《Void Drifter》Chapter 9: June
Name: Mimi
Species: Beast-man Classification: Wolfkin, Blade bound, Drifter
Unique bond: Blood Weaver
It was surprisingly easy to find a shop that specializes in clothes for beast-man. They are one of the more pervasive species in the Collective. The patron of the store, an elderly woman, helped them. She was a beast-man. Foxkin? Her ears are beautiful! So fluffy. The woman's ears were very large, but her tail was much smaller. Tall and slender, she moved with grace as she walked Mimi around the store. She seemed very accepting of Nia being Mimi's guardian.
“What exactly are you looking for?” she asked with a kind smile that turned her eyes to slits.
“A couple of sets of clothes. Everything from underwear to some cold-weather gear. I want to get her a full protective CoAux jacket and pants, I'll have to talk to Zane about that. It was the harsh truth that Mimi would be a target for anyone who wanted to hurt Nia. If all went well they would be off Vah Galla soon. But until then, Nia needed to make sure she was safe. Teach her to defend herself.
“Well,” the patron said thoughtfully as she circled Mimi, studying her. “I should be able to fit you out with everything you need. Plus some stuff she can grow into.” squatting in front of Mimi and cocking her head to the side. “I think she will be growing a lot.”
“Emm! I'm gonna grow big so I can protect mommy!”
“I'm sure you will.” Said the patron patting Mimi's head. “You have beautiful eyes, your ears and tail are also a magnificent young one. I will teach you how to take care of your fur.” then looking up at Nia the patron said “I will also happily answer any question you have about Wolfkin. I don't know everything, but what I do know is yours.
“Th-thanks.” Nia was caught off by the genuine kindness of the patron.
Moving swiftly, the patron gathered articles of clothing from all across her shop, taking them into the back, before summoning them back. The room seemed to function as her workshop and fitting room. Several full-length mirrors in one corner were surrounded by a veritable mountain of clothes. Waving them over, the patron taught them about how to wear pants. The tail exiting where it did made conventional waistlines impossible, or at the very least uncomfortable. To overcome this, designers had come up with many alternatives to accommodate a tail. Everything from suspenders, to drop-down semicircles in the back. After setting Mimi up with a pile of different clothes to try on, she invited Nia back to the front of the shop for some tea. Nia was surprised as she found herself not wanting to leave Mimi alone. The last time she did that …. …. The patron noticed her pause.
“I'll bring the tea back here.” Before Nia could react, the patron was already back in the front of the shop.
“Mommy, mommy! Could you help me change?”
“Of course.”
The patron returned shortly carrying a tray with two mugs of tea, scones, and a glass of juice for Mimi.
“Do you do this for all your customers?” Nia asked as she took the proffered mug. A subtle scent of lavender and lemongrass wafted on the steam.
“Only the ones I like.” said the patron with that squinty smile. Taking a sip from her mug she knelt next to Mimi and Nia. “That one is very cute on you.” The pants Mimi had on were low cut, but had elastic straps that went over her hips to clamps that allowed for length adjustment, placed several centimeters off-center to allow for her tail.
“Emm!” Mimi was watching herself in the mirror as she jumped up and down, side to side. So much energy. Leaning in, the patron adjusted the legs.
“They are great for rough, outdoor play. The length is easily adjustable by pulling on these cords.” she indicated two small hoops on the outside of each knee. “The material is ripstop and washes very easily.”
Next was a pair of flowing linen pants that sat on top of Mimi’s hips. A slit ending in a circle that was again adjustable with a drawcord, accommodated her tail. Two buttons holding the waistline above the tail.
I am not helping. Nia quickly realized. Scooting back to lean against a table that was stacked with fabrics, she watched. Content to sip her tea and encourage Mimi. The amount of stock the patron had was rather astonishing. She seemed to have every pattern and style, even in Mimi’s size. Mimi had fully embraced Nia’s style of semi-random colorful prints.
Sometime later. Mimi, who had been bursting with frenzied energy yawned, scrunching up her perky little nose and baring her teeth. Her tongue curls back when she yawns, cute. Mimi trudged over to Nia.
“Mo-mommy, I’m sleep--” she was cut off by another huge yawn as Nia patted her head, ruffling her hair and scratching behind her ears.
“I'm sure you are. You have done so much today.” Nia moved to stand, but before she could, Mimi curled up on her lap. “Ooh, you are already asleep? I'll carry you.”
“Oh, please stay. Just for a bit.” the Patron said “I’ll get you more tea in a moment. We can let Mimi rest for a little while.” her eyes fell to Mimi and her whole body softened. “She is so precious.”
“Yes, she is very precious,” said Nia as she brushed Mimi’s hair out of her face. In a flutter of skirts, the patron was gone. Nia looked down at Mimi, with her thick black hair and eyelashes. Her pale skin and small limbs. Her chest as it rose and fell with each breath, in and out. She made the tiniest of growls as she slept. Leaning down, Nia kissed her forehead. Then sliding up she whispered “you are very precious to me. I love you, Mimi.” into her fluffy ear. Her fur was so soft on Nia’s lips and nose. Curiosity piqued, Nia looked closer. Mimi had ears very similar to a wolf. Almost like Barron’s ears. They were much higher than ears on a human. Covered in soft fur the same color as her hair, maybe a little lighter at the tips. At the entrance of the ear was a puff of white fur. Like nose hairs. Terrible simile. I mean, they probably have a similar function. Keeping dirt and stuff out. ….. Wait! What!? Nia inspected the side of Mimi’s head. Exactly where a human ear would be. But there was nothing. Just scalp. I don't know what I expected. Wait! Did thee think she would have four ears!? Kahahaha. The ethereal laughter-filled Nia's head. Feeling slightly chagrined, she straightened up stretching. I was just curious.
The patron reentered the back room with a fresh pot of tea.
“So Nia,” she said as she knelt on the floor. “Do you have any questions? It is apparent that Mimi only came under your protection recently.” The patron sipped her tea, studying Nia. Nia just sat there. She had questions, she knew she did. But her mind was blank. As she sat, she absentmindedly stroked Mimi’s tail and ears. “Oh, I know!” The patron said excitedly. “Do you know about fur upkeep?”
“Fur upkeep.” The patron repeated.
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you mean.”
“Not to worry dear, I’ll be right back.” With that, the patron was on her feet again. Moving to the back of the room and ascending a staircase that Nia hadn’t even noticed. Before she knew it, the patron was coming back down the stairs, a small box in hand.
“Fur upkeep is very simple but very important for beast-girls. Boys have taken to just letting it get greasy and nasty in a truly unfortunate fade of youth. I swear, their fur will fall out before the eighth decade. Thankfully girls still take to hygiene.” Opening the box she revealed several glass bottles, a few combs, a pair of delicate-looking scissors, and a few wooden sticks. “I’ll give you this set, I don’t use it anymore.” It doesn’t look used at all.
“I’m sorry” Nia interrupted her. “Why are you… being so kind.” Kindness almost seems an understatement. “I don’t even know your name, and you are going through all this effort to help Me and Mimi. You even closed your shop earlier when you brought us back here, didn’t you? That can’t be good for business.” The patron had straightened up when Nia had started talking, and looked her square in the eye. Her eyes were a soft brown, the irises so big they almost filled her large, slanted eyes. She didn’t seem upset or even put out by Nia’s sudden interruption. She sat there, legs folded beneath her, back straight, head slightly tilted. Serene. She looked like a mother listening to her child describe the nightmare they had just woken from. I’m so damn small. Nay, thine burden is large. Thee is normal…. this is normal. Why does the voice in my head slip into a low-level Vah Galla accent at random?
“June.” The patron said, removing her glasses to clean them with her shirt.
“W—-what?” Nia stammered realizing she had gotten caught up in her head and hadn’t heard what the patron had said. Placing her glasses back on her head she looked at Nia.
“My name is June.” She said with that bright, squinty smile. “As for why I am ‘so kind’, as you put it.” She pauses for a second, then, sighing, continued.
“I have seen a lot of people come through my door and none had as strong a bond as the two of you share. When I saw you two, I thought to myself “now there are two people who love each other” even though she isn’t your flesh and blood, you love her. Please, forgive an old woman for wanting to share in that bond, to watch it. Even if it was under the pretense of ‘being kind’.” Nia didn’t know what to say. “Maybe part of it was her. I haven't seen a child so full of life in a long time. If it’s not too much to ask, how long has she been with you?” Without even thinking Nia replied
“I found her almost starved to death some three days ago. But I guess I fully adopted her yesterday at about this time.” June put her hands to her heart.
“Oh, you are going to make me cry.”
Nia suddenly remembered something.
“How did you know we weren’t related?”
June dismissed this question with a wave of her hand.
“Oh Dear, it’s obvious she doesn’t have any of your bone structure. The only thing you two have in common is that golden left eye of hers. Well, that and the Void.” Nia flinched. How does she know? “Oh, come now, your body is a big leaky bag. You and her both radiate Void energy.”
“You can sense it!?” Nia was astonished. Never before had someone been able to sense her Void energy before.
“Yes, in fact, ‘sense’ is exactly the right word. I have always been more in tune with the energy people radiate than most, but yours is certainly the strongest. Which makes me want to guess that you are the Void Drifter I have heard of.” Nia laughed. She found it funny that she had been found out so easily. Thee—- you, must restrain your power more. Aren't you part of me? Yes, but I have yet to be called upon.
“I'm sorry, I interrupted you,” Nia said as she shifted under Mimi, trying to keep her legs from falling asleep.
“Ahh, yes!” June turned back to the box and began pulling out bottles and combs. She proceeded to teach Nia all about how to wash, oil, and cent Mimi’s fur. How to trim it and even clean her ears with the long sticks.
“If she ever wants her ears pierced, I can do that here.” then with a mischievous smile she said “I could do your ears as well. I think you would look good with silver cuffs.”
“Yeah! I would like that.” Nia had seen many humans and non-humans with impressive piercings and tattoos and had always wanted some but never had the time. “I can't speak for Mimi, but I would like some ear piercings.”
“Well, you and Mimi are welcome any time.”
“Do you by any chance have some simple silver band rings? I was wanting to try some. Or would you maybe know where I could get some?” June was once again on her feet. Striding over to a table piled with sewing material. Grabbing a box she returned. Sitting next to Nia “Give me your hand.” Nia complied. She felt June's warm, dextrous fings sliding rings on and off her fingers. “And your other hand.” the process repeated. “Open and close your hands several times.” Nia did so. June made some adjustments. “Again……. Perfect.” leaning back she let Nia pull her hands back and inspect them. Nia’s mouth opened in surprise. The rings were simple bands of silver metal. They varied slightly in thickness and width and there were so many of them. Each finger except her left index and right ring finger had at least one ring, some more, as many as three. They accentuated the length of her fingers, glinting in the light. All she could do for a few moments was open and close her hands staring at her fingers.
“Like them?”
“They are perfect! I'll take them.” Nia’s legs cried out in pain as they fell asleep. “Ahh, just what I tried to avoid.” Lifting Mimi as she stretched her legs out, fighting a cramp.
“Can- Can I hold her?” asked June hesitantly.
“Of course.” Nia raised the unconscious Mimi to June who expertly gathered her to herself. Holding her close and whispering into her ear. Mimi shifted, curling into June grunting and murmuring in her sleep.
“You are too precious.”
Nia stood and stretched, producing a chorus of pops. Adjusting her shirt and jacket, brushing the wispies out of her face.
“Those rings match your style.”
“Thanks again. I’ll come by again in a few days to get my ears pierced if that's okay with you.”
“Of course. But for now, you should take Mimi home.”
“Yeah, it's been a big day for her.” Nia paused awkwardly looking around the room. “Do you… have a bathroom I could use?”
“Oh, so sorry! Up the stairs, second door on your left.”
The second floor as it turned out was June's apartment. Nia scampered to the bathroom.
Making her way back down the stairs she found June sliding an article of clothing into a bag with one hand, still cradling Mimi in the other. Handing the bag to Nia she said.
“Here, here's some clothes for tomorrow. I will have the rest delivered tomorrow whenever you need it.” Taking the bag and retrieving her commlink from its usual place, Nia asked.
“Standard money transfer work?”
“Of course,” June said, leading the way to the register in the front of the shop. It took her a moment to enter everything. This will be expensive. Not like thee art footing the bill. That was true enough. Nia didn't technically have any currency to her name. However, she did have access to an Ascendancy bank account. She had been assigned it at some point, and from what Zane said, it had a lot of money in it. Done, June handed her commlink to Nia. Taking it, Nia did a double-take. This has to be wrong.
“I'm sorry, but this isn't right.” she handed the commlink back to June, who took it and double-checked it.
“No, that's right.” June handed it back.
“That way too little.” June tilted her head to the side and smiled.
“It's a friends and family discount.” That, and then some.
“Well, I see there's no point in fighting you. I know when I am beaten.” Nia took the commlink back, keyed hers open, and transferred the currency.
“My only condition is that you bring her back here when she needs new clothes. And that you come by yourself sometimes for tea.”
“It would be my pleasure,” Nia said as she gathered Mimi back into her arms. June walked them to the door and let them out. Nia shifted Mimi into a piggyback position and headed for home.
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