《Void Drifter》Chapter 12: Descent
Void flowed through Nia as she ran. Enhancing her speed and balance. Her “Crown”, as Zane called it, was a strip of Void that went from ear to ear, following her hairline. The purpose was simple, keep hair out of her face. It was frivolous she knew, but it was also intimidating. Appearing as a strip of black flames crowning her brow, hence the name. The hud in front of her eye mapped her gates, highlighting her path and estimating her arrival time. Usually, it would easily take one-and-a-half to two hours to get to where Attie’s signal was pinging from. The overall distance wasn't that much, maybe eight kilometers. The real difficulty would come from changing levels. Normally, you would have to take stairs or have access to an elevator. Nia however was not normal. The hack and track software that Zane had sent her was specially programmed to map the best router for her. For the Void Drifter. Her estimated route time was just over nine minutes.
Jumping a cart and dodging a group of kids, Nia tapped the com in her ear. Activated, the earpiece bumped to life. A heavy synthetic beat filled her head, soon joined by chanting. Side-stepping a lift, she broke into the open and could finally move. Void lashes connected with buildings on either side. Nia left the ground as she accelerated. New lashes from her center of gravity cast out, caught and pulled her along.
Flying five meters or so above the street, bobbing up and down slightly with every new lash, she hurtled toward her next gate. The main stairs that connect the seventh and eighth levels were massive double stairs that wound up and down in a perfect double helix. Circling a kilometer-wide hole in the eighth. That was where she would descend.
Coming to a corner Nia lashed herself to the side of the building up on the left. Dropping and swinging dangerously close, she rounded the building. Pivoting on her lash, she was swept upwards, releasing just before it whipped her all the way into the building, rotating backward as she soared up and away.
Usually, human organs would be horribly misarranged after experiencing that many G’s of force. Void kept Nia’s all aligned and in working order. She knew from experience that she could take that and much more before she would suffer the effect of such a swift retrograde.
She hung upside down and backward, the wind ripping at her clothes and hair. Craning her neck back she spotted her gate directly below. It wasn't difficult, taking up most of the square resting below the towering city center.
The sky broke. Split by a series of red lightning strikes. The booming thunder shook the square.
Nia dropped. Plunging through the center of the hole, chased by the rain. Rotating upright as she fell, spotting her next lash point. Twelve point seven seconds after passing below the eighth level she lashed out. Pivoting at a sickening speed she rotated backward, curling into a ball to maintain speed and momentum. Nia quite literally shot across the seventh level. Her next gate was a pit that cut from the seventh level all the down to the first. Much wider and darker than the first. Nia hung suspended above it for a heartbeat, the song still loud in her ears. Rotating backward, she lashed down. Gravity would pull her fast, but Void could pull her faster. The “fall” from the seventh to the second floor took less than fourteen seconds. Nia was at her max speed when she lashed out, swinging into the second level. She almost lost control, barely avoiding the ground. The music in her ear cut, the hack, and tracks signal that she was within one hundred meters of her target, a straight shot. She didn't bother with more lashes, letting herself arc naturally through the air. Void filled her. Strengthening every cell. Striking the ground she tucked into a roll, bleeding speed. Deftly popping up to a foot-first backward slide, her Void-wrapped right hand provided a tripod of stabilization. Her left calf hit something hard, but in her Void-empowered state, she barely felt it and hardly slowed. A scream reached her ears as she shot through a group of people, a blur of motion just off the ground. Her com beeped a proximity warning. Lashing the right wall and ceiling, she slowed herself to a stop. Standing to her full height, removing her com. Replacing it as the people around her stared dumbfounded.
Vah Galla had eight levels. The top two, seven and eight, were home to seventy percent of all the trade and population of the super city. Six were docks for interstellar voyage ships, Five was the sole property of the military. Four was used for the storage of bulk materials. Three was devoted to processing waste and other necessary city systems. One was aquifers for water storage. Two, the level Nia currently found herself on, was a technical desert. Most of the space taken up by massive support pillars, broken up by large open spaces above aquifer access points. One such spot appeared to be on Nia’s left, stretching into darkness. Due to the lack of surveillance or care on the part of the city council, the second level was notorious as a haven for thieves, slave traders, murderers, and worst of all, “Harvesters”.
Nia stood in the middle of a group of twenty or so bottom feeders. Disgusting. She didn't try to hide her look of disdain as she surveyed the group, none of whom seemed to understand where exactly she had just come from. Her blood went cold and rage burned in her chest as she spotted a huge man with a limp, bound body over his shoulder. If that is… no, even if it isn't her. She stepped toward him. “Hey! Ye tha one threw Irona over tha edge just now?” the demanding voice reminded her she was surrounded. Surrounded and outnumbered. Fine, I’ll play this game.
Turning in the direction of the speaker she asked “Did one of you speak to me?” putting as much disgust into her voice as possible. They recoiled, intimidated. Good.
“Ye, I saw thee. Ye came inner, quick’s a blur. Threw Irona out there.” said the man with the demanding voice, pointing out into the black on the left. That was a person my leg hit. Fixing the impish man with a flat stare Nia asked.
“Are you sure he didn't just get tired of living in the same reality as you and threw himself off the edge?”
“You bitch! I'll teach you…” Nia cut him off.
“I believe my friend is among you. I want her back.” She fixed her eyes on the large man who was carrying the bound person. He appeared to be their leader, seeing how the rest of the thugs seemed to be looking to him for direction.
“Oh, you mean this insect?” he asked, dropping the form to the ground. Nia had known it was Attie from the start, but it still shocked her to see the small girl carelessly dropped. She had been brutally tied and gagged. Her face and front were covered in blood. Her nose is broken, I think. The man squatted grabbing her by the hair and raising her face to Nia
Any hope Nia had once held of a silly misunderstanding, or a peaceful solution was gone.
Attie’s beautiful brown eyes were glazed over, glasses gone. Her nose was definitely broken, and her arms were forced into unnatural angles by her bonds.
“Don't get so upset.” the man said, putting a hand around her throat. “I'll check for a pulse.” he squeezed. Attie didn’t respond at first, then suddenly her head twitched, leaning back, futilely trying to break his grip. Her eyes bulged and a gurgle escaped her throat. Laughter broke out among the group.
“Let her go!” You will die for that! Nia shouted, barely stopping herself from summoning her Hex Blade and cutting him in half. Finally, the man let go of Attie and she dropped to the ground again, not moving.
“That's quite the demand coming from someone in such an obviously terrible situation. However, if you were willing to offer yourself up to us in exchange for this,” he indicated Attie. “I would consider that.”
“If I surrender myself to you, unconditionally, you will release Attie?” Nia asked. She could feel the thugs surrounding her getting closer. The leader shrugged.
“It's not a bad trade. This is business after all. I’ll need collateral if you are going to let go of merchandise.” He smiled, looking Nia up and down. “Yea, if you surrender, I will release the insect.” the ring drew closer around Nia.
“Alright bo---” Nia cut him off.
“There are two things you need to know,” she said, holding up two fingers to the thugs who had been about to pounce pulled up short at her words. One even fell over. The leader's smile turned confused.
“What do ya mean….” Nia interrupted him again. Pointing at Attie
“The first thing you need to know: Is that she is NOT ‘merchandise’.”
“Are you really going to lect….”
“The second thing you need to know is this:” The Next moment Nia was holding the leader off the ground by his throat. Since he had released Attie, Nia had been placing lashes from herself to the wall directly behind him, offsetting each one with a lash in the opposite direction. Releasing all the lashing behind her and pulling on the ones in front snapped her forward, covering the four or so meters in less than a second. “I don’t sacrifice myself anymore.” She smiled her most genuine smile at him. Then, spinning, swinging him over her head she slammed him into the ground. letting go just before impact, bones snapped audibly as his body bounced off the reinforced floor. The rage-filled shouts of his men mixed with his screams as they attacked.
I need to get Attie out of here! Nia thought desperately as she fought three men at once. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught one man, knife in hand, sneaking over to Attie. Lashing herself to the ceiling she yanked herself up and back, flipping away from her current attackers. It wasn’t perfect, but it was close enough. Grabbing the man's head as she passed she carried it to the ground. He didn’t move. They are targeting Attie still. Nia reached her in time to stop the first two strikes, but that left her exposed. A kick knocked her off balance. On all fours, she covered Attie with her own body. A torrent blows rained down, but she held, drawing hard on Void. I need to end this fast! Void strengthened her body. But it wouldn’t hold out forever. She had been drawing at full strength since she had left the bar and she could feel it beginning to waver. It was too tight for her to swing her Hex Blade effectively. She open-palm struck the knee of a kick that was aimed at her face, feeling the joint pop and give, followed by a scream. looking up to strike a finishing blow she caught a flurry of motion from above. What is? Before she could finish her thought a blade slammed through his neck from above. Furry black ears popped out from above his head. That’s strange. He dropped to the ground in a swirl of black hair.
“Mimi!” Nia shouted. Mimi stood from the man she had just slain, pulling her sword from his body. Her eyes burned with rage. She’s drawing on Void!? Her aura was incredible. Black mist rose from her like steam.
“You hit Mommy!” She screamed, baring her teeth. The ground shook as Woo-Yaal slammed down. In a moment Mimi cut down the thugs standing over Nia and Atticus. What she lacked in finesse with her sword she more than made up for in speed and strength. Strange. Huh? The cuts are not bleeding. That was true. Even when she had stabbed the man's neck, not a drop of blood had escaped the wound.
“Mommy!” Mimi shouted, throwing her arms around Nia. The force of the hug almost made her fall on Atticus. “Are you okay?” Mimi’s eyes were full of worry as she looked into Nia’s.
“Yes, yes. I am fine, thanks to you.” Nia said with a smile, patting her on the head.
The thugs were en route. Nearly half of their original force was dead. Woo-Yaal, hood out, hissing, blocked retreat back the way they came. While Mimi and Nia blocked further progress. Drop-off on one side, solid support wall on the other.
When faced with the choice between fighting a human and a wolfkin or a Jormungand serpent, most of the thugs made the rational choice and tried to attack the side with more enemies, but much less collective muscle. Strange sword or no, the wolf-kin looked to be a child, and they had almost beaten the original girl before they were interrupted. Gathering themselves, they charged.
“Don’t worry Mommy. I will take care of them.” Mimi said, stepping in front of her and assuming the defensive position Nia used in practice. She was watching me the entire time.
Nia almost pulled her back, but something told her she didn’t need to worry. Mimi charged the thugs. Nia watched in awe as the small girl cut down her opponent’s effortlessly, bloodlessly. With a great effort, Nia tore her eyes off Mimi. She was still covering Atticus with her body. Looking down she realized Atticus was face down. Her hands were swollen and purple for lack of circulation. Before Nia knew what she was doing she was cutting the chords that bound Atticus’s arms with her kitchen scissors. Didn’t even know thee could summon thy scissors. Freed, her arms slumped. Careful not to bend or twist them, Nia turned her face up. No! Her eyes were shut, face and gag caked in dried blood. Nia cut the cloth with her scissors and peeled it away from her mouth. Nia swore violently. They used a rock! I don’t know that I can get it out without hurting her teeth. An idea came to her. Reaching into Atticus’s mouth and pinching the rock between thumb and forefinger, she began covering it in Void, learning every bit of its shape, weight, and nature. Then, removing her hand, (here goes nothing) she Void summoned the rock. Immediately it vanished from Atticus’s mouth and appeared in her hand. Phew! Nia dropped the rock, cradling Atticus in her arms. She checked her mouth first to see if anything else was in the way, then she leaned in, placing her ear above the slack-jawed mouth.
Finally, after what felt like an hour, Nia heard a breath and felt the cold wind tickle her ear. Leaning back, Nia sighed in relief.
“Thank goodness.” Atticus’s eyes fluttered open and she squinted up at Nia.
“Hss at ooo, onu?” The words were a ragged whisper. she can’t see. Nia leaned closer, almost touching her forehead to Atticus’s.
“It’s me Attie. It’s Donut. You are going to be okay.” Atticus coughed blood in Nia’s face, Nia couldn’t care less. Tears welled in her big brown eyes.
“My wish came true.” She smiled, cracking her mask of dried blood. “One last time, here at the end.” Her hand reached for Nia’s face, wavered, and collapsed. Nia grabbed the hand, still puffy and purple, placing it against her cheek. Atticus shook in Nia’s arms. “I’m sorry for being so selfish.” She cried. I’m the selfish one.
“There there.” Nia soothed “it’s going to be alright.” And with that, she began to feed Atticus Void. She poured every last bit of void she had left into Atticus. Void gone, Nia almost collapsed exhausted, slumping to the side panting. Her void would return soon enough, she could only pull so much for so long before she ‘ran out. Probably the Void itself keeps you from straining your body to over-exhaustion.
Almost immediately Atticus began to breathe deeper, her face and body relaxed as she drifted away and sleep took her. Nia could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Sleep well and awake renewed. Nia looked to check on Mimi and Woo-Yaal. The two of them had easily slain the thugs. It looked like Mimi had done most of the work, Woo-Yaal content to stick to his role of blocking their retreat and scaring them shitless. Woo-Yaal was currently inspecting Mimi carefully for any injury asking her questions.
“Does your wrist hurt?”
“Eh, mmm” Mimi shook her head vigorously.
“Are you hungry?”
“Did your fangs get nicked?”
“Eh.mmm.” she pulled her mouth open with her hands showing him “Hgeee?!”
“Good, good, a warrior must protect her weapons.'' I'm glad to see him taking his big brother's duties seriously. Is she biting people?! I'll have to put an end to that. Her Void had restored enough to let her draw enough strength to easily lift Attie. Wow, she doesn't weigh much, she thought even as her tired muscles ached. Eloquent as ever. I didn't say it out loud… in public.
“Hey, you two, let's get out of this shit hole.” Mimi ran over to her.
“Mommy, mommy, did you see me?”
“Yes, I did.” Nia knelt in front of the enthusiastic Mimi. “Thank you for protecting me, Mimi.” Mimi jumped for joy, unable to contain her excitement for receiving thanks from her mother, bouncing and spinning.
“What happened to your sword?”
“Eh?” Mimi looked confused for a second, then “Oh, this?” she reached out to the side. Void mist swirled below her palm for a moment, before coalescing into a sword. Nia’s jaw dropped. She… she Void summoned that sword, twice! Is this some kind of unique bond?
The sword was a beautiful katana. A perfect katana. The blade curved elegantly out of an ornate guard. The handle was wrapped in golden cloth. Mimi held it as naturally as she held….. A hamburger.
“That's very impressive sweetie. How did you summon such a beautiful sword?” Mimi’s face grew stern all of a sudden and her voice filled with a child's rage.
“When I saw them hitting mommy, I wanted to hurt them, to make them stop. Then, Blood Weaver was in my hand.”
Blood Weaver?!
Blood Weaver!?
“He said he would help me.”
What. The. Heck.
“Want to touch it?” Mimi asked, brimming with cheerfulness again. Nia patted her head.
“Thanks, sweetie, but I don't think I should.”
In fact, I am certain of it. Nia could sense the swords' aura. It wasn't menacing as much as it was terrifying. Without trying, the sword threatens your life, the kind of blade that immediately sparked fear, and something else. The worst part, worse than its terrifying beauty or mysterious aura, it made Nia wonder
What would it feel like, to be cut by that blade? Nia smiled
“You are quite the young girl. Use your strength to protect, only hurt bad people.” Nia collected Attie’s sleeping form back into her arms and stood.
“Emm! I want to be just like Mommy when I grow up.” Nia laughed.
“I am sure you will.” then after a pause. “One more thing, don't bite people, only as a last resort.”
“Emm!” Mimi nodded, tail wagging furiously as they began their long trek back home.
“How did you guys find me?” Nia asked as they walked/slithered.
“We felt you in the Void,” Mimi said nonchalantly.
“How did you get here so fast?”
“We Drifted.” Woo-Yaal provided.
“You can Drift?!” Nia asked, looking at Mimi in astonishment. Mimi shook her head. Woo-Yaal chuckled deep in his throat.
“Go on little one, tell her how we did it.” Mimi was bouncing with pent-up excitement.
“Guess!” Nia thought, but she came up empty. She had no idea how Mimi could have Drifted if she couldn't Drift.
“You rode on his back.” Nia guessed, knowing full well it wasn't the answer.
“No silly! I rode in his mouth!” …. …. …. Nia was too stunned for words, even cognitive thought escaped her. Finally, she managed to force out
“W-wow, that's very clever.” And very stupid!
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