《The Na'vi Je'daii (Star Wars FF)》Chapter 2


The inside of the gunship was dark. The only light that they were given was the red emergency lights. Kavuk and the clones under his command were also silent. They were about to embark on the most dangerous but also important mission of the battle.

But even though it was so dark and quiet inside, the outside of the ship was an entirely different story.

Constant explosions could be heard from the cannons trying to shoot them down. The occasional sound of CIS fighters flying past their ship also put the men inside on edge.

Kavuk looked around at his men and nodded. He appreciated that they were able to stay calm even under the circumstances that they were put under.

He had been placed in charge of his Commando Group for 2 months since the Clone Wars broke out. And each day had been literal hell for him and the men under him.

Kavuk was able to realize it after the Battle of Geonosis. The Jedi did not know how to lead armies.

Growing up with his parents, Kavuk was not influenced in the Jedi way as most were. He became a member of their order because of his master and stayed because of the good they could do. But his beliefs constantly clashed with those of other Jedi.

And the belief that the Jedi's way of fighting was the most superior was the one he disagreed with the most.

Most Jedi Generals had their clones follow their lead on open battlefields or partake in dangerous plans simply because it made it easier for the Jedi to fight, unaware that this put their men at risk. and the SO BDE had it the worst of them all.

The Special Operations Brigade was initially created to be used on crucial, undercover missions. The clones would get in and out before they could be identified, most of the time without the CIS ever knowing they had been there. But that was not how the Jedi had used them.


Even during the First Battle of Geonosis, half of the SO BDE was wiped out because they were ordered to fight on the battlefield like other clones instead of in their specialty. And in the past two months, 10% of the remaining members of the SO BDE had been killed.

Kavuk was constantly fighting his superiors to send his men on missions that suited them but he was met with disapproval due to his young age and inexperience.

In response to this, Kavuk decided to do things on his own. Instead of sending his men to the frontlines, he would deploy them as he pleased. They were sent to take out key targets instead of as reinforcements like most Jedi Generals expected.

This caused the casualties of Kavuk's Commando Group to only lose a single squad of commandos among his 125 squads. Kavuk was well respected among the commandos, even the ones not under his command, but become well hated amongst many Jedi Generals whose orders were disobeyed. But no matter how he acted, the Jedi could say nothing to him. His mission success rate was astounding.

His current mission was no different than all the others. 9 Jedi in total were being sent to support Kamino from a Separatist invasion. Obi-Wan would lead the ground reinforcements while Kossex would lead the aerial units. Kavuk was to provide his 'special' support on the ground.

"General. The other LAATs have split off and are going to their various locations. We will be arriving at ours in 1 minute," the pilot brought Kavuk out of his thoughts.

The na'vi Jedi nodded before addressing his men.

"You all know the plan. Destroy the bridges that you have been assigned. The squads that have been assigned the special mission, get ready. If it comes to it, I want you all to detonate at a moment's notice. Either way, we are leaving in 45 minutes. Meet back at the landing spot by then!"


"Yes, General!" the commandos responded. Each of them readied their blasters.

Soon, the LAAT landed and the doors opened. As soon as it did, Kavuk and the commandos rushed out. There was no blaster fire due to no droid seeing them and that was how Kavuk wanted to keep it.

The commandos split off and began moving around the city of Tipoca. Kavuk led two squads into the heart of the capital. They came across hundreds of droids but using their cooperation, they were able to eliminate all of them without making a sound.

Soon, it was only Kavuk and a single squad of commandos standing outside of a tower. All the other squads had spread out across the city to provide special support to the other clones or protect key areas of the city.

"Let's go!"

Kavuk charged into the building first, cutting down every droid within arms reach. The squad of commandos that followed him had stayed near the doors and fired at any droid that Kavuk couldn't reach or ignored.

Soon, the group was able to cut through most of the Separatist forces until they reached the command center of the battle where a familiar figure was waiting for Kavuk along with someone that Kavuk had never seen before. A Kaminoan.

Kavuk bowed in greeting, "Master."

"Hmm. It is good to see you, Kavuk. If only under better circumstances. So far, they send wave after wave of droids and we have yet to meet their main force but we have already been pushed back to such a degree.

Sir Lama Su was just telling me about a type of clone trooper that they have in stasis. These troopers may be the key to winning this battle. And you shall lead them."

Kavuk nodded before turning to the two squads that had accompanied him.

"Head down to where the fetuses are stored. Secure the area!"

"Yes, General!" the commandos answered before taking off

Kavuk turned to the Kaminoan and tilted his head.

"So where are these new clones?"


"Sir. Our main forces have now been able to land but we are experiencing an issue," a B1 commander droid spoke into a communicator. "The vanguard was unable to secure the perimeter around our landing zone. Most of the bridges that would lead us deeper into the city have been destroyed while the ones that remain are in the line of sight of the Republic's artillery."

The communicator was quiet for a moment before a robotic voice spoke up from the other side.

"Then it is most likely General Anurai. He has become more and more of a thorn in the side of the Separatist forces. Let the forces that have already landed continue fighting. Bull the rest back to the ships. This battle has lost its purpose."

"Roger, roger!"

This command sealed the fate of the rest of the battle. The Separatists no longer continued to reinforce their droids which meant that after a few waves of droids rushing into artillery cannons, top-of-the-line blasters, and lightsabers, did the remaining Separatist forces retreat.

Kavuk stood atop one of the spires with several Alpha-Class ARC troopers around him and watched as the droid ships left Kamino.

'They brought so many forces but left so soon after my men disrupted their plans. It seems that the Separatists have a new commander under their thumb. I wonder if they will be any fun to play with. The droids aren't that satisfying to just beat anymore.'

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