《Lonesome Hill (One of my feature film scripts) Rated R -- Western》Section 2 -- The Storm



Daniel walks wearily up to what looks to be a wooden fortified town soaked to the bone, visibility still down to nothing. He walks to the entrance pounding on the door and screaming into the night.


Anyone! Anyone! Open the gate! I'm drowning in this dog piss! Hello to the town! Fur trader! I need shelter! Dammit! Open the fucking gate!

Daniel waits for a moment and nothing happens. As he is about to bang on door again it opens. Two very disgruntled looking men with spencer rifles in their hands and holstered pistols at their hips, large hanging wooden crosses around their necks, step out in the rain. One, somewhat overweight mid forties man with several days of beard growth(Taylor) aims his rifle at Daniel while a taller skinny fella with missing teeth and his rifle pointed down (Jenks) spits tobacco on the ground.


What did the daddy storm spit at us Taylor?! (Spits again) It looks like a drowned rat he does wrapped up in all those furs. Wouldn't you agree Taylor?

Taylor nods his head, his rifle never wavering, sputtering lamps cast meagre light upon the scene hung up to a pole on the inside of each swinging gate.


Sure does Jenks! Just like a drowned rat or maybe even a drowned porcupine with all them stickers he got on him.(Laugh)

Jenks joins him as Daniel begins to get frustrated and tired of the idiots keeping him from some dry warmth.


That's a good one it is. A real good one Taylor, and is that a Henry rifle I see poking off that backside of his. (Spits)

Taylor nods his head in greed.


It sure is Jenks, it sure is. Blanks my Ma's Apple Pie, only see one of those in my days.


Daniel steps forward ignoring the fat one's rifle.


Hey look fellas. I don't want to stamp down your fun and all but I need to get the hell out of this downpour and near a fire and stable and unload my beasts. I got good furs and meat to trade. So please can we move this little show on the road?

Taylor and Jenks look at each other with a sly and haughty look.


Well ain't he a talker he is Taylor and a sharp mouth to it he does, maybe that porcupine call was as right as rain, those stickers ain't the only edge he got going. What you think Taylor? You reckon the Shepard want anything to do with this rodent we done found?

Taylor finally lowers his rifle as he scratches his head.


Oh I don't know Jenks. He did blaspheme in his big talk and you know the Shepard won't have none of that under his roof. But fresh meat does sound mighty good. Our supplies still about a week out. Hmm. But I don't know.

Daniel has had enough he stepped forward his hand on his pistol.


Ok fellas enough is enough. Let me the fuck in and get warmth on my skin and I know ya want the meat I got and the furs to keep your toseys warm in this flood.

Taylor takes a step back slightly raising his rifle at Daniel's aggressive behavior but at the moment the door of the main house to the left of the gate opens and a giant bear of a man steps out wearing buckskins and muscles upon muscles (Tuck)


Enough you two. Bring the gentleman in. The Shepard wants to take a look at a man who walks a night like this.


Taylor and Jenks shuffle their feet.


Ahh we was just having fun Tuck. Didn't mean no harm.


Yea Tuck! What Jenks says.

Tuck just glares at them as a young boy curls around him running to take the leads from Daniel to his horse and mule.


Shut it you two. Stranger welcome to Lonesome hill and God in your steps. Jebediah will stable your animals come on in and get warm, and thank the Shepard for his hospitality on this cold passage in winter's breath.


I'll take real good care of them sir, real good care.

Daniel finally breaks a smile and hands the reins to the boy as he starts striding forward.


I will quick as a hummingbird take you up on that offer. It's a damn ugly night in these hills.

Jenks and Taylor hold back for a second whispering to each other. Jenks closes the gate.


More blaspheming Jenks. The Shepard ain't gonna like this one. He'll be on the tree before the dawn mark me. See if he ain't.

They both start walking in. As they walk towards the main house Jenks spits on the ground again.


I wouldn't take that bet Taylor but I think you got it backwards. I don't think this fella is gonna like the Shepard. See if he don't, and I want those blades of his.

They both laugh loudly hitting each other on the arms. Jebediah peeks out of the door of the stable with a look of worry and fear on his face. The camera pulls out backing up and over the gate as a bright flash of lightning hits the night and down slope of the gate in the shadows of the trees several giant crosses stand with skeletons spiked to them.

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