《DRAGON HUNTERS》#6: Heavy Heart
**JUNE 26, 2012**
As the evening sun glistened across the horizon, there were two individuals situated atop a
skyscraper, taking in the evening view. One stood with his hands behind him, wearing a
dark kimono. The other sat by his side, wearing a loose long-sleeved top white top with
dark long pants, one of his legs dangling from the building, and his tied shoulder-length
hair blowing with the wind; the two were Daisuke Taejin and Gyuwhan Ryūjin. Gyuwhan
was sitting down, resting his head in his palm, with a gloomy look.
“I like a change of scenery from time to time…it’s boring inside that old place.”
“I agree. It’s somewhat relaxing here, Ryūjin-sama."
Facepalming, Gyuwhan responded to him saying,
“Could you stop calling me that?...Gyuwhan is just fine.”
“…Stop reminding me of that geezer already.”
It had now been almost 2 years since that day…but as Gyuwhan gazed into the distance, he
vividly recalled those final moments as if it was just yesterday…
*AUGUST 15, 2010**
"So, is everyone here?"
Within the old warehouse, inside an underground chamber, sat Ivan Ryūjin, Daisuke, and a
third individual by the name of Mujin, one of Ivan’s two right-hand men. They were about
to commence a meeting with their associates; the Leaders of the Big-Three, and the 3
leaders of the Dragons’ Religious Sect. Upon performing a magic spell, they linked their
energies across vast distances, manifesting their spirits inside the lounge, to discuss
matters surrounding recent events.
"Hearing you loud and clear, old man," Kallavan of the Inferno Gang responded.
"Oi, know your place. Stop acting all buddy-buddy with Ryūjin-sama," the Apocalypse
Gang’s leader, Ringo Himura ordered Kallavan.
"This is why I despise working with you bland assholes."
"Watch your mouth when you talk to me, peasant."
"For God's sake, both of you shut up!" Daisuke angrily commanded them.
"Good grief...can we get along for once? It's always the same, especially with you two."
"So, you requested a meeting, Boss?" Ringo asked.
"Yes. This meeting is being held for three reasons only. I want you all to take careful note of
what I'm saying."
"First of all, let me express how pleased I am with your progress over these years. It's been
quite challenging, but we've been able to make inroads regarding our ulterior goal."
"Preachers, you lot have done an amazing job increasing the amount of following that the
Dragon-Tails have. We now have loyal followers all over the country, who either serve as
spies or simply backup. I'm truly grateful to you all."
The 3 leaders, named Arata, Kentaro, and Mamoru, bowed themselves to Ivan.
"No need; we are quite honored, Ryūjin-sama."
Ivan turned to the gang leaders and acknowledged them as well;
"Also, Leaders of the Big-Three...Shigaraki Orochi, Kallavan...Ringo Himura."
"I must say, I appreciate the manner of authority that you three enforce. I know dealing
with mindless knuckleheads can be awfully draining, but you have all demonstrated
incredible leadership, of which I'm nothing short of impressed. I'm glad to know I made the
right choices."
"Although...that blunder was quite embarrassing, Kallavan."
He was referring to Kallavan’s encounter with Steffan Rakulli, where he and his underlings
ended up retreating to avoid reinforcements.
"Eh, Old Man?? I dealt the last hit in that battle!"
"Yes, but retreating when your opponent gets serious isn't exactly a good look."
"Shut it before I kill you, Ringo!"
"As I was saying, there are a few things I want to discuss in this meeting," Ivan continued.
"Firstly...Ronin-san's death."
When the two other gang leaders and the preachers heard that, they were shocked. To hear
such a high-ranking assassin like Ronin was now dead.
"Huh? Ronin's dead?"
"An elite like him?..."
"Oi, oi, oi...didn't those Hunter bastards swear an oath?"
Kallavan was enraged after hearing this, and his energy steadily began to flare up among
"If they really had the balls to break that oath they made, we'll massacre them."
Ivan then calmed him down, giving him some more details on what really happened,
"Relax, Kallavan. Ronin-san had committed suicide after being captured and interrogated
by the Hunters."
"Tch, same thing, damn it!" he spat as he calmed down.
"Wait a minute, Boss. Interrogated?" Kallavan confusedly asked.
"Yes, that stuck out to me as well. He's unable to reveal crucial information thanks to the
Binding Spell, right?" Ringo followed up.
"That, is the second topic of this meeting...go ahead, Shigaraki."
"Yes Sir. What I'm showing you all right now are the memories I received from Ronin, right
before he died. Please pay attention."
Orochi-Style: Dragon Relay.
Weaving hand signs, Shigaraki performed the Dragon Relay technique, displaying to his
associates all the memories of Ronin before his death. They examined it all from start to
finish, from the night he was captured up to the final attack dealt by Danjo. Witnessing
everything, they couldn’t help but admire his integrity.
"Up until the very end, huh? What a guy."
"Danjo...that sly bastard."
"I was able to get rid of him, thanks to Ronin's taunting. He lost his cool and left the safety
of the Clans' Barrier, leaving him defenseless to my control over him," Shigaraki
"Tenchi Yamaguchi...he's a troublesome one. To think he actually managed to break the
Binding Spell...and as Ronin had deduced, it simply means they could get intel out of any of
us, since it's the same spell," Mujin added.
"Yes. What I'm saying is, I'm going to have to rewrite the Binding Spell. It's a fairly simple
process, so no need to worry," Ivan announced.
Mujin however, had more words directed to Shigaraki:
"Oi, Shigaraki...I hope you've learned a valuable lesson from this."
"Don't share intel with rugrats, you bastard."
The room was quiet for a moment. Undeniably, Ronin was not one of the 9, meaning
Shigaraki should have really thought twice before imparting certain knowledge to him.
But, the gang leader remembered the words that he spoke to his friend on that night…
"If he's not among the 9 of us, then what is he?"
"I'll fucking kill you."
This time, it was Ivan himself warning his inferiors to desist from conflict.
"...Does an argument have to be the last thing I hear?"
In that moment, Ivan reminded them all that he was near death, and they were speechless.
But Shigaraki and Mujin apologised.
"Sorry, Ryūjin-sama."
"Forgive me, Boss."
"Don't worry...anyway, it's time I bring up our third topic."
Letting out a sigh…Ivan announced to them:
"...Reinforcement of the Binding Spell, means my death."
They all looked at him in confusion; why would their Elder die by conducting a simple
spell? Furthermore, why would he do it if it meant an earlier death?
"Normally, it wouldn't take anything out of me at all, but you all know how old I am. I'm on
my last legs right now. Rewriting the Binding Spell for every single Dragon will definitely
kill me."
"Ryūjin-sama-!" Daisuke cried out.
"Crazy geezer. Why would you cut the little time you have left short? At least do it when
you're about to die!" Kallavan advised, flustered.
"Ryūjin-sama, why don't you let us do it?" Ringo asked him.
"Excellent question, Ringo-san. But, only Hellam's descendants can perform this spell. My
son is also out of the question, since he's not skilled enough to execute it."
While they all sat in sorrow, Kallavan desperately grabbed at strings in seeking an alternate
"Boss, is it really necessary to rewrite the spell? With Danjo dead, doesn't that mean they
now lack the secondary knowledge to even-"
"Kallavan,” Shigaraki interrupted.
“...just let the Boss do what he's decided to do."
"You have a point, Kallavan, but it's better to be safe than sorry," Ivan responded.
Filled with anger and sorrow, Kallavan got up, and released the spell on his end, leaving the
"...Do what you please."
"O-Oi! Kallavan!"
"This guy..."
"It's alright. Give him some space," Ivan instructed.
As they were about to end their meeting, Ringo added a last-minute suggestion:
"Ryūjin-sama, let's all gather at the base with you tonight."
"...Let's all be at the Boss's side, in his final moments."
"Agreed," they all answered.
With that, they adjured the day’s meeting and released the spell. On the outside of the
lounge, however, sat Gyuwhan on the floor. He’d heard the entire conversation.
On the same day, Lord Tenchi was conducting a meeting with the High-Ranking
Hunters, to discuss the happenings of two days earlier. Fudo, Emir, Katashi, Hayami,
Steffan, Chojo, and Miwa were all present.
"So, everyone's here then? Alright, let's begin."
"Regarding the interrogation of One-Eye Ronin...before succumbing to his injuries, I was
able to gather some...terrifying information."
"For starters, our hypothesis on the revival of the 9 Dragons is about...I would say, 90%
true. There were many instances in Ronin's memories where he heard 'revival, revival,
revival', though the entity to be revived was never specified. The means of revival went
unaddressed as well."
Throughout his time being an elite Dragon, Ronin had been given numerous hints from
Shigaraki in regards to the 9 Dragons’ revival, though he never received specific details.
Even among the current 9, Ivan has withheld from them some crucial facts concerning the
Dragons’ revival. This information must never be shared by any means, and so it has been
kept away within the secret Dragon Scroll.
"Secondly...I'm 50% sure Hellam Ryūjin had a son."
Hearing this, the Hunters’ eyes all widened.
"I guess that's what they were trying to hide," Chojo responded.
"Whoever he is...he can't be left alive," Steffan menacingly declared.
"I'm with you on that, Steffan. But, the problem is finding out how he looks, and where he
is. More than likely, he's a guy that can't be found unless he wants to be found. He’s way too
"Then, let's just carry out some more interrogations-"
"No use, Fudo," Tenchi asserted.
"It was Danjo's power that helped in breaking that spell, and now he's gone. And, of course,
there's no other Dragon we've captured who possesses the skillset that Danjo-san had."
"As for my third point...well, this is more of a guess. They could be building an army."
"...You mean those religious ones?" Hayami asked.
"Yes. Furthermore, it's possible that not even the street preachers themselves are aware of
the hidden agenda."
As the Hunters sat in a state of complete helplessness, with no leads or any ideas on what
actions to take…it felt as if they were awaiting an inevitable apocalypse.
"...Can we really not do anything here??"
"Our predecessors were too careless...we don't even have a clue about what we're up
against, should we decide to carry out a full extermination of the Dragon-Tails...but, if we
kill even one of these guys, we'll start a war. Worst case scenario, those 9 Elders would be
"Even though we won that Dragon War...the 5 Ancient Clans were slaughtered in the
process. Five whole clans. It's one thing that our forces are now much smaller, but our Two
Warriors had some special power that led them to victory. That power still doesn’t exist
among any of the Clan members, not even us Heads or previous ones."
Tenchi looked up at the ceiling as he hoped for a miracle.
"It's a sad reality, but it's safe to say until that power gives birth again, we're sitting ducks."
"So, it boils down to what you first told us, huh," Emir remarked.
"Yes, brother. We just have to prepare for the worst."
"But that's also why I entrusted those trainees to you. In a few years...those kids, they'll be
our saviors. Not me, not Gado-san, but all 16 of them, as well as yourselves."
"I believe in all of you."
Still atop the skyscraper, Gyuwhan and Daisuke looked on at the sunset, as Gyuwhan
continued to recall that day.
“Hey…how old was he anyway?”
“Truth be told…even I couldn’t tell you, Gyuwhan-sama.”
“I still remember…when I felt that energy flowing in…”
Looking down at Gyuwhan in silence for a while, Daisuke asked him,
“Your words back then…have they changed in any way?”
Looking back up at Daisuke, a heavy wind blew, and Gyuwhan started laughing.
“Haha...nope. Not one bit.”
As Gyuwhan recalled the words he said on that night…
"You're all here...thank goodness."
Inside a chamber were gathered the Gang Leaders and the Religious Sect Leaders,
surrounding Ivan Ryūjin who laid in his bed, his body extremely frail and his bones
piercing his skin. They had gathered as planned, to be with him in his last moments.
Gyuwhan was in the room as well.
"This is the first time you've all seen me like this, isn't it? What a sorry state I'm in..." Ivan
said with a chuckle.
"Oi, does it really-"
"Don't bother, Kentaro," Arata instructed.
"The boss has his mind made up."
Ivan then began to address them all,
"It...honestly pains me to have to leave you all. It's not death that I fear, but rather the
thought of the achievements that have been made simply going to waste. The thought of
dying while accomplishing nothing...but, I've put my full faith in all of you...Shigaraki, Ringo,
Kallavan, Arata, Kentaro, Mamoru, Daisuke, Mujin...and Gyuwhan, my son-"
By the time he had called Gyuwhan’s name, he was already leaving the room.
"Oi, where are you going?" Ringo asked him.
"Hurry it up and die already."
They all stood speechless as he walked out of the room. Kallavan however, was infuriated
by him.
"...What did that brat just sa-"
Without much words, Mujin reminded Kallavan that the boy was hurting much more than
any of them.
"...Leave him."
Looking over to his right-hand men, Ivan instructed them saying,
"Daisuke, Mujin...I leave that kid in your care. I know he'll be in good hands."
"Yes Sir," they responded, bowing themselves.
"Now then..."
Raising his hands, Ivan then performed hand signs while chanting a spell. This went on for
about 30 seconds, until he finally declared:
The Binding Spell was successfully rewritten. In that moment, all Dragons everywhere
around the city felt a small change in their bodies, almost unnoticeable. A stronger spell
was now put in place, absolutely preventing the possibility of it being broken ever again.
As for Ivan…his time was now up. As his remaining Dragon energy departed his body, he
imparted one final instruction to the Leaders:
“Never forget our goal…I put my trust in every single one of you. Make me proud.”
Letting out one final breath…his soul left him.
Gyuwhan, who was outside the room, sat on the floor in complete silence, almost
emotionless. That was, until the Dragon Energy from his father, the other half of what he
originally received, came flowing right into him. It was at that moment he knew his father
was now dead…and tears ran down his face. He sat down, remembering all the moments he
spent with Ivan.
Leaving the sorrow-filled room, Daisuke came to see Gyuwhan sitting on the floor, crying
silently. He was unsure of what to say to him, until he heard the boy ask:
“Daisuke-san…the Clan Heads…”
“…Do they have sons?”
“Recently, about 8 years ago, we’ve heard from our spies that the Heads both had sons,
born on the same day.”
In the present once again, Gyuwhan’s devilish Dragon eyes glistened as he remembered his
“I’ll make them suffer.”
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Earth 2.0
Before you lies a gate, humming with all the power of a dying civilization. Your own. Just beyond it's jagged edges, you can make out the peaceful blue skies and lush green forests of a realm where you truly can level up as the person you always wanted to be. Exploring endless adventures in fractal worlds without end. An eternity at your fingertips! All you need is the courage to take that first step through the gate... And begin your life anew.
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In the Urillian Empire, the Empress Xandra rules three-quarters of the planet Xren from her home in the capital of the Earth Continent. Both the fire and water peoples have fallen under her might after a series of wars stretching back three centuries. Earth elves, under Xandra's rule, have spread throughout the planet and established colonies, and are, by all accounts, enjoying what seems to be a prosperous and happy existence. But not everyone in Uril is happy. The holy books speak of elves as the Chosen People of Thesis, tasked with guiding and protecting the lower races. For some people, this scripture has been interpreted to designate their life as one on the lowest rungs of society. Humans have been reduced to a slave class, and serve their elven masters under Xandra's rule, kept at bay by the constant fear of the dreaded Emerald Knight, and their own perceived weakness. Humans do not lead long lives, nor do they possess the wisdom, power, or magical acumen of their elven masters. But there is hope. A group of people have banded together to fight against Xandra, her Knight, and her empire. They call themselves the "Knights of Order" united under the principle idea that Xandra's reign has brought chaos unto Xren, and they wish to restore order. These Knights are led by a man named Xaxac Brigaddon, spoken of as a legend. They say that when the moons are full, some humans transform into powerful beasts. They say that Xaxac is the most powerful warrior on Xren, that in his youth he was enslaved and forced to fight other humans to the death in a bloodsport called "cage fighting", that he could not be touched and held the world championship title for three years running until he faked his own death and escaped his master to join the resistance. They say that he has friends in high places- noblemen, pirates, and the devil himself. They say that if you can find him, he can ferry you to freedom in places where the Earth Elves fear to tread. They say that he is immune to magical attack, and his eyes shine like the silver moon. They say that he is descended from Quizlivian Brigaddon, one of the humans who helped the demon Magnus escape a god. They say that if you want to walk the Path of Order, you should follow the White Rabbit.Come and watch the transformation from human boy to Knight of Order: The life and times of Xaxac OfAgalon OfLangil Brigaddon. Content Warning: This work is based on the real experiences of human trafficing survivors. Xaxac's origins are based on true events, and they are presented realisitcally; this includes but is not limited to: isolation, gaslighting, emotional and sexual abuse, and grooming tactics. This work is meant to hold a mirror up to society; it is based on the real of experiences of people who have experienced slavery and/or abuse. It is an adult work and probably should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. If you are a survivor of human trafficing and/or abuse, your feedback is welcome, but please do not read this if you think it may trigger your trauma. I did not write this with the intention of harming anyone, but rather to provide accurate representation for a group that does not normally get it in the hopes of changing the zeitgeist. I would like to see a world where more people understand what these experiences are like, so that real survivors do not have to deal with microagressions from an ignorant public. Reader discretion is advised. This book does not display these elements as heavily as book 1.
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My BadBoy
Ashley Sunshine is ready to go off to college and start a new life since her high school experience wasn't...very fulfilling. Her college Richwood University is explained in the name -Rich. Ashley barely got in with her scholarship -using her mother's money of course- and gets one of those special circumstances where her roommate is a guy. Who is he?? Mysterious that's who he is. Jackson Miller the bad boy didn't get in with a scholarship nor did his parents pay for his college so how did he get in? and why the hell is he so hot???~"I know who you are," He said running his hand through his hair and my eyes apparently had nothing better to do than stare at his body. " You're a rich little good girl who ran away from mommy and daddy because she wanted to have a little adventure in her life.""Wrong." I forced myself to meet his Hazel eyes and he smirked.Right."In fact," He walked over to me so quickly I gasped unexpectedly, then slowly bent over to whisper in my ear. "I bet you're still a virgin""Wrong." I shivered at the closeness of his lips to my skin then took a step back.Right."Actually," He grinned pulling me to him, so close our lips were only centimeters apart. "I bet you haven't even had your first kiss yet"" Wrong." I blushed my face turning scarlet.Right. He slipped past me into his room and before he closed the door he said. "I know how those stories go -hope you don't fall for me"."In your wildest dreams!" I snapped and the door slammed shut.~You might think you know how the story goes, but this one comes with a big twist. Will the good girl change the bad boy? Will the bad boy change the good girl? What is the bad boy hiding? and most importantly, what is this "big plot twist"?Read & Find out!(DISCLAMIER: May contain short violent scenes.) ◈A C C O M P L I S H M E N T S◈#1 Dorm (longest running)#1 Adrenaline#1 Melodrama#12 YA
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