《Your Class Teacher》CHAPTER 23: A Planned Report


"Latest news. The terror attack at the school, Bihira International High, was verified to be merely a fake report. Captain Sergei Ong confirmed the entire scenario and was informed that it was all a misunderstanding. Prior to the misunderstanding, the person carrying the enormous mystery bag was accused to be a terrorist, when in fact, it was the heir of one of the richest banking financial companies in the world. It was proved that the bag he was carrying did not contain bombs, but rather a substantial quantity of money..."

"Currently, the students of the Bihira High and their parents were devastated about the news. The parents wanted to file a complaint about what happened and they wanted to face this in court even though they're all aware this is just a misunderstanding. According to the famous actress, Danica Meyer, her daughter from Bihira High was traumatized and couldn't move an inch from what had happened. So she decided to make the heir pay for what he did..."

"The company who owned Bihira High was also aware of the news. The chairman and the CEO will be arriving soon to check what happened. On the school's behalf, the CEO sincerely apologized for what happened to those who were extremely affected. Right now, the CEO didn't show up on-camera because of his privacy matters..."

Countless reporters were immediately updating the news live. The school was too exclusive for everything that it had come to this.

Some of the students also wanted to mobilize the one who brought the bag, Calix. They were remarkably affected by the sudden occurrence and some were in serious injuries because of the stampede they made.

After a while, Calix got out of the school and of course, he got immediately surrounded by the paparazzi and reporters. Not only he was an heir of a certain company, but he was also a model with a net worth of huge sums.

His bodyguards arrived a while ago after knowing about the news. Calix didn't want to bother his bodyguards so he came alone himself until he reached the class. Now that it had come to this, his bodyguards had to bear the brunt of the issue due to a simple misunderstanding.

Calix remained calm and composed as the reporters approached him while being protected by security. Deep down, he's undeniably irritated and wished he could return home pleasantly.


"Sir Calix, what can you say about the misunderstanding that had happened? The majority of the parents wanted to file a lawsuit against you for bothering and nearly killing the students. What can you say about this, Sir?" said the reporter as she tried so hard directing the microphone to his chin.

Everything was so crowded and even Calix himself was trying to fit inside a wide uncrowded space. Parents were also starting to attack him by throwing some trashes and food wastes. Luckily, his bodyguards brought umbrellas to cover him.

Calix sighed, "Good morning to all of you. Thank you for this question, but I'm afraid to say this. I believe it all happened with a mere misunderstanding..." he started, painting a blank expression on his face, "If you have the brain to think, maybe you won't file a complaint against me, but rather to the person who made the misunderstanding. But as for this lawsuit thing, let them be. I suggest they bring thousands and thousands of lawyers. Let's see who will prevail," he confidently responded.

Following that, many reporters started pointing their microphones at him while trying to ask some questions. It was really chaotic and boisterous at the same time that he wanted to throw a jab on their faces to completely silence them all.

"S-Sir! What happened out there? What was the reason you brought the bag in the first place?" this another male reporter was so eager to ask this question that he had to jump on Calix's space.

They both collided, causing Calix to almost lose his footing while attempting to dodge the crowd. The bodyguards moved at breakneck speed, they promptly came to Calix's aid. Afterward, they rapidly forced the reporter back to his place.

Brushing lightly his clothes with bare hands, Calix glared at the reporter after gaining back his balance, "Is it not allowed to bring a bag in here? I don't mean to be rude... but how about you? I know it's your job but kindly do it properly next time. You almost had me eat the ground..." he was being patient about his words and tone so the reporter became even more appreciative, "...Ugh, I guess I have to say this... I brought the bag because a teacher asked me to. You all must have already known that the bag contains money, right? Yes, that's it... that's the reason why I brought the bag," Calix continued.


The male reporter backed out from his place after he was done with his question. Yet another reporter stole the male's space and pointed the microphone to Calix's chin. "What was the reason, Sir? And why was a teacher asked you to bring the money?"

Calix started to walk towards his limousine car. "For that question... I don't know the reason too. I was just asked to bring the money..."

The same reporter questioned him, "What's your relationship with this teacher, Sir? Is he someone you know?"

This question wasn't in the plan, so instead of continuing on his path, he came to a halt midway since he didn't know what to say.

All of his childhood memories came flooding back to him. The visuals were terrible, and there wasn't a single thing meaningful to remember. It was basically a large picture of an awful moment in his life. Being a billionaire at a young age doesn't change his traumatic experience in the past. For him, this is just the product of someone's empathy.

After noticing him looking at one area, the reporter jolted him awake. "Sir?"

Calix then came back to his senses. "Oh..." he paused for a while and said, "...Just a colleague..."

• • • • • • • • • • •

Thirty minutes ago...

"Trust me, I have a plan," Mr. Travis remarked calmly to Calix as they both conducted their own private talk at the back of the classroom of Class 11-5.

The students were left in the classroom doing whatever they wanted to do, whether it was to fire bullets anywhere, throw knives at each other, or whatever. They're not allowed to go outside as though ordered by Mr. Travis, of course. But certainly, they didn't follow his order.

While there was no one else in the school other than the Class 11-5, Mr. Travis requested them earlier to have fun and celebrate their victory. But for the time being, they were preoccupied with playing card games. Certainly, some of them brought cards literally every day, so everyone was now playing in groups of three. Others were uninterested, so they slept in their own spot and some just continued doing their businesses.

Calix folded his arms and leaned against the wall. "What must I tell to the reporter once she questions about your motive for requesting me money?" he said, his gaze fixed on the ground.

"Just tell the reporter the truth, my dear Calix," Mr. Travis replied, grinning as his gaze glued to the ground as well.

"But I don't know the truth..."

"That's the truth... which you don't know."

Calix was practically perplexed by his response, while Mr. Travis was on the verge of laughing because of it. Although, he tried his best not to laugh even at this serious moment, he didn't mean to cough. "Oh, and by the way. After that male reporter jumps in front of you and collides with you, don't forget to be patient. Tell him what you wanted without hurting his feelings."

"Why? He's just a normal reporter. I have the right to reprimand him for bumping me," Calix protested, his eyes wide with rage.

"No... just stay composed. That reporter is a spy. You must answer that reporter's question whatever it takes."

"S-Spy? From who?"

Mr. Travis made a serious expression for the first time. It looked so novel, and it was also unusual to see him acting so solemnly yet still, he made sure to stay composed. "He's a hired assassin of Elite 3... we need to be careful."

Calix was so taken aback that he froze, gritting his teeth in rage. He recalled that no matter what the situation, he should remain composed. It would be no good if he lost control of himself. "Okay, I'll do my best. After all, you pledged to return home," he then glared at Mr. Travis, "... mark your word, Nicholas."

Mr. Travis immediately changed his look to one of happiness. "Certainly, my dear Calix. I asked you to tell the truth in front of the media to provoke Elite 3 after all," he paused and crossed his arms, smiling, "But... shouldn't you be calling me 'uncle'?"

He wasn't expecting it, so he averted his gaze and began to walk away, nearly blushing.

The teacher chuckled while thinking, "Hard to get, eh?"

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