**JULY 3, 2010**
"Seems you're getting fairly used to it."
"Well...it's not that hard if there isn't much to deal with."
We come back to the Dragon-Tails' Hideout, where Ivan and his son Gyuwhan are in an
underground chamber of the warehouse, engaging in training. After turning 11 years old, Ivan
had given a portion of his Dragon to his son, to get him used to the power since Gyuwhan
was to become the next Dragon Leader. To Ivan's astonishment, the boy was handling the
power quite perfectly, almost unmatched.
What an amazing kid...I started him off with just about half of my Dragon's full power, and it's
nothing to him...
As he practiced his energy manipulation, he started getting bored because of how easy it
"This is nothing. Just give me the rest already."
"I told you I'd die if I do that, you brat."
"Then die already."
"you're merciless, you know that?"
Well, I can't ignore the fact that my life will expire soon...the Dragon's energy can only keep me
alive for so long...
But, I have faith in you, my son; you're more like Hellam Ryūjin than any of your ancestors.
Suddenly, Ivan remembered something. He recalled 8 years ago, when there was a sudden
shift in the atmosphere. Since he was no longer the only person with that Dragon, he
decided to ask his son:
"...By the way, Gyu. That power widens your sensory range tremendously."
"Do you sense anything...off?"
Gyuwhan raised an eyebrow, confused. Nevertheless, he focused on the presences he felt all
around him, trying to pick up on any suspicious energies.
"...Like what?" he asked.
"You don't sense some powerful presence or anything?"
"Except for the Clan Heads, those guys, and you, no. I don't."
Surely I wasn't mistaken back then...something definitely happened.
"Don't go spacing out on me, old man. Let's continue training already."
Ivan still had his suspicions, but eventually shrugged them off, deeming them now
"...Alright, nevermind. Let's proceed."
That's right, whatever I felt back then won't even matter.
Gyuwhan...I'll teach you how to become a God.
**AUGUST 2, 2010**
At the Family Grounds, was a gathering of persons on a field; these were graduates who
decided to become Hunters, and had come to the field as instructed to begin their training.
Among the dozens of participants were Jamal, Tarik, Ilmar, Gina, and Satoru. They were
waiting on the instructors to arrive. While they waited, Jamal and Tarik talked with each
"So, our real training is about to begin..."
"This won't be anything like what we've been doing before..."
"Yeah. It hasn't been that long since Graduation, but we're already beginning our
training today. Those of us who decided to become fighters have gathered here. I wonder what
kind of training they have in mind for us..." Jamal thought.
"Look, those must be our teachers."
Two adults approached the field; one male, one female. The man was tall and muscular,
wearing a track suit and sunglasses, and drinking a bottle of beer. The lady was slightly
shorter, also wearing track clothes with a hat and sunglasses.
"is...is he drinking?"
"i...think he is."
The man then cleared his throat and began to address the trainees:
"Good morning, uh..."
"what should i call them?"
The students were dumbfounded.
"Oh, right, Good Morning Graduates."
"this guy must be joking."
"I'd like to congratulate you all once more, and I'm glad to see that so many of you desire to
become Martial Artists and Ninjas."
"But...you guys could have chosen any other area of expertise, y'know."
As he said this, many were confused. They wondered if it was a bad thing that they chose to
become Hunters. He noticed their confusion, and decided to conduct the first test.
"Fine, I'll show you all exactly why not everyone is cut out for this. Here's your first test.
Miwa?" he signalled to his female associate.
The lady, Miwa, then showed them all a map of the Family Grounds. On the map was
highlighted 3 major areas: a field known as Field A toward the south, a Stadium in the
centre, and a Field B toward the north.
"As you can all see, we're currently situated at Field A. But, what if we told you that you're
not supposed to be here?"
Once more, they were confused.
"Huh? But, in the announcement! We were instructed to come to Field A, in the South of the
Family Grounds!"
"Yeah, we lied."
bruh moment.
"You're actually supposed to be at Field B, toward the North. So your first test is to make
your way there immediately."
"...That's all we have to do?"
"It is a bit far, but, going there is no problem-"
"Who said that's all you have to do?"
The trainees felt chills run down their spines as the instructor's tone shifted.
"Whoever takes longer than 3 minutes to get to Field B, don't bother showing up."
"I'm waiting."
Upon declaring this, he suddenly disappeared; it was a clone. The students were all sent
into a panic after hearing the man's instructions.
"A clone???"
In the middle of their panicking, the lady addressed them once more:
"I'd recommend that you all start moving."
She, after saying this, disappeared as well. They were both clones, their real bodies being
situated on Field B. Before any more could have been said, the trainees started running.
They all moved at full speed to get to the other side of the Grounds in just 3 minutes;
however, even briskly walking that distance would take at least 30 minutes. There was no
way everybody would pass this test.
As they were running, Tarik was having an internal dilemma; lacking physical energy, this
would be an impossible task for him.
This is really bad...thankfully my body got a little bit stronger, but there's no way I'm getting to
Field B in 3 minutes! Just getting to the Tournament Ring from here is difficult enough!...
As he was in thought, Jamal appeared next to him with a grin on his face:
"Hey, did you forget our promise already?"
Crouching down, he invited Tarik up on his back, volunteering to help him pass the test.
"We're gonna be the strongest, Tarik!"
"Thanks, Jamal! Let's go!"
Some trainees saw them do this, and weren't happy in the slightest:
"Huh?? Hey, no fair!"
"You've known Tarik for 3 years, haven't you?"
Satoru came up next to one of them suddenly, reminding them of Tarik's situation.
"But still-!"
"Either way...I doubt those two can ever be separated."
As he said this, Satoru began running even faster, speeding past Jamal and nearing the
front. Tarik got uneasy when his brother ran past them:
"O-Oi! Satoru!"
"We have to catch him up, Jamal!"
"Relax, Tarik. Being first place in this test won't really matter, since all that man said we
have to do is get to Field B in 3 minutes. The main task alone is very difficult, so let's not
worry about anything else."
That's right, the instructors didn't say anything about being in first place; they simply told
the students to arrive in three minutes.
Yeah, Ja's right. But still...
Damn it, just you wait, Satoru!
At the same moment came Ilmar and Gina, Jamal's siblings. They sped past Jamal & Tarik
and complimented their cooperation:
"You two are quite the duo!"
"See you on the field, little brother!"
Jamal slightly lost his cool when they did this.
"Y-you too, 'Mar? Gina?"
"take it easy Jamal! remember what you just told me!"
By this point, almost 2 minutes had passed, and the trainees at the front had passed the
Stadium at this point. But, as for the majority of them, this was where they began to slow
down, and sadly accepted their loss:
"I won't make it...!"
"This...is too hard!"
"Is this really possible?"
"Those jerks!"
Meanwhile Tarik, still on Jamal's back, was keeping track of the time as they progressed
past the Stadium:
"This is bad, we've only got a minute and a half left...hey, let me run now, Jamal! You've
done so much for me already!"
"Are you sure you can manage?"
"Don't worry, let's go!"
And with that, Tarik jumped off his friend's back and started running on his own.
At the front was Ilmar and Satoru, with a few others behind them. As the two sons of the
Clan Heads fought for first place, it seemed like Ilmar would have been the victor:
"Heh, you're amazing as usual, Satoru. But, right now..."
Suddenly, it was as if energy had burst forth from within him; he began sprinting much
faster, and outran Satoru!
"I need to shatter that ego of yours!"
"Yeah! You go brother!" Gina cheered him on from behind.
However, Satoru was up to some scheming:
"Tch! You think I'll let you?"
I'm still nowhere near an expert on this technique...but I guess I found my first test subject.
"Ilmar, never you forget that you've got nothing on me!"
As Satoru sprinted ahead, he stretched forth his left hand toward Ilmar, glowing with a
light-blue Mana, and shouted:
Inverse-Flow! · 逆運動 (Gya-kuun Dō)
For a single second, Ilmar came to a complete halt. His movement was completely
restricted. In that small window, Satoru was able to overtake him.
Wha-?! My body...?
As Satoru bolted past him, he yelled out:
What the heck was that?...it felt like the entire flow of my energy started going backwards...
Damn it...well, it's not like first place really mattered in this test. Thankfully I made it, with 20
more seconds to spare.
At that point, Satoru, Ilmar, Gina, and a few others made it to Field B. Upon arriving, their
times were recorded, and most of them immediately fell on the field, completely exhausted.
But as for Ilmar, he straitly looked behind him:
Those two...will they make it?
At the same moment, the two appeared, with Tarik slightly lagging behind, and two others
behind them. Jamal's eyes lit up as he approached the field:
"Alright, we're right there! We'll make it just in time, Ta-"
When he looked, he could only see Tarik lagging even further behind him.
"O-Oi! Fight it, Tarik! You're right at the finish!"
Tarik was gasping for air, desperately hanging on to the little stamina he had left in him:
No...I'm right there!
Is this really...it...for me...?
Tarik started falling to the ground.
"Damn it, that show-off!" Satoru shouted as he dashed off to pick up his brother.
Jamal was also ready to turn back and pick up his friend, when his siblings called out to
"Don’t turn back, Brother!!"
"You have 5 seconds!!"
"Damn it! Tarik!..." Jamal grumbled as he regretfully continued ahead, seeing Satoru
running toward him, heading for his brother.
When Tarik thought all hope was lost, he was swiftly picked up by someone; one of the
persons who'd been behind him and Jamal, a girl. Her name was Maki.
"I'll have you pay me back later for this."
The time winded down, and they managed to all make it to Field B on the 2:59.75 mark.
"Three minutes have expired! Nobody else will be accepted on the field!"
"We're safe...for now."
"That was scary."
"Are we really the only ones?"
"Those poor guys..."
Satoru immediately turned to Jamal, angry with him for almost causing Tarik’s loss:
"Why did you let him off your back?!"
"I-I didn't want to, Tarik wanted me to."
"Look what almost happened to him...and you call yourself his friend?"
"What did you say?!"
Before the conversation could get any more heated, one of the participants, Galib Sanjuro,
swiftly intervened:
"Stop, both of you."
"We've made it here, so let's be thankful for now."
While they settled their small dispute, the male instructor focused on their numbers:
So that's really all that's left of them...a bit more than I anticipated, but I figured as much.
"I want to congratulate those of you who've made it here, you've now officially been
accepted as trainees. However, don't think-"
"Hey, what the heck was that, Sensei?"
Another one of the participants, Amira Sanjuro, interrupted him:
"Why'd you give us such an impossible task? To think there were dozens of us at the
"That's because as long as you're all in training..."
"I'm going to be giving you all every reason to quit."
They were all shocked at this saying, and speechless. However, he continued:
"Listen...this isn't easy stuff, what you guys have chosen to invest your lives in. By being a
Hunter, you're automatically 99% more likely to be killed."
"I'm glad to see how devoted you guys are. The mere fact that you pushed through to
complete this near impossible task is proof of your tenacity...but, I will constantly remind
you all, every day, that there's still time to walk away from this."
"If you do not want to be a Hunter, leave this field immediately."
The students were actually touched by his words. They had decided to join the Hunters, but
hadn’t actually given any in-depth thought to the risks involved in being a Hunter, except
for Satoru, who was arguably the most mature of the bunch. They were left without words,
until the silence was finally broken:
"...No way."
These words came from none other than Tarik, laying on the ground, catching his breath:
"Remember this...Jamal and I..."
"Are gonna be the strongest in the world."
It was these words that came from the weakest of the bunch, that managed to stir up their
"I think Tarik speaks for the rest of us, Sensei."
"Yeah, no way I'm turning back now."
"Me too!"
"Same here."
When he saw their dedication, he was proud, but also annoyed.
"Well, here we go again, I guess."
"Alright, allow us to reintroduce ourselves. Call me Chojo-sensei."
"Call me Miwa-sensei. I look forward to having you all for the next 3 years."
"wait, 3 years?"
"ah, they never did actually say how long we'd be training."
"what bothers me is what these 3 years consist of."
"Before we get into other matters, how about you all introduce yourselves?" Chojo
"Satoru." "Amira." "Galib and Genki."
"Maki and Saki." "Jamal." "Haruo."
"Ilmar." *wheeze* "Tarik..." “Kinshi.”
"Gina." "Akiro." "Kento."
"Zeke." "Namiyo."
When they had finished exchanging greetings, Chojo began instructing them on what the
training course consists of:
"Well, let's get down to business."
"First of all, you'll be running that same distance every day. In the same time-frame."
They regretted all their life decisions up to that point.
"Secondly, this will be the easiest task in your training routine."
"yeah. we're doomed."
"so he really was trying to save us."
"For one year, you will all be engaging in rigorous physical activity in order to push your
physical and mental prowess to their absolute limits. If I'm being honest, this will be the
most difficult period of the entire programme."
"Next year, we will begin teaching you to use magic. What we'll teach you will range from
basic Mana Manipulation all the way to offensive methods. This first year will sufficiently
prepare you all for the next."
"Finally...well, I guess I can save that for later. Keep in mind however, that it will be the
most important."
"As you can see, the dorms are located to the east of this field. You might be wondering
about the purpose of dorms since this place is your home, but training drills exist, and I
want you all in one place. You're not required to, but on weekends you can visit your homes
for obvious reasons."
"Anyway, that's all. If there's no further questions, please head to your homes and pack
your stuff. Welcome to the Hunters' Training Camp."
As they all headed to their homes, they talked with each other. They weren’t really
strangers after all; they all graduated from the same class.
"This first day was shorter than I thought," Akiro remarked.
"I know, right? So many people failed..." Gina responded.
"It's only gonna get harder from here on."
"Yeah, we have to run that distance every day, and Sensei says it's the easiest! Just imagine
what else we'll be doing..." Zeke lamented.
"Well, see you all at the dorms later," Kento waved as he went off.
"Yeah, see you later," a few responded.
As Jamal, Tarik, and their siblings walked home, Jamal talked with his friend:
"Are you ok, Tarik?"
"Yeah, I had enough time to rest earlier, I'm all good."
Jamal was feeling uneasy; after hearing what Satoru said to him, he was convinced that
Tarik would have failed because of him.
Seeing Jamal look on at Satoru, Tarik reassured his friend:
"Don't mind Sato. I wanted to run on my own."
"It bothers me just a little that I needed help...but, I wouldn't have passed this test on my
Tarik looked at Jamal and grinned at him, holding out his fist:
"Thank you for being there for me, my best friend!"
Jamal was reassured, and they fist-bumped each other.
"Well, let's see each other later. Let’s do our extra-best in training, no matter how hard it
gets! We’ll charge straight ahead!"
"Yeah, I won’t let anything stop me either! See ya!"
"Those two...they're late."
"I-I'm sure they'll be here soon, Tenchi-sama!"
In the meeting room sat the two Clan Heads, Chojo, and Miwa. They were awaiting Emir
and Fudo to start an important meeting regarding the affairs of the Dragon-Tails. Soon
after, the two had arrived, though Fudo seemed irritated:
"Sorry we're late!"
"sensei, you damn cheater."
"hehe, you're too slow, Fudo."
"you trapped me in a fucking Soul Barrier."
Chojo saw that only the two of them came in, and asked:
“What about him?”
“Probably out drinking and hitting on girls. You know how that guy is.”
“fucking disrespectful.”
"Anyway, let's begin. Miwa-san?"
"Yes. After conducting numerous investigations throughout the city, in addition to what
we've gathered from those we've imprisoned...we've been able to conclude that the
Dragon-Tails are indeed up to something even shadier than just being a cult."
"The Dragons who preach, advocating for the practice of Forbidden Arts, openly deny any
and all association with the Orochi, Inferno, and Apocalypse Gangs. However, based on intel
from the inmates, there's a motive behind all this."
"So, they actually have something planned, huh? Any details?" Gado enquired.
"That's the issue. Ever since the earlier times, when one becomes a Dragon, a spell is placed
on them wherein they can't reveal crucial information."
"...Well, isn't that suspicious..."
"Hm? Tenchi-sama?"
Tenchi then brought his knowledge to the table:
"I took the opportunity to examine the records of the Two Warriors, from even before the
days of the Founders of the Two Clans."
"As we should know, those Warriors single-handedly turned the tide of that Great Dragon
War, even slaying the 9 Dragons themselves. They also handled interrogations after the
"What I'm getting at is, the two warriors have no records of Dragons having had any spell
cast on them to conceal information."
"So, that means this procedure began after the end of the War."
"Precisely, Gado...something occurred after the death of the 9 Dragons, that they don't want
us to know."
Upon hearing this, Fudo raised an important question:
"Excuse me."
"Were the founders absolutely certain that the Dragons were killed?"
"Excellent question, Fudo."
"Well, it's written that 7 were killed on the battlefield, and the last 2 committed suicide.
Their bodies were confirmed as well, so they all undoubtedly died."
"So, that leaves..."
"B-But, is that even possible? Is there really a spell in existence that can revive the dead?
They’ve been dead for centuries, haven’t they?" Fudo asked nervously.
"To be quite honest, I wouldn't be surprised...that old fart, Hellam Ryūjin, to this day he's
still the King of Sorcery. No one, not even the likes of our ancestors, Emir, or myself could
ever compare to him."
"So, question...did Ryūjin have children?" Chojo asked.
"He had a daughter, one of the 9, who was killed. One of them was also his adopted
daughter, killed as well."
"No sons?"
"No record of sons."
Chojo then brought up an option which triggered a headache in all persons present:
"...I don't mean to be unrealistic...but honestly, the best course of action is to wipe out the
whole lot of them."
"you don't say."
"i know, i know."
"Yeah, I agree. But, permanently destroying a whole religion isn't as easy as it sounds."
Tenchi pointed out.
"Furthermore, we have our ancestors to thank for these shackles that have been placed on
us; 'Don't Kill the Dragons', my ass. We're the only ones who can, for God's sake." Gado
"We'll just have to start cracking down on them even harder. Sorry, but your guys' work
will only get harder from here on out."
"It's fine...what I do look forward to, though, are the new recruits in a few years. Sixteen
sounds like a lot, Chojo," Emir enthused.
But, Chojo gave Emir an unpleasant look.
"...What is it?" he asked him.
"I'm not exactly looking forward to another Dariyo situation, Emir."
Upon saying this, the room was left silent.
"...And? You think I'll let that happen?"
"That's what you said last time, wasn't it? You bastard?"
"Both of you, shut it."
Gado quickly shut down the conversation before it progressed any further.
"...What has happened, happened. We can't do anything about the past."
The atmosphere was restored, and they were ready to adjure the night’s meeting.
"Well, if that's all, I guess that's it for this meeting," Tenchi concluded.
"But, let me tell all of you...a storm is coming."
"We don't know when, and we can't stop it."
"...We'll just have to brace for impact."
"And, without a doubt, we'll overcome this disaster."
- In Serial8 Chapters
Rebirth of the Cultivator in the Apocalypse
Co-authoring this series with JL Huang! Link to his page here: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/145707 Wang Shen, after ten years of struggle in the apocalypse, has finally let the embers of his life die out. However, the heavens have granted him a second chance to make things right. This time, he’s ahead of the curve, having retained the knowledge of his previous life before it all ended. This time, he knows how to efficiently manifest his qi and to properly cultivate his body in order to surpass his previous restraints. Would he be able to transcend his limits and breakthrough this lifetime? Or would the world burn once more without change? Welcome to Rebirth of the Cultivator in the Apocalypse.
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Reborn into a world of magic and qi he strives to learn magic's intricacys while hiding from the nutjob muscleheads who pursue power through qi at all costs. Join him a tiger and a tortoise named lester on their journey. Note: Has a hard magic system, I am going to try and make the magic as rational as possible while still being fun,fantastical and cool. Any suggestions on systems of magic would be taken into acccount. also very open to suggestions
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Gaia Campaigner
Riu Kitsutsuki was not the smartest, nor the strongest, nor the most wealthy, but one day walking the streets of Tokyo a commercial catches his eye where Virtual Reality game Royal Road was announced. In that world is where he will find his way, his love of nature and magic surrounding will take him by the road to destruction and creation and its infinite circle.
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photoshop ; haechan
probably got surgery or some shit, a girl like you can't be THAT pretty. instagram/social media related au.-started: 11/15/18completed: 12/25/18-i do not allow translations for any of my books, i repeat do not translate my books.© Y3JUNS 2018
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You don't fall in love with your best friend. Especially if he has a girlfriend. A girlfriend who is drop- dead gorgeous and has a sophisticated British accent. But that's exactly what happens to Jade Tucker. When her best friend Alexander Carter comes back home after almost 8 years the last thing she expected was for him to have a girlfriend. Now her life is in a mess. She's is in love with her best friend who's getting engaged. And he wants to be Just Friends. Or does he? A story of friends, family and love!!
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