《Your Class Teacher》CHAPTER 7: Towards The President's Office


"I will not accept him as our class teacher," Kenneth smirked.

Half of the students who agreed with Kenneth's idea listened to the sound as windy gusts infused their minds. The airy relishes developed an intensity, there was a burst of aroma with each of their jovial screams, they were happy. Others who did not agree seemed to nip their hopes in the bud. Gloom could be a cocoon of the light if they took it as such. Sadness came as a painful cleanse. It was a chance to detox and reassess what was helping and what was disappointing. Others nurture the disappointment, letting it grow into frustration and anger. They were all frustrated. Of course, they even protested about it, yet it still would never change the outcome. Sometimes, shreds of evidence are not enough to prove someone's worth. For an important decision that was made, they had to accept it no matter what. Kenneth's decision was absolute in the end. The sadness drained through Zeus rather than skating over his skin. It traveled through every cell to reach the ground. He filtered it yet, strangely enough, he kept what was pure and it was the dirt that left. Although he was convinced enough that the teacher was already at another level to reach out the criteria as their class teacher, it will not change Kenneth's mind. Not too long after, two men stood beside their front door, wearing a three-piece suit and shiny black shades. They were part of the sentinels as the students presumed. Placing hands at their backs, the sentinels earnestly announced, "You are called to the President's office." The announcement was quite unclear so the students were left dumbfounded about it. It was so sudden that even Kenneth did not anticipate this occurrence. Being called to the office means trouble for them. Of all the classes that were in the six buildings, their class was called instead? What could have they done so wrong that they had to be summoned upon? Being charged to the office means their chances of getting equal rights even to the public would demerit. And they might be in much strain if things would get out of hand. Kenneth, Zeus, Kyle, and two other girls rushed out to the office as they took no chance to stop on their way. While the rules forbid them from reaching outside, this was the only exception since their class was called. Along the campus' hallways stood nobody around since it was class hours. So there was really no need to worry about their identities being discovered around the campus. And if their identities might ever be recognized, it would be the school's problem for calling them. "Why did the four of you come?" Kenneth coldly asked as he sped up his pace, focusing his eyes on the path. "Are we not allowed?" Zeus asked back, staring at him deliberately. As the five of them ran altogether, one of the two girls thought that it might not be good to take the straight track. Instead of running further, she changed her routes and took the left direction alone. The shine in her eyes was playing a game, it had played so brilliantly that it put a gleaming diamond to disgrace. Those blue eyes of hers were ocean-strong, swimming with warm sun-lit currents. With her all-knowing fierce eyes, it seemed like she was never wicked, well in fact she was one. "W-Where is that blondie Mareta going?" Zeus asked again, glancing back at where the girl changed her directions. By using his keen instincts, he evaded the tree branch that he was about to bump into. "T-That was close," he thought, dripping sweat on his shoulders. "Probably to take the other route. Leave her alone," the other girl answered, staring at Zeus coldly as she ran ahead from them. There were a total of six buildings inside the campus. The President's office was located at the first building which would take three kilometers away from their classroom. Just by the size of the whole campus, we can say that it is really beyond huge as it is. Even the school has countless auditoriums, running tracks, swimming pools, whispering galleries, research centers, audio-visual rooms, student housings, and other world-class facilities. Kyle noticed that it would take so long if they continued going through the long way, so he also changed his route and went east. "You guys go ahead!" he declaimed, signaling he was changing his direction. Clicking his tongue, he glared at Zeus. "We are not done yet, you punk!" With all honesty, Class 11-5 had no idea which lies the exact way towards the office. As they were prohibited to gain information about the school, they lack knowledge about everything. If ever a piece of information from school got leaked by them, for sure the school would do something to make them pay. After a moment, the students who ran straight towards the office, Zeus, Kenneth, and the other girl, happened to reach the office at last. Catching heavy breaths and trembling on their knees, the girl was about to open the President's office front door until Kenneth stopped her. "Do not open it yet. We are not allowed to touch anything outside the classroom," Kenneth reminded, sweating all over his chest. The girl then stopped the door from opening. But even so, as soon as Zeus got irritated by hearing what Kenneth had hinted, he violently spun the doorknob and opened the door. "What is the difference anyway? We already ran to their fucking hallways, so what? They want us to fly or something to get in here?" He glared back at Kenneth and rushed inside the President's office instead. Zeus then put his hand inside his pocket as soon as he went inside the office. After a moment, the girl glanced down at Kenneth who was still hesitant to go in. Soon after, she went inside without having second thoughts. Without turning around, as the door stayed open, she stopped halfway to speak to Kenneth. "You going in or not? If you are afraid the class would get demerit by this, remember that the school set the rules without informing us. It is still our loss at the end of the road." As soon as the door closed, Kenneth held no choice but to take the doorknob for him to get within. As the three of them went inside, the medium air conditioner sprung up all over their warm bodies. They were not used by this since their classroom got always exposed to the sunlight and they had no air conditioners inside their room. After all, except for Class 11-5, all of the classes had some luxury materials inside their classrooms. This office had no exception. For a normal office, the details would usually depend on the type of company that the person-in-charge is involved in. A normal working office should include computers, telephone or fax, keeping bookshelf to pile records and files, and everything. However, this office was nowhere to be called an office. Of course, it looked kind of luxurious and hotel-like room, but they had doubts that this could be really an office. It somehow looked like some boutique, high-end hotel custom decorated room. With its sumptuous and enormous architecture, the highest degree of room and unique as its operations were beyond first-class, but always upscale and often combining historic details with chic elegance. The lines may be sleek and contemporary, yet they conveyed a progressively forward style with fastidious decor. As expected of the enigmatic yet fanciest school, all things in here were beyond expectations. They met eyes with the girl who took the left direction earlier, Mareta Venice Paranao. They soon realized that she was fast enough to head in here first. After a second of observing the office, the door hastily opened and so the three of them looked behind. Staggered through the door and even panting so hard transpired to be Kyle, sweating all over his face. "I-I finally found the office." His words were nowhere clear since his unusual breathing got through every gasp he took. He knelt down, shaking and snorting so hard as soon as he completely stepped inside the room. "I thought I was lost." After a while, the sound of slapping broke the silence. The four, Zeus, Kyle, Mareta, and Kenneth, glanced at the sound where it came from. There in front of the President's table, they found the girl whom they were with, standing and facing another student. For a second there, they caught her slapping the student. They were certain it was the same slapping sound as earlier. "How could you cause trouble again?" the girl calmly asked with her eyes looking straight at the face of the student. Anger curled hot and unstoppable in her gut, like a blazing inferno that wanted to burn her from the inside out. Seeing her face seemed like she was about to kill him. The other four met the gaze of the student who got slapped two times. His eyes were as cerulean as the sea and as sharp as the knife. He had a typical bro flow haircut and scythe-shaped eyebrows which his wavy hair covered a few of his eyes. His Nubian nose and half-dome cheekbones sat above an oaken jaw. As the four of them saw him, it was like seeing a dead coming back to life. It was not their first time seeing in ages, but it was the first time they had been called because of this guy. There must be a reason why their class was called, and for sure it was his doing. Zeus gasped, clenching his jaw as he stepped forward. "What are you doing here, Victor?"

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