《Heaven's Wing》Preface


To the readers:

Good day.

This novel is a side story about a certain part on what happened in the four blank years after Merchant Li picked up Azalea. I have written this story early 2016 in my handy dandy notebook. This story will not have the entirety of those four years but it will focus on the events in Aesbyl. Back then I was not sure where I’m going to place this kinda long story. All I was thinking is that I need to write this part of Azalea’s past since it does put a lot of impact in her life and her character development as a person.

After pondering, for like a few years about this, I decided that this story needs a whole book with full on details of the events. I think this might be a bit longer than what I first imagined it to be. This story will contain a more fleshed out details about how she became “The Witch of the West” in the eyes of the world, and the “Heaven’s Wing” for the few that she saved. You do not need to read the main series, “Defiant [Epic Fantasy]” or this side story, “Heaven’s Wing,” first to enjoy either of the stories. Read whichever you want first, or read both of them at the same time.

Thank you for checking up on my novel. If you want to read the main story, check out the [link below] my fictions page and look for the novel “Defiant [Epic Fantasy].”



Side Story

Heaven’s Wing

Azalea, a young licensed Demon Hunter, is traveling from the country of Laamhi to go to the country of Westar where she is planning on looking back into some aspects of her past. Instead of going to directly to her destination, she decided to stop over in Ylam city in the country of Surus.


In Ylam City, an organized hunt is called to take down an A-rank demon, Ur’Yarha. Azalea decides to join the hunt to gather more experience and since it is in the way to her destination. To avoid conflict with other hunters, she promises to take only the credit of participation, leaving all other loots and monetary rewards to them. The hunt is to finish smoothly until a spoiled noble thought of a different plan after laying his eyes at her. Unfortunately, this pampered rich-boy of an influential and powerful clan in the region does not take rejection quite well. Trouble comes to Azalea one after another.

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