《Brightburn - A LITRPG apocalypse》Chapter 2 - The ever-fall forest


As Oliver lay sleeping on something hard, his bleary mind not quite knowing where, a piercing light shone through the darkness of his closed eyes. The light burned his tired eyes for a moment, but just before he awoke it disappeared, leaving him once more in the sweet embrace of oblivion, this, however, did not last either, and the piercing light soon returned. This cycle of harsh light and comforting darkness continued for minutes, taunting his tired mind by keeping it dancing on the twilight of consciousness. Right up until something new disturbed the cycle, namely when something small and light landed on his face, finally waking him. Did they restart that stupid game where they see how many napkins they can put on my face before i wake up? I mean honestly, I'm asleep, not dead. He thought as he reached up to brush the napkin off and go back to sleep, but instead of finding the soft paper he expected, he found the coarse, crisp feeling of an autumn leaf. That finally woke him up, as he wondered where they had found a recently fallen autumn leaf at the start of spring. He slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes with one hand, and supporting himself against something… wooden? With the other. When he finally opened his eyes, his hand dropped to his side.

Before his eyes stretched a forest larger than any on earth, but that wasn’t right, no forest on earth could even slightly compare, they were too fundamentally different, especially when it came to sheer scale. The trees which stretched out as far as his eyes could see were monolithic. The trunks alone were majestic, each one being tens of kilometers thick, reaching up higher than he could see. When he looked up, he could not see how far they stretched, and when he looked down, he only saw layers upon layers of branches, becoming darker and darker as each stole just a little more light from the ones below. The branches were also simply colossal in their scope, each starting from the trunk as wide as the Nile, before stretching out and slowly splitting into smaller and smaller branches, like dark mahogany rivers flowing out into endless streams. They were so long that even from where Oliver sat at the very beginning of a branch there were still twigs from other trees swaying gently in the wind.

Then there were the plants all around him, sprouting from the very bark of the trees, nestled in every knot, nook, and cranny with light brown stalks and leaves in any shade of yellow, orange, and red, from pale pastel yellow to deep maroon reds. But even more intriguing than the plant life were the animals, there were entire herds of deer with bulls' horns to avoid getting tangled in the ever-present branches. They ran along the thicker branches at incredible speeds before leaping to a network of thinner branches where their small hooves still found purchase. Running even further until they came upon a pond of water where a branch once stood, tall and proud before something tore it off, allowing water to gather in the hollow created. And that was only one of the species running and living on the trees, there were also wolves with mahogany fur speckled with the colors of the plants and leaves, rabbits dragging fallen twigs and branches to the points where the thin branches met to create nests in the areas where only they could tread, and bears capable of camouflaging themselves with the bark before standing in the hollows made by fallen branches, waiting for prey to pass.


But the most amazing aspect of the forest was not the majestic trunks, nor the magnificent branches or the beautiful plants, not even the intriguing, new, and seemingly endless variety of animals. No, the most gorgeous aspect of the forest were the leaves. They were just as colorful as the plants, their colors shifting seemingly randomly between endless shades of red, orange, and yellow, dancing through the air as they fell from the branches. And they fell constantly. Their entire lifecycle took place in mere minutes, starting when they sprouted in the span of a few seconds before they fell from the branch after a minute of fluttering in the wind. Then they swirled through the air, dancing a complex unknowable waltz with the millions of other leaves falling at the same time, gracefully intertwining between each other and the countless branches they passed, flowing in a stunning wave of reds, yellows, and oranges when the wind blew, before they eventually disappeared into the darkness of the below.

Welcome to your tutorial!

These system pre-prepared areas have been made with the purpose of teaching you the basics of the system in mind.

As such, while the biomes may seem foreign or even alarming to you, please remain aware that these biomes will be your reality.

If you find yourself at the edge of the biome, the system recommends that you avoid going through, this is not because it could hinder it in any way, as you may want to do exactly that,

but simply because you would be exposed to the forces beyond your mind currently using the tutorial period to prepare your new planet.

Further information on your specific tutorial will be given in the next announcement. the system recommends spending the meantime pondering what you will do in the new world.

After Oliver read the last sentence, he looked out over the grand forest. So, this will be our new reality? he thought, as he realized that he didn't even need to think before he knew what he wanted to do in the new world. He wanted to explore as many of these new, amazing, magnificent and beautiful places as he could, to learn everything there was to learn about all the creatures and plants of these stunning biomes, to see what wonders the new world offered and have grand adventures in them with the people he met along the way.

I wonder where Emma is? she would definitely be fun to adventure with, and people have said that she prevents me from trying out my 'worst ideas'. I mean, it clearly states that there are more than one tutorial, but is who goes where decided by proximity, culture, biological connections, or interpersonal connections? and how big is this tutorial. he glanced around the monolithic forest. okay it's clearly big, but how many people are here? is mom here?


Welcome to The ever-fall forest, your tutorial!

In this forest trapped in endless autumn, you will experience a introduction to the system as a whole. Congratulations!

Chose a class, kill the beasts of the forest, earn experience, and level up your chosen class!

Chose a craft, utilize the bounty of the forest in your craft, earn experience, and level up your chosen craft!

You can achieve your wildest dreams, and it all starts with a single word.


Well, it certainly is enthusiastic about itself, although, if what it claims is true, I fully understand and support this enthusiasm. Oliver stood fully upright to look around at the braches, trying to spot anyone else, but seeing nothing but the natural beauty of the forest. And so, Oliver thought the word that could give him anything he wanted, change his life into one filled with adventure and fun, and let him help people quickly instead of just stumbling along, trying to find some way of getting enough money and power to do something good. Status.

Name: Oliver Antonova Species: Human Class: Undecided Craft: Undecided Mana: 445 / 445 Stamina: 260 / 260 Class level: 0 Craft level: 0 Constitution: 8 Strength: 8 Dexterity: 12 Perception: 11 Charisma: 15 Intelligence: 16 Wisdom: 14 Attribute points: 0 Skills Abilities Status effekts

Oliver studied the numerical values assigned to every aspect of who he was as a person for a moment, before coming to the slightly disheartening conclusion that it was accurate, and maybe even a little optimistic when it came to his strength. After all, while cykleing to and from school every day did give him decent leg strength, the rest of his body was completely untrained due to him preferring to spend his free time with friends. And while his friend Emma trained, he was not her friend while she trianed, as training apparently had very little room for jokes, which was what he primarily brought to the table. On the plus side, his mental stats, as he had already dubbed charisma, intelligence and wisdom, were pretty good. but how do I chose my class? he wondered, before simply deciding to follow the precedence set by opening his status, and focusing on the word undecided.


The BRAWN class is meant for those who fight with

fist, club, spear, feet, sword, axe, and even cranium.

So long as you don't plan to rely too heavily on whats

inside that cranium, this class is for you.

At every level, the BRAWN class gains 1 to all stats,

1 to constitution, strength, and dexterity, and 1 attribute point.


The Brain class is meant for you if you truly believe that the

pen is mightier than the sword, sadly, pens are in short

supply in the ever-fall forest, and Mana is hard to wield.

Of course, if you learn how to wield mana, that would give you

a very real weapon, but, well, why ruin the surprise?

At every level, the Brain class gains 1 to all stats,

1 to Charisma, Intellegence, and Wisdom, and 1 attribute point.


The Unpridictable class is meant for those who want,

at least in their opinion, the best of both worlds.

They abhor the classical classes in favor of their own path

and while that path is often frought with danger,

it also gives... huh.

At every level, the Unpridictable class gains 1 to all stats,

1 to any three different attributes, and 1 attribute point.

I suppose everyone has a somewhat similar starting point at the very least? I assume it gets more specialized later, since, well, this is incredibly vague, Oliver thought as he stared at the three options he had to chose from.

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