《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 9


On this occasion Laura was wrong about how her husband's deeper than usual immersion in all things the goose would end. Locked up in the basement of the church, John spent tireless hours analyzing the symbols on the vase and combining the data he was able to extract from it with data that he had extracted from previous artifacts, he then input his results into an algorithm he'd developed and at the end of it all he had what he believed to be the answer that he had spent his entire life searching for. His excitement was such that when he returned home at three o'clock in the morning eight days after leaving home to analyze the vase at the church the first thing he did was to wake up Laura and share the excellent news with her.

"Honey! Honey! It's here!"

"What's here?" Laura asked groggily.

"The goose, it's here."


"I don't know, but it's here, the next pilgrimage is about to begin."

"What are you talking about?"

"Roughly every thousand years the goose chooses a human being to go on a pilgrimage with the gold and blue egg, and the time for the pilgrimage is now!"

John was unshaven, his hair was a mess, his eyes were popping out of his head, his mouth was agape and he was breathing heavily. Laura had never seen him looking as crazy as he did when he was sitting over her on the bed just then.

"So where is this goose?" She asked him, thinking that now wasn't the right time to tell him how crazy what he was saying sounded.

"I don't know, but from what we've discovered the pilgrimage usually lasts no longer than six months, so we have to get to work right now finding out where it is."


"Just how are you going to find this thing?"

"I haven't figured that out yet, but for the next six months the church's every resource is going to be devoted to finding the goose."

After sleeping for four hours John returned to the church. He compiled a newsletter informing all of the church members of the momentous news. The newsletter was posted on the church's website and within minutes they received responses from their members who were ecstatic about the news and sent in all sorts of questions that John couldn't begin to answer because his mind was solely focused on finding the goose. The newsletter precipitated a flood of donations to fund the search for the goose, for which John could not have been more grateful. In the newsletter the church's members were asked to lend their efforts to the search for the goose and were provided with a list of things to look for that would help them identify the goose, item number one being that they should be on the lookout for a goose being accompanied by a person with whom it appeared to have a close relationship.

John was aware of the skepticism with which his religion was regarded and the ridicule they received but none of it had ever bothered him because the discoveries that they were always making validated the truth of their beliefs. He had never done any interviews before because he hadn't needed to, the growth of the church had been more than strong enough. In his search for the goose, however, John couldn't afford not to avail himself of any opportunities that were open to him to get the word out. Every week he received new requests for interviews and decided that he would reach out whichever one would give him the largest platform. It would have to be a TV interview on a national network, not cable. The latest request that he'd gotten from a national network had been from CBS to do a 60 minutes interview. John sent an e-mail to the producer that had reached out to him for an interview, Jeff Greenblatt, and told him in the e-mail that he would prefer to do a segment on the network's morning news show because it was John's understanding that they got better ratings. Jeff Greenblatt readily agreed, he would have acquiesced to any request John made to secure an interview with him.

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