《Journey of Vessels》Day 3: Entertaining Conflicts


"What is there to fame, when there is nothing left to gain."


Skill List:

Kanji (lv0): Energy: Electricity, Thermal.

1. Infuse/Absorb

2. Energy travel

Claire (lv0): Creation.

1. Create (Slots: 5)

Inventory: Black cloak, crossbow, crossbow bolts, ammo pouch, fanfics.


A bright and blissful sun rises over a great and proud nation.

America... a land of freedom, guns, and totally normal healthcare.

On the east coast, a group of bald eagles takes off as the sun emerges from the horizon.

Wait...What the fuck is that?

A dark silhouette appears in the air, scaring away the flock of birds.

It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's-

Some douchbag with sunglasses.

What? You're expecting someone to be in bed.

Not this guy. He got things to do and places to be.

After all, he has a legion of 20 million subscribers and followers to entertain, being a famous solo Twitchnet streamer and Youtoober extraordinaire.

This guy is real bro to his friends and an insufferable prick to his enemies. Like literally, he gathers his fans to beat up people on the streets who are bullying the weak and poor all in the name of justice and all. Definitely not because he wants an excuse to fight people and this is the only morally right way to do it.

This guy achieved many things in his life, like winning a gold medal during the skateboarding Olympics last year.

Yes, Skateboarding became a part of the Olympics.

He is also an epic gamer, and was once on a famous esport team called "Dragons" for an fps game called "Overshot". However, he got his ass kicked after pioneering a certain ridiculous and outrageous cultural movement.

All of this ultimately contributes to his rise to fame, but most of his fans truly love him for his super chill demeanor toward any rage-inducing game or situation. So chill in fact that he sounds like he is always high on something.

He also created his own philosophy,

"Why would one waste their time raging about their problems, if one could waste their time solving it or just don't give a shit."

He kickflips onto a rail and then does a flip off the end, landing perfectly.

?? "Nailed it. 8 out of 8."

|His stream chat goes wild with Poggers and Pogchamps|

?? "Yo wassup, boys. Today is a big fucking day! I have a surprise coming, but we have to wait, bros."

|Chat spams Pausechamp|

?? "My homies are going come here to New York, my dudes. It's gonna be lit as hell."

|Chat spams Kap and Pepelaughs|

??: "Nah for real, I ain't kidding. I do have friends, you know! How about this?! If my friends don't show up, I will gift 10k subs."

|Chat spams EZ followed by -10000|

He then rides off to a large abandoned warehouse and heads inside.

It is so dark and eerie in here.

?? "This is a fucking perfect stage, man!"

He grabs an iron bat from his gray backpack and swings it at the windows. Streams of holy light peer into the building.

|His chat is flooded with WutFace emotes, some are followed by the text "MY EYES!!!"|

?? "Chat, lmao we were just outside."

He smirks and frames his fingers from the entrance. Looking in, the scene is pitch dark.

?? "Perfect."

He moves into the shadow and turns toward the entrance.

?? "Now we wait boys."


AN "Kanji. Claire. Wake up!"

The two lovebirds rise out of a pile of comfy blankets and candy wrappers.

Kanji/Claire "Yes!"


They quickly get on their feet.

AN: "I think you both should get going. You guys had enough... Ummm... "Me" time."

Kanji "Fine."

Claire "Okie Doki."

Today, Claire's sweater shows a drawing of herself and Kanji in a rubber hose art style. Kanji can't help but smile at it.

Claire begins to pack a bunch of random things into her backpack and awkwardly switches her skirt into another pair. Kanji tries his best to give her a bit of privacy and focus on packing his own bag.

They exit Claire's home momentarily after.

Claire "Shouldn't we take a shower first Kaney?"

Kanji "No, we have to be on our toes from now on. I feel like the enemy is close by."

Claire "You're so serious lol."

She smiles and secretly types something down on her phone.

Claire "So how are we are going to get to "Mr sunglasses"."

Claire giggles, mocking this certain individual.

Kanji "I think we will get to him by plane this time."

Claire "This time? Wait, How did you get to France the first time?!"

Ka: "I turned myself into air, but you shouldn't worry about that Claire. We should be more worried about how that guy will greet us. You know what he's like, remember that Clown incident. "

Claire "Please. DEAR GOD NO! Everyone is still recovering from that trauma. I still remember the way that one clown fit into the other one. I...I gonna vomit."

She barely stops the urge to do so, but luckily AN interrupts.

AN "Kanji. Why don't you just travel by your teleporter?"

Kanji "Sorry, AN. But I don't want to be seen using my own invention. Trust me, we would be flooded with reporters for hours."

They unanimously agree and start marching toward the nearest airport.

Kanji "Anyway, I like to spend one question for today AN."

AN "Sure. Go ahead."

Kanji "Are all the aspect wielders the same age?"

AN "No. They are not. Some of the previous wielders have huge age differences...Like 10 years difference. Why did you ask?"

Kanji "Umm...because all my friends are the same age."

AN "Ha, that's just a weird coincidence. Although, I did remember a rumor that says wielders of the same age are more bonded."

Claire "Awwwww. That's so sweeeet!"

Kanji "That's actually nice to hear AN. Even if it's just a rumor."

AN "You're welcome. Anyway, you should develop a new ability. As you said before, conflict could happen at any time."

Kanji "I already have an idea for mine, but there's no point in revealing it now."

Claire "I'm just gonna reserve mine for an emergency, ANTY."

AN "You gave me a nickname... that sounds nice I guess."

Claire "Yeah! It sort of sounds like aunty. The way you always worry about us reminds me of my aunt. May her soul rest in peace."

AN "Oh. Now I don't feel comfortable."

Claire "Don't worry, I doubt she would mind. She was a kind lady."

Kanji "That's quite wholesome, maybe you can tell us more about her later, Claire. For now, let's go back to what you said before. That was actually not a bad idea, I'll just keep my skills and adapt them to certain situations."

Claire nods and gives a hug, then skips way ahead of Kanji.

Claire "The last one to the airport is a rotten egg."

Kanji "Wait, slow down Claire! That's not fair!"


He sprints after her. Their chase eventually leads them to the airport.

Using Kanji's authority, they managed to secure first-class seats aboard a super-fast plane. Thus begins their departure off Corsica.

The journey was calm but long and they mostly slept the way through.

... And like a blink of an eye, They arrive in the United State of America, The land of the free.

Well.... they are actually in New York. The sound of traffic is deafening to their foreign ears, especially those who have never gone out of their own country.

Claire "What should we go now?!"

Kanji "I believe, he asked us to go to Dock 69!"

Claire "Seriously, 69! That silly perve lol!"

They get in a nearby taxi, freeing their eardrums from the busy streets. The driver lady asked where they want to go. They responded with dock 69.

Yet starts another frustratingly long trip is taken toward their second destination.

Kanji "... I swear if he is setting us up for a wild goose chase, I will make sunglasses illegal in the US."

He raises one of his red cards.

Claire "Kaney, at least we are finally here. What's next?"

They exit the taxi.

Kanji "I think he said to look for... a... Sign... Oh. My. God."

Kanji stares in disgust at a large billboard, which was vandalized with the word (Yo, dudes. Get Ur ASSES to this place). A scuff picture of a warehouse with an address is taped to the right corner of the board.

He facepalms.

Kanji "Oh, fucking hell!"

Claire "Hey, Kaney. Look!"

Claire points at a warehouse at the end of a nearby road.

Kanji "Heh, at least he had the mercy of choosing somewhere near."

Kanji and Claire approach the old warehouse. From the entrance, they see nothing but darkness covering the other end of the open space.


A voice echoes through the building and a dashing young man emerges from the darkness.

He has dark brown hair, parted from his far left to his far right and flaring down the back of his head. His demeanor and posture are that of a laidback douchbag.

He seems to wear a pair of sunglasses, an unbuttoned blue Hawaiian shirt, gray shorts, black flip flops, and a red t-shirt imprinted with a dark image of a middle finger.

Kanji "Dave, you look like the living embodiment of the word "Bro". Either that or the word "Asshole"."

Claire "Yeah, Dave. I expected you to have baggy pants or something."

Dave "Okay, first of all. Respect the drip, bro. Secondly, my real name is David Icarus. But you guys can have the privilege of calling me "Dave" anyway."

Kanji "Icarus? Are you half-Greek?"

Dave "Yes, on my mum's side. But on the big picture, shouldn't you guys be surprised?! I'm a famous streamer, dudes. I mean, I'm actually shocked that I'm friend with motherfuckin' Einstein over here."

|His chat spams 5head and Pogs|

David...no...Dave looks at Kanji. He is rubbing his chin, thinking.

Kanji "Wait a second. Holy shit! You're that bastard who leads the Meme-based Economy movement."

Claire "The what now?"

Dave "Aw-man, of all the things I did. That's what you recognize me by. Bruh."

Kanji "Well, I don't really watch streams or videos for that matter. I only play games, watch movies, anime, or invent things."

Dave "Jesus. You're such a boomer dude, but I'm not surprised omega lul. Don't worry! I'll teach you the ways of modern entertainment and with you on my side, my movement would sky-rocket. TO THE MOON!!!"

Kanji is reluctant to respond. But since Dave is technically his best friend.

Kanji "Fine, sure."

Kanji ~sighs~

Dave "Yes! I'll go over the details later, my dude."

|Dave's chat goes wild with EZ and Pepestonks|

AN "Hello, Mr. David."

Dave "Whoa! Who da fuck?! Was that a guy or a girl?!"

|Chat spams ??????? as they don't know what's he is talking about|

Kanji "Dave, meet AN. We need to discuss something in private. I suggest you block your recording drone."

Dave nods and puts a sweaty towel over the drone.

Dave "Sorry bros, you got cucked lmao."

|His chat spams Dansgame followed by Let us hear!|

Dave "Tell me the down-low brother.."

Kanji takes a deep breath.

Kanji "AN is an alien, a special one at that which is why AN's voice is the way it is. AN needs our help to defeat an alien overlord. All of us are chosen as wielders of aspects, giving us superpowers. The journey will be long and dangerous, and it is your choice if you want to join or not."

Dave "Dude. That sounds fucking sick! There is no fucking way I'm turning that shit down! I'm in, man!"

AN "Do you need an explanation of how your powers work, David?"

Dave "You can call me Dave by the way."

AN "Ok, Dave. Do you want an explanation?"

AN "Sure, AN bro. But you probably gonna explain it in some 5head way, right? Can you like dumb it to my level? Maybe do it like a video game?"

AN ~sigh~

AN "Sure. But first, let's see what aspect you carry."

AN spins the relic.

An arrangement of shapes and distorted forms glows a refreshing red color.

AN "You are now |_| The Aspect of Form |_|. A person that has been chosen because of a life-long achievement of preserving one's personality."

Dave coughs.

Dave "... Gamer style please."

AN "You were always cool and never changed."

He tips his sunglasses.

Dave "Nice. Continue."

AN "You are currently lv0, you can get a level by breaking crystals. Each level increases your range. You can only affect yourself or an item you're holding in the first level. Items leaving your grasp will quickly return to normal."

"Your aspect can change the shape and form of objects and even creatures only if their willpower is weaker than yours. Also, your aspect follows the one skill per day rule."

Dave "Alright, got it! This is enough for my monkey brain to understand, my dude."

He walks back to his drone and uncovers it.

|Chat is furious with a bunch of raging emotes like (HyperDansgame, Cmonbruh, Peeporage, Davemalding....)|

Dave "Yo, chill dudes. I'll explain."

|Chat is now filled with Widepeepoglad|

Dave "Anyway, Kanji here has invited me to be part of an augmented reality series where we fight aliens and shit."

|Chat releases all the Pog emotes|

Kanji whispers to Dave.

Kanji "What are you doing?"

Dave "Don't worry man. People these days barely believe in the supernatural. This lets us not worry about hiding anything and do whatever the fuck we want bro."

Cl: "Errrrr... guys. Take a look at this."

Claire shows her phone to them, several reports are coming in about Kanji and Dave. Some people are in absolute shock, some think this might lead to something bad but most people support the two being friends.

She looks at them with puppy-like eyes.

Claire "Why am I not mentioned?"

Dave "Because you're an introverted artist who barely even shows yourself to your fans."

Claire "Touche."

AN "Dave we will start activating your powers."

Dave "Let it rip, AN bro."

AN presses down on the relic.

A surge of power enters Dave's left arm, his limb now constantly changes its form between various parametric shapes.

AN looks to the viewing panels. The one under Claire's lights up, showing the view of Dave.

Dave looks at his new arm. Tears begin to pour from his eyes.

Dave "Kanji may... we.. may... we speak over there a bit."

They move away from Claire and Dave's audience.

Dave "Dude. DUDE!"

He shakes Kanji and looks at him all teary and sad.

Dave "You didn't tell me that I would be losing my god damn jerking arm for this!"

Kanji "What the fuck?! You stimulate yourself with your left hand."

Dave falls to his knees.

Dave "Yes... yes, man. It was... it was my partner."

David tears up a bit more, but then he suddenly perks up and stands back on his feet.

He raises his left fist.

Dave "Welp, My only choice now is the lose my virginity as soon as possible, dude."

Kanji stares at Dave confused as fuck.

Kanji "Why tho?"

He tips his sunglasses once more.

Dave "You said this journey is dangerous right. Might as well get laid rather than die a virgin."

Kanji stares at Claire and looks back at Dave.

Kanji "You don't mean Claire, do you?"

Dave "Claire. Eww! Hell naw! She is too much of a clumsy dumbass andy. You can have her."

Claire "HEY! You know I can hear you, Dave!"

Dave "Yikes. lmao."

They rejoin back with Claire and Dave's audience.

Kanji "AN. Was there something new that happened after Claire and Dave's awakening?"

AN "Yes, after Claire was awakened, a skills window popped up. It shows all your skills, your limits, and your remaining skill points. You have one and Dave has three skill points. It seems like late wielders have stacked amounts."

"After Dave was awakened, there is now a new button that temporarily buffs a member's skill once per day. According to what it says here at least."

Dave "Nice, we have plot armor lol. This might be unrelated bro but does this power stuff relate to my dreams, dudes?"

AN "Yes, it does. Dave, you are an active dreamer, you probably have dreamt of images that show some kind of importance."

Dave "Naw, AN bro. I know only one image of me fisting myself which honestly haunts me. I would NEVER try to punch myself, bro. So I took shungite pills to block my dreams."

Kanji "Isn't Shungite 98 percent carbon."

Dave "I don't know what they actually put into that shit. All I know is that stuff knocks me out cold man, I don't remember a damn thing."

|Meanwhile his chat spams a mix of GachiHYPER, GachiBASS, and GachiGASM|

Dave "Good one, chat. Anyway, thank you suspiousdweller300 for 10 gifted subs. I appreciate it and he says "Thank you for your location"."

Kanji and Claire sense something is wrong, and they turn toward the entrance.

A floating mechanical eye peers into their souls. In an instant, a flash of light obscures their view, slightly tingling their body.

Ten soldiers and six robed men appear before them.

From where the three are standing, they can see the soldiers holding some kind of small metal box. The box breaks open to reveal an orb or a spherical object, it is surrounded by broken pieces of said box.

Some of the orbs become the center of the crossguard of a melee weapon that looks like a long sword, but the blade is made of plasma. While the others attach themselves to the back of the soldiers' hands using the broken pieces to form a rifle.

Dave sees this. He walks in front with his backpack in hand and lays it down.

Dave "Aw shit, it's those guys that are bad at aiming from that one franchise. I'm guessing they're our enemy right?"

Kanji nods and prepares his chain.

Dave grabs out an Ak-47.

Dave "Eat lead bitches!!"

A barrage of bullets flies through the warehouse, but they ricochet off the armored soldiers.

AN "Dave. Kanji. Infuse your weapons with your aspect, normal weapons won't be able to hurt them."

Dave/Kanji: "Got it!"

Kanji's chain lights up with electricity and he strafes to right. Five soldiers and all the cultists chase after him.

Dave charges toward the remaining soldiers with his bat.

They fire a slew of plasma shots, Dave dodges but one grazes his right arm.

He endures the pain and keeps charging.

He finally reaches and performs a frontal swing at one of the soldiers. During the swing, he smiles and thinks of the concept of Expand.

David now knows

[1. Expand]

The bat increases in size by two times but carries its original momentum. The impact shatters the soldier's armor and knocks them toward another soldier. They both fall unconscious.

Dave "What?!"

A large soldier snuck up behind him and locked Dave's shoulders.

Dave "Well shit."

Another soldier goes forward with the blade weapon in hand.

Dave contemplates.

Dave "Think man think!"

An idea enters his head, he struck his torso with his chin as hard as he can. A flow of power travels to his spine, causing it to become spiky and grow longer, piercing the surface of his skin and stabbing the big oaf.

Dave now knows

[2. Spikefication]

The pain is unbearable but he holds on with his knees on the floor while his spine slowly converges back to normal.

He looks up and sees the blade coming down upon him. This is it, he's done for. But then-

-a crossbow bolt embeds itself into the soldier's head.

Dave turns around and sees Claire wearing a dark cloak, its hood is covering her head.

She looks different. Dave can sense an aura of blood lust coming from her, her eyes are crimson like blood, and her face shows no signs of remorse.

Claire "Get up David! The hunt has just begun."

She shoots two more bolts into the other two soldiers' knees, injuring them.

Dave snaps out it and focuses the grip on his bat. He leaps forward and side swings the injured soldiers.

|His chat goes wild with a bat emoji followed by x3|

Meanwhile, Kanji is surrounded. Encircled by soldiers and cultists.

The soldiers fire at him, but he leaps into the air. The barrage of plasma hits three of the cultist instead.

In the air, Kanji swings his chain at the remaining cultists. Strangely, they jump and grab onto the chain instead of dodging, electrocuting themselves. Kanji however loses his balance.

Kanji realizes, he is exposed from all angles.

Kanji "Shit."

The soldiers see this opportunity and fire a second round of bullets. A shot of plasma burns right through his left leg and his right arm, breaking its mechanical shell.

Kanji "Fuck! Argh!"

He falls to the ground. The soldiers prepare to shoot again.

Dave "Damn fuck. I can't get there in time."

Dave looks at Claire, she's moving slowly towards the dead bodies.

Dave "Claire, what are you doing?! Kanji bro is in danger!"

Claire ignores him and keeps walking.

Dave views his options and comes up with a strange idea. He grabs a rock and prepares to throw it.

Dave "I hope this works."

Using a lot of his strength, he throws the rock toward the soldiers.

Dave now knows

[3. Delay (10s)]

The rock lands its mark near the feet of the soldiers, distracting them. They look down and one of them picks it up.

"Seriously, you monkeys expect us to die to some primitive material. Truly, you are pathetic and here I thought the wielders would be much sca-

A pincushion of spikes erupts from the rock and skewers the five soldiers.


Dave rushes in and carries Kanji up.

Dave "Dude, you are hurt. Like really fucking bad, man."

Kanji coughs out blood.

Kanji "Sto-Stop Claire! Re...move the hood of her cloak. Some...thing's wrong with her."

Kanji lays down on the floor. David sprints and tries to grab her before she could reach the bodies.

Claire "GET OFF ME!!!"

She pushes herself out of his grab and aims her crossbow at Dave. Dave puts his hands up.

|His chat follows him by typing Handsup|

Claire sees him smiling.

Claire "Why are you smiling?"

Dave "Oh-nothing. Three. Two. One..."

The hood of her cloak folds backward. It seems that he put a rock in there during the period he was grabbing her. It was delayed to expand itself!

Dave "Gotcha dude."

Claire "Gotcha... what? You're being weird Dave."

Dave "Sure. I'M BEING WEIRD. Look at what you did, man."

Claire looks around in horror

Claire "Oh no. Oh... no no no NO!"

She curls into a ball, her mind is filled with discord.

Dave "Now is not the time to be dramatic, dude. We can go over this shit later. Kanji is really hurt, man."

Claire snaps out of it instantly and rushes to Kanji's side.

Claire "Kaney. Are you okay?!"

Dave "Claire bro, he got a huge-ass hole in his left leg."

Claire sees it and creates a medical device that looks like a syringe, the device fills in the wound.

Kanji "Wow, that feels WAY better."

Claire also spawns in a new mechanical arm for Kanji.

Kanji "Thanks, Claire. But I think we should let you touch the armor and weapons of these soldiers. It could be very useful for us."

Claire "Okay! Leave it to me!"

Claire moves toward the nearest soldier and takes a look at the weapons.

The orbs of the weapons look like it is made of some kind of transparent glass, inside lie a couple of rapidly spinning wheels and the center of everything is a strange white cube.

The rifle-like weapon base is attached from the back of the hand to the elbow, covering it with metallic scales. The grip of the weapon is on the palm, it looks like a handle for a suitcase and it is made of the same metal. From the back of the middle finger, the metal pieces create a broken rifle barrel. In front of the broken barrel lies floating metal bars that look to serve as the actual barrel of the weapon.

As for the sword, the crossguard looks like a metallic 12-leaf clover with six metal ant mandibles that hold the orb similar to prongs on a wedding ring. The handle looks like it is made of marble and rubber.

She tries to lean in to touch them.

Suddenly all the bodies get warped one by one.

Dave "Damn dude, I can't believe the enemy actually cuck us out of all our loot. Man, they must've thought ahead. Fucking 5head aliens."

Kanji tries to stand up and almost falls, thankfully David and Claire catch him by the shoulders.

Kanji "Well, the good news is that we are all alive. Dave before we leave grab an iPad-looking device out of my bag pack."

Dave reaches in and pulls out the device, six symbols light up.

Dave "Dude, what do I press?"

Kanji "Press the H icon."

He proceeds with Kanji's order, and Dave's arm reverts to an unchanged state.

Dave "Woah! Dude my arm is back! What the hell?!"

Kanji "It just hides your arm, don't get too excited."

Dave "You gonna do one for your arm bro,"

Kanji "No need, having a mechanical arm is pretty normal these days."

They walk themselves out of the warehouse and rest in a nearby hotel. The night is calm and tranquil with no sign of the enemy attacking.


Beyond the view of Earth, a general awaits the result of his assault.

A soldier nervously steps up to him.

"Umm.m.m..m.. Sir... sir. We got news from squad 56."


Karnat shouted with anticipation.

"All of them..."

He gulps, the soldier is covered in sweat and he could barely move from his position.

"...are dead Sir. And the cultist who knows the identity of the wielders also died along with them."

The soldier then quickly rolls to the bottom of a desk in fear.


Karnat stomps down from his command deck and goes toward the frightened soldier. He pulls him out from beneath with ease and stares at him eye to eye.


"Ye-Ye-YES, SIR!"

Karnat releases him and the soldier sprints out of the room.

Karnat looks at Earth.


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