《DRAGON HUNTERS》#11: Hunters Tournament, Part IV
The first round was now halfway concluded. After a slightly longer 10-minute break, the
second leg of the round would start off strong with what ended up proving to be
probably the best match of the entire tournament:
"Competitors Akiro Sanjuro, Satoru Yamaguchi, make your way to the stage!" Katashi
Among the trainees in the East Waiting Area, all eyes were focused on the two fighters.
The room was deathly silent. Without uttering a single sound, the two stood up; Akiro
wielding a Hanbō staff across his back, while Satoru was empty-handed. Two small
Kunai knives in the shape of a Yari hung by Akiro's sides, but based on the rules, he
didn't plan on unsheathing them, even though they were his preferred weapons. Tarik
in particular looked steadfastly at them:
"A fight between the very best of us...I don't expect this to end quickly at all."
The fellow trainees were focused on them as well, whispering:
"Two monsters are on the move..." Tarik heard Haruo comment.
"Do you think they'll care about the connectors?" Genki asked Galib.
He responded, "Normally, no. But, they're gonna have to save energy to fight Ilmar in
the end." Galib was certain that nobody would possibly beat either Satoru, Akiro, or
Ilmar before the Finals.
As they walked through the entrance gate, without making eye contact, Akiro talked to
"I don't expect you to let me win...but, I'm happy to fight you, Satoru."
Looking straight ahead at the ring, he simply responded:
"Don't let your knowledge on me bother you. Fight your hardest."
"Ah. Sure thing."
Entering the arena, all eyes were fixed on them. Compared to the others, excluding
Ilmar, they looked like they belonged to a completely different class of fighters. The very
presence they carried was incomparable to that of a mere Trainee.
"Those two..."
"I'm getting chills from looking at them."
"Ilmar felt slightly similar...but these kids are much different!"
Afar off, even Gyuwhan himself was fully invested in the match that was to take place.
Even Daisuke was almost shocked to see him like that.
"You seem...quite intrigued."
Without even glancing in any other direction, focused on what Mujin was showing them,
he responded:
"Of course I am...they aren't the ones I want to kill, but I can't miss this."
"Ilmar Sanjuro is definitely stronger than that other one, but something about these
"Perhaps a rivalry," Daisuke added.
"Seems so."
"Now, allow me to introduce our 5th Match's competitors:"
"To the right, having dark hair and Kunai at his sides, Akiro Sanjuro, the son of a
distant relative of Gadō-sama, and one of the Top Trainees this year! To the left, with
white hair, we have the best among the batch, Tenchi-sama's eldest son, Satoru
Screams of excitement echoed throughout the Colosseum:
"Ohhh! That kid's Tenchi-sama's son?!"
"He's the best among them too?!"
"This is gonna be intense!"
"Also, I'd forgotten to mention," Katashi added, "As for the Top 3 Trainees: Akiro
Sanjuro is placed #3, while Ilmar is second place!"
"Huhh?? Ilmar's above him?!"
"Then...why does his presence feel so...different??" the audience asked one another.
Inside the opposite Waiting Area, the Trainees sat and watched the proceedings from
the monitor in the room. It was only natural to think Satoru would win, but Akiro's skills
weren't anything to be taken lightly.
"Well...do you guys think it's too much to ask Akiro to win for me?" Zeke asked.
"You're still going on, loser?" Kinshi laughed at him.
"Akiro might be the best at using weapons, but I wonder how much that would help
against Satoru," Gina pointed out. Amira sat nearby her, trying to take it easy after
having used Body Reinforcement.
Namiyo and Ilmar were still resting in the medical chambers. As for Kento and Jamal,
they simply watched in silence.
Over by the Heads' area, Steffan had entered in among them:
"Can I come in? No? Too late."
"Steffan-san?" Lady Yura was delighted to see him.
"I'm allowed here, being a High-Ranker, right?" he asked.
"Well, not exactly, but knock yourself out," Gadō responded.
"I was out keeping myself busy. So, how is it going here?"
"Akiro-kun and Satoru are about to fight," Emir informed him.
"Those two, huh? This match won't be ending soon."
"You two must be excited then, Tenchi-sama? Yura-sama?" he asked the Yamaguchi
"Well, I'm more interested to see what Akiro can do. I know all about my son," Tenchi
"I just hope that boy doesn't act recklessly...he gets like that when someone's strong as
he is," Yura pointed out.
"I see...how about you, Captain?" Steffan asked Emir.
Slightly lowering his dark glasses, Emir responded with a smirk:
"My little nephew will probably win."
Back to the fighting ring, the two boys stood opposite each other as Katashi reinforced
the rules:
"Once again...the match will conclude when one competitor can no longer continue, or
upon insertion of a connector. Usage of deadly force will result in immediate
disqualification of the offender."
Assuming a battle stance, Akiro thought to himself:
"Fighting Satoru under a handicap...an idea like this is so stupid that it’s funny."
"Weapons are my strong suit, but it’s these Kunai that I really love using...there’s that special
thing about them. I guess Katashi-san expects me to use them, since he hasn’t confiscated
them, but what if I actually stab Satoru? No way."
"I’ll just have to make-do!"
Completely ignoring the connector, Akiro then began running toward Satoru, gripping
his staff and hauling it from off his back. As he ran, Satoru stood still and performed a
hand sign; thumb, index, and middle fingers of both hands extended, and placed against
each other. Satoru didn’t announce the technique, neither did it seem as if anything had
actually happened.
"What’s he..."
Without wasting another thought, Akiro twirled the staff in his right hand, and gripping
the middle, he lunged the staff in the empty space toward his right side. About a second
later, the space distorted, and a human figure came into view: it was another Satoru!
"Clone Technique!"
"He can make them invisible too...luckily, my sensory abilities are sufficient enough to pick up
on them."
By the time the clone fell to the ground, disappearing, Akiro was already whirling the
staff around him, and attacking the air from all directions; 5 more clones of Satoru had
crept up on him. Ultimately, he was able to dispatch them all, displaying skillful usage of
the staff he wielded.
As the audience and trainees looked on, they all admired:
“He’s really good.”
“He uses that staff just as well as a Master would.”
“Do you think he’ll use those weapons at his sides?”
“I guess so, since he carried them. Unless they’re for show, haha!”
After defeating the clones, Akiro gazed at Satoru, who was now performing a new
technique; with his left hand he extended his index and pinky fingers, with the middle
fingers resting on his thumb, forming a small circle which he placed over his mouth.
Focusing his energy into his mouth, and looking straight at Akiro, he uttered just loud
enough for his opponent to hear:
Endless Void. · 黒い空虛 (Ku-roi Kū-kyo)
Suddenly, Akiro was ensnared into an immeasurable, empty, dark void. It was an
Illusionary Technique, quite an advanced one that was actually taught to Satoru by his
uncle, Emir. It is casted by utilizing sound to manipulate an opponent’s energy flow. This
illusion in particular ensued completely in the target’s mind, cutting them off from the
happenings of the real world, while keeping them trapped inside a dark abyss.
Seeing this, Gadō marveled at the boy’s expertise,
“The Endless Void Technique? How was he able to master that?” he asked in
“Don’t take a Clan Head’s son lightly,” Tenchi confidently responded.
“Well, I wouldn’t say he’s quite mastered it yet. Endless Void facilitates mental torture by
entering the enemy’s mind. Satoru hasn’t reached that far; currently, he can only create
the illusion itself,” Emir elaborated.
“Well, is it possible for Akiro to break out of this?” Fūdo asked.
“…That depends on Akiro himself,” Emir responded as they gazed on Akiro, standing
motionless and unconscious.
“He isn’t moving?” some of the audience confusedly asked.
“Satoru must have used a spell on him!”
“Is…he done for?”
Among the trainees as well, many of them had thought Akiro had now been stopped in
his tracks. Nobody excepting Ilmar was expected to stand any chance against Satoru.
“No way…he lost already?” Zeke asked in shock.
“That’s Satoru-kun for you,” Kinshi remarked.
“Akiro-kun…” Gina sighed.
Tarik was having mixed feelings at the moment; it was only right for him to be rooting
for his brother, but, he really wished to see Satoru lose for once. Even if he himself
couldn’t beat his brother, he wouldn’t mind the sight of another person defeating him.
As he sat down taking in the match, he thought to himself:
"Akiro...show him what you’re really made of!"
After a few seconds had passed, Akiro still being unconscious, Satoru had let out a sigh,
and picked up his connector.
Walking to the centre of the ring, as he walked past the paralyzed Akiro, he remarked:
“Another disappointment…”
While inside the Illusionary World, Akiro gazed all around, trying to gather himself.
“Where am I…?”
“All I see is, nothing…”
“…Did I lose?”
As he collected his thoughts inside the Void, he vividly recalled a conversation he had
once with his relative, Ilmar…
“Huh? What’s that about?”
Inside the dormitory, Akiro laid on a top bunk while Ilmar stood up inside one of the
rooms. They were the only persons present there at the time.
“I mean…don’t you ever just wonder why we do the things we do?” Akiro asked him.
“We try so hard to be great, trying to become the best Hunters ever. In the end, we just
die, whether we just get old or unfortunately get killed.”
“…Even a civilian lives the exact same way. Whatever we do, we’ll die.”
“…What’s the point?...”
Ilmar was unresponsive for a moment, until he broke the silence:
“You’re a special stupid, you know that?” he asked him, laughing.
“I’m not joking, Ilma-“
“Why just be alive when you can live, Akiro?”
Akiro kept silence.
“From what you’re saying, you think it’s the same end-result no matter what life you
live. To be honest, you’re right.”
“But, the life you live is what really matters, Akiro. What you’re able to do while blood is
inside you, that’s the top priority. So remember this: don’t just be alive. Live!”
Back to the present, still inside the Illusion, Akiro grinned as he recalled that
conversation, and his answer:
“I’ll live, Ilmar.”
Extending his index and middle fingers from a fist, Akiro focused his Spirit Energy, and
Illusion Release! · 幻術解 (Gen-ju-tsu Kai)
At this time, Satoru was approaching the insertion point, when suddenly, he could only
react by swinging the connector behind him, to Akiro’s sneak attack from behind: he
was freed from Endless Void!
“He’s back!!” members of the audience cried.
“Alright! Get him, Akiro!”
“He actually-!” Fūdo exclaimed.
“Heh, seems it’s time for the match to be settled,” Emir chuckled.
Back on the ring, Satoru was slightly surprised, but overall thrilled that Akiro freed
himself from the illusion; he grinned as he asked him:
“So you’ve decided not to disappoint me?”
“You have your rival to thank for this, Satoru!”
Disarming Satoru of his connector, they engaged in a scuffle; Akiro threw many attacks
at Satoru with the staff, but all were swiftly evaded or parried. Akiro had the physical
advantage between them, but Satoru was much faster and precise in all his moves and
actions. After about a minute of battling, they backed away from each other, and Satoru
beckoned to Akiro saying:
“You’re on a handicap, aren’t you?”
“I know that staffs aren’t your favored weapon. Those Kunai on your sides are what
you’d really prefer using, aren’t they?”
“…You’re right. But, I don’t intend on swinging blades at you, Satoru.”
“So, you’re trying to lose then.”
Looking over to Katashi, Satoru asked him:
“Referee-san, he’s allowed to use those knives, correct?”
“Yes, that’s fine. His only restriction is killing you,” Katashi responded.
Looking back at Akiro, he said to him:
“Go on.”
Reluctantly, Akiro decided to drop the staff he held, and slowly took his Kunai from
their sheathes. Gripping onto them, he took a new battle stance, and thought to
"Now, let’s kick things up a notch."
Akiro chucked both knives in the air, headed straight toward the boy at top speed.
Accurately reading their trajectories, Satoru skilfully dodged them both, but
suddenly…Akiro had once again thrown two knives at him.
“What the-?” Satoru let out in confusion. He was able to evade one, but had to grab the
other out of the air, unable to have dodged it in that position.
As he held the Kunai, he looked at Akiro who was once again holding another Kunai,
grinning at him.
Looking behind him for a split second, Satoru was able to gather that there was no
Kunai anywhere behind him.
"...He doesn’t have any more Kunai on him...it’s just these two."
On the palms of Akiro’s hands, there were markings. The same markings were present
on the handles of the Kunai.
Akiro was teleporting the knives.
"What a thoroughly annoying technique," Satoru thought to himself.
"But, if that’s all there is to it, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem..."
Not long after that thought, the Kunai in his hand had returned to Akiro, who was now
dashing toward Satoru. As they clashed once more, Akiro had left a Kunai spinning in
the air behind him. After a quick clash, Akiro threw his second Kunai to the one that was
now about to descend. This had Satoru confused, until…Satoru himself had been
teleported, right in the trajectory of the second knife!
He dodged at a very close call, but was immediately on his toes once more to catch
another one being thrown toward him.
"Did he just teleport...me? How is that-"
As he was in the middle of thought, Satoru looked on his palm…and the same markings
from Akiro’s hands and the Kunai, were on him!
"This guy...so, I gave him another teleportation tool?"
"...Not bad," Satoru thought to himself as he began to show his teeth, absolutely thrilled.
“Let’s see who’s faster then, your teleportation or me!”
They clashed once more. An intense and skillful display of speed and agility was put on;
Akiro executing clever teleportation between his Kunai and Satoru, and Satoru reacting
to every single attempt that Akiro made, many being very narrow escapes. All onlookers
were at the edge of their seats during this portion of the match; this was near the best
fight they’ve ever seen in Hunter Tournaments!
But as the fight went on, Akiro was facing a disadvantage: extended usage of this
technique consumed a large amount of Physical Energy, and with having to fight in
addition, Akiro was approaching his limit. Satoru however, due to his skill at Mana
Manipulation, mastered the ability to limit the amount of energy he consumes in all
actions he performs. This was not only something learnable, but also a special trait
passed on to him by his father. Satoru was feeling fatigue, but nowhere near the extent
that Akiro was.
Satoru started to notice his fatigue.
“Slowing down already, huh?”
“Haha…sorry about that,” he responded, gasping for air.
“…You’re really amazing, Satoru. I never expected to win, but man…”
“…I’m glad I got...to fight you…”
As he took gasps of air between his words, Akiro dropped to his knees, and was about to
fall on his face when Satoru caught him. Looking down at him, he said:
“I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest.”
“Winner: Satoru Yamaguchi!!”
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