《Blue Road》Episode 1 (Part 3)


“Just one more lap!” The teacher called out to some of the students.

Richard took this in stride and got motivated to run faster. The sooner he got to the lockers to change, the better. They’ll soon see he’s capable of great things in his own way, despite the clear disadvantage and blatant favoritism.

Eventually, he came across a small group of people blocking his way, with no room to go through or around them.

Oh, come on. “Hey, get out of my way!” He demanded.

“No way.” One of them retorted.

“Yeah, go around as you did with everyone else.” Another one added, glaring daggers at him.

“How dare you? I need to get to the auditorium as soon as possible!” Richard insisted.

“But why though?” The third one questioned, raising an eyebrow. “You’re going there, regardless. Did you not hear what the teach—?”

“It’s personal!” Richard interrupted. “Now move!”

Reginald looked ahead and gasped at the sound of a scream. He rushed over to the source of the sound and spotted a student on the ground next to his brother.

“Oh no, are you alright?” Reginald walked up to the person and extended his arm.

“I don’t think so.” The person grabbed his hand to try and stand up but fell back. “I sprained my ankle.” He groaned.

“But what about our act?” A student inquired. “You can’t do it at this rate.”

“I know, and that sucks!”

Reginald turned to glare at his brother. “How could you Richard?”

“Wait, what? Me?” Richard pointed at himself. “But I didn’t shove him!”

“Oh, really? Like how you didn’t start that food fight in the cafeteria the other day, for instance?”

“Wait, that was you?” The teacher walked over and asked.


Richard stood there speechless, unsure of what to say.

“What happened?” Reginald asked the kid with the sprained ankle.

“I think I tripped the wrong way?” He guessed.

“Don’t worry; we’ll get you to the infirmary to fix you up before the show starts,” Reginald reassured him.

“Oh, thank you!” The student next to him exclaimed.

“Will that be enough for him to perform?” Richard questioned, looking down at the floor.

Reginald clenched his fists as the area and ambiance grew dead silent.

“Do you want to know something?” The rest of the class stopped with what they were doing and walked over to listen in on the commotion.

“...What?” Richard finally asked.

“You have such a nasty need for attention, even though you’re from a rich family.”

“He said it was personal.” Another student reminded him.

Reginald didn’t expect those words to come out of his mouth. He turned to face his brother with an icy glare.

“Do you want to know why nobody likes you?” He didn’t wait for Richard to respond. “It’s not because you’re weird, it’s because you’re a jerk!” The crowd oohed at the remark as Richard’s eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. Reginald himself couldn’t believe he said that, but shook his head and turned around. “Don’t bother going to the auditorium; we don’t want the likes of you sabotaging the show to make yourself win.” He scoffed and walked away, leaving the area.

The teacher turned to face Richard in disgust. “Sorry, but he’s right.” She placed her hands on their hips and shook her head. “Why can’t you be more like your brother?”

Soon, everybody left and headed to the auditorium, leaving Richard alone in the gym. Again with everyone taking his brother’s side when he’s playing the victim. Then again, he never saw Reginald act like that before, especially towards him. Part of him felt guilty for his previous actions. But another part of him considered Reginald’s actions and getting everyone else to side against him to be uncalled for.


Richard paced all around the area, as the deafening silence gave him time and room to think. He had gotten used to the comparisons and spiteful remarks, but it didn’t make the heart hurt any less. This made his determination to prove everyone wrong stronger. He needed to partake in the talent show, no matter what his annoying brother told him otherwise.

There had to be something to blow everyone out of the water. A smile soon crept across his face as he walked toward the back doors and opened them up before heading outside.

I’ll show you, I’ll show you all. He thought as he climbed the tree and made his way to the school building. It’s time to put my ‘skills’ to use.

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