《Enchanted High Book 1》Chapter 10 - The Headmaster's Tower


The next morning, there was an announcement that school would continue normally. James and Dominic joined June and Nicole for breakfast. For some unknown reason, Nicole grunted at the sight of Dominic, and ignored him the entire time.

'So, you're feeling better?' June asked James.

He nodded. 'Yes, much better. I don't know what came across me last night. Are you sure we didn't dream it?'

'Don't think so,' Dominic added. 'Dude, I gotta study for math and botany – and I haven't attended a single math lesson since this week.'

Nicole clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

'Lucky for me,' Dominic continued, 'I have a friend who can help me. She's really good at math. Her name is Nicole Fox.'

At this, Nicole gripped her fork tighter. She stabbed Dominic with her gaze. 'You've got some nerve, calling me your friend. And it's not my problem if you skip lessons.'

Dominic grinned.

'Anyway,' June pitched in, 'how long have you been training at the School Beneath for?'

'From the beginning of the year,' said James. 'They moved us from Roxanne to Jimmy to Cole. And now we're with Charlie. Remember Roxanne, Dom?'

'Course I do,' Dominic chuckled, 'how could I forget a woman like her. It's a shame they sent her away.'

James shook his head. 'Charlie's better. Bit of a control freak – but better.'

'Who's a control freak?'

It was Hubert.

'Mind if I join you?' He seated himself before they could reply. He introduced himself to the others, pausing at Dominic. 'I know you ... can you show me a fire trick? They say you're good.'

Dominic looked flattered. 'Well, of course. I wouldn't want to deprive you of my awesomeness.' He clicked his fingers and a thin, long flame emerged from the tips. He blew the flame and it ignited forwards like the kind of fire trick that would be done in the circus. A few students from other tables glanced their way.


'Impressive.' Hubert studied him. 'And what do you do?' he asked Nicole.

'Technopath,' said Nicole. 'and I'm flexible – watch.' she extended her arm and it wrapped itself around Dominic and his chair several times. She tightened her grip, savoring Dominic's futile struggles.

Hubert nodded in acknowledgement. He shifted his gaze to James.

'No, thanks,' said James, firmly. 'I'm not an entertainer.'

Hubert was expressionless. He turned to June, locking his gaze with hers. She expected to see his head burst into flames, but none of it came. He spread his lips in a cold smile, and stood. 'It's been nice meeting your friends,' he told her. 'See you in Sorcery.'

June watched him leave the cafeteria.


The bell rang for the last period of the day. June took her seat at the Beast and Creature Science classroom, as Professor Silong began the lesson.

'I'm sure you all have heard about the incident that occurred yesterday,' she said. 'The school staff is dealing with the situation. So, this is an appeal to you to not get up to any mischief. Is that clear?'

'Crystal clear, mam,' a voice answered from the doorway. The students all shifted in their seats to see the newcomer; a tall figure, silhouetted by the light behind, stepped front.

'Headmaster.' Miss Silong greeted.

'Please,' he stepped into the class, 'you may call me Salvatore.'

Silong fidgeted with her fingers. 'What brings you to our class?'

Salvatore examined the students. He seemed to be searching for someone. 'I am here to speak to June Price. Is she here?'

June's heart lurched. The students all looked at her.

'Come along, dear,' Salvatore said.

June stood. She felt a thousand eyes following her every move. Salvatore led June outside the classroom, gently closing the doors.


Once they were outside he turned to face June. He stared at her silently for a few harsh seconds; June didn't like it at all.

Then gracefully, he trotted past her. 'Follow me.' He said. The rest of the walk to his office was in silence.


June entered the neatly furnished room.

A huge fish tank was engraved on one wall, filled with dirty water and crude looking aquatic creatures. On the wall opposite, certificates hung from photo frames and a glass case containing gold painted trophies stood in the corner. There was large window, covering the entire wall (which allowed full sight over the main gate of Enchanted High) straight ahead with an office desk and chair placed before it. But June stared at something else, something more disturbing.

The sight of Nicole, James and Dominic seated on the couch.

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