《Shadow Falls》5: You are my body, my heart, and my soul
For Annabelle Soto, life had been a whirlwind since her mother died at their family home in Daeyl Brook. She was too young to lose her mother, consumed with grief, and nowhere ready to face what was in store for her. To her Aunt Elise, she tried to keep things together, but Elise could see the cracks in her niece’s façade. The night after the memorial, as they prepared for bed, Elise found the exhausted Annabelle in her room at the inn, as she went through some of her mother's belongings.
"Annie, what are you doing?" Elise asked, concerned.
Annabelle turned to her, tears in her eyes. "I just can't believe she's gone," she said softly. "I found this among her things." She held up a palm-sized shield made of a scarce metal which shone brightly under the lamp light, "It's inscribed.” Annabelle took a moment to reexamine the shield before she read it’s inscription aloud,
“Anna Soto.
Knight of the Commonwealth.
Beacon of Light.
‘Peace manifests itself through our actions and hope is proclaimed.’”
Annabelle looked to her Aunt who had an empathetic look on her face, “She never talked about her time as a knight. Not to me anyway."
Elise sat on the bed next to her niece and took the shield from her, "Your mother was a brave woman, Annie. She was a fine knight, and even a better mother."
Tears covered Annabelle's face, "I loved her so much, yet I feel like I barely knew her."
"She wanted to protect you, Annie," Elise said as she passed the small silver shield back to Annabelle. "The life of a knight is a dangerous one. Your mother didn't want you burdened with stories of war and loss or to worry about what she experienced as a Knight."
"But I'm not a child," Annabelle protested. "I can handle it."
Elise looked at her niece where she noticed the resolve in her eyes. "I know you can," she said solemnly. "Those journals you found, why don't you start there. Learn about your mother in her words as she wrote them."
Annabelle nodded as she wiped her tears and then attached her mother's decorative shield to a chain she put around her neck then tucked it under her tunic. She then made her way to the black kit bag which held the leather-bound journals and randomly picked one -- the weathered journal would be the words of Myra VanIsle as they were written by her years before.
As she flipped through the pages, for a moment, her mother's voice whispered through her mind, "Rise, Lord Shadow, your time has come. Light will fade under the darkening sun."
A shiver ran down Annabelle's spine when she heard those fateful words. It was as if her mother spoke to her from the grave. She knew she had to find out what they meant, and she started with the journals of Myra VanIsle.
Elise looked at her niece, and noticed the resolve in her eyes. "Very well," she said as she turned to leave Annabelle alone with her journals. "I will leave you to your books. But don't stay up too late; we have a long trip ahead of us tomorrow."
"Yes, Aunt Elise, just a few pages. I swear."
"Goodnight, dear," Elise said as she left Annabelle alone with her torchlight and Myra's journal.
Annabelle would not limit herself to only a few pages. As she read the journal, she would learn that Erida VanIsle was a formidable dark knight who served herself above all else. Many knew her as the Lord of Shadows or the Lord Shadow. Eventually, she became the Arbiter of the Dominion Guard and was responsible to uphold the laws of the Dominion, which was a powerful domain within the Kirral Empire.
Annabelle read on, and learned that as the years passed Erida's allegiance to the Empire and the Dominion grew. She became more ruthless in her duties and was known for her decisiveness and brutality. Erida earned the title of Sovereign’s Wrath for her relentless pursuit of justice, no matter the cost. She added the title of Executor to her list of duties after the Dominion Sovereign proclaimed her his heir should he fall.
Annabelle settled into bed as she continued to read about her aunt Erida. She learned that Erida would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and she always saw things through to the end. With her cunning, charisma, mastery of the dark arts, and tactical prowess, Erida became a formidable foe to the Commonwealth Knights and other dark knights of the Dominion and Kirral Empire.
Through the years, Erida gained considerable power and influence at the expense of others like her. She was known as Councilor for Diplomacy, Minister of Influence, and Silencer of the Royal Guard. Erida also went by the name Kiritsa, which was her pseudonym as an assassin.
Despite Erida's success, she was not well-liked. Some in the Kirral Empire believed she was too ruthless, and her dispassion made her out of touch with her subjects and the order of dark knights she served. They said her campaigns against other dark knights, heretics, or those weaker than her, and the Commonwealth and their Knights were motivated by personal vendetta, not a desire to serve the Empire. Many believed she had too much influence over their Sovereign and was a threat to his rule.
Annabelle was eager to learn more about her aunt and the woman she would become. She continued on and learned about her aunt's missions for the Kirral Empire, the Dominion, and the Dominion Guard. In Myra's words, Annabelle would discover there was a time when Erida was pure and innocent. She was once full of love, hope, compassion, and empathy. But all that changed when Erida left Daeyl Brook for the Kirral Empire; the darkness that awaited her changed her forever. Annabelle felt a deep sadness as she read Myra describe Erida and her transition from the young woman she was into the monster she became.
Unbeknownst to Annabelle, Elise spied her niece, deep in sleep, through a crack in the door, as she held the journal tight. A momentary smile crept across her face as she remembered Erida before she turned away and headed to bed.
Annabelle awoke the following day and felt rested, she was ready to learn more about Myra and Erida. She quickly dressed and went to find her aunt so they could prepare for their journey. After a quick breakfast, they set out for the day's travels. Annabelle chatted with her aunt and discovered more about her as they went. Elise was happy that Annabelle took interest in Erida and Myra and was glad to have someone to talk to about them.
As the day wore on, Annabelle returned her focus to another journal. She read in Erida's words that after she left Daeyl Brook, she found herself at the site of ancient ruins which memorialized the creation of the Kirral Empire thousands of years before. The Scorios Academy was not just a place of study; it was a place of darkness and despair, and it would be a struggle to survive. The instructors were cruel, they often made the students fight one another for the amusement of the academy overseers. Erida was one of the few students who managed to endure, live, and thrive.
As the carriage that carried Elise and Annabelle progressed through the countryside, Annabelle continued to read the journal with great interest. She read about how when she walked among the stone tiles, tall grasses, and high trees of the Academy, Erida's smile often struck fear in others, as they knew of the violence she could inflict. Erida was, after all, a survivor and would do so at any cost. Everyone believed she lived for herself and no other; this wasn't far from the truth, but it wasn't always that way. As a young dark knight, Erida instructed at the Academy -- she had become a blade master because of her expertise and mastery of the sword. Erida was a skilled fighter and strategist, and she quickly rose through the ranks of the Kirral Empire. She became a respected member of the royal court, and her skills as an assassin and diplomat made her an invaluable asset to the Kirral. At the same time, her prowess and cunning led her to become one of the most respected leaders of the Empire.
Annabelle continued, captivated by her aunt's story. She read that Erida had a rather unremarkable childhood in Daeyl brook, one with which Annabelle could relate. As she grew up, no one expected that Erida would one day be known as an Arbiter, Lord Shadow, Wrath, Executor, or Kirral. She came from humble roots, born on the small vegetable farm Annabelle called home, which comprised a barn, three-room farmhouse, massive cellar, a huge pond, and a few square miles of farmland. Her parents were simple folk who worked hard to provide for themselves.
Annabelle looked up from the journal as she felt the carriage stop. They had arrived at their destination, the border between the Commonwealth and the Kirral Empire. Elise barely spoke a few words before she flashed something from within her robes before the armed foot soldiers bowed and allowed the carriage to continue their journey.
Not interested in the sights of the countryside, Annabelle continued to read. The Daeyl Brook farm would be nearly impossible to find on a map. Erida lived there with her twin sister Myra and her parents, Harrison and Viola. Harrison was a farmer, while Viola was once a seeker who worked for the province of Hisperidia alongside the Commonwealth Order of Knights, to ensure the safety of its citizens. The small farm was on a picturesque valley surrounded by high hills and cliffs, and a sizable pristine lake is known as Lake Relber. It had a vibrant reflection of red wine, which dyed the sandy beaches pink. The sisters fished at the lake and loved to swim, just gaze out, or sit with one another. The valley's fertile soil produced abundant crops, which Harrison and Viola VanIsle worked hard to harvest. Erida was an incredibly adept student, a bookworm, and an avid reader, who regularly studied and attempted to avoid her parents and their work.
Annabelle perked up, and a smile crept across her face when she learned that Erida had shoulder-length onyx hair like hers, which was often unkempt and disheveled.
The people of Daeyl Brook often described Erida and Myra as sweet, cuddly, kind, and curious. Their smiles were the kind that could brighten any room. Even though they turned out so differently, Myra and Erida shared nearly the same infectious smile; they looked almost identical; it was hard to tell them apart. They were innocent and naive and had no idea what the future was in store for them. Myra and Erida were inextricably linked and thought they would spend a lifetime at each other's sides, but in reality, they would spend decades apart.
Unlike Myra, who was emotional and struggled to hide her feelings at the best of times, Erida was more relaxed and level-headed. While they grew up in the same environment, they reacted differently to the darkness that filled their home. Erida could adapt and thrive while Myra struggled, and she quickly learned how to survive on the Daeyl Brook farm.
Myra always struggled to understand how Erida would become known for her cruelty and brutality when she was such a kind and caring sister. Erida would always be her dear sister to Myra, with the love and tenderness only she seemed to see.
As she learned about the love between Myra and Erida Annabelle thought about her cousin, Bianca. They were as close as Myra and Erida, and it tore her apart that she had to move far away from her cousin to stay with Elise.
The parents usually found their daughters in the farm fields together. Myra loved to spend time with her sister, and they would often read books together, explore the countryside, and spend time at the pond. They would relax and talk for hours on end. Their mother tried to provide them with a normal childhood, but she couldn't protect them from the darkness which plagued Daeyl Brook.
On their last day together, they had gone out into the fields. Myra chased after Erida for a reason long forgotten, and she was determined to keep up. Myra always wanted to be with Erida; they were always best friends and loved each other dearly.
'Keep up, Myra!' Erida giggled as she ran away from her sister and rushed through the fields of tall stalks of grain. Myra panted as she pushed the grain aside to press on towards Erida's voice as they ran back towards the house and the pond. As she emerged from the field, Erida tried to pass their usual picnic spot in front of our pond to find a place to rest and wait for Myra. A root which emerged from the ground caught Erida's foot and took her to the ground face-first near the sizable shady tree that would become so important to them.
'Slow down!' Myra called out, but it was too late. Erida had fallen victim to one of the many traps their parents had warned them about on the farm. Myra rushed over to help her, but Erida pushed her away and scrambled to her feet. Erida glared at the offensive tree; her jaw clenched in anger. Then they walked over to the pond's edge, to look out at the water as they caught their breath. The sun shone brightly, and provided them with some warmth on that fantastic day. While they laughed and giggled, the sisters pulled off their backpacks and prepared to settle in, they did not realize this would be their last lunch together. They had planned to picnic at the pond, but Erida insisted they eat under the shady tree.
Annabelle shifted in the carriage to lean against her Aunt Elise for comfort as she continued to read about Myra and Erida.
Myra took out the bread they had brought and some cheese while Erida set down their drinks. Myra was excited to share her discovery of a new book with her sister, but Erida wasn't interested. Myra ate her fill as they shared stories about school, work, and friends. It was just like any other day that they had spent together. It was perfect.
Had Myra known that this would be their last lunch, she would have taken longer to enjoy her sister's smile. Instead she focused on her surroundings and gazed at the clouds. It is unlikely any other pair of siblings could love each other as much as they did. Even though they fought, they always made up afterwards. They were always there for each other when times got tough. Even decades later, they would not forget their shared moments: the infectious laughter they shared that day.
Myra grew to regret that she did not take the time to focus on Erida's infectious laughter as they sat at the tree. But she didn't know. Myra would wish she could return and relive those days with Erida, but they were gone forever.
Annabelle did not realize it but her Aunt Elise had wrapped her arm around Annabelle, and allowed her to cuddle as she read.
Myra pressed herself between the large tree and Erida's shoulder as they finished their lunch, then gave her a soft peck on the neck. She enjoyed that perfect moment, 'I love you, Eri, thank you.'
Erida leaned her head against Myra's as she grabbed her boot knife and carved their initials into the tree, 'EV & MV.' She replied softly while she nuzzled Myra, 'I love you too, kiddo.' Annabelle suspected she knew the tree from the journal as there was a large one at the graves of the VanIsles, but where the initials might be only a deep scar remained in the bark where a large chunk of wood had been removed. Erida then gave Myra a gift; she had pulled a large wrapped object out of her bag and passed it into Myra's hands. “I bought this for you – kiddo,” she said.
Myra examined her gift, which was a leather-bound journal: one Myra would treasure and happened to be the journal Annabelle had in her hands. But there was something else; she had left Myra a letter on the inside. Annabelle flipped through the pages to the back and found the letter she whispered Erida’s words to herself.
I write this letter to you in our language because I want you to read these words as they were intended, from the heart. I love you and want you to know that nothing can ever come between us. You are my body, my heart, and my soul. You are all that I am and all I ever could be.
I will always be with you, Myra. You are the most special person in the world to me, and I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what happens.
Always remember that, Myra. I love you. Forever and always.
your sister, Erida.”
Annabelle's eyelids drooped as she finished the letter, and Elise could see she needed sleep. Elise patted Annabelle's head, "Get some rest, dear. We will stop at an inn for the night in a couple of hours."
Annabelle was soon asleep, wrapped in Elise's arm as the carriage continued to take the pair closer to Annabelle's new home. Elise subtly shook her head while she looked at Annabelle then left her to sleep peacefully while she dreamt of Daeyl Brook.
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