《Blue Road》Episode 3 (Part 2)


After getting the map from Emily, Richard waved goodbye and headed out into the rural-suburban area. As he walked along the sidewalk, it occurred to him. The more he looked at the surroundings, the less familiar he was with the place. The houses all looked plain, the grasses clean-cut, but only a select few neighbors were out and about, taking care of their cars, houses, etc.

Richard rubbed his head and groaned. Why is my memory so bleak? Whatever happened that night when I first arrived here? He shook his head, unsure of himself. Maybe I could ask Emily if she knows anything when I get back. Wish I had done it sooner. Then again, would she even remember any of that?

Eventually, he made it to the pharmacy store to pick up supplies and additional medicines, as Emily asked. He placed them in some bags and headed back toward the retirement home.

On the way back, Richard came across a glowing light from the back of an alleyway. Faint sounds echoed among the walls, beckoning him to come closer. His curiosity got the better of him as he stepped forward and followed the sound. It wouldn’t hurt to take a brief detour and check it out. Richard looked up at the billboard, barely making out the words. It said ‘Test Center of Developed Immunogenics.’

Was this the place Emily talked about? Didn’t she say not to go to this place? Then again, she gave no specifics why this was a bad idea. Still, he could always explore and see what they’re up to, and if worse comes to worst, he’ll just bail out of there. But, if the job was simple, he can get a lot of money and make their lives a lot easier. Richard walked over and opened the doors to peek inside.


“Yeah, that'll show her.” A voice said from inside. A scientist in a white robe exited the place and caught Richard standing there. He backed up and dropped his stuff. “Hey, you aren’t supposed to be here.”

“Oh, my bad, I was just checking.” Richard held his hands in defense. “I saw one of your flyers and wanted to check for myself on...”

“Ah, so you got the memo.” The scientist clashed his fist in his hand and nodded. “Few people are aware of it, you know.”

Wait, I do? “Yeah, well, I was debating on whether or not to come over, check this place out, and try to earn some extra spare change. I could use the money.”

“Have you looked at the resume hard enough?” The man asked while picking up his stuff.

Richard nodded. “Of course, but can you tell me more details on this? Because I heard your plans aren’t well-intentioned from… someone I know.”

“I don’t know what you’ve heard, but they aren’t awful, it’s within our best intentions. Name’s Carlos, please follow me, good sir.”


The scientist led Richard to the secret laboratory room. He explained the place was secret and hidden from most of the world. The team sent out the few remaining flyers to specific locations, hoping to find select volunteers for the project. Carlos also mentioned it’d be risky, but the payoff would be glorious, and it’d be a fantastic revolution if they could pull it off.

Hairs grew from the back of Richard’s neck as he glanced back at the flyer he had found, which was by complete coincidence. At least, that’s what he’d like to think.

The two soon stopped in front of a metal door with a control pad next to it. Carlos went over and typed up the passcode. Richard leaned in to see what he typed up, but was more lost in what was going on.





“What does that mean?” Richard questioned.

“I don’t want to give it away, that’d defeat the purpose,” Carlos replied. He stepped back as the doors slowly opened. “Come on, let’s get a move on.”

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