《Growing Wings》The deal


“I looked into that weedy creepy priest friend of yours.”

Vella’s voice startled Xellie, who had been following the path through the forest deep in thought. She glanced to her left to see the blue-haired Valkyrie floating alongside her.

“Talynn?” She asked.

“Yes, that one. He’s working for a human who has contact with the demon realm, some sorcerer with an inferiority complex. He calls himself the viper, and apparently, he doesn’t like you very much.”

“That doesn’t narrow it down...” Xellie muttered.

“He was going to tattoo cursed ink on to you.” Vella gave a loud tsk. “You nearly had yourself a little demonic tracking beacon on your belly.”

“Why would anyone...”

“Why would anyone want to be near you...? Indeed.” Vella laughed. “Hey, do you like it? The sword?”

“It seems very strong,” Xellie replied.

“Oh, it is!” Vella clasped her hands together with excitement “I cannot wait to see how you’re unable to use it.”

“You need to work on your pep talks.” Xellie sighed, trying to follow Raye’s advice to not provoke Vella.

“I think it’s amusing~,” Vella said in a sing-song tone. “To be given such a thing because you need a crutch in your battle against Ashmeviti~”

“I don’t need... wait...” Xellie stopped in her tracks, turning to Vella. “What do you mean my battle against Ashmeviti?”

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuu.” Vella tapped her face, with forced thoughtfulness. “I thought you were going to clean the world up. Was that not what you were planning?”

“Kill demons yes, kill the demon lord himself? I don’t think so.”

“I’m glad you know your limits.” Vella giggled. “You’re not cut out for our power anyway, so I’m happy to see that you’re failing before you’ve begun.”


Vella sure was eager to try and anger her!

“But do you know what?” Vella continued, flying in front of Xellie to hover face to face. “The longer Raye spends investing in you, instead of well... disposing of you, the worse it’s going to be for her when you do fail, so maybe I’ll give you a hint.”

“I’m listening I guess.” Xellie mentally noted that she shouldn’t follow through on anything that Vella suggested.

“Ashmeviti is the source of so much pain in this world. Families you’ve seen split, the emotional pain Raye has been through, even your own life! The shrines his minions raise... the existence of Taode and the restricted zone... Imagine a world without this!”

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Xellie pushed Vella away in irritation. “You’re so powerful and I’m a waste of time, remember?”

“Oohhhh....” Vella pouted and started floating to follow Xellie once more. “I said we had low expectations of you. But Raye desperately wants to see you prove yourself to the point that she may have endangered herself.”

“But why don’t you do it?”

Vella appeared to stifle a laugh at this response.

“It’s not my job.”

“You mean, you’re not capable of it? Right?” Even though Raye had said not to provoke Vella, Xellie couldn’t help taking a jab at her.

“I’m not the one that has to prove myself to justify my existence~” Vella responded melodiously, unphased by the attempted insult. “But if you don’t think you’re up to the task, just say so~”

“I actually don’t.” Xellie stopped walking and scratched her head. “Because look, I’m a lone human, he’s a demon super lord and apparently an army of Valkyries can’t take him down.”

“Our powers annihilate the other,” Vella admitted begrudgingly. “It’s a bit like light versus darkness, whichever is strongest wins instantly. There could be thousands of us, but if he was stronger, then he will just wipe us out... But you! You’re a human so maybe you’ll do less harm to him but you cannot be instantly destroyed.”


“But you can take out the weaker ones, right?”

“Easy,” Vella chirped. “It’s just the source of the problem we have trouble with. But as it’s so dangerous, those of us who are more valued are ordered to never engage... So what do you say?”

Xellie shrugged.

“I’m still just one human.”

“You.” Vella chided. “You are one of us. Kind of. Sort of. Anyway, the spirit inside you will know what to do. You’re not just a human wielding our power, you could be so much more~.”

“I don’t even know what that means.” both Vella and Raye had an annoying habit of speaking in rather cryptic ways.

“You don’t need to. Let’s make a deal. If you take out the demon lord, however, you see fit, I’ll support Raye in her vouching for your existence so she doesn’t get punished and maybe... Just maybe, I’ll let you join us.” Vella said, giving Xellie a light tap on the nose before disappearing.

Life had just become strange. Xellie looked into the distance at the mountains, their snowy caps glistening in the sunlight.

Vella’s words had a chilling implication.

Justify your existence

Did Vella not want her alive? Raye had spoken of Vella’s jealousy before. Also, it was disturbing that Vella had implied that Xellie’s own existence was a threat to Raye. Was there really some strange divine quarrel going on over her?

Perhaps her brother could bring some normality back into her situation. Could he have been in the same situation when he was younger, and earned his power by proving himself? Niko was famed for his prowess in battle which must have come from somewhere...

To rid the world of the demon lord and remove the need for the restricted zone... To allow people to travel to places like Hiraeth freely. To experience the clean and fresh skies and sunlight away from the demonic aura that soaked the ground in Taode...

If Vella believed there was a chance... If there was a chance, no matter how small, this had to be worth fighting for.

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