《Honest Way of Living》Class Begin


It's Monday finally, Asfa woke up at 4 am. He was so exhausted yesterday that he fell on his bed as soon as he reached his apartment

"Wew, I guess I have recovered" Asfa swung his hands around while lifting 30 kg plate. He felt weird because it seems effortless to lift 30 kg load now.

"My strength must have improved from yesterday's event, let's see how much I can hold now.. 40 kg .. 50 kg .. 60 kg.. urgh" Asfa found it tough to lift 60 kg but it was doable for a minute.

Asfa decided to play around with his ability. It was almost 6 am and he was finally done. He wrote everything in his small journal.

Strength - 60 kg

Endurance - Max load for 5 minutes

Control - Dismantling faster , Writing

Technique - Push/Pull, Grab, Punch, Shield , Bind, Homing Knife

"Do I need to fight and kill bad people to improve faster.." Asfa realized that he can improve his ability much faster by fighting people in real life but it comes with greater risk. Asfa decided to continue with his daily training.

"I can't be greedy, slowly but surely. I only have one life"

After packing his stuff, he left the apartment to get the earliest train. On the train ride, he received an email from the college about his timetable schedule for this semester. He in fact got class to teach today at 10 am.

"Only 10 hours a week ? What an easy job!" Asfa put his phone back into his pocket and left the train. He walked pass the back alley where the incident happened to found that everything has been cleaned. Asfa don't want to stay there for too long, he acted casual and moved on toward the college. He stopped at tech the store first to get a new and cheap mobile phone.

Asfa spent less than 100 credits to get an old-generation mobile phone with decent functions. The new number was also registered immediately so that he could use it as soon as possible.


Asfa went to his personal room once he entered the faculty, he got like 2 hours before his class start. He will be teaching Class F from the freshmen batch. There will be at least 20 students attending. This semester, the subject he is teaching will be Basic Physical Body. Basically it is a study to ensure most freshmen have a physical better than ordinary people.

After doing a bit of preparation for his first class, he walked to the first class venue, which will be in the PE gym facility. Any PE related subjects teaching will be done here. "If only the college could give me the list of students attending my class, at least I can mentally prepare for the first class"

Asfa walks for a few minutes from his personal room and stops in front of the big door showing Class F and opens the door with his card key.

"Ah it must be the place used to teach. This hall is huge. Isn't it a little bit too much the freshmen?"

Asfa has done his research, he just need to train them to pass the physical test at the end of the semester. Roughly, it is easy to pass or ace the subject as long that these students practice for 5 hours weekly with the facilities provided.

There is a small platform that has a table and chair for the instructor, Asfa is sitting there while waiting for his students. Excitement made him 20 minutes early!

"I heard that our PE instructor is the only new instructor accepted this year"

"Why us?"

"I hope he is decent enough..."

"He has to be right? To be the only person who passed the test among the thousands of applicants. He must be good bro!"

"I heard he is 30 and still single! Something is not right euw!"

Asfa heard all of those comments but it is still tolerable. He is old enough to not get mad, especially toward these youngsters.

"Eh , why are they still waiting outside ? Is the door locked? Asfa checked the door and realised that the door is locked. He realised that there was a button on his table and he pressed it immediately. The door instantly unlocked. He was so glad that there is still 10 minutes left before the class start.


The students finally entered the hall without making any noise. Asfa was so surprised that these freshman are well-behaved.

"Elites are still elites. Just because they are in the last class of their batch, they are still more talented and more disciplined than the average"

Asfa waited for 10 minutes and the students are seated according to their choice. Fortunately, everyone is here. Asfa walked and stand in front of the students. He clapped for a few seconds.

"Congratulation for not being late for our first class for this semester. I am Asfa Hunt the newest PE instructor for this college, you guys can call me Mr. Hunt. Do put your effort to score this subject, with my guidance and the college facilities it is almost impossible to not pass this subject"

Asfa took 20 minutes explaining generally what the subject is all about, especially the requirements needed to pass or score this subject. Once he is done explaining everything necessary the students are allowed few questions before he start teaching. They must introduce themselves before asking, making it easier for Asfa to know some of them.

"Hello everyone, I am Ethan Brown from the Capital. Just like most of you, I am 17 years old. Mr. Hunt, Mr. Hunt, I heard that it is compulsory this year to pass this subject and those who have failed will need to repeat the semester. Is it true?"

Asfa kind of expecting this question, he has done some reading related to this question so he has no problem explaining about it. Asfa took 2 minutes to explain that the subject they are attending now is a core subject. Failing core subject will make them stuck as a freshmen even if they passed the other core subjects.

"Dont worry guys, like I said earlier it is easy to pass this subject as long that you guys put some effort"

Surprisingly, the students look calm and collected. In fact some students already raised their hand to ask question.

"Hmm, hello there Mr. Hunt. I am Max Sanders, 17 years old from the Capital. I heard from the other classes that during the mid semester break we are required to go camping outside for a week? Is it necessary to risk the our live outside? How does the college keep us safe out there?"

Asfa just knew about this today. These students seriously know way too much. He got an email related to this question this morning and the instructors will be briefed by the college admins next week.

"Um, thank you for asking that Max. Yes, we indeed going to camp outside during the semester break for at least a week. I am so sorry for not being able to explain in detail about this since the college admins are still planning for the sake of everyone. Rest assured, the college will always prioritize safety and health of the students"

Sadly, some the students look unconvinced. Children from big families, especially the one from Capital, were constantly targeted by evil organizations. It is easier to keep these students safe here but once they go outside things get complicated. Asfa predicts that the college will not pick somewhere too far from the Capital and lot of guards will be hired for extra security.

"Alright everyone, just one more question"

Suddenly, Asfa saw someone he knew. The student standing right now is actually the girl that got attacked yesterday.

"Hello there Mr. Hunt. I am Olivia from the Capital. How are you still single, it is quite rare for someone with stable income to be single especially in his early 30 ? Do you mind telling us more about yourself?"


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