For the next two weeks, Koda was a veritable machine who was only capable of eating, sleeping, training, and studying. From the very beginning, a schedule was established between everyone with each person being assigned to different roles in Koda's teaching.
Each morning, Koda would train for two hours by himself, allowing him free reign to test out any of his own theories and put together his own strategies. Anyone could help him in the free period if they chose to and, more often than not, this was usually the case as both Brock and Serena would stand by and listen to various ideas Koda had about battling and moves as he pushed both himself and his pokemon to break their limits. Brock would offer his own advice while Serena would debunk anything Koda said that was too outlandish such as him using more then one move at a time, which seemed rather ridiculous to both her and Brock. Koda would train himself and his pokemon in an attempt to increase the stats he had written down at the very start, lengthening the moves time per activation as well as the number of times it could be used per half hour.
After training himself, the next part, which lasted around four hours, was given over to Brock who would teach him various strategies as well as teach him the fundamentals such as types, movesets, status effects, so on and so forth.
During his training with Brock, Koda found out that at the mere age of 8, he had taken over the job of Gym Leader and maintained it for nearly six years, gaining vast knowledge and experience while strengthening his own pokemon. This realization made Koda respect the young man a lot more and pushed him to do even harder as the days flew on by.
After studying with Brock, Koda would battle for the next seven hours, relentlessly attacking Caitlins pokemon over and over again, attempting to actually hit Gothitelle or Metagross, the only two pokemon she ever opted to throw out, while trying to dodge all incoming attacks of her own. Despite always losing without even laying a scratch on one of them, Koda felt that he had marginally improved, able to call out the right moves faster and sometimes even "feel" what his opponent might do, allowing him to attempt a counter. All in all, none of the full eight hours were wasted as even during the breaks between battles, Caitlin would give him advice on how to better use his movesets, Pikachu's natural speed and Squirtle's unusually strong [Water Gun].
In the middle of training with Caitlin, Koda even learned how to utilize psychic powers to some degree, enabling him to communicate with his pokemon at will with a bit of practice. After a whole week, Koda was able to freely shut on and off the ability not only telepathically with his pokemon but also to see the aura of others, something that fascinated him and something he freely played with. No matter how hard he tried though, he was unable to move things with his mind which kinda disappointed him, but then he realized that might have been asking for too much. Just being able to use psychic powers at all was a blessing he never thought would happen so he decided to not bite off more than he could chew.
Once battle training was done, Koda would spend the last four hours studying with Serena, going over maps, customs, laws, history, and various other important information that the others had neglected to mention. These details usually encompassed Kalos as that's where Serena was from, but luckily the two were very similar in terms of laws and customs so it wasn't a total waste of time. In fact, this part of the daily schedule was probably the most important to Koda and he even perused the various books and maps that Brock had retrieved in Viridian City, while he was eating or bathing in the lake. He took everything seriously, but this part warranted extra attention as he had to know as much as possible. He didn't want to run the risk of breaking any laws or offending anyone because of some weird custom he was unaware of.
Koda Johnson became a sponge of knowledge, soaking up everything that was thrown at him. Anything he saw once during battle, he would remember to a frightening degree, allowing him to adapt and reform a strategy around it on the fly.
Caitlin even noted during one of their spars that Koda was growing fast, much faster than even his own pokemon could even keep up with. What he lacked in experience, he made up for with determination and grit, a fighting spirit that seemed to resonate with his pokemon partners, causing them to fight until they could no longer move. The drive to get stronger was so strong that it even appeared in their auras, a bright orange glowing strongly around them.
The only problem that Caitlin saw during Koda's rapid growth was that Koda had some great theories and strategies, but his pokemon weren't at the proper level for him to fully deploy them. Of course, it seemed the white haired youth knew it and sought to correct it almost immediately, but it was still a problem that might arise again so Caitlin felt that she had to push Pikachu and Squirtle even harder to further increase their stats.
As the days turned into weeks, Pikachu and Squirtle also made significant growth, even if it wasn't as much as Koda's. Pikachu learned to use [Thunder Wave], which Koda found rather useful as it inflicted the status known as paralysis which affected the mobility of pokemon hit with it. Whether or not it worked other electric types, Koda wasn't really sure.
Squirtle had a much larger gain, but Koda reasoned it was only because he had been pretty weak to start with. Aside from its stats shooting up, the turtle pokemon also learned the moves [Withdraw], which allowed Squirtle to retreat in its shell and raise its defense up, and [Rapid Spin], where Squirtle retreated into his shell and spun around before somehow launching itself at his opponent. For a mere two weeks training, these were some great results, at least in Koda's opinion anyways.
All in all, the training was going great as the Bayrock festival drew closer and closer with each passing day
(("Pikachu, roll to the left")) Koda said telepathically, his mix matched colored eyes focused on the field in front of him.
The small yellow mouse pushed off the ground with his tail, rolling out of the way as Golem, Brock's rock type pokemon that looked like a really big rock with a head, arms and legs, slammed his fist into the ground where Pikachu had once been. The move, [Mega Punch], did some serious damage to the ground, leaving a miniature crater about the same size as Pikachu. If the small mouse pokemon had taken the full impact of it, the damage would've been a bit more than he could handle.
"Nicely dodged," Brock said. "Golem, [Rock Throw]."
Golem turned to glare at Pikachu who simply glared back, red spots sparking with electricity. Digging its hands into the ground, Golem ripped up a huge chunk of earth and tossed it towards the small mouse as hard as it could.
(("Use [Quick Attack] to get behind him,")) Koda quickly thought, shifting his gaze towards one of Golems legs. (("Hit him in the left leg with [Iron Tail]"))
A soft white glow surrounded Pikachu as he darted around the rock with a pure burst of speed that Koda found difficult to follow. The yellow and white blur ran up, skidding to a stop behind Golem, rapidly switching to his next move, his tail shining silver. Brock looked a bit shocked at first but regained his composure.
"Golem, lift your foot."
Without even hesitating, the rock pokemon lifted his foot, allowing the tail of iron to pass underneath. Before it fully passed though, the Golem stomped his foot downwards, trapping the tail underneath, pinning Pikachu in place and preventing him from moving.
"And that's it," Caitlin said, clapping her hands, interrupting the tense atmosphere. "So ends a rather bland battle with no actual kick to it. We'll call this one a tie."
"I wouldn't call that a bland battle," Brock said as he summoned Golem back into its pokeball. "How were you able to switch moves so fast? That requires a lot of skill for most pokemon to achieve. It shouldn't have even been possible with only two weeks of training."
Koda merely smiled.
It had been a full two weeks and a day, marking the day of February 7th, 15 days since Koda had appeared in the world with nothing but the clothes on his back and the beanie on his head. From that time, Koda had matured quite a bit, his hair becoming shaggier, his physique a bit more muscular, and his experience becoming a far cry from how he had been when he first woke up in Pallet Town. The difference between the Koda of then and the Koda of now was like night and day. He still didn't have a prayer of fighting Caitlin, let alone the cloaked figures from Team Rocket, but he had marginally improved to something of value.
"I noticed that you've almost mastered your telepathy. Sending orders via the mind is far faster than yelling them and gives you an added edge over your opponent." Caitlin smiled, clearly pleased. "You've improved so much, it's almost scary. You're still an amateur, but now it's appropriate to call you a trainer."
Koda winced but managed to smile. He didn't need to see Caitlins aura to know she was actually happy about his growth but the way she put it so bluntly. She practically said that he was just barely useful as that's what he thought of when someone said "amateur trainer". He put himself through that intense period of learning and training and he still had barely scratched the surface of being a trainer. It was almost disheartening.
(("Don't worry about it too much,")) Pikachu said as he jumped up onto Koda's shoulder. (("We'll show them up eventually. We just gotta go at our own pace."))
Koda smiled and gave Pikachu a head pat, feeling a bit better. He had almost lost his own resolve for a split second, but it only took Pikachu to help rekindle it.
"So are we gonna contin-"
"That's it for today," Caitlin interrupted as she walked over to her bag and lifted it onto her shoulders. "You can have the rest of the day off."
Caitlin walked over and tossed the backpack to Koda, who caught it reflexively. "Instead, you're gonna be helping me shop. Get excited."
From Koda's perspective, Viridian City was crowded, and that was saying something as he was someone who grew up in New York, arguably one of the most populated places in the US. Crowds had been an everyday occurrence for him along with honking cars, people shouting and cursing, and the occasional homeless man or woman asking for money or holding up signs to receive food in exchange for physical labor. Not being a stranger to large groups of people, he knew how to walk around and avoid bumping into others, a veteran at traversing the terrain of crowded bodies.
However, this was different. Everyone here moved much faster than back in his hometown and it was considerably more packed. Whether or not it was because the Bayrock festival was only one week away, Koda was still considering it.
One thing that the young man had noticed more than anything else as he walked the streets, lagging slightly behind Caitlin, Brock, and Serena whilst carrying numerous bags, was the distinct lack of cars and other forms of transportation. The few times he would actually see cars, they were mainly large delivery trucks or police officers making their rounds. He even saw a motorbike once or twice, but he never really saw any regular person driving a car. The answer to this was obvious but Koda still found it rather weird.
(("I guess the necessity for cars drops when you have pokemon that can teleport you places as well as fly.")) Koda once again felt the distinction between this world and his own as he slipped through another group of people. (("If you can get places by merely teleporting, the use of cars for short travel becomes unnecessary."))
As someone who grew up around cars, it was a bizarre feeling to hardly see any when near the middle of the city, instead seeing far more bikes and motorized scooters than a major vehicle.
"Hey Koda, what are you doing lagging behind?" Serena asked, having stopped to wait for him while the others continued forward. "Are those bags too heavy? I can help if you like."
Koda shifted his gaze while he maneuvered himself through the crowd. "No, it's fine. I can manage for now. It's not THAT heavy." He flashed a smile, a way to cover up the white lie he had just told. Fact was that the bags were quite heavy and were the main reason he had been lagging behind.
He was holding around five shopping bags, each full of different things. Conditioner, body wash, fruits, vegetables, pokemon food, seasonings and spices, something called Tauros meat, and many other things that Koda couldn't even begin to name off the top of his head. For some reason, despite various complaints, Koda ended up being the one to hold everything while the others casually walked without a care in the world.
Koda probably would've kept carrying them, struggling along as he tried to keep up, except that one of the straps from the heaviest bag ended up breaking off, causing everything to spill onto the floor. Cans, bottles, and other items rolled in multiple directions as other people, instead of opting to help, merely stepped around and over them.
"No no, dont stop all at once," Koda muttered as he knelt down and set the bags on the ground. "It's not like it would take more than three seconds to pick one up and hand it to me. Damned faggots."
"Would you like me to help you?" A soft feminine voice captured his attention, making his head swivel towards the sound.
A mature woman with dark teal hair and fair skin was bending over slightly, amber eyes filled with concern. She wore a blue workout bra and black yoga pants with blue lining the legs, matching well with her hair and her top. Her outfit allowed Koda to see every curve and even the toned muscles she had developed which in no way took away from her general appeal, still retaining her womanly charm. She was slightly sweaty, and had a pair of headphones that were currently hanging around her neck, making it clear that she had just been out for a jog.
For some reason, she looked oddly familiar. Koda could've sworn he'd seen those eyes somewhere before, but at the same time he figured he'd remember a woman like her. She would easily be a model level beauty back in his world.
"Thanks for the hel-"
"So you opted to disappear from the police instead of offering up some details huh?" The woman asked as she knelt down to pick up a can by her feet. "A little selfish of you but I won't hold it against you. I'm off duty anyways."
With these words, it finally clicked. The reason he thought he had seen her before was because she was the officer he had seen and talked to when he first woke up from the mindscape. She had told him to report to the other police officers outside all the details that had happened, which he completely ignored, instead disappearing into the night like a certain caped crusader back in his own world. He never caught her name so he wasn't sure what to call her other then to let her know he recognized her.
Koda took the can from her as he smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry miss.....um"
"Officer Jenny Linta, but you can call me Jenny if you like," Jenny said, smiling back. "And you are? I never got your name last time. To be honest, I'm just glad you're okay. I watched the security tapes from the Pokemon Center and saw that you took quite a beating."
"I'm Koda Johnson," Koda said after a bit of hesitation. He held out his hand in a formal gesture, attempting to be as polite as possible"It's a pleasure to meet you Jenny."
Just as Jenny was about to shake Koda's hand, he was unceremoniously tugged backwards as Brock stepped forward, getting down on one knee while taking Jennys hand. Unlike the usual cool, confident, and knowledgeable figure Koda had usually seen him as, Brock had totally changed to the point where it was almost comedic. A rose was situated in his teeth and his eyes held sincerity as he held Jennys hand gently in between his own.
"Oh Jenny, how I've long missed your beauty and sweet womanly charms," Brock said, his voice changing to what he probably meant to be romantic but came out as silly. "My heart has ached for you day after day, and only now has it been appeased upon finally seeing your exquisite visage."
(("Are they a couple or is this harassment?")) Koda was a bit confused as he began to pick up some of the fallen items and place them into some of the other unbroken bags. (("It feels a bit embarrassing to watch. Kinda funny though."))
Brock erupted into a full blown poetic speech with a look of genuine passion on his face. Jenny just stood there with a confused and embarrassed expression on her face, indicating that she had no clue as to what was going on and was also clearly against it.
After Koda had picked everything off the ground and double checked to make sure he had everything, the white haired youth continued to observe the scene, but this time with the aura ability turned on. Various colors erupted around each and every person around, leaving Koda confused until he managed to shut off everyone else's except Brocks and Jenny.
Brock's aura was a mixture of a light purple which often meant admiration and a faint maroon color which indicated "excitement". Judging from the colors, Koda noticed that Brock harbored certain feelings which aside for admiration, was just his simple desire to mate. Koda didn't really think anything less of his teacher/friend but he did believe that Brock needed to tone things down a bit.
As for Jenny, she was just a mess of colors, most of them being negative. Colors for confusion, surprise, embarrassment, and even annoyance were prevalent in her aura. It seemed Brocks unexpected harassment wasn't really welcome in this particular case. In fact, the color of annoyance was slowly getting bigger, like a time bomb waiting to go off.
Koda made a move to step in, an attempt to save Brock from either getting slugged in the face or arrested for harassment. However, he didn't have a chance as Caitlin, who Koda hadn't been aware of, lifted Brock into the air and dragged him away. Many people who had been watching this were stunned as their eyes followed Brock and Caitlin as they moved down the street.
Koda could hear Caitlins complaints as they went. Things such as "You always do this'' and "Why do you gotta embarrass not only yourself but me as well?" were asked as they disappeared into the crowd. For some reason, the white haired youth had the urge to laugh as he turned to look at Jenny, who was still frozen in place.
"Oi you okay," Koda asked as he stepped up. "You looked shocked."
Jenny seemed to come back to her senses after a while, blinking quite a number of times before finally shaking her head. "I'm fine. You'd think I'd be used to it but I'm not. I remember him from before but it doesn't erase how abrupt it was."
"Yeah, that's the first time I've seen him like that," Koda said honestly. He had no idea that Brock had such a passionate, albeit the wrong kind of passion, side to him. It was definitely a learning experience where he found out what should happen when Brock let go of all logical sense. "We have a girl in our group but he doesn't really harass her. Maybe he just has a thing for older women."
Jenny laughed a little before holding out her hand, seeming to change faces in that brief moment. "How about we start from the beginning? My name is Jenny Linta, a member of Viridian City's Police Force. It's a pleasure to meet you."
From the aura around her, Koda could see she was still slightly annoyed but he played along as if nothing had happened. "My name is Koda Johnson, future champion."
Koda's response seemed to calm Jenny down a great deal as the color for annoyance shrank by nearly half while the color for joy burst into view, expanding quite a bit. "Oh really? How interesting. Would you be willing to converse more over a cup of coffee? It's on me."
"I don't really like coffee," Koda replied with a shake of his head. Jenny's color of joy shrank a bit when he said this, prompting him to add something on. "How about we have something else instead? I'll let you pick."
The aura picked right back up after this, as if informing him that he made the right decision. He wasn't even sure why he wanted to keep this lady happy, he just felt like it. He wasn't trying to make a move on her or flirt but he did want to see what would happen if he continued to speak with her as the concept of viewing emotions via auras was fascinating. Furthermore, Jenny's personality was quite simple to deal with, her aura just making it that much more easy to gain insight about what to say next.
"How about we get some lun-"
"Oi, are you friends with the lass with the abnormally long hair?" Someone passing asked, stopping momentarily and interrupting Jenny. "If you are, I recommend you help her. She's being bothered by a few older gentlemen.
Koda was confused for a second but merely smiled after. "I don't think that's a problem sir. She can handle herself."
"Oh, I know that, I've seen the floating young man she's carrying behind her. I meant you best help her by preventing the murder that'll happen if they persist. Not to mention they're blocking up a sizable portion of the walkway." With those words, the passerby walked away.
Koda sighed before turning around and running away. Before he could fully get into it though, his beanie was pulled off his head, causing him to stop.
"Hold on, let me come with you." Jenny said as she held onto the beanie. "It'll be more convincing for an officer to be with you."
"Aren't there officers all over the place?" Koda asked curiously as Jenny walked ahead of him, her pace turning into a brisk jog. Many people made way for both her and Koda as they took off. "Why doesn't one of them help?"
"Unless they actually break a law, the other officers can't step in," Jenny said as she tossed Koda's beanie back. "Its an annoying part of the system that many exploit. As long as the woman doesn't complain about harassment, the officers can't do anything about it."
"Doesn't that mean flashing people would be okay?" Koda countered, clearly joking.
"You seem a bit goofy yet I know you're smart. Don't be an idiot." Jenny still smiled though as they jogged forward, finally reaching the spit where Caitlin was after a few minutes.
The trio had actually made it quite far, much farther then Koda had originally thought. They apparently hadn't stopped for any more supplies, instead merely touring around and gazing at stores. Finding them was rather easy too as many people had formed a rather large circle around them, some watching while others went about their business.
Brock was still hanging in the air, now actually looking a bit comfy, having returned to his normal calm demeanor. Serena stood off to the side with her pokemon partner Fennekin out his pokeball and sitting beside her.
Smack dab in the middle of the circle, surrounded by three rather handsome (No homo) men, was Caitlin, who was staring at them with a calm expression. To everyone else it might have looked like she was taking everything in stride, but to Koda, it was a look he had seen constantly during the two week crash course, one that meant she was preparing for the kill. She was about to cause some serious damage to the idiots who couldn't even recognize an Elite Four member at a single glance.
"Tch," Koda said as he charged forward, leaving Jenny behind as he busted into the encirclement.
He had to stop her from causing any lasting damage. Self Defense only went so far, especially if you were to throw the first punch, or in this case, psychic attack.
"Just in time," Koda heard Caitlin mutter as he slowed to a stop right beside her. "Here he is, boys, the one you're going to have to fight. If you win, I'll consider going on a date with you idiots."
"You want us to battle a kid?" The guy in the middle asked, a condescending smile on his face. "Why bother? Let's just skip to the part where we hang out and have some 'fun'."
The middle guy reached out his hand towards Caitlin, but it stopped in the middle of the air, as if stopped by an invisible wall. No matter how hard he tried to push, he was unable to move even a single finger towards the blonde haired woman. After a while, with a red face, he gave up and lowered his hand.
Caitlin smiled, her eyes flashing with amusement. "As I was saying before, if you win against the kid, I'll entertain the idea of going on a date with you. Normally I don't date young boys or weak men but I'll make an exception just this once. Defeat my student and we can have the 'fun' you mentioned earlier."
The three men looked over at Koda and, after gazing at him for a few seconds, began to laugh amongst themselves.
"This kid won't last five minutes against even one of us. He's clearly a rookie." The first guys shook his head, his weirdly cut black hair flopping around.
"Look at the bright side, at least it'll be a quick match," the middle man said, causing another round of laughter.
Meanwhile, as the three of them were joking, Koda was still wrapping his head around the idea of battling three grown men all at once. He had only come over here to stop a potential murder, not fulfil a stupid challenge that was thrown out of nowhere. On top of that, there wasn't even any benefit to him winning except maybe practicing against some fellow trainers, but even that wasn't satisfactory to him. He didn't want to give these douchebags the satisfaction of victory and he sure as hell didn't want them to taunt him when he refused.
Koda sighed, stepping up to Caitlin and dropping his voice to a whisper. "Excuse me blondie, what exactly are you doing?"
"Testing you," Caitlin answered simply. "These buffoons aren't very strong in my opinion so it should be easy. Just think of it as another training session."
"What happens if I lose?" Koda asked Curiously.
Caitlin merely smiled. Koda didn't even need to see her aura to know just the thought of him losing annoyed her. "You better not."
"Gotcha. So what about if I win?" Koda responded, smiling. "You gonna let me take you on a date?"
"Ha ha," Caitlin said, shaking her head. "You're truly the god of comedy. I don't think I'd ever date you,unless you were older and could beat me in a match. Until then, keep dreaming kid."
Koda shrugged as he pulled a pokeball off his belt, one that Serena had bought for him a few days ago. It held both Pikachu's pokeball and Squirtle's, allowing him to freely access them whenever he wanted. Pikachu didn't really like going into his pokeball, but after threatening to stop Brock from giving him the good food and giving constant promises to maintain the psychic connection between them, he finally went inside.
"Fine let's do this," Koda muttered as he enlarged the ball. (("What's your take on this Pikachu, Squirtle? You interested?"))
(("Of course")) Pikachu Said
(("Bring on the blood")) Was Squirtle's response
"Alright kid, we'll take you on," the middle man said after he finished laughing it up with his friends. "I'll even give you an advantage. I'll only use my weakest pokemon. My friends will do the same if you manage to beat me. Sound fair?"
"Ugh, whatever. Let's just get on with it." Koda pressed the button and opened the pokemon, a flash of light leaked out and landed on the ground before taking the form of Squirtle. "I'll be fair and only use Squirtle when fighting you. Lets see how you do."
"Pft, as if you could do anything else except struggle," the middle man said as he pulled out a pokeball of his own. "Come on out Cubone!!"
As the guy threw out his pokemon, Caitlin walked away from the center of the circle, setting Brock down near the edge. She had already set the stage, there was no longer a reason for her to act as bait. Her plan had worked much better then she had expected, hooking not only one horny guy, but three who were all willing to challenge Koda to a match. However, there was one factor she had overlooked and that was Officer Jenny, one of the highest ranked officers in the Viridian City Police Force.
Of course, Jenny in no way threw a wrench in her plans, instead actually helping it.
"Hey, hold it right there," A cop yelled as three uniformed officers rushed over, breaching the wide circle made by the crowd. "You're not allowed to battle here."
"Shit." Koda just now remembered one of the laws involving battles. If you weren't battling in a designated area then it was illegal unless you had the consent of a leading authority. If he started battling here, he'd only be making an enemy of the police.
"It's okay men, stand down," Jenny said as she calmly walked over to Koda, startling not only the white haired youth but the officers as well. "I'm here."
The running officers stopped, their eyes fixating on Jenny for a moment before giving a slight bow of respect. It was this that made Koda realize just how big of a deal Jenny really was, able to easily cause other officers to stand down with just a few words. And she wasn't even on duty.
"You guys can go back to patrolling." Jenny stopped and glared at the three men, of which couldn't even look her in the eye. "I'll oversee this duel."
- In Serial82 Chapters
The Icon of the Sword
Marroo Bolle isn't just a cultivator, he's the strongest cultivator of his cohort ever born. Trained from childhood as an Adept of the Sword, he's well on his way to matching even his father's generation in power, but happiness rarely waits along the path to power, and soon Marroo must choose... Become the monster his father always wanted him to be, or the hero he's never known... And time is running out. === New chapter every Tuesday and Friday! You can read up to 12 chapters ahead on the Patreon! OR Join the Discord to chat about the story and get updates when a new story goes up!
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In a future where people still work 9-5 jobs and students wrangle with their unpayable debts, virtual reality has become an everyday activity. Ryu, a typical teenage boy with not-so unique interests, is unnaturally average, and, unfortunately for him, this extends to the virtual world. However, where some would say “work harder,” Ryu says “work less,” and so he cheats. Or at least he tries.
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I was there before Death was born. I was there when the Sea of Chaos formed. I was there when the first universe was born. I was there when life appeared for the first time. I was there at the dawn of time, and will be there for its twilight. Long story short I am old and powerful. I would be called an Eldritch Abomination by many among you. This however is not my story. This is the story of my favourite human, a man who managed to surpass my expectations until the day of his death. A man to whom I personally taught the deepest secrets of Creation. The story of my Disciple, born to a world within the Fayd. A man who was called many names. Godkiller, Guardian of the Gates of Death, My Left Hand, Destroyer, The End by his enemies. That Crazy Dude by his allies. I call him Sam-Sam, mainly to annoy him. But primarily, this is a story of a man doing his life right. With all my wisdom I can’t think of him living a better life than he did, given his circumstances. So gather round, for the story of my dear friend. Not a litrpg.
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"Where are they?" A single question plagued some of humanity's great minds. Great, but only human, with all the triumphs and all the limitations that label carries. Biomechanics cutting corners in certain functions while striving for great heights in others, simply because of a limited supply of energy. Sensory systems painfully incomplete, and riddled with holes that monsters hide behind. The wealthy heiress Lucia discovers the dark legacy she was fated to inherit. Magnus, a soldier for hire, finds himself at odds with his blood and the place he is marked for in the world. Michael finds his limits as he sees not all facets of reality, including the people around him, can be manipulated perfectly to fit his desired outcome. Three individuals, fates bound, come together to decide what fate humanity deserves, as well as their place in the unknowable vastness of reality.
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[] COMPLETED []" Yoongi Oppa has a bad timing ""The story is cringe"LOL ..Grammar editing still going on :)
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Ask Nico di Angelo | √
This is an ask book where you can comment different question/challenges to me, the lovely little Italian Death Angel. Send me questions on anything you would like to know; I'll do my best to answer them.(Please refrain from super sexual anything because I am a fifteen year old virgin gay boy in his first ever relationship.) I will also be adding random thoughts and ideas that come to my head, but they won't come as often as ask answers.Thank you,Nico di Angelo.
8 125