《Lonesome Hill (One of my feature film scripts) Rated R -- Western》Section 5 -- Crows


EXT. tree outside fort, current time -- dusk

A bucket of water gets thrown into Daniel's face by Jenks. Somehow he had been so out of it they had already cut him down though his hands were still tied behind his back and he felt like a slab of beef that had been beaten for a few hours. Taylor stood a few feet off carrying his father's Henry rifle, with his dragoon pistol on his side. Jenks had a bandage around his hand and was still wearing Daniel's assortment of blades. Sgt. John's death gift to Daniel, still worn wrong. Jenks had obviously been [laying with them and holding the wrong end. There were two others standing off to the side equipped with the standard rifle of the Union, a Springfield single shot, the ones his Pa helped make in the hundreds.


Up and at'em soldier boy!!! Time for you to compe...conke...uhh....damn...


I think it's contemplate Jenks. That's the word the Shepard used.

Jenks leans down and punches Daniel in the face.


Why thank you Taylor. Are you ready to contemplate soldier boy?

Daniel spits out some blood.


Hey Jenks. You might not cuts yourself if you hold the other end of the blade and fat boy, keep my rifle and pistol well oiled and I might kill you quick when I come a callin.

Jenks moves forward to punch Daniel again but Taylor stops him then moves forward and uses the stock of the Henry to swing down at Daniel. Darkness.

INT. Cell inside compound -- early evening

Daniel woke to another aching head and jaw. One of these days he would know better then to open his mouth but probably not. Sgt. Johns taught him to well and his Pa and Ma. He found himself in a 10 by 10 cell with the only light a small barred window in the wall and a small window in the cell door with some lamp light flickering in.


One of these days I'm gonna learn to watch my mouth. (Laugh, then a hand to aching jaw) Who'm I kidden'

He started to check his injuries but then heard a key in the cell door. His throat felt as raw as a desert patch.



Step back from the door

The door opened and to his surprise along with the guard came the woman(Sara) he had seen with the young boy Jebediah. The Guard looked like he would be staying with her. She had a bucket of water with a ladle. She had also brought a small bag along with her. From some unknown reason Daniel brushed his hair with his hands wanting to be presentable or as presentable as a beaten numerous times hanging upside down from a tree all day could be. She smiled when she noticed what he was doing which made him more self conscious, the killer of many, a member of the infamous Blackstone's Misfits, nervous! She sets the water bucket and ladle next to him. He goes to reach for it but is weaker then he thought and winces with the movement of his arms. The look in her eye is one of mercy. She reaches in and ladles some water and brings it to his mouth.


Please, rest yourself Sir. The days are long and hard on that tree.

He looks shocked.


Thank u kindly Mrs.?

She gives him a shy look.


It's Miss, not Mrs. I ain't married. And my name is Sara, Sara Johnstone if you please.

This time when she ladles some water to his mouth, his hand cups her own. The guard grunts.


I take it by what you said that I ain't the first that seen that tree?

The guard moves forward just as she starts to respond. He grabs her by the arm roughly. Daniel moves to teach the guard some manners but the beating his body had taken portrayed him again and he collapsed.


Enough woman. You are supposed to give him the water and see he ain't broken. You done given him both in my take, so off with yas. The soldier boy needs his beauty sleep.(Laugh)

Sara shakes him off her.


Fine! At least let me see quick as can be to his blood less you want to be cleaning out this cell of it all over the floors.

The guard reluctantly grunts. Sara opens the bag and removes some linen that she dips in the water barrel.



They done did a number on your face. It might go easier if you just submit to The Shepard. Noone last more then 3 days on the tree, and that one's bones is hung up on a cross outside the gate.

She cleans his face and he winces a little.


My Ma and Pa taught me as a youngster that when you see a bully pushin' you push back. So I thank ya for your kindness, I do appreciate it greatly but the likelihood of me cowing to that crazy banshee is less then a bear walking by a cone of honey. I have seen far worse then these boys can dish out and I am still walkin' the green. I won't keep you though I wouldn't want to be the cause of trouble for ya.

She gave him a look of bewilderment and oddly enough of hope. The guard had had enough and grabbed her roughly again giving her barely enough time to grab her bag. He shoved her out the door. He looked back at Daniel.


Get yourself some sleep soldier boy. You gonna need it, more then you know.

With that the guard slams the door but not before he saw Sara look back at him forlornly. Daniel managed to take himself a couple more scoopfuls of water then dumped some handfuls of water over his head.


Damn all to hell. How in the walk of the river am I gonna swim my way out of this twist of slope. Well as Sgt. Johns always said "Let the day bring the truth of the road."

Daniel leaned against the wall in an attempt to get some sleep. He started to doze off when something hit him on the head. He looked down to see a hard biscuit. He looked up to the window to outside just another hit him.


Who the?


My momma said you a good man.

Daniel attempts to stand and lift up to the window which was too high to get to.


Jebediah, is that you?


No time. They coming. But I'm taking real good care of your horse and mule, like I said.


Jebediah? Jebediah?

When he hears no answer he collapses back down and looks at the hard biscuits like steaks and smiles.

Int. Cell -- dawn

It seemed like he had barely closed his eyes when he was being roughly picked up by Taylor and Jenks. The Shepard stood before him with Tuck behind him, this time with his club visible in his hand.


So Daniel Williamson you have spent one day upon the Tree of our Lord and one night in contemplation of the Devil that dances your veins. What say you? Have you come to understand the truth of the spirit and my role as the Voice of the Heavens within the green of this Earth?

Daniel being held upright between the two thugs and looks directly in the eyes of the insane. He spits on the ground.


What I understand is the same thing I reckoned yesterday. You all are rabid dogs, and there is only one thing to do with rabid dogs. Put them down quick and clean, though for you, I would hazard to guess long and messy might be a more fitting end.

He already knew it was coming and could see it in Tuck's eyes and the Shepard's steely angered gaze. Tuck's hand came whittling down.


Daniel wakes to again having blood trickle into his face. Even more crows sit upon the ground and more are heard above. This time noone is around.


Damn my head can only take so many love taps. I need to throw some hugs back that Tuck's way when I get the chance.(Laugh) Who am I kidden'. I will probably die swinging my nuts in the wind on this forsaken tree with a fucking crow chewing my eyes.

Daniel's eyes glaze hard.

DanieL (CONT'D)

Damn I don't feel so good.

The sound of crows cawing to the wind.

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