《Elysia in Another World》Chapter 6: A Tea Party


Fifteen years ago, on December 20, 11986…

A dark purple and black mansion sat upon a small rocky island hovering above a sea of purple… water? A man stood in front of a window on the third floor gazing out at the vast empty world before him. The man wore a suit fit for a noble that matched his shoulder-length black hair and black eyes. With him were two men and one woman, the men with short black hair, the woman with long black hair, and all three with the same black eyes and noble outfits. They sat at a table nearby drinking tea.

“Lord Phantom, it seems both the acquisitions failed,” said one of the men at the table. “In both cases, the child was successfully acquired and lost. For the child on Nippon Sekai, Allison Barrett and her siblings were there. They chased down the agent and rescued the child. The agent did confirm the child possesses white aether. As for the child on Terra, Atalante Atlantis, James Marshall, and Alexandra Romanov were nearby and rescued the child. That child was also confirmed to possess white aether and has been adopted by Atalante Atlantis.”

“So, both children are royals,” Phantom replied. “That certainly increases the difficulty of retrieving them. I don’t wish to announce myself to the world, so I cannot allow myself or you three to attempt to retrieve them…” He turned around and faced the table with one hand on his chin. “It may be best to wait until they enter the academy. Nobles and royals in this world have very sheltered upbringings.”

“If I may suggest-”

“No,” Phantom cut him off. “Elliot will use his position in the academy. We will wait until they have entered the academy and acquire them during a school trip that Elliot will chaperone.”

“As you wish, my lord,” Elliot replied.

“We will discuss details of the acquisition closer to the date.”

“Yes, my lord,” the three said in unison.

“What of your pet?” the woman asked.

“Let it sleep. We have no need to wake it just yet. Daemonheim has only recently been connected to Terra, Alcanus, Drachenheim, and Nippon Sekai. I’d like to give them time to establish relations with the other four. The S-class beasts will suffice to keep them in check until I change my mind.”

“As you wish, my lord.”

“My lord, might I ask for more details on this new aether these two children possess?” Elliot asked.

“It’s not new, though it is rather unique,” Phantom said as his body was suddenly engulfed in white aether and his eyes glowing white. “I was born with this power and have kept it my little secret, but now that two more reincarnations have been born in this world and others have seen it… it will soon become common knowledge. I wonder if they are here for pleasure or a mission.” He returned his gaze to the world outside the window. “If nothing else, we must discover their purpose in coming here.”

On the evening of the opening ceremony, the students were brought to their dormitories and given a quick rundown of where everything could be found. Each dormitory had five floors with various facilities. On the ground floor was a common room, a dorm supervisor’s office and living space, and a small cafeteria. A laundry facility and several student rooms were on the second floor. A small private gym, bath, and more student rooms were on the third floor. The entirety of the fourth and fifth floors were student rooms. The fifth floor contained larger rooms and typically went to royals if any were in that dorm or to other high-class nobles that had attendants.


Kye’s room was one of the two rooms at the far end of the fifth floor. Her room had a view of the city on one side and a street between dorms on the other, as did the room next to it. After settling in, Kye learned that Alethea would be staying in the other luxury room on her end of the building. Liliana and Aliana stayed in Kye’s room since they were her attendants. The girls from the Drachenheim group were assigned a luxury room at the front end of the building with a view overlooking the academy.

Sometime that evening, Kye was fidgeting as she paced around the room. I want to speak to her, but how do I go about meeting with her...

“Princess?” came Aliana’s voice, but Kye was lost in thought and didn’t hear her.

Should I just go over and knock on her door? That’s not appropriate noble behavior. Gah, noble expectations in this world are annoying! I could send Lily or Ally to request a meeting like a proper noble. I’d much rather march myself over there... but I suppose I should adhere to this world’s standards and-

A knock had come on the door while Kye was mentally arguing with herself. Liliana walked over to the door and pressed a button on the intercom. “Greetings, I am Liliana Venturi of Nippon Sekai, attendant of Lady Kye Akari. To whom am I speaking?”

“I am Andrea Lambros, attendant of Lady Alethea Atlantis.

“One moment, please.” Liliana turned to Kye, who was still pacing around the room. “Princess, you have a visitor."

Kye jumped at Liliana’s sudden telepathic message. “What? Oh, who’s here?”

“Lady Alethea’s attendant.” Kye gave her approval and Liliana opened the door.

“Greetings, Lady Kye,” she said. “I come with an invitation.”

“Very well,” Kye replied.

“Lady Alethea wishes to invite you to tea.”


“I apologize for the suddenness of the invitation.”

Kye glanced over to Liliana. Liliana nodded and said, “Yes, Princess.”

“Andrea, how many attendants does Alethea have?” Kye asked.

“Currently, two serve Lady Alethea here in the academy.”

“Aliana, please remain here and prepare a meal for six. I shall invite Alethea and her attendants to dine after tea.”

“As you wish, Princess.”

“Andrea, please lead the way. Liliana will accompany me.”

“As you wish, Lady Kye.”

“Greetings, Lady Kye,” Alethea said with a curtsy. “I thank you for responding to my abrupt invitation.”

Kye curtsied in return. “Greetings, Lady Alethea. I thank you for the invitation and extend my own to dinner after tea.”

Alethea struggled to hide her excitement. “I thank you and look forward to dinner.”

“Lady Alethea,” Andrea said with a simple smile.

“Hmm? Oh, the introductions. That’s not necessary for us. Kye, Liliana, Aliana, and I met when we were children. I vividly remember the day I witnessed Kye change the terrain in the Far Lands. However...” Alethea glanced over at her second attendant. “Andrea will have introduced herself while delivering the invitation, but Elaina has not had the opportunity yet.”

“I am unsure how to respond to that, Lady Alethea,” Andrea said. “I was unaware you have already met with Lady Kye.”

“Yes, it was during my trip to Alcanus with Lady Astraia.”

“I see. My apologies for not knowing your history better. I will strike to improve, Lady Alethea.”

“No need, Andrea, but if you feel it necessary to research my past please do so only in your free time. Do not spend work hours on such things.”


“As you wish, Lady Alethea.”

“Now... Elaina!”

“Yes, Lady Alethea,” said Alethea’s second retainer. “Greetings, Lady Kye. I am Elaina Reinhardt, attendant of Lady Alethea.”

“Greetings. I am Kye Akari of Nippon Sekai.”

“I am Liliana Venturi of Nippon Sekai, attendant of Lady Kye Akari.”

Kye and Liliana curtsied for Elaina. A few moments later, Alethea’s attendant led the three royals into the dining room which was already prepared for three. They sat down while Andrea stood nearby to serve and Elaina left for the kitchen.

“Do your attendants know of my power?” Kye said after taking a sip of tea. This tea is just like what’s served at the café in Arslade. I see that café left an impression on her, too.

Alethea nodded. “They do and have been instructed to maintain your secret until you decide to reveal it.”

“Thank you,” Kye said. “Us, Aliana, three other royals, and a select few staff members should be the only people in the academy that are aware.”

“Do you mind me asking why you chose not to reveal yourself? I had hoped we would stand together on that stage.”

“I decided to enter the academy quietly,” Kye explained. “I can imagine no better way to honor my family than to reveal to the world that I am a wielder of white mana, however I also wanted to begin the academy somewhat incognito. It’s quite impossible for a royal to be truly invisible here, although I have much fewer eyes on me as things stand than if I had stood on that stage with you. Actually, I think you revealing yourself helped me quite a bit in that regard. Everyone is looking at you.”

“Indeed. I have a few regrets about my entrance, but they are ultimately not an issue. I’ve managed to avoid the crowds so far, but this is only the opening day. I will not be able to avoid our classmates if they choose to crowd me, but I’m hoping they will understand and respect my personal space. What do you intend to do about your score tomorrow when they measure us? My mana is multitudes higher than my attendants, and they were the top of their class every year so far. I expect yours is similar to mine and if so you’ll gain instant attention the moment you are tested.”

“Indeed. White mana or not, I would rather quickly join you at the center of attention if my score is comparable to yours. It should be no issue, though, I will simply submit a false reading.”

“You’ll what? How?”

“Mana suppression. I’ll restrict the flow to a point only moderately higher than what Liliana scores. Even if I go first, I already know Liliana’s mana capabilities and know exactly how much to submit during the test.”

“Most would hear that and claim it’s impossible,” Alethea said with a tinge of determination in her eyes. “But for a person with white mana, who knows what’s possible...” Alethea snapped her fingers and a barrier of white mana instantly surrounded her and Kye, cutting them off from Andrea and Liliana.


“I wanted to speak to you privately for a moment. My attendants have been instructed to simply stand by while this barrier is in place. I apologize if this causes any concern for your attendant.”

“No concerns,” Kye said as she placed her hand on the barrier and opened a window large enough for both Alethea and Kye to see Liliana. “Liliana?”

Liliana didn’t as much as glance at either Alethea or Kye “The fact that this barrier is still in place after more than a few seconds indicates that you are not in any sort of trouble. You would have simply broken it.”

Kye closed the window and shrugged at Alethea. “See?”

“Your attendant is quite skilled. I have only praises for her.”

“My thanks. Now, what is it you wanted to speak of that must reach the ears of no one else?”

Alethea closed her eyes for a moment and crossed her arms. She sat silently for a moment while gathering her thoughts. “I know you’re a reincarnation.”

“I’m sorry?” Kye said, betraying no hint of her surprise. “Reincarnation?”

“There’s no point in hiding it. I’m one, too. I’ve known you are a reincarnation since the day we met.”

“Is that so?”

“Your pendant gave you away.”

“I see,” Kye said as she fished the pendant out of her top. “You know of Maya?”

“You could say that.” Alethea shrugged. “What is she to you?”

“I will not answer. Sorry. That’s a very personal topic.”

Alethea’s expression turned serious. “Personal enough that you will withhold the story from a fellow reincarnation, eh? Hmm...”

“Yes. My apologies, but that is not a topic I am willing to discuss.” Kye’s expression remained the same as before the barrier was placed. She refused but showed no sign of anger or even annoyance.

“I’ll ask the same question, but I’ll phrase it another way.”

“I will not answer no matter how you phrase it.”

Alethea sighed as she continued, undaunted by Kye’s obstinance. “What am I to you?” Kye raised an eyebrow. “I asked before what is she to you. I said I would rephrase it. What am I to you.”

“Are you implying that you are she?”

“Under Lady Eve’s service, I am Maya the Second. I am the strongest soul behind only my love, Elysia the First.”

Kye no longer tried to hide her shock. She stood up abruptly, throwing her chair back against the barrier. The chair vaporized as it touched the barrier. IMPOSSIBLE.

“I don’t know why another soul would revere me enough to carry a pendant with my name and incessantly refuse to explain why. It’s not only strange... I’m not sure what to think of it. I’ve experienced this very thing in many of my past lives, but I always knew why people had high opinions of me then.”

“You can’t be her... no...”

“Why can’t I be? Why do you have my name on a pendant? What are your name and rank?”

Kye fell to her knees, unable to look at Alethea. “Can it be possible? After so many lives?”

Alethea jumped up and leaped over the table. She knelt next to Kye, her expression changing from serious to concerned. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“I’m...” Kye looked up and met Alethea’s eyes. “Are you really her? Swear to me! Swear on Lady Eve’s name!”

Alethea saw the tears in Kye’s eyes. “Am I that important to you?”

Kye stared into Alethea’s eyes. Despite her tears, she wouldn’t turn away until she had her answer. After all these lives, after all these many, many lives... I have to know! I’ve waited so very long to be reunited with her. Is she right in front of me?

“Upon the name of Lady Eve the Primordial, I swear to you I am Maya.”

While fighting the tears, Kye continued, “If that is a lie, your very soul is forfeit. But, if it’s true...”

“I can make no greater declaration that it’s true.”

“If it’s true, then this means after all this time... we are finally... No, before that. What does the name Sakaguchi mean to you?”

Alethea suddenly jumped up and fell backward against her barrier. Unlike the chair, she suffered no damage from it. “How do you know that name?” Alethea all but screamed the question. “HOW?! Elysia and I were the only reincarnations in that world. Nobody else should know to speak that name to me!”

Kye smiled, closed her eyes, and allowed tears of joy to run down her face. “Sayaka, it’s me! Shiori!”

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