《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 26


After returning home from the forest, the goose noticed Dr Milichenko on a political round table on the BBC show Dateline London and subsequently looked him up online and watched a number of his videos of YouTube. Dr Milichenko possessed remarkable eloquence even when speaking in English, and his biting rejoinders never failed to render the person with whom he was sparring speechless, and for those reasons, along with his meteoric rise to international fame, the goose could only conclude that Fyodor Milichenko had made contact with The Snake, an assessment The Goat agreed with.

With the snake now identified, the goose could more easily track the progress of the Raven's plan. The snake invariably found its way to the epicenter of the most powerful ascendant force and once it did it started using its powers to convince as many people as possible of the righteousness of everything associated with the raven, allowing the goose to get a fuller picture of the scope of the raven's designs. What the goose had been able to deduce so far was that the raven was well ahead, the signs of that were everywhere. Jim Balmer's poll numbers continued to rise and, despite him holding a number of non-traditional conservative views, like opposition to free trade and wanting to raise taxes on the rich, he was picking up key endorsements from establishment GOP figures, and the pro-reunite movement in Ukraine, of which Fyodor Milichenko had become the de-facto leader and spokesman, was gaining momentum. The goose could easily pinpoint the location of some of the guardians, like Aurus, who was most likely responsible for the frequent storms of unprecedented strength in the Pacific that had made Hawaii and other pacific islands uninhabitable. Others would be harder to find because, like the snake, their influence didn't manifest physically, and others they wouldn't need to find because they would find their way to them, in fact, the goose could feel The Wolf, the goat's spiritual counterpart, drawing closer every moment. It was travelling from a great distance, but at the rate it was travelling it was only a matter of a couple of days before it was with them, travelling in and out of the void as it was. The wolf was considerably larger than a real wolf and was black with red eyes, and because it was spotted in places that would soon thereafter suffer calamity the wolf came to be seen as the bringer of death. In actuality the wolf had nothing to do with those calamities. The entity responsible for those calamities was the rat, the appearance of the wolf in those areas was to warn those present of the coming disaster, unfortunately there were only a few who recognized this, and their warnings to others fell on deaf ears. Because of the amount of meaningless death and destruction that it had seen over millennia the wolf's face was deeply creased and its eyes were pools of sorrow. The goose hoped that Jessie could help the wolf to overcome some of its sadness. Its appearance led most of those who saw it to believe it was something evil, and as a result the wolf had endured a lonely existence. When the wolf arrived at the house within the timeframe that the goose had predicted Robert awakened it with the egg and it took on the appearance of a regular wolf with grey fur and brown eyes.


Jessie welcomed the wolf's arrival and she doted on it with the same love and affection that she gave to the goat. Having watched her during the time that she'd been staying with them the goose had developed the suspicion that Jessie shared a special connection with the guardians, in which case it was no coincidence that she felt pulled toward the forest and the goat and it was no coincidence that she was one of the rangers they encountered of the hundreds that were in the forest. Fate had brought them together with Jessie, the same fate they needed to have faith would lead them to prevail against the Raven like it always had.

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