《Knights of Auran》The Call Part 4
"Rise and Shine Stewart." Said Agent Reynolds greeting Stewart with his signature smile.
Stewart tries to swear and spit on Agent Reynolds but he couldn’t speak, in fact he couldn’t move. His mouth, his body, nothing was responding; with the exception of his eyes. He then realized his entire body was paralyzed. He couldn’t even express how scared he was as to why he couldn’t move an inch. Agent Reynolds notices as he hovers over Stewart’s shoulders, next to his ears.
"Can’t move?" He asked. "We gave you something, just to help you to relax.”
Reynolds straightens up and signals the orderly to follow him. They arrive at a large room filled a group of scientists computing numbers and checking data from their computers. In the center of the room, large cylinder tower with a copper inductor surrounding it. The cylinder tower on top has terminals like on an electrical transformer protruding up to the ceiling. Wires from the inductor are connected to the terminals on one end. The other end is connected to 5 pods which were connected to vital machines. Four of the pods were closed and occupied with Jin half breeds. Two young adults, a male and female and one teenage girl all with their heads shaven to baldness. The all had electrodes attached to foreheads which were connected to the machines and electrodes connecting them to their vital machines. The three were awake but in a trance as they stared blankly at nothing. The three stopped at the fifth pod which was still open. The Orderly starting unstrapping Stewart from the wheelchair.
"Welcome Stewart to the Tank." Reynolds announced. "Wanna know why you’re here?"
Agent Reynolds takes out a key and unlocks the electronic shackles from Stewarts hands.
"Those three over there are Jins like you. In fact, they’re type -A half breeds with psychic abilities." Reynolds explains.
The orderly picks Stewart up from the chair and rests him in the pod and starts strapping him down as well as connecting him to vital machine and the Tank itself with the electrodes. Reynolds watches the set up.
"You see kid, you guys are what we call an elite class. You can all see events in the future that may or may not happen. That’s how we found you. We wanted to make sure this event would happen and I’m glad it did because that means you can be a big help to our cause." Reynolds continued.
Once the orderly was complete connecting Stewart to the machine, he presses the button to activate the pod. The pod door closes, and the machine is activated. The machine hums as it turned on, Copper inductors begin to spin conducting electricity. Stewart scared and defenseless could only look around. Reynolds continues to look at him with his signature smile.
"It’ll be alright Stewart, just think of yourself as a human battery for this machine, as it uses every ounce of the jin powers you all contain."
He wanted to scream for help as he could feel the effects of the machine begin to take away his personality, his whole being. He was helpless to the humming sound of the machine as it was soothing almost hypnotic like. A single tear rolled down is face as it wasn’t long till he was entranced by the machine that took over his mind. As Agent Reynolds notices that Stewart was under their control. He takes a few steps make to monitor the machine to see what would happen next. Drawing the powers of all four Jin half breeds, their energy then surges and powers up the terminal rods which emit a virtual HUD resembling a tv screen including a snowy image like an old tv. Reynolds Chuckles to himself
"I knew you were special son." Reynolds said. "Now I need you to help me find someone that is more elusive than you. I need you to show me what happens next for Kevin Riley."
Morning arrives, Kevin is dressed up for graduation with nice looking slacks a dress shirt and tie. He comes downstairs with a backpack that contains his bike uniform as he and his friends will be heading straight to the stadium. His mother comes out of the kitchen as she finished putting the dishes away and sees Kevin dressed up. She shrieks in glee as she is stunned to see her oldest looking so handsome. Kevin begins to blush.
"Oh look at my baby!" Kevin, you look so handsome! She exclaims as she looks over him and makes slight adjustments like all mother’s would.
"Mom, really? Come on, I gotta go." He said a little annoyed but he knew this would happen and gave in.
"I know, I’m just so proud of you." She said. Then her expression changed to concern. "How are you feeling, after last night?" She asked.
Kevin knowing there was no point in tell her how he really felt just softly smiles at her I guess it was just a nightmare.
"I’ll be fine. He said."
His mother then smiles as well.
"We’ll see you shortly, Brandon is getting ready and it won’t take long for your Father and I to get dressed." She mentioned.
"Alright, see ya then." Kevin said as he leaned over and kissed his mother on the check.
He left for the kitchen door that led into the garage. He put on his helmet and started up his motorcycle. He pressed the key fob and the big garage door opens allowing him to drive out and onto the road heading to school. Unknown to him, Agent Reynolds in an unmarked vehicle, just a house down parked beside a vacant lot was watching him leave but didn’t follow. Instead he drives over to the Riley resident and parks at their driveway. He gets out the car, walks up to the front door and rings the doorbell. It took a minute till Kevin’s mother answers the door and looks shocked to see Agent Reynolds stand before her. He removes his hat and smiles at her.
"Peter, is that you?" She asked.
"Hey Lexci, you look like you haven’t aged a bit." Agent Reynolds replies.
The two embraced briefly and she escorts Reynolds in the house.
"Can I get you anything?" She asked as she guided him to the living room to sit.
"A cup of your famous joe would be nice right about now." he stated as he sits down.
"Of course and I’ll get Ben." She said as she heads to the kitchen.
After giving Agent Reynolds his coffee she goes to get Ben who was once again in his office at work. He was already dressed for the graduation and as always heavy into his work. Lexci knocks on the door and opens it a bit to peek her head into the room.
"Ben dear, you have a guest." She mentioned.
"Who is it?" Ben asks not even looking up from his computer as he continued to work.
"It's Peter." she announced
Ben immediately stops when he heard the name Peter. He then looks up at Lexci confused and unsure if he heard correctly. She just smiles and motions him to come out of his office.
"I’ll get ready while you two catch up." She chimes as she closes the door.
Ben pauses trying to calculate every scenario as to why Peter is here. All his questions and thoughts of course led to one obvious reason, Kevin.
He leaves his office and locks the door behind, just in case. He arrives to the living room to see Agent Reynolds enjoying his hot beverage in peace with his back facing Ben as he sits on the recliner. Ben clears his throat which draws Reynolds’ attention. He carefully puts his coffee down on the table and looks back to see Ben standing at the entrance way of the living room.
"It really is you." Ben replied.
"It’s been a long time my friend, too long." Agent Reynolds replies.
The two hugged and held tight as it was good to see each other. Reynolds pats him on the back. They let go and sit down in the living room.
"You’ve been good?" Reynolds asks.
"Yes, this place is peaceful, like you said. Everyone keeps to themselves and that’s what I prefer for my family."
The two then became silent, unsure of what to talk about. Ben wanted to know what Peter was here for and Peter wanted to see if Ben had more information that he’s hiding about Kevin. Peter then breaks the silence.
"So how’s the family? I hear you have another kid, could he be a late bloomer too?" Reynolds mentions.
"Why are you here Pete?" Ben asks looking at him seriously.
"What, can’t I come by and see how my old friend is doing? Remember who helped you get here in the first place." Reynolds replies sternly.
"Peter, you and I both know that someone of your rank wouldn’t be coming here unless it’s coming from the higher ups. What are you doing here?" Ben asked again.
Agent Reynolds sighs as he brushes his hair back.
"Ben, they opened up your son’s case again. They were going to assign another agent to this case but I volunteered my services instead so I could warn you. They’re gonna find ways to bring out his ability, one way or another." Reynolds announced.
Ben grew nervous. He gets up from his chair and paces back and forth trying to comprehend the bad news.
"But I’ve been monitoring him since that night." Ben exclaims. "There is no sign of his powers emerging. What if I give you my work? Will that help?" He asked.
"Do you honestly think that will steer them away? They won’t be convinced until they have him." Reynolds replies.
Ben puts his hand on his forehead worried and trying to come up with something to resolve this, but nothing seemed to come up. He stops to look at Reynolds upset.
"So what am I supposed to do, take my family and leave this place?" Ben asks rhetorically. The Avant Guard is everywhere.
"He can stay with me?" Reynolds offered.
Ben looks at Reynolds surprised and upset that he would even think of such a thing. Reynolds notices and quickly stands up with his arms slightly raised gesturing Ben to calm down before he blows his top.
"Just hear me out Ben." Reynolds mentioned. "I’ll keep him hidden from the higher ups, change his identity..."
"Pete, you’re asking me to expose my son to the Advant Guard in plain sight?" Ben asks raising his voice. "Do you take me for a fool?"
Before Reynolds could answer Lexci walks in dressed up, makeup and all, wearing a white floral printed sun dress that stretched down to her knees with matching shoes. The two noticed and drew their attention to Lexci.
Lexci, stunning dress on you. Reynolds compliments.
"Thank you Peter". Lexci chuckled. She then looks at Ben. “Ben, we should be going or else we’ll be late.”
You and Brandon head to the car, Peter and I were just wrapping things up. Isn’t that right my friend? Ben asks as he looks at Peter in a friendly gesture. Peter smiles as well so not to look upset that Ben wasn’t going to take his offer.
"It was nice to see you again Lexci." he stated.
"You too, Peter." she replied.
She calls for her youngest son who comes down stairs in casual attire. She and Brandon head to the car outside the driveway while Ben escorts Peter out the house locking the house behind them.
"Just give it some thought old friend." said Reynolds. "A time will come where not even our friendship can protect him."
Reynolds puts his hat back on and leaves for his car. Ben does the same. As Ben enters into the car, Lexci noticed he was looking nervous and upset as he was putting on his seatbelt while being lost in thought. She gently places her hand on his lap causing him to snap out of his train of thought. He looks up to see her concerned.
"You ok dear?" she asks.
"Uh, yea. Everything is fine." he answers.
Ben looks up at his rearview mirror to see his youngest son Ben playing games on his phone. Then he looks beyond him and sees Agent Reynolds backing out from the drive way and driving away. He signs deeply..
"Just old friends catching up."
Ben starts up the car and the family heads to the highschool just in time as the graduation ceremony is underway. They find their spots and sat patiently waiting as the students were called up in alphabetical order to pick up their diplomas. When it was Kevin's turn, they all stood up and cheered for him as he picked up his diploma and shook hands with his Principal. The ceremony came to an end and the students, like all traditions threw their hats in the air. Soon all families and friends moved from inside the school and all gathered outside taking pictures, socializing and saying their goodbyes. Kevin and his family were taking pictures when Johnny walks up to them.
"Hey man, we gotta get going or else "you know who" will come after us." Johnny warns Kevin as they both knew would have their heads if they were a minute late. Kevin takes off his gown still wearing his slacks and dress shirt and tie under it and gives the graduation gown to his mother.
I gotta go, but I'll see ya at the stadium. Kevin quickly said before he bolted to his motorcycle where Johnny was waiting for him with his backpack in his hand. Kevin boards bike takes his backpack from Johnny putting it on. It wasn't long till they he started up his bike and the two road off onto the highway and towards the stadium. They drove past a large construction sight where plans for more homes were going to be made but the workers had to clear one more patch of wooded area before they could really build anything. Unknown to them, inside one of the trees was a hollow opening, but inside something was softly glowing. Inside the tree was an old rusty metallic box partially opened. Inside that box was something glowing inside emitting a very low resonating humming sound. Several workers were using dozers to knock the trees down while others were using chainsaws to try and finish the area as fast as they could before the sun goes down. A couple of construction workers with chainsaws in their hands were walking towards the tree with the metallic box inside which was still resonating that sound. The construction workers started up their chainsaws and started working on cutting the really thick tree. The sound and vibrations coming from the chain saw caused the tree to shake and vibrate. as they tree started to shake it cause the lid of the metallic box to open wide revealing a clear white stone that looked exactly like the stones from the various temples in the other world. The stone reacts to the shaking of the three and responds by glowing bright and emitting a type of small emp that causes the chainsaws to stop dead in their tracks. The workers were confused as to why their chainsaws stopped working and left to report their failed attempt to cut the tree down. As they left, the stone then emits a sound that couldn't be heard by just anyone. It spreads out of its area across the county. The sound then reaches towards the stadium where the VMA was begin held. Kevin and Johnny were the last two in the male locker room getting dressed.
"Attention all racers, please report to the tracks we will begin the race shortly. I repeat, all racers report to the tracks, we will begin the race shortly." The announcer reports as his messaged reached their locker."
"This is it." Johnny said as he grabs his helmet. We got this in the bag."
Kevin picks up his helmet and prepares to leave till he started to hear an odd high pitch like sound. It started out faint but then started to grow louder and louder. He stops in place.
"Hey, do you hear something?" He asked.
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