《Blue Road》Episode 1 (Part 5)


Gerald and Richard went back to their seats next to the master as they all watched the many performances at hand. Reginald, along with two other students, entered the stage. The boy with the sprained ankle sat down on a chair and prepared to sing a song while their friend danced across the floor and Reginald played on the piano to set the mood.

When the group finished, everyone applauded and gave a standing ovation for the performance. Richard sat in his seat and only clapped in small succession.

“Thanks again, we couldn’t have done it without you.” The two students chirped.

“You’re welcome, happy to help,” Reginald replied.

“Well-done you guys.” A host for the talent competition complimented.

“Thanks, but can I borrow the mic for something?” Reginald asked.

“Oh, sure thing.” She stepped aside and let him take the microphone off the stand.

“Um, hello? Is this thing on?” Reginald spoke into the mic. “Ok, first off, I’d like to thank my family for always believing in me, as well as giving me the chance to be here, make friends, and pursue a career.”

Oh, give me a break. Richard rolled his eyes.

“Also, my father is going to hold up a special party at the Dewberry Mansion.” Reginald continued. “And you’re all invited to go if you’d like.

Everyone cheered as Reginald bowed and left the stage, along with the other two performers.

Anytime now... Richard gripped the edge of his seats. Any minute now, soon they’ll call for his name.

Later, as everyone else did their part on the stage, a teacher stepped into the spotlight with a card in her hands as she moved toward the microphone.

“Alright, that went well.” She started. “I’d like to thank everybody that took part today. But now, it’s time to wrap this up and announce the winners.”


Wait, what? Richard’s eyes widened. Did he hear that right? Wrapping up before my big act?

The teacher opened the papers and cleared her throat. “And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for...”

“Hold it!” Richard got up from his seats and exclaimed. “Not everyone performed, you forgot someone!”

“We did? Who?”

“Me, that’s who!” Richard stormed up and forced himself on the stage. “Step aside, because I’d like to showcase my talent now!”

Reginald scoffed as his brother passed by him. “Are you serious? You didn’t even—”

“We’ll see who’s ‘superior.’” Richard boasted.

“Oh please,” Reginald rolled his eyes. “What could you possibly do compared to me?”

“Check this out, because I got news for you!”

Richard stood in the center of the stage with his arms spread out wide and tapped on the floorboards with his foot. The ceiling soon broke apart as the dark skies above circled him. Panic ensued as the public was in a mix of screams and whispers. Reginald and the host ran off to the sides and watched as their hearts pounded out of their rib cages.

“H—How did you do that?” Reginald asked.

“Now for you to witness my secret power!” Richard proclaimed. “When the lightning hits me, I’ll be able to—”

“Gerald!” He heard his father yell out.

“I’m on it!” Gerald saluted.

Gerald ran up to the stage and took out a small object from his pockets. He threw it in the air just before the lightning struck, causing it to ricochet and hit the cameras and spotlights. The devices got knocked over as sparks flew out, and soon they caught on fire. Everyone in the audience freaked out as they made their way toward the emergency exits along with the teachers and workers there.


“What are you doing?” Richard asked. “You’re ruining—”

“Him ruining?” Reginald scoffed. “You’re the one who—”

“We need to get out of here now!” Gerald thundered.

“But what about the results of the—?” Richard started.

“No time for that!” Gerald pushed Richard out of the way, before they could get hit by another lightning strike. He grabbed the two brothers and ran out the door before the place could catch any dangerous flames.


The fire department soon arrived to put out the flames as everyone outside watched the smoke rise out from the rooftop of the building. Nobody ended up hurt or injured during the whole ordeal, but they were less than thrilled about how things went. Everyone looked over at the fiasco with their heads hung low and felt forlorn inside.

“That was a close one.” Reginald sighed in relief.

Gerald turned to scold Richard. “Now then, what do you have to say for yourself, Mister?”

“Aw man,” Richard whined. “I had it all planned out too. If you hadn’t gotten in my way, none of this would’ve happened. The auditorium wouldn’t ha—”

“Are you kidding? Gerald saved your life!” Reginald interrupted. “You could’ve gotten yourself killed!”

“I’ve done it before so it wouldn’t have been a big deal. And if things had gone my way, I bet I would’ve beaten you at the show.”

Reginald ground his teeth hard. “Have you no shame in this?”

“Um, why do you ask?”

“Why does this all mean so much to you? What do you have against me? Do you not care what you’ve done?”

“What’s the matter with you? Everybody’s fine, right?”

Reginald and Richard’s father stormed over to where they were and gave Richard a hard slap across the face. Gerald and Reginald stepped back with their eyes widening. It was like time stopped altogether and everything flashed right before his eyes. Richard placed his hand on his cheek and looked up at his father.

“W—" Richard tried to speak, with tears in his eyes.

“Until further notice, you’re grounded.” He said without flinching.

Richard let the tears stream down his face as he ran off crying.

“Um, Master.” Gerald chimed. “Should I go get him?”

The father shook his head. “I don’t want you hanging around him for the time being, including during the party. Understand?”

“But... who will take care of him?”

“Don’t worry; I’ll handle this. Richard’s lucky nobody got hurt. Otherwise, the punishment would’ve been worse.”

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