《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 10


Laura wasn't thrilled with the news when John informed her of his plans to do a national TV interview on a morning news show.

"It's just that some of your ideas and beliefs are kind of kooky."

"There's nothing kooky about any of our beliefs, we have evidence, rock solid evidence that we've made available for public consumption and scrutiny, which is something that cannot be said for any other religion."

"Other religions don't worship a goose."

"A goose that kings and emperors and pharaohs have bowed down to, that's thousands of years old."

"According to pictures."

"Pictures that we have found in ruins all over the world dating from times when long distance ocean travel wasn't a reality yet; the only way that could happen is if the goose was real."

"That doesn't make you sound any less crazy when you start talking about this goose being some kind of god that could use its egg to destroy the world if it wanted."

"You think this is all crazy? How long have you thought this?"

"I've always been open with you about how I feel about all of this."

"Is this because you're a Christian?"

"My faith is very important to me and yes, it's a major part of why I have a problem with what you do."

"Do you know how many death threats we get from Christian fanatics? Because they know that our organization has the power to debunk everything that they've been pushing for thousands of years, to render them completely powerless, because we know the truth, and unlike them we have proof."

"My suggestion is that you don't say anything like that during your interview."

The Church of the Golden Goose was universally disrespected in the religious world, the faith was more lowly regarded than Scientology and Mormonism. And yet those religions weren't recipients of the enmity that The Church of the Golden Goose received from Christians and Muslims, Christians especially. Every day televangelists denounced The Church of the Golden Goose in their sermons as a bunch of confused heretics, Christian fanatics picketed the church's parishes and harassed their members, and there was an ongoing effort by congressional conservatives to strip the church of its religious status. John recognized these actions as proof how big a threat they were seen as. John was of no doubt that his critics were embarking on their own searches for the goose, to prevent him from finding it and using its knowledge to cut them off at the knees. It was imperative that The Church of the Golden Goose's search for the goose began swiftly and was conducted relentlessly, any second thoughts that his conversation with Laura might have given him about going through with the interview had to be quashed.


He was given the option of flying to New York for the interview or them doing the interview in Waco. John decided to have them come to him, and for the interview to be done at the church's main chapter. He was asked if his wife would be doing the interview with him and without needing to ask if she'd be interested John answered no.

John's discomfort in the moments before the interview was palpable. He was sitting in a chair up on the altar while the crew members were working all around him getting set up, while sitting across from him Gayle was busy making revisions to her notes. Being the centre of attention didn't agree with him.

"Relax, you're going to do fine," Gayle looked up from her notes and said to him, sensing his nervousness.

The interview was increasingly feeling like a terrible idea, John's palms were sweating and his heart was pounding. He remained in a state of extreme anxiety until the crew members ceased working and Gayle removed her glasses and handed her pen over to her assistant. Once the interview began he turned ice cold and was ready for whatever questions Gayle might throw at him.

"So, Professor Lafferty, you've never agreed to sit down for an interview before; why now?"

"I've agreed to do this interview because the goose has reappeared and may very well have already embarked on the pilgrimage, it is imperative that we find the goose so that we can assist it in whatever way possible, because if the pilgrimage is not completed successfully it could mean the end for us all."

"Just what is this goose?"

"The goose appears to be some sort of guardian that has been tasked with the responsibility of finding a human to undertake the pilgrimage and keep the blue egg safe until the conclusion of the pilgrimage."

"And what is this egg?"

"That we don't know, all we know is that for thousands of years the goose has lived its life in the service of this egg."

"What was it that caused you to develop this fascination with this goose?"

"As an archaeologist I have been on a number of digs and all over the world I have found references to this goose in different histories of civilizations spanning thousands of years."

"And what about what you discovered has led you to believe that this goose possesses some kind of divine power."


"The goose and the egg were feared, they were feared by individuals that had no reason to fear anybody, I'm talking about kings and emperors, people that could send any number of people to their deaths with just a click of their fingers."

"Why did they fear the goose and the egg?"

"I don't have an exact answer to that question, but what seems to be the case is that they came into contact with the goose and recognized the enormous power it possesses."

"I'm sure you're aware of some of the things that are said about your church, what do you say to people who say that what you are offering people is utter nonsense."

"Where's your proof? That's what I say to them. Everything that we believe is based on discoveries that are freely available for people to look at and make up their own minds about."

"And yet they still ridicule you."

"They ridicule us because they are afraid of us, because we have provided and continue to search for and unearth real answers, which is not what they are in the business of."

"But professor you have to admit that the idea that the fate of the world lies in the hands, or I guess, the wings of a goose is a little hard to believe."

"Look, this isn't some story that I've pulled out of thin air, remember that first and foremost I am an archaeologist, a scientist, I'm not interested in anything that cannot be substantiated and the evidence that we have uncovered is overwhelming, when I talk to our members I don't give sermons I give lectures, I'm not offering anybody salvation, all I am offering them is the unvarnished truth about what we've discovered, and in the event that that truth is harsh and discomforting we make no effort to conceal or soften it."

"If you are so adamant about being a scientist first then why have you created a religion, religion being in conflict with science?"

"Because the only explanation for this goose being as feared as it was is that it possesses some kind of power that can only be described as divine."

"In addition to the religious community there are large numbers of members of the scientific community that take issue with you and what you are espousing."

"Every artifact that we have uncovered has been carbon dated and shown to be from the historical period that we believe it to be from, and the stories that reference the goose have been checked by historical and cultural experts that have attested to their authenticity, so any criticism that is directed at us regarding the scientific foundation of our claims is in fact itself without foundation."

"How strong is your belief?"

"My belief is unwavering, which is why we are offering a reward of $10 million to anybody who provides us with information that leads us to the goose."

"What is it that you're hoping to get from this goose?"


"Answers to what?"

"To everything."

"And you're sure you'll get them?"

"I know I'll get them."

"Dr Lafferty, thank you for your time."

"Thank you."

John Lafferty went to sleep that night and had a strange dream. Before him in his dream appeared a dark amorphous figure with bright yellow eyes. The figure had a message for him: that he was to treasure what was soon to be gifted to him, soon after which the figure that was speaking to him would present itself before him. John woke up from his dream with stomach pains and dashed into the bathroom. He sat down on the toilet and excreted something painful that made a loud crack when it hit the bowl. John got off the toilet and looked in it to find a large black egg that he removed from the toilet and dried off with a towel. He held it up to the light and the egg shone with a red glow. Having been woken up by the loud sound the egg had made when it hit the toilet Laura got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She saw her husband holding the egg. He explained to her where the egg had come from and she couldn't believe it. For years she had thought he was crazy and it turned out he had been right all along.

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