《The Na'vi Je'daii (Star Wars FF)》Chapter 6.5


Red and blue blaster fire was exchanged over several kilometers. Explosions could be heard all over as the droids tried to pass the minefield and tanks unleashed wave after wave of fire.

Kavuk looked on from above with the other Jedi behind him. He knew that this was not a battlefield for them. If he or any of the other Jedi went down to the field, they would just be a liability for their side at worst or just plain useless at best.

The members of the Padawan Pack felt uneasy just standing there. They were not used to just watching a battle before them.

"Master Leska. Can we just stand here like this and not support the clones?" the Aqaulish Padawan named Warble asked after the others pushed him forward.

"Tell me. Where do you see an opportunity to go and join the battle? Are you skilled with a blaster and can shoot the enemy? Can you evade the minefield we place to meet the enemy droids head-on without being a distraction to our side?

I ask these not because I want to embarrass you but wish for you to see the bigger picture. As Jedi, we are not always supposed to use our lightsabers to attack our enemies. Sometimes, we our job is to simply stand aside and wait until we are needed."

"I understand, Master Leska. Thank you for your guidance."

Warble walked back to the group of Padawans and complained to them about forcing him to question Kavuk.

Trilla looked at the other Padawans and huffed to herself.

'How can they question Master? He already stabilized the army and led the enemy into a trap. What else does he need to prove to them?'

[General Anurai] a clone's voice came over Kavuk's communicator. [I have a message from Captain Fordo.]

"Pass it on."

[The assassin droids have managed to breach the west walls. He and the other Alpha-ARCs are engaging them but he requests reinforcement.]

Kavuk furrowed his brows when he heard this. This was completely unlike Fordo.

"Understood. I shall send the Padawan Pack to provide support."

Kavuk turned to the Padawans and nodded at them.

"You all wanted a fight, there goes your fight. Aubrie is in command of your group but Fordo is over all of you. Go!"

The Padawan Pack rushed out of the command room to go and engage to enemy droids. Trilla and Master Leska wanted to join them but knew that it was better to follow the commands of the general. If he needed them for anything else and they left, there could be trouble later on.

Soon after the Padawan Pack left, the doors they went through opened. Only instead of the clones or any Jedi, it was a woman with white skin who was wielding two red lightsabers.


Trilla and Leska were both stunned for a moment before they unsheathed their lightsabers. Ventress looked surprised when she saw Kavuk was not alone.

Kavuk turned his attention from the battlefield to her.

"Did you really think I didn't see through your little trick? Fordo and his team are more than skilled enough for a few droids. Even a hundred assassin droids would not be able to beat them. Even if he did need help, he would contact me himself."

"Then why did you send the Padawans away, Jedi?"

Ventress began to circle the room thinking about how she was going to kill 2 Jedi Masters and a Padawan in such a confined space.

"Simple. I want to capture you alive and if any of them were here, that would make things much more difficult."

Kavuk ignited his lightsaber and shifted it to H3/B1 form before charging over to the assassin. Surprised that he wielded a lightsaber pike, Ventress was caught off guard as she was pushed back.

Thanks to his large body and enhanced martial skills, Kavuk was able to wield his lightsaber pike easily with only a single hand as he pushed Ventress back further and further. When she was pushed back to the wall, Ventress knew she had to counter or else she would be struck down.

So she made a move.

When Kavuk stabbed forward one more time, Ventress pushed her right arm forward and caught the lightsaber with her bare arm. This move cost the assassin her arm but she was able to push past Kavuk's offense and close in on his body.

"Die, Jedi!"

Ventress stabbed her blade upwards in an attempt to pierce through Kavuk's skull. But before the blade reached, Kavuk released his lightsaber as he bent backward to dodge the blow while kicking forward at the same time.

Unprepared, Ventress was kicked with a Force-enhanced foot and sent flying into the wall, creating a small crater.

Kavuk picked his lightsaber back up before turning it off and returning it to H1. He then walked over to Ventress to check on the assassin. When he pressed his fingers to her neck, he could tell that she was still alive.

"Didn't expect her to make such a desperate move. Luckily, it seems that she will be able to keep her arm."

Kavuk called for several troopers that came into the room with their guns readied. He held up his arm to let them know that Ventress was no threat.

"Put a set of cuffs on her hands and legs. Make sure they are connected to a collar and keep them tight. Then put her in a bacta tank so that she can keep her arm. Letting her remain in her best condition will ensure that she survives prison."


"Yes, General!"

As the troopers were putting the cuffs on Ventress, the various Padawans returned from their 'mission' in disappointment. By the time they arrived, the battle had already ended and they weren't needed.

Several of the Padawans ignited their lightsabers and held position at the door while Xiss charged over and attempted to strike down the Ventress only for her blade to be blocked by Master Leska's.

"No, Padawan! She is unarmed and unconscious. There is no reason to strike her down."

Xiss turned her rage towards Leska and began to unleash several strikes.

"She chopped off my arm! She beheaded my Master! She is responsible for all the deaths on this battlefield!"

Before Xiss could continue she felt herself being pulled away.

"Enough! If you continue with this behavior, I will have you sent to the prison cells along with her. This is not the time for infighting!"

Xiss glared at Kavuk to try and see if he would back down but when she saw the cold look in his eyes, she knew better. If she continued to press forward, she would certainly end up in the cell next to Ventress and be branded a traitor.


Xiss punched the wall with her cybernetic arm before rushing out of the room. Most of the other Padawans sent Kavuk a look before they left as well with the troopers carrying Ventress leaving not long after them.

"Master. Has anyone told you that you have a way of making people, not like you?" Trilla teased her Master to try and lighten the mood

"Hmm. My Master and my close friends have told me the same. But they also say that it is my charm as well."

Kavuk turned from his Padawan and went towards the window to see how the battle was progressing. Most of the Separatist main forces were stuck in the swamp in front of their base and were nothing more than sitting targets while elites had either already been killed by the bombing runs Daredevil was conducting or since they had foolishly tried to break into the facility to assassinate him.

[General. The enemy are waving their flag to surrender and most likely wish to negotiate their terms of surrender.]

"Understood. I'll send Fordo to bring them to HQ to negotiate. You can stop bombing them, Daredevil."

[Roger, roger.] the pilot joked


General Stratus stood across the table with his most trusted lieutenants by his side. As he looked at the tall Jedi that had completely ruined his plans, all he could feel was rage and disappointment.

'We were so close. But if we continue, all that we shall receive is death. I must try to get the best terms for my people.'

This is why he revealed that Obi-Wan and Alpha-17 were still alive. He was hoping that by divulging this information, he could at least keep his head and be imprisoned instead of being executed.

Kavuk passed over the document he had written up. It needed both the Nationalist side and Loyalist side commanders to sign for it to become official. But when everyone read it, they were shocked.

- Both sides are to lay down their weapons and not engage in combat for at least 2 years times

- There shall be an election for the next leader of the planet and council members that shall assist the leader

- The Republic shall have troops stationed in orbit to provide protection but will not get involved in minor civil disputes.

- Alto Stratus and Asajj Ventress shall be pardoned for their crimes and rebellion in exchange for the safe return of Republic Commanders Alpha-17 and Obi-Wan Kenobi

Even Trilla couldn't help but question her Master when she read the terms of the agreement.

"Master! Can we really let them both go just like this? They are responsible for the deaths of so many troopers and Jedi."

"And are we not responsible for the deaths of many of their commandos? In fact, you could say that the Republic was in the wrong in this situation.

For years, the Republic has abandoned this planet. They allowed them into the Republic but did not provide any support to them, instead taxing them heavily. The civil war on this planet has been going on for months. It was only when the Republic found out that the planet had rare resources, did they send such a large force to keeping the Separatists from getting them.

This is a war, Padawan. No side is right or wrong in most situations. Just as many fight for a just cause on each side as there are those that only fight for personal gain and greed. The only reason why the Jedi are even involved in the war and have taken the side of the Republic is simply because the Sith are on the other side."

Trilla nodded.

"I have much to learn, Master."

"And I have much to teach, Padawan. We make an excellent combination in this way."

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