《Elysia in Another World》Chapter 11: The Royal Council, Part 3


“Did you see that?” asked Doran. He and Michelle were walking around the campus together and saw Astarte, Kye, and company on the ground floor of the lab building through a window. “Of all people, what is Lady Astarte doing leading them?”

“I bet she’s taking them to the council meeting.”

They shared a nod and hurried back to the dorms, each going to their own dorm and calling the others to meet outside.

“The council meeting?” Danielle asked. “You think?”

“Yeah,” Doran said. “Remember the battle six months ago? Kye and Alethea participated and then suddenly they had trouble channeling mana.”

Elizabeth was the most annoyed after that battle. She couldn’t have a rematch while Kye was recovering. “Do you suppose their condition is permanent? It’s got to be why they were summoned.”

“They are important enough that the council would need to intervene if the condition is that serious.” Michael added.

“I hope it’s not permanent,” Danielle said.

Doran and Michelle sighed and said, “Things are going to get complicated.”

“Here’s my analysis and correct me if I’m wrong,” Kye said, looking toward the Drachenheim royals. “I already knew that it multiplied by one hundred and consumed significantly more mana to maintain that, but now I think I know how it works. Dragon Force does not reinforce the soul link or body to handle a significant amount of compression. If one viewed the link as a tube between body and soul, it increases the diameter to allow more uncompressed mana to pass through. It does nothing to increase the body’s tolerance of mana, so the user must already be capable of withstanding the increase in flow or the flow will only increase to the threshold they can handle.”

“Your ability to appraise is that accurate? That’s exactly correct,” Draenara said. “We train our bodies much more than most to properly utilize Dragon Force.”

“Yes, and this is not without a downside. Due to the increase in the size of the link, it is stretched thin. That makes it more susceptible to damage while Dragon Force is active. It consumes a significantly higher amount of mana to maintain the state and prevent damage caused by the spell itself, but that’s not sufficient to provide protection from outside sources. A significant amount of damage that you may normally survive could kill you. That, and it does not work with aether and requires dragon mana.”

“Also correct.”

Kye exchanged glances with Alethea and the two shared a nod, knowing what the other was thinking. It would nice if we could use Overdrive like that.

“Are there any other questions about Overdrive or anything else involving us?”

“I’d like to go back to the reincarnation topic,” Zen I said. “It was clear to us right from the start that you were special. You were much more active as a newborn than other children, and your white aether manifested when you were kidnapped.”

“Yes, I came into this world conscious right from the start.” She recalled the party and the kidnapping and described them from her perspective. “That pot was hot. You may recall mother telling you I could understand her when she returned to the palace with me after that incident.”


“I do, yes. You beginning training so early and how rapidly you improved is due to the knowledge you’ve obtained over your many past lives? And your spells?”

She nodded.

“I’m honestly not sure how to take this, but I’m convinced it’s true. It explains everything.” The Light King paused for a moment then stood up and walked over to Kye. She gave him a puzzled look. “I want you to know that this changes nothing between us.”

Kye flashed back to when she told Layla and covered her mouth to keep from gasping out loud.

“You may have been many other people over your... existence? But, right now and forever, even after you die here and become someone else... you are and will always be my daughter.” He motioned for her to stand up and he pulled her into a warm hug. “I love you, Kye. I love you differently than I love your brother and sister.” His expression warped from a warm smile to confusion. “Though, I think we need to have a longer, private conversation about your relationship.” He glanced at Alethea. “I don’t disapprove, but your guardians need to figure some things out, especially considering one of you is an heir.”

“I agree,” Atalante said with a nod. Layla nodded as well.

“We should return to the topic at hand,” Zen said before returning to his seat.

“That was very warming,” Alexandra said. “But yes, we should return to the discussion. Before we called you here, I described you to be an anomaly. Little did I know even that wasn’t sufficient.”

“My apologies.”

“No need to apologize for being special. Now that we know what you are and how you are so phenomenal...” she paused a moment, trying to find the right words. “Are you willing to share your knowledge for the betterment of our world?”

“Have I not been doing that all along?”

“She has done quite a bit,” Edward interjected.

“Aethersteel is too advanced for most of us. It’s extremely hard to produce due to how difficult aether is to control. Even Allison was just barely able to do it and Astarte hasn’t finished enchanting enough of it to create anything.”

Several people echoed the sentiment, claiming that Kye’s invention is too outlandish, and some pointed out that her spells do not have incantations.

“What? Just make up an incantation. It doesn’t matter what you say.”

“Excuse me?” said Apollyon. “It doesn’t matter?”

“The incantation is nothing more than an aid to cast the spell, no?”

“Of course not. The incantation is a necessary-”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there. You are putting far too much emphasis and reliance on the incantation. Incantations are just an aid. They aren’t actually part of the spell. Even speaking the spell name is the same.”

Jaws dropped all around the table. “Unbelievable!” “That can’t be right.” “Prove it.”

“Observe me.” Kye laid her arms on the table for all to see. “Tell me the indication that I am casting a spell.”

As several of the attendees watched, Kye sat still.



“You haven’t done anything yet.”

Allison pointed up. “Anyone who did not realize what she is doing needs remediation.” Every founder, the Atlantis sisters, and the Barrett siblings realized it. Among the remaining council members, only Kanade Tachibana and Kye’s father realized it. Above them floated a simple ball of water.


“Allison, are you able to cast without speaking the name of a spell or making any outward motions? Specifically, using only your mind.”

“I can do that with most of the spells I know using mana, but I have trouble doing that with any spell using aether. I can insta-cast a lot of spells with visualization and the spell name, but it’s sloppy and honestly dangerous if others are around.”

Kye looked around the large room. “Create a barrier for me, anywhere in the room with open space. Mana is fine, but make it strong.” Allison nodded and created a square barrier near a corner. Suddenly, a beam of aether appeared out of nowhere and struck it, shocking almost everyone present at not only the suddenness, but the use of aether and no indication at all that it was done.

“Teach us,” Alexandra said. “Your control of aether alone is revolutionary. If not for your age, I would immediately request you become an instructor.”

Kye shook her head. “I do not yet understand why the people in this world have so much trouble controlling it.” They are so good at mana, but why not aether? “I’ll need some time to discover why before I can offer any guidance with that. I already have a project on my plate that I want to complete first, but that might give me some insight as well.”

“What is it?” Layla asked.

“Louise Chevalier has consulted with me on over-enchanting. She has become quite good at enchanting manasteel, but her failures result in metal dust, rather than an unusable brick of aethersteel.”

“That’s what happens when I try as well,” said Kolodka.

“Same here,” said Rebekka.

“Hmm...” Kye thought about it for a moment and decided to ask for all of their results via NeuraPhone. “Once I solve this problem, I will formally move on to the next. I would rather not bog myself down with several at once. If I may move at my own pace, I can assure you I will improve this world.”

“I have no objections,” Alexandra said. With no founders objecting, the younger members agreed without a fuss. After that, they allowed Kye to return to the academy with Astraia escorting her this time.

Once they were back in the academy, Astraia popped an unusual question out of the blue. “Kye, Alethea, would you two mind at all if I became your retainer?”

“Wh-wh-what?” Alethea stuttered.

“Uh...” Kye was just as surprised.


In a black and purple mansion overlooking a purple sea of “liquid”, a black-haired man was meeting with his three subordinates.

“Well, that didn’t turn out how I planned,” Phantom said, showing no sign of anger or frustration. “I sprung that attack on them out of nowhere and they fought hard enough to require months of recovery time. Since they were not allowed to go on the field trip for the first term, another plan is necessary.”

“Yes, my lord,” Elliot said. “I may be able to attend the second term field trip, but it will be difficult this year since I already chaperoned one.”

“Indeed. Perhaps I should not have tested them the way I did. Oh well, what’s done is done. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and seeing them tense up when I introduced myself was amusing. Elliot, do what you can. If it cannot be done this year, then ensure it can be done next year. It’s a trivial amount of time, either way, so you may handle it as you please.”

“Thank you, my lord. I will set to work immediately.”

Phantom created a portal allowing Elliot to return to the academy. Phantom turned his gaze to the woman in the room.

“Amelia, I would like to eat on your planet this evening.”

“Yes, my lord.”

That night, Kye and Alethea were getting ready for bed and were finally alone. The pink-haired girl looked over at her blonde girlfriend after pulling on her pajamas and asked, “What do you think?”

“About what?”

“The council.”

“I think you’re taking too much of a backseat.”

Alethea diverted her eyes. “I dunno what you’re talking about...”

Kye narrowed her eyes. “Uh huh.” Kye ran up behind Alethea, but quickly found herself with the tables turned. Alethea got behind Kye and quickly grabbed a handful.

“Hee hee, I love your boobs, Shi-chan.”

“Hey! Don’t change the subject!” Kye struggled, but Alethea didn’t let go. “HEY!”

After a minute, Alethea relented and sat on the bed. “You know I don’t like taking the lead in... people situations. Interacting with that many people is frightening!”

“What about the opening ceremony? You spoke to thousands then.”

“Yeah, but that’s different. It was a lot of people, sure, but I was only speaking to them, not with them. It makes a difference!”

“Yeah, I got it.” Kye sighed, knowing exactly what Alethea was talking about. “I always took the lead in our past life because of your anxiety issue. What are you going to do once we’ve fully recovered and people will be allowed to take you up on your offer from the opening ceremony?”

“I... uh...” Alethea looked down, not wanting to think about it. “Well...”

Kye sat down and put her arm around Alethea, pulling her in. “Do you want me to help you with it?”

“You don’t mind?”

“I’ll do anything for you.”

Alethea smiled warmly, and they shared a kiss. “Thank you!” Suddenly, Alethea’s face went red and she covered her crotch.

“Hmm?” Kye was curious for a moment, then smirked. “Heh.”

“It’s not fair!” Alethea cried as she ran to the bathroom.

“I love you regardless, Saya-chan!”

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