest of them?” Kinshi asked, squinting his eyes as he looked ahead toward
Field A at a few individuals standing around.
“It’s probably them. Alright, let’s move it a little,” Satoru instructed.
Toward the southern end of the field, nearest to the South Gate of the Grounds, the 16
trainees gathered with their instructors. Some were confident, and some had jitters, but
they were all ready to engage this test. Chōjo then spoke to them:
“Well, I'm glad to see that you're all here, especially after all that big talk yesterday. I
honestly admire you lot,” he complimented them. He couldn't help but notice however,
the nervousness displayed on some faces, such as Zeke, Saki, and Genki.
“Please bear in mind that all we'll be doing for these few days are some test runs, not
actual missions; we won't be anywhere near any Dragons.” – he reminded, trying to
reassure them.
“Um, excuse me,” Genki raised a hand. “Where will we be practicing? Is there some
special place?”
“I'm glad you asked, Genki. Now, let's get into some outlining,” he started off:
“As I explained yesterday, you guys will be learning how to operate within squads;
learning how to navigate and maintaining formations. Of course, the public area isn't the
most ideal of places to be in training, which is why we have our very own private
neighborhood district reserved for this kind of thing.”
“A WHAT??” Zeke blurted out in surprise. “You guys own a part of the city for
yourselves? Don't people like, have shops there, or have to drive there??”
“Our descendants had a few negotiations with the government back in the day, and
ultimately, we acquired our own town district reserved for private, personal use,” Chōjo
responded. It's located about a mile and a half east of here. We'll be heading there on
“So, is it like…blocked off or something? Do people know that it's not somewhere they
should hang out around?” Ilmar raised the question.
“Well, you guys will just have to see for yourselves, don't you?” Chōjo answered as he
turned around to face the gate.
“Well then, it's about time…Trainees, are you all ready?”
A few of them looked one on another, as if agreeing with each other before answering,
until they all answered in unison:
“Yes Sir!!”
“Great. Now, let's move. You'll be accompanied by myself, Miwa-san here, and the high-
ranked Hunter back there who agreed to tag along with us.”
They all looked around when he said this, unaware that someone was actually behind
them; it was a female Hunter, dressed in long camouflage pants and boots, a dark
sporting top, and fingerless woolen gloves. Her hair was caught up in a messy bun, and
she wore a grey mask with the face of a cat. It was Hayami, but the trainees couldn't
tell; Jamal and Tarik included. She wanted to conceal her identity, as to not distract
the two she cared about so much, knowing they would be distracted by her.
Underneath the mask, she was worrying. She felt small chills all around her body. Was
she really just paranoid about the whole situation? Or…was it reality?
“Please...let me be wrong tonight...please...” she wrestled within
herself. Just for that moment, she felt as if she was losing her mind when suddenly, she
remembered…Fūdo’s words:
“I know everything will work out fine. I trust you, Hayami.”
Finally…she calmed herself down.
“...Right. I'll protect these kids, with my life.”
“I'm a Hunter.”
“Alright?...Let's go!”
By that point, they departed out of the South Gate, and made their way to the location.
Over by the Restaurant Bar in the meanwhile, Emir had been sitting on the outside seats
by himself, drinking a can of soda. By that time, Fūdo came there to him.
“How's it going? Did they leave already?” he asked, popping up next to him quietly.
“Who are you trying to sneak up on? Too obvious. And yeah, they just just left.”
“I see,” he responded, taking a seat next to him. “Hayami too, right?”
“Yep. I wanted to ask you what's up with her, but-“
At that moment, an individual in a dark hooded cloak got up from his seat nearby, and
started walking away toward the north of the grounds. Emir, still leaning back in his
seat with his legs crossed, seemingly paid him no attention, while Fūdo glanced at him,
but ignored him.
“What's his deal?” Fūdo muttered after the man had walked a little distance.
“Fūdo, let's take a walk.”
Emir who was just in a relaxed position, now stood up. He had his hands in his pockets
as he waited for Fūdo to stand as well.
“…” – he looked back at him in silence, and got up. They started walking to the north.
After a short travel, the training group arrived at the “location”. They were in a vacant
area having many old, rotting buildings and damaged roads, and a few blinking
streetlights. It looked like the home for a bunch of criminals. The fact that it was night
didn’t make the atmosphere any better either.
“Is…this the place?” Galib asked, troubled.
“Well, almost. But don't worry, this area is scouted regularly to make sure no one’s
hiding around out here. The real location is right here.”
Chōjo pointed the group to a short road leading to a dead end area, with a building’s
face and what appeared to be a forest behind it.
They were utterly confounded.
“B-But, didn't you say it was a whole district? And if it isn't where we are now, then…?”
Zeke trailed off, confused. However, rather than responding to him,
“Miwa-san, go ahead.”
At Chōjo’s signal, Miwa walked toward the big building that faced them at the end of the
road, and as she stood in front of it, she lifted her hand, crossing her middle and index
fingers while uttering the phrase:
“That which is hidden from sight…reveal thyself unto light.”
At once, the entire building and the forest-looking area behind it began to distort; there
was now a glowing transparent wall, and behind it…a new area seemingly appeared! It
had the same setting as the area they were currently in, but it was as if it had spawned
out of nowhere.
“Wh…What is this?!” Akiro asked in utter shock, while the faces of his companions did
the same.
“This is Tenchi-sama’s Soul Barrier Technique. It’s a high-level technique, and can be
applied for many different purposes, such as the one that surrounds the Family Grounds
at all times. In this case, the barrier conceals the entire area that it surrounds,
completely cutting it off from view,” Chōjo elaborated.
“This is unreal…” Gina commented in awe.
“Tenchi-sama is…amazing…” Zeke added.
“Alright, no time for dawdling. Let’s go,” Chōjo instructed.
“Everything good?” – he signaled to Hayami who was on a nearby roof, after scouting
the area. She responded with a nod, and following that, they all went through the wall of
Mana. By the time they went in, the view from the outside reverted, and it was back to
looking like a dead end with a large forest behind.
The scenery wasn’t much different; the buildings still looked old, but not weathered like
the ones a moment ago. The storm clouds were also gathering above them with a few
thunders; the rain would definitely pour that night.
“Well, I don’t plan for us to stay all night here, so let’s get down to business -”
“For this week, you’ll be getting used to the lay of the land here, every nook and cranny
of this place. For that, we’ll be dividing you all into teams.”
“Satoru, Kinshi, Maki, Jamal,”
“Akiro, Galib, Gina, Tarik.”
“All of you will be in one group led by Miwa-san. The rest of you will be with me. All
we’ll be doing for now are simple scouting routines. Got it?”
After assembling according to Chōjo’s instructions, they prepped up themselves. All
worry and uneasiness had now departed from them completely, and they were ready.
“Let’s get this started then, shall we?” Chōjo asserted.
“See you all on the other side,” Miwa said to Chōjo and his group of students.
“Hunters, scatter!”
“So, that’s what happened, huh.”
“Yeah. It’s been having her really concerned, ever since yesterday.”
Back on the Family Grounds, Emir and Fūdo were still walking toward the north, trailing
the suspicious individual from earlier. While they walked, Fūdo was explaining what
had actually happened concerning Hayami.
“Still…could it really be that bad?” Fūdo asked.
“The Ōriki Clan…from what I’ve heard, they were known back in the day for being
premonitory dreamers…they could see future events in their dreams. This is the first
time I’ve ever heard of Hayami having one, but what’s confusing is the fact that she had
a dream of the past,” Emir elaborated.
“That’s exactly what I don’t get,” Fūdo responded. “But it’s also equally confusing that
it’s the first time in years since she had that dream…”
“Whatever it is, I just hope everything will be alright.”
“…And as for this guy…”
They finally arrived on the outskirts of Field B, where they saw the man standing in the
middle of the field. They stopped for a moment, looking at him while he looked back,
then started walking once again. He had a small grin on his face.
Somewhere within the old warehouse, inside a lounge, Gyuwhan stood putting on a
robe. He was getting ready to leave. At that moment, Daisuke entered the room:
“You called, Gyuwhan-sama?”
“Yeah, Mujin just talked to me. It’s time.”
“Oh, it’s that time, isn’t it? He gave you a location?” he asked.
“To the east of their home base. I’ll be back in 10 minutes…with them.”
Daisuke was a little troubled about all this.
“Gyuwhan-sama…to be perfectly honest, this is still a pretty reckless move. As it stands,
your existence is at best, only a hunch to the Hunters. After tonight, you will definitely
be exposed, even if you go about this as subtly as possible” he expressed. “Especially if
that place is surrounded by a Soul-Barrier…which it probably is.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I will be exposed after tonight. But, either way…” he trailed off as
he glanced behind him at Daisuke,
“Not one of them stands a chance against me.”
Immediately, a black void opened in the floor of the lounge, and Gyuwhan descended
into it. It was a form of Transportation Technique which he learned. Daisuke let out a
sigh, as the opening in the floor closed up.
“Watch over him, Ivan-sama...”
Back on the field, Emir and Fūdo were now standing face to face with the man, trying to
comprehend his ghostly appearance; they could sense no form of energy coming from
him, neither did it really feel as if there was anyone standing in front of them, but there
absolutely was.
They stared each other down as the wind blew their garments. Emir was dead silent and
serious, his glare piercing through his dark glasses. Fūdo had his hands in his pocket,
and he felt his eye twitching from all the questions that ran through his mind at the
moment: How did this person enter the complex undetected? What was his purpose?
Fūdo relaxed himself, and settled on:
“Who are you?”
The man chuckled with his hoodie hiding most of his face, and his hair hanging out
down his torso.
“Fūdo Sanjuro…Emir Yamguchi…it’s a pleasure to meet you. Both of you.”
“I asked you a question. Who the fuck are you?”
“…My name is Mujin,” he responded as he lifted his head, causing the hoodie to drop
back and reveal his face. That was when they saw the small “Water” kanji below his eye;
a trait adopted by Dragons wherein a tattoo of an element or species is located
somewhere on their bodies.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting it to be anyone else…anyway, let’s skip the chit chat.”
Emir then raised both of his hands and placed them together; the thumb, index, and
pinky fingers extended while the remaining fingers bent downward, and pressed
against each other. No sooner after doing this, he uttered one phrase:
Soul-Barrier Technique •魂結界 (Ta-ma-shii Kek-kai)
Immediately, they were encased within a bright red cube of Mana; Emir’s Soul Barrier.
He planned on keeping their opponent confined within that space, until he was
sufficiently dealt with. But not only that,
Emir then erased the Soul Barrier from outside view, as to not alert anyone about what
was going on at the moment. Nobody except probably Tenchi, who is able to tell all that
happens within his barriers.
“At least now, we know you’re not running away. Especially with that ghostly
appearance of yours-“
While Emir was still speaking, Fūdo took a few steps forward,
“Sensei, I’m handling this.”
“…Sure. No problem,” he responded.
As his hair flowed, and his eye gave off a glint of purple, he asked Emir one question:
“Standard operating procedures?”
“I quote, in the words of Tenchi-sama…whatever approach you like.”
A black void opened up in the ground, and Gyuwhan emerged. He arrived at the
abandoned area, almost no time after speaking with Daisuke.
“I think I’ll like this technique. Thanks for your hard work, Old Man.” – he referred to
“Now, where is this…oh.”
Gyuwhan stood on the same dead-end road, and looked straight ahead at the face of the
old building. He could clearly feel the energy of the Soul-Barrier that was there. It was
like one big road sign to him.
“Might as well put some guards there as well…invisible Soul-Barrier or not, I can see it
as clear as day.”
“Well, how about infiltration measures?” he asked himself as he placed his hand on the
After a few seconds…the hidden area was revealed. Gyuwhan completely bypassed the
secured Soul-Barrier.
“Now this is just hilarious,” he remarked with a scoff.
“Well…let’s see how fast we can do this.”
Without waiting another moment, he stepped right inside.
Right then, the hearts of everyone inside the area suddenly froze up; they clearly felt the
monstrous presence that rose up. They stopped moving altogether, looking all around
“What in the world…” Chōjo uttered over in his group.
Before he knew it, he heard a loud voice speaking in his head; it was Tenchi,
communicating through his Barrier. Miwa heard it as well.
Before Chōjo could even finish a thought, he saw him in front of him…Gyuwhan Ryūjin.
“Found you.”
- In Serial16 Chapters
Survival World RPG
The world is over, but the game has just begun… While Mike was sleeping, the world went to hell in a hand basket. Now he has to learn to survive in a new world where magic and monsters are real, and even the weakest man can become strong by raising his levels. Can Mike survive this world turned video game? Very doubtful. Will the apocalypse improve his love life? Don’t count on it. Will he die alone and in pain? Signs point to yes. Am I reading these answers from a magic eight ball? Concentrate and ask again… [Note: Steve Conary here, just wanted to let everyone know this is a new version of the old story. It is written by me. Nothing shady is going on. Sorry for not announcing things better I guess.]
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Destiny Monogatari: The Hidden Object S1
Season 1. Before 15 years, In Paradise kingdom which was ruled under the Nobility System. The last member of the Ruling family disappeared in a mysterious incident so the whole country nearly walked into a civil war. Ganzo and Seel , the two of them were in the royal army and the rule the Families of the East and West respectively, they controlled the country using their influence around the Kingdom. They agreed to continue ruling the Kingdom under the Nobility System which was not to be changed easily. In this Kingdom in which Magic (Gaibo) is everything, there are 4 main families, 1- The Eastern Family ( Ganzo Family ) 2- The Western Family ( Seel Family ) 3- The Northern Family ( Nabako Family ) 4- The Southern Family ( Kanti Family ) Each of these families rules their own land and under them there are smaller families that declared their loyalty to the ruler family of the land. Each Family has a single ruler called the Father. When the father is to be changed for any reason, the name of the family is also changed after the name of the new ruler. Since the Kingdom relays on Magic (Gaibo) – will be discussed later- each family has their own Magical Techniques and Skills that you will obtain if you have the blood of this family. These Skills are initially unlocked by saying specific words for each Skill. The public –not noble- are capable of doing the Gaibo Skills but only ordinary skills that worth nothing in wars. Along the Kingdom, Medical Guilds are scattered. These Guilds are usually used by the noble families that hire them to heal the injured warriors. Noble families also send their daughters to these Guilds to learn The Skills of Healing.
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Born as the youngest into a family of above average intelligence, everything about her mediocre. A puzzle to her parents, her three older siblings all brilliant with high gradings, and then there is Natalie, still loved, but an embarrassment. Natalie aware of her parents and siblings feelings, brushes everything aside in her excitement at finely being old enough to join the virtual reality worlds. Where she hopes to fine something that will set her apart from the average label she now wears. this is my first time writing I hope you enjoy the story and please let me know in the comments your reviews.
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Soul Magician at The Apocalypse
Graduating from college, Ramie was prepared to step into the cruel arena of life, to struggle for living, like the rest do. He expected that finding job, paying bills, and making out rent in time were about to become his biggest concerns. However, little did he knew... that a catastrophic event was on the verge of descending on this world, and changing things in a disastrous way that no one could have anticipated it.He did not know that his main worry was going to shift form finding a job... to surviving beasts attacks! This is the story of an average man, rising to become the strongest soul magician in a turbulent apocalyptic era....note: English language is not my native language. so, be gentle. Also, the first few chapters are not my best work, and they do not reflect the level of the story....3-5 Chapters per week.
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Words (Muke)
COMPLETED.He's not strong, or brave, or even smart. He believes himself ugly, useless and his parents enforce it every day. He has nothing and no one. Well, Michael has nothing but words. Words and a certain Luke Hemmings.
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Foxy x Mangle
This is a new story that ill be working on.I hope you enjoy it,as for this is my first story.If you don't know what Foxy x Mangle is it's a ship from Fnaf. This is my favorite ship.Ill be doing more stories like this after this one.I hope every one had a wonderful day :3
8 144