《The Merchant of the Golden Triangle》Chapter 16


Among Anciën's famous records that they kept in their vast libraries, the Gallery of Staine which keeps the various artworks of Human and Satyr [Artists], and some of their buildings that were older than many Libertalian city-states; second only to the megalopolises of the Exiled Coasts, also hosts the Jinni's Lamp. The establishment was a shining triangular compound of three inns within the city, where the richest travelers come to stay. It has, in fact, a servant Jinni that the founder of the grand inn that he bought from the far continent of Fallen Qin. Few establishments can boast of a Jinni, even among Libertalia's best cities.

That Jinni was occupied, as it served the most powerful woman in the city in bed within the best suite of the room. It took a mighty masculine figure with horns this time, but someone knocked on her door.

"Miss, your [Negotiator] has arrived."

The [Innkeeper] Stelios, the owner of the establishment himself notified the guest who bought the services of the Jinni as well as his best suite. He attended to this particular guest because she is one of the leaders of one of the Corporations.

"Zueaithei. You are dismissed. Before returning to your…usual duties, make this room impervious to eavesdropping with your magic."

The woman worded her request carefully, familiar with how Jinni can attempt to find a loophole to attempt to escape their millennia-long servitude or simply kill their owners. She was annoyed by the disturbance, but not overly so.

The Jinni returned to its preferred form out of the forms that it was ordered to take by his master: a female Kenku with azure feathers; since Jinni usually have no genders unless they want to be female or male. With just a touch, it had created a magical domain within the confines of the room that is layered with anti-eavesdropping Spells, and it disappeared in a cloud of blue smoke that slightly annoyed the woman as the smoke brushed her face.

The Satyr was let in as she finished dressing up. A desk was already conjured for her as she sat on a cushioned wooden sofa.

"Stationmistress, I…have failed to secure the book from Numisley Gildin. However, I have secured the Bloodoath Contract from Mayor Tulck for the rights toward 40% of the revenue of the Alimentaire Salt Flats. I offered him reinforcements against their war with Joltstown, as you instructed me to do."

The Satyr stood stiffly still, as his fellow Satyr regarded him with the yellow rings on her black scleras. The [Negotiator] did not kneel because she was not a [Lady] nor [Queen] despite her glittering horns and flawless vermillion skin, and the culture of the continent disparages the subservient formalities that Yhrillian aristocracy requires of their servants. She was a Satyr, one of the Stationmasters that owned the various city-states and waystations of the Thousand Roads, the Corporation of Satyrs. A person of authority that can command dozens of guilds and companies, as well as the multiple Satyr Tribes under them. However, she hasn't been able to use the full strength of her wealth and power to retrieve the book because she needs to do it discreetly, without any of the Stationmasters knowing. Hiring the best of [Thieves] or [Assassins] will raise eyebrows in the underworld, no matter how secretive. If they caught wind of the contents of the book, they will join the hunt, and soon the rest of the Corporations will be searching for Numisley and his caravan which will be disadvantageous for her. The influence of the Thousand Roads weakens as Numisley goes further east in the territories of the Diamond Shore Conglomerate and city-states and companies powerful enough to give her trouble. If she somehow received the book, then she will have a leash of every important figure of both Liberan and Yhril.


"There's always a next time. Did any of the other Stationmasters know of the book?"

"Rumors had started spreading about a… seller of secrets, Stationmaster. On the battlefield between Joltstown and Tucken. Numisley Gildin reportedly spied for General Thuntelch for gold, and he offered information from the book… According to our sources."

"I see. He did the smart thing. He knows that people will hunt them down regardless if he has the book or not. Who knows of the book? Except for that…Duke-Marquis."

"So far, none. There's a high chance that Numisley showed him the book. Send one of the [Spies] in his army to find out."

"Yes, ma'am. Numisley Gildin also has a Feat similar to a Bloodoath Contract. He had Atasaney Jacedow bound to it. Raudaeiz Jaucles had sided with Numisley, hence why the gold returned to your treasury."

"Impossible, unless he has some help, or lucky if he got that kind of Feat. Perhaps the book has some secrets that we didn't know of..."

The Stationmistress summoned a pile of papers, and an ink pot and quill. Dosiynu, you are dismissed. Enjoy yourself tonight. I'll tell you your next job tomorrow."

"Thank you, ma'am."

The [Negotiator] left the room quietly, as the Stationmistress wrote another letter.


Level 28 [Trader]!

[Feat - Appealing Products] developed!

Level 17 [Information Broker]

[Feat - One Good Lie] developed!

Numisley woke up in an actual bed, not an uncomfortable wooden chair that he was tied in. The pain on his body from being tied to a chair for too long was still aching.

He was back at the Sitting Wagon after yesterday when Gaxston had arrested Raudaeiz at last. All of the Severed Swords were injured, and many of their remaining coins were spent to buy healing potions to heal most of their injuries. Their table was oddly silent among the noisy inn filled with [Merchants] talking about the prices of food as well as other people. The fact that Numisley killed a person in front of them was the reason for the silence. Getting people killed, like the death of Jascias' bodyguards or many of the Severed Swords getting killed in the Overthere Hills is different compared to sitting with the person who had told someone to kill themselves with a Feat. Even Graten, a career [Mercenary] was surprised by how he dealt with Atasaney. He had killed Ridi Gadihew and the rest of the [Mercenaries] of Atasaney's Prowlers were arrested or killed.

That doesn’t mean that Numisley found enjoyment when he killed him. Atasaney’s words echoed in his head. He was going to betray him sooner or later, so that was the logical thing to do at that time. He left the technicality alone in their contract that caused Ridi to start the Atasaney’s Prowlers rebellion against the Severed Swords because he wanted to see if Atasaney will contact his former employer again or see signs of betrayal.

"I plan to get Raudaeiz out of jail. I will need him for the future.”


“I need him. As I said before, they will be my sword in Yhril. I need people that can build an information network so I can establish my information brokering business when we arrived at Yhril. Criminals like him know of this stuff.”

Cultrost stared at him like he was insane. Palden raised his eyebrows. The two brothers stared at each other, making the air between them tense.

"I oppose it,” Cultrost spoke up. “I do not like having a criminal in our caravan. If we’re going to Baunt, the higher-level members of the Watch will surely detect him.”


“You forget that Raudaeiz is around Level 60. Criminals have Feats to evade capture. He worked with our father before, and I promised him something in the future.”

“Father? The book did mention him. Still, what if you can’t keep your promise?”

“I will. I will also promise you all that we’ll be rich after we arrived at Yhril at some point. At that point, I can retire you from your service if you wish.”

Numisley’s statement made them think. Graten was concerned about his future, as well as Palden. Cultrost listened, withdrawing his objection as he learned that he worked for their father, as Numisley started to talk.

“So, here’s the plan…”

Later, Numisley was summoned by the Watch, as well as Cultrost, Palden, and Graten. They heard that Gaxston was temporarily dismissed from his position as Watch Captain, because of the unauthorized mobilizing of many members of the Watch.

The Watch Commander himself had faced Numisley in his office. Cultrost, Palden, and Graten already gave their testimonies under a truth spell.

“Tell me why Raynios Joda kidnapped you.”

“He wanted to sell me for ransom. I'm the owner of Gildin Trading, so he thought I was a good mark. That is what I think."

The Watch Commander stared at the truth stone glowing green.

"Second question. Are you involved with criminal elements in Tucken? Any shady dealings with them?"

"If being kidnapped was 'involvement', then yes."

The green glow of the truth stone faded a bit.

"I see. Next question. Did or do you have any intent to do criminal acts of harming the citizens in any way and the well-being of the city-state?"


The questioning had ended after a few more questions, and they were free to go. Numisley had scanned the Watch barracks and he glanced at the entrance towards the jail where probably Raudaeiz is held.

They were back at the shop, but they temporarily closed the shop for now. Most had healed from their cuts and bruises, and Cultrost had assembled them here. Numisley sat on a chair beside Cultrost, holding a pouch of heavy gold coins.

“I have no fancy speeches, but I got gold to the loyal [Mercenaries] of the continent. Today, you shall rest, or enjoy yourself if you wish!”

Numisley gestured to Cultrost to distribute the pouch of gold coins. Each [Mercenaries] had gotten three gold coins, equivalent to five weeks of salary. Numisley knew that incentives like these keep employees loyal. As the [Mercenaries] went home or traveled within the city somewhere, five figures appeared, standing still. One of them stepped forwards, a Human man with swept black hair. Unbeknownst to Numisley and the rest, he has steel batons hidden under his sleeves. Graten’s instincts buzzed as he watched the rest of them: a Dragonkin, a Tinyfolk, and two Demihumans with either fur or scales on parts of their bodies.

“Are you Raynios’ contact?”


Before Raudaeiz was arrested by Gaxston, he somehow left a letter in his pocket, informing him that there his most loyal members of the gang who didn’t run away from the fight will be coming to help him. Numisley surmised that it's the work of one of his Feats.

“So, how do we get our boss out? Shit’s tighter than an [Paymaster]’s chest on a battlefield.”

“I’ll convince the [Mayor]. You guys keep watch on the barracks if anything goes wrong. Breaking into the jails will be dangerous. Wish I had a signal stone.”

“Convince the [Mayor]?” The man stared at him like he was saying that he can talk to the sky. “You sound as if you are familiar with the guy.”

“Not really. I’m just confident.”

The taller man raised his eyebrows, as the rest of his group whispered to themselves.

“The balls of this guy.”

Numisley, Cultrost, and Graten overheard the hushed remarks of the other people behind the stranger.

“Guess we’ll join you then.”

The remnants of Raudaeiz’s men had joined Gildin Trading as they accepted the gold from Numisley. He sent Graten to the others to tell them of the new members, as they left the shop. The two brothers headed first to the Merchant’s Guild to reserve a business meeting with the [Mayor] with an exorbitant fee. Numisley and Cultrost had entered the enclosed, inner portion of the city after being asked by its [Guards] questions under a truth spell. The walls were a good 60 feet tall and thicker than some towers that he had seen in the towns. The aged brick and wood buildings of the oldest part of the city still stood among the beige stone roads caked with dirty snow being dug out by [Diggers]. The city hall was a wide two-story building made out of brownish-yellow stone that seems to be carved out of boulders instead of built with individual bricks. The slanted tiled roof was dotted with runes that melted the snow and the water flowed through the gutters. [Guards] were posted along the stone fence and two of them flanked the entrance to the inside.


“I’m the owner of Gildin Trading, under Malden Trading, and I’m here for a business offer for [Mayor] Tulck Cragford.”

The [Guards] posted on the entrance didn’t have truth stones, but they are chosen specifically because they have more effective Feats that detect the truth and even motives. Even that statement had evaded their Feat, simply because it is the truth, but not the whole truth, yet Numisley had used his newest Feat, [One Good Lie], which made sure that they did

“Wait in the reception area.”

The two brothers were allowed entry into the city hall after they handed their weapons: Cultrost’s mace and Numisley’s walking staff and they sat on the hard wooden benches of the reception room. There were a few people, most likely [Merchants] like them who scheduled a meeting with the [Mayor] for important business. There are also some people carrying satchels and holding papers, which they guessed to be [Messengers] of some sort. They were summoned to the [Mayor]’s office a few hours later. The aged [Mayor] sat across them, scratching his balding orange hair before he caught himself. He was smoking a thick cigar. Despite the smoke, they didn’t smell it because of the enchantment within the room that eliminates the smell of the cigar.

“So, Numisley and Cultrost Gildin, you need my sponsorship to trade with Fishal?”

“Not really.” Numisley corrected. “I’m here for something else. The release of Raynios Joda.”

The [Mayor]’s eyes widened in shock and he promptly adjusted his spectacles. His face became as stern as steel as he stared them down. What he said in the Merchant’s Guild about the [Mayor]’s sponsorship was simply the means to trespass here.

“You think you can bribe me?”

“If someone from the Thousand Roads can bribe your Watch Commander. I too can convince you.”


Cultrost swiftly rushed behind the [Mayor] before he could call security and wrapped his arms around his neck, threatening to choke him. The [Mayor] struggled, flailing his arms. He tried to reach for something, but his arms went tired. Numisley leaned closer to him.

“Brother, ease up a bit.”

Cultrost loosened up his chokehold around the [Mayor]. He was afraid that as soon as they leave the room, they will be arrested, or even worse, dead. At this moment he put all of his hopes on Numisley’s gamble.

"Are you ready to listen?”

“Release me!”

The [Mayor] tried to push Cultrost by pushing his feet against his heavy desk, but Cultrost had leveled from the night before, and a [Warrior] is individually stronger than a [Mayor]. Cultrost was intimidated despite the [Mayor] at his mercy and Numisley knew that he used a Feat.

“I got an offer to make! You want him gone right?”

The [Mayor], upon hearing that, stopped struggling, with a level gaze on Numisley. Numisley now used his [Convincing Words] Feat to calm him down and make his position clear.


“Release him.”

Cultrost slowly let go of the [Mayor] and walked towards the [Mayor]’s right side, making sure that he won't do anything suspicious.

“At the time of my kidnapping, Raynios Joda agreed to me that he will come with me on my trip. If you release him, we will be leaving this city tomorrow, and we will not return to Tucken. This means that I will get rid of a dangerous element in your city if you let us leave. I will not attempt to free the arrested members of the gang, nor the remnants of Atasaney’s Prowlers. You have my word.”

The [Mayor] hunched, thinking of the implications, but if they were gone, then there’s one headache less for him to deal with.

“Leave by tomorrow. Do not cause trouble in my city in the meantime.”

“Sorry for the trouble.”

Numisley held out his hand, and the [Mayor] reluctantly shook it. They had left the city hall with no issue, and they got their weapons back. He walked with his new walking staff, runes glowing with power. Its red gem on its tip was dim, but it would glow whenever he used the truth spell within it.

"How's the staff?" Cultrost stared at Numisley's magical walking staff.

“Comfortable. This staff feels better than my old walking stick.”

“Err…It has a [Quickness] Spell if you need to ‘run’. That rune right there.” Cultrost pointed his finger at a dimly glowing rune near his hand. Numisley’s finger inched closer to it. “Don’t press it. We need a mana stone or hire a [Mage] to recharge it. Unless you know how to charge it yourself…”

“I’m joking, I know how expensive those are. One gold a pop if you’re lucky and besides, [Enchanters] and [Wizards] gobble it all up, making the price even worse.”

They chuckled lightly at that as they passed by a statue in many of the city’s plazas. Some people within the crowd stared at Numisley’s glorified walking stick, and even a few sauntering [Mages] took a gander at his magic item.

“Your stunt scared me, brother. I was gonna piss my pants when I held him hostage. How are you so sure that it will work?”

“I’m not that confident with my plans, to be honest. I know the risks. I’m afraid of them. I deliberate long on the choices I make every night I study those books. The choices that I made are the smartest ones that I can think of…”

For a long time, Cultrost saw him as a confident, arrogant schemer ever since he got the books from the vault. Numisley’s words made him realize otherwise that he was still the little brother that he needs to take care of.

“I know you’re doing your best.”


Cultrost words had made Numisley’s unknown burdens lighter. No need for hugs, nor the gentle punch to the shoulder or the brotherly headlocks; this was enough encouragement for him despite the wrongs that he has done. Validation for the path they took.

Later that day, they informed the rest of the company that they will be leaving soon. Raudaeiz was suddenly released from the Watch despite the protests of the Watch Commander, but the [Mayor]’s [Executive Order] had quelled his dissent and he had explained the situation. He had declared him an exile in Tucken’s laws. Palden and Graten were organizing the men that were lifting crates of materials to their wagons, keeping an eye on the new members that Numisley had hired, along with Raudaeiz. Numisley had settled the rent to the [Landlord] and returned his permit in the Merchant’s Guild and by the end of the night, the shop was empty. The rest of the [Mercenaries] were out in brothels and taverns while Numisley was balancing the budget with Cultrost in their room.

After their last night in Tucken, their caravan left the gates of the city-state.

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