《The God Crisis》Chapter 17 - Synethaes
Tad made it back to the cooking area to find that most of the people had already eaten. He was looking over the food on the table when Terri walked over to him, holding a plate of food.
"Tad, I saved some for you. It wasn't easy. The meat from that pod is a real hit. If we were at the Bazaar, I think we would be rolling coins, " said Terri as she handed him a small plate that had several pieces of meat with small sticks stuck through them.
He picked up one and started chewing the food. The flavor exploded inside his mouth. He chewed it for a few seconds, then went to grab another one and paused. He used his magic sight on the food. He didn't see any magic in any of it.
"Wow, that is amazing? That is just cooked over the fire? " asked Tad as he ate another one. He counted, and he only had five bite-sized pieces left. Why was he counting? Shees, it was good.
"Well, I didn't just cook it over the fire. There are a few spices on it, like salt, pepper, and a bit of garlic powder. I'm almost out of that, I'm sure everyone would enjoy it with a little salt and smoke flavoring, but that seemed a bit too crude even for a camp set up like this, " said Terri.
"Nice work. I'd definitely pay extra for something like this at the Bazaar, " said Tad wolfing down his last couple of pieces. There were some mushroom chunks also on the plate. All he needed now was an ale. He looked across the fire to where several men were sitting around drinking ale. "Thank you for saving me some. It was quite delicious. " Tad nodded to her and walked over to get one of the mugs and talk to Jared, who he saw sitting there.
"ah, Tad, you made it. I was hoping to hear that story you promised earlier. Also, could you tell us what happened at the gate there? We keep hearing stories about you getting your face burned off by demon fire. Yet you're here looking healthy enough, " said Jared as he waved at the chair across from him in the circle.
Tad took off his hat, "You might say there was a bit of fire. " Tad's head was shaved down to help match the bare spot of missing hair. It would grow back in a few weeks. He put the hat back on and sat down smiling.
Jared nodded, seeing the missing hair and half an eyebrow gone.
Tad spent the next hour telling the men about the battle with the undead on the cliff, skipping the information about Orion, and then describing the battle with the devourer. He was discussing his hat when Jack came out of his trailer and walked to the World Egg.
Jack projected, "Com'on, Kid, it's time to get some answers. "
"Jared, I have to go discuss something with Jack. Oh, if you have any higher quality arrows for sale. Lamruil could use them, " said Tad as he stood up to follow Jack.
"Sure Tad, I think I have a few that would be able to hold a fair bit of magic in them. We can't have Lamruil burning his hand off because of my ware's now, can I, " said Jared with a smile and a wave of his ale mug.
Tad nodded, then turned and followed Jack up the wagon steps and into the World Egg.
"You know Jack, I think I'm going to need a shrink enchantment in here soon if you are going to keep coming in, " said Tad. The door closed behind Tad as he entered.
"Open this tube and have a chat with this Mistress Synethaes, " projected Jack.
Tad scooted around Jack to stand in front of the tube containing Synethaes. "Ok, Kettle, make it so we can talk to her again, please, and be ready, " projected Tad to his friend.
The front of the tube turned opaque, and Tad could see Synethaes. She was awake and regarding Tad and then Jack. The vampire posture somehow made Tad think she was in there because she wanted to be. She had poise and this tiny frown on her lips. Tad took a deep breath then a tiny section turned grey, and Tad could sense the vampire inside the tube. She felt empty but more than one of the undead he had fought on the cliffs.
"Synethaes? That is your name, correct? " asked Tad. Jack didn't care for being nice to evil creatures, but Tad didn't think being polite would hurt here, especially if they wanted her to answer questions or help to cure Aea.
Synethaes eyes centered on Tad, away from Jack, who had started to glow. "Yes, who are you? Why do you have me in here? " The charm for languages was heating up a bit on Tad's wrist.
Tad nodded and looked at Jack, then back to the vampire. "I am Thaddius Rockgrip. We have you in there because you're a vampire. I expect you already know all this, so let us skip to the reason your awake and not staked out in the sun somewhere. I would like to know how to cure Aea of whatever vampire curse holds her, " said Tad. Tad's voice was serious, and he spoke slowly, he might be polite, but he didn't like vampires.
Synethaes looked at him, thinking for a few moments, then spoke, "Aea is awake then, and you need something from me. Well, that is better than expected. Then we are to make a deal? "
Jack started to glow brighter, and he lowered his horn, pointing it directly at Synethaes in her tube.
Tad took a deep breath, "I don't think you understand the situation. There is very little keeping you alive, or whatever you are, you are not in a position to bargain. "
"My dear boy, Thaddius, I believe I am in such a position. Assuming Aea has still not made her first kill, I'm in a very good position. I do not fear death. I am death to those who are weak. Do not think you can torture me into submission, for I feel no real pain, and I do not value my existence near as much as one might think. If anything, you destroying me would be doing me a favor in many ways. Do you know anything about vampires? " asked Synethaes in an accented soft sultry voice.
Tad remembered he had a book didn't read. He sighed on the inside. " I wonder how long it took you to become the husk we found you as… You know this tube you are in has survived longer than many suns in the universe. I expect if I instruct my friend there to seal this uptight, in a few years, you might have a different attitude. I heard vampires have an issue when they can't feed on the living. " Tad paused to watch her stony expression. She didn't flinch. "I say this just so you understand fully how little I care about this right now. I will offer you a deal, if you tell us how to restore Aea I will let you go free far from here. It is the only offer I am making to you. You should take a minute to think about it. If you do not take me up on my offer, we will seal this tube and forget you exist as we search for other methods. "
Synethaes eyes narrowed, and the red of her pupils became slits. She spoke with an angry hiss. "Then you should get to sealing the tube. Existing till the end of the universe or until some other mook finds me and brings me back. I don't think you will find your answer anywhere else. "
Tad nodded, then said in a loud voice, "Kettle seal this thing away. I don't want to see it ever again."
Tad turned to leave as the tube's surface started to ever so slowly darken.
"Wait, I will help, " shouted a panicked-sounding Synethaes, she had a hand against the inside surface.
Tad turned back to the tube as it went dark again. "Kettle let me hear her," said Tad.
The tube went clear again. Synethaes was speaking as the grey appeared, "-nd if you let me out, I can show you where to find your answer. "
"Repeat that, " said Tad in a tone of voice he had always heard Beothorn speak to the guards with, authority and command.
"I do not know how to cure Aea. The vampire that turned her could do it, but I see you are wearing the torque, I assume Yevgeny is dead. I told that idiot not to kill Adamias. The answer you seek is most likely in the city of Ring Hunt, where the lord of a large and very old coven resides. If the lord of that coven still exists, he is the one that would have your answers. If you let me out, I can show you where to find him. " said Synethaes.
"Who is this Lord? " asked Tad.
"Niles Faulks, the coven is the Red Ravens, and before you ask, no, I can't tell you where they are. Covens move regularly. Unlike many stories, they rarely stay in the same city for more than a few years. They do leave a trail, though, and another vampire could follow it to find the coven. The last place I knew of them was in Ring Hunt, a larger city on the mainland. That is if I am in the Kingdom of Cheshik and the war didn't wipe out the mainland, " said Synethaes.
Tad projected to Jack, "Jack, what do you think? I don't even know where the mainland is. Do you think she is lying? "
"I don't know, Kid. You are doing well. We can't let her out of there without some way to control her. She will murder everyone in their sleep, " said Jack.
Tad saw Synethaes was looking at Jack. She must suspect Tad is talking to him. "I will need more assurances that what you say is true. "
"You can take my word for it, " said Synethaes giving one of the most brilliant smiles he had ever seen on a woman. There was definitely some magic there, even her fangs showed, but somehow it pulled him to agree with her.
Tad slammed a shield into place, and Galadinidú was in his hand a half-second later, blazing with the life energia he was pouring into the staff. Synethaes leaned back away from the energia as it started to enter the front of the tube through the small opening.
"If you try that again, the only thing left for the future, mooks, will be the dust of your existence ending," said Tad in a grave voice filled with anger. This vampire wasn't going to take control of his mind, and if she wanted to see what a battle of wills was going to look like, she would see it as she was destroyed.
"Oh, you can't blame a lady for trying. I will give you my word that I am not lying," said Synethaes, all innocent-sounding. The aura of magic around Tad was not quite the full shield his staff could make, but he was mixing in the energia of life, which he knew the undead could not tolerate.
"No, you will give me a magical promise bound by the four foci gods, and you will serve. I am no longer interested in freeing you. You are dangerous, and the damage you will cause will not be on my soul for eternity, " said Tad as he pushed more energia through the small grey opening in the tube containing the vampire.
Synethaes fluctuated a few times, turning into a mist for a few moments, then into some elongated nasty-looking undead creature with fangs and claws, then back to her human-looking version. Tad felt her attacking his soulspace with some sort of ability that wasn't magic exactly. It was strong, stronger than he suspected.
Galadinidú spoke in his mind, "Would you care to smite this vile creature of darkness?" Then the staff flared white over the yellow shield.
Synethaes stopped stone still, staring at the staff, eyes wide, "I agree," she said in a rush. The white-hot edge of the shield was just a finger's width from her face. Tad paused its progress.
"Swear, " growled Tad. He looked every bit as fierce as he felt at that moment, with flames of energia dancing up and down his staff.
"I, Synethaes do swear to serve you, Lord Thaddius Rockgrip to the best of my ability. Your interests are now my interests till the end of my days. I will serve to protect, guide, and guard you in all your interests as you see fit. I swear upon the four brothers, gods of four foci magic, " whispered Synethaes.
Tad nodded as he felt the magic of the oath sweep out of the tube towards him, "I, Thaddius Rockgrip do swear to protect you, Synethaes, and guard you against harm. You may find a respite among my people. I do also swear that I will provide blood pods enough to sustain you so long as this is possible. I swear upon the four brothers, gods of four foci magic." Tad felt a huge burst of magic inside the World Egg. It rebounded around the small room as it searched for a way to escape to the universe.
"Kettle, open the door, " said Tad.
The door swung open, and the flare of energia from both Thaddius and Synethaes shot out into the night. Tad felt the bonds attach to his soul. Something else happened he didn't expect. An older promise of magic grew taunt, he felt it pull for a few seconds. He knew instinctively it was the promise he had made to Quiggly so long ago. He felt the lich's mind briefly, then the magic of that bond settled down. Did he have too many magical promises or something?
"Kettle open her tube. I do not think even she would violate that oath, " said Tad. A few seconds later, the tube that contained Synethaes opened with a pop, the front sliding out of the way.
Synethaes took her first step out of the tube. She gave Tad a slight smile. She looked around the World Egg. She didn't appear to recognize what she was in.
Tad projected to Jack, "Can we continue this discussion down in the temple, please. I'd like to have a few others join us. "
"Yes, good job, kid. That was much more than I expected, " said Jack as he backed out of the doorway.
"Yea, I guess. Now, what do I do with her? " projected Tad.
Tad spoke to Synethaes, "Before we leave here, understand it is in my interests that you do not kill or feed on anyone without first discussing it with me, ever. " Tad waited for her to nod in agreement, "Follow me. We will continue our conversation in the lower temple. "
Then he stepped out of the World Egg to see half the valley population standing there staring at the wagon he stood on.
He paused. They must have felt the magic of the promise explode out of the World Egg. He spoke loud so they could hear him, "Folks, we have a new member of the valley. Her name is Synethaes. We have come to an agreement. " Tad saw Nico, Lamruil, and Zanna standing near the wagon.
Synethaes stepped out of the World Egg door, and the cathedral fell silent as Tad watched Zanna to see if she would go demonic murder demon on the vampire. Zanna eyed the vampire, Tad could sense she didn't like the woman as soon as she saw her, but he didn't sense her getting enraged at her undead presence.
Synethaes smiled at the crowd of people staring at her, and her fangs didn't show. She looked down at her ragged and aged dress, then she waved her hand across the surface, and the dress changed to a long red satin gown that stopped just above the floor.
Tad looked at his friends, "Could you all follow me, please. " He turned and went to the lower temple.
- In Serial61 Chapters
Lost In Translation
If you're one to travel the roads, you may have heard of me. You may have heard my Names in the stories, the songs, and the whispers of the road. Perhaps you've even seen me during my travels, speaking to a bird of blue light, or on a city street, performing small acts for coin and repute. Or perhaps you may know me as the Skystrider, who walked with the wind. Or the Voiceless, a man of song without speech. You may know me as the Tutor, who taught the Lion of Summer how to fight, or the Traveler, who has walked all the roads of the earth. I am all of these things. And people have branded me a myth. But people don't understand what a myth is. They haven't heard the songs lost to our tongues, nor have they seen the things I've seen. They haven't gone to the places I've gone. My feet have walked the plains, the seas, and the clouds. I have spoken languages unspoken; tongues lost to time. I have sung to the earth, held the moon in my arms, and walked the roads that your heroes hesitate to even mention. I have outwitted Demons. I have danced with the Fae. My songs have been heard by lords of wind and ash, and my steps have echoed in the bellies of gargantuan beasts the likes of which you have never seen. These are what real myths are. And me? I'm no legend. I'm just the bard stupid enough to poke the real ones with a stick. Discord link here. [Disclaimer: Book 1 of this story will likely be published in KU by around the start of 2022, so please keep that in mind. Book 2 and onwards will continue here until they are published as well.]
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