《Our Journey Through Radiance》Chapter 4: Reason


"Don't be swayed by emotions. They make you lack perspective." Alex kept on telling Arthur.

He couldn't understand his friend regardless of how long they spent together. He was too much.

What kind of person would become a State Knight?

Their salaries didn't seem high, so he couldn't understand why his friend felt passionate about it.

'He was probably taken in by propaganda.' Alex thought. He could imagine the funny scene vividly.

Arthur would read a poster saying the military NEEDED him, and be swayed by the shallow words.

Maybe he was giving him too much credit…

The enchanter and his best friend were both students of a man who was famous in the lands.

If they told someone who taught them magic, then it would have been the talk of the people there.

Too bad… If only their mentor had allowed it.

'Then I would be relaxing instead of researching.' A tiredness appeared in his eyes as the night fell.

He had been working the entire day tirelessly.

Unlike Arthur, who had a stable salary, Alex was only able to get money through the Adventurer Guild. That said, the rate they paid for his research was a lot more tempting than one could imagine.

He remembered the first research notes he published under his name, which was still being bought around the world. The enchanter felt like a novelist that hit big and became a billionaire.

The Guild had even issued him a 'Black Card'.

Which was considered a spatial device that allowed transactions, payments, and holding lots of money.

Similar to a digital interface you'd see on Earth.

He could even directly take out any value of coins from his bank account… whenever he wanted to.

But this came at a cost of his livelihood.

Even though Alex could have lived well with just his first published research documents, the enchanter continued to try his luck. It wasn't entirely because of his love for knowledge, but also his confidence.

After all, he had awakened a Unique Class.

That being called an 'Arcanist'.

Compared to other Classes, there was only a few who truly awakened Class Skills that were 'unique'.

Not merely a 'Rare' like Dragoons and Samurais.

Even Alex himself had no idea what an enchanted did. Not even sure what his Spirit Essence was like.

It was because he'd only had a partial 'Class Awakening'. Unable to use his inherent base magic.

Instead, he used his Class Skills to achieve feats similar to 'Ether Breathing'. The first was his eyes.

Class Skill: 'Runic Insight', an ability to see through the fabric of reality and see Ether as 'Attribute Runes'. External energy was like a science to him. A change in phenomenons being a result of Runes.

Like heat generating Fire Runes, thus igniting once set ablaze. Admittedly, his application was limited.

Unlike others, Alex had no way of generating Skills like Arthur could. He was left with only this job.

Just like he did with the shield, the Arcanist was good at applying his magical energy onto others.

By writing Runes on weapons, he could empower them. Whether they be tools or Spirit Essences.

An ability he made full use of.

It was no small part thanks to his first Class Skill:

'Magic Prodigy'.

Talent that went beyond the scope of reason.

Alex was able to finish a five layer enchanted shield within a day thanks to this, which was sent off in the hands of an errand running State Squire. After having done his job, he drank an energy juice.

One that was pharmaceutically prescribed to him to lessen the impact of fatigue from not sleeping.


He had been doing a lot of all nighters recently…

This was the last day he was spending on researching the new topic given by the Guild.

A secretly issued request only he was aware of.

Some might even call this 'Forbidden Research'.

Thinking so, the enchanter moved to his desk and started writing the last day of his experiment notes.

Things hadn't went as expected.

He wrote down that topic of discussion:

{National Treasures and Transient Awakening}

His pen moved through the many pages.

Compiling all he had learned to come to a conclusion about this research banned by the five kingdoms. Which was… The whole thing was useless. All theories weren't applicable in reality.

'Transient Awakening' was the state of power that few had been able to achieve in the entire world.

It wasn't the same as Spell Slots, which those who had fully awakened their Classes could create.

There had been multiple researchers like him who were given this task by the Guild over the years.

But only he had a special enlightenment towards it.

It must have been because of his Class, or due to the foreign memories that'd fill his head at times.

Like knowledge of scientific phenomenons other people would normally overlook in their opinions.

Either way, Transient Awakening couldn't be done.

The specifics to actually attaining this temporary strength, one that would leave behind a national treasure, was only fulfilling certain requirements for it… but even that couldn't be done by just anyone.

The first was strong emotions.

Similar to the endlessly passionate Arthur, who was constantly spending his hard earned gold coins.

The second requirement was 'layered thoughts'.

It wasn't enough to just have a strong boost in emotions. One needed many thoughts at once.

Which was why people like his friend were worst candidates. Simple people couldn't achieve it.

You could say feelings and ideals needed a balance, or say that maturity was a requirement.

But even if one managed to do that, there was the last thing they needed to do in order to utilise it.

{The individual in the high emotional state while layered thoughts needs to hold a familiar object.}

One might think that nostalgic item was enough after reading this, but that wasn't what he meant.

By 'familiar', he meant related to their past life.

The national treasures hidden by the five kingdoms and beyond were a result of all of these together.

Remnants left behind by the 'Transcended'.

Thus, the topic was deemed useful for magical technological development, and of battle training.

That last condition was too hard to purposefully do.

He closed the book on the subject and sent his last papers. Alex decided now was best to retirement.

There was already a lot of money in his account.

After stretching his body and getting ready for a good night's sleep, he thought about what to do.

How to enter that famous theatre performance.

If he couldn't get a ticket by normal means, it was only natural he'd get it through different means.

'How about I ask them?' He got an idea.

Rather than doing something illegal, he could just purchase a ticket from the great Theatre Troupe.

They should have at least one left, right?

Alex fell asleep and didn't get out of his bed for two days while thinking about it. He got a good rest.

It was only when his tired mind finally felt fully rested, did he choose to stick his head out of bed.

His enchantment shop sign on 'Closed' the whole time. Letting him laze like it was nobody's business.


Adam decided to get ready for a new day.

He looked at his bathroom mirror and had a look at his clean chin, with eyes that was just like others.

A common colour of brown.

This didn't seem to blend well with his platinum blue hair. Which was the weirdest others had seen.

After all, most people were brunettes or ginger.

Having the natural colour of platinum blue in the hair could be considered a strange mutation, but it wasn't like he would be ousted as a Beast. The qualities he showed was different from them.

Moreover, he was a friend of Knight Arthur. The person with the best reputation in the kingdom.

This proved his legitimacy.

Alex couldn't wait to awaken his Spirit Essence and prove to everyone that he was also a Gaia Human.

The same as the rest of them.

"Hah…" Adam sighed while putting on the clothes he'd made with the collaboration of a good Tailor.

Unlike the kind of leather most wore, he had a lot more wool that had been woven into a shirt for him.

His legs slipped into regular pants you'd see on Earth, which was complete with a fairly long belt.

He took a casual walk through the streets…

Nobody came to greet him, only keeping a good distance while looking at the colour of his hair.

…He was growing sick of this sight.

If it wasn't for Arthur, he would have already left to seek greater horizons. Not be stuck in this place.

Those eyes were piercing…

As if wondering if his hair was dyed or just a natural part of his body. The latter would cause concern.

Although it was common knowledge that there was no such thing as 'Halflings', it wasn't the first time a Humanoid Beast had infiltrated the kingdom as a regular Gaia Human. Disguising their natural look.

Then again, it was also common knowledge that black hair was the sign of a Beast in human form.

This was the only thing keeping them mum…

Even his eyes were brown, rather than a deep blue.

With their suspicion still lingering, Alex ignored them while making his way closer to the palace.

The Tartarus Theatre Troupe were docked there.

He just needed a ticket from them, all else meant nothing. Even if everyone looked at him with scorn.

Well… perhaps it wasn't everyone.

While going, Alex handed some silver to copper coins to some performers that were along the way.

Bards reverently thanked him for his patronage.

'See that. You can even buy relationships.' Alex felt good about himself while socialising with them.

Making his travel there take even longer…

There wasn't much talking besides the 'Thank you' each of them gave while he was giving money.

His image becoming that of a prodigal yet generous enchanter who worked for the kingdom.

A reputation Arthur had no small part in.

He continued until he reached a certain alleyway with a strange sign posted on at the corner clearly.

There was no face drawn for the criminal in question, but the bounty was quite large.


Name: Thousand Face

Reward: 10,00000 Gold

Description: A man who can imitate and become anyone if given enough time to switch identities.]

There was literally a ink figure with no features.

Alex didn't know how someone would be able to catch someone who didn't even have any looks.

Only rumours circulating around the all kingdoms could barely put together a profile for this person.

Apparently, he was a reckless thief who would even steal from Royalty. A fact that would shock most.

Did this man not value his life?

Regardless, this had nothing to do with him.

Just as he was about to leave for the brighter world, a subtle sound in the alley called to him.

He found himself walking further in.

Alex could've went straight to the palace and ignored these tiny sounds, but he was curious.

What was in here?

The deepest parts of the alleyway lead to a dead end, and a stairs to where that noise came from.

He could hear what it was at this point.

'Music…?' The Arcanist walked down the stairs while keeping his card tightly held. It was his life.

There would be no way he'd allow some no-named thief take his possession. Even if beaten out of him.

In front of him appeared a metallic door with an slide opening where the eyes likely peeked out.

He knocked on the door.

"Password." A deep voice came from behind the door. Two eyes looked from the unlocked opening.

"Does this sound right?" Alex took out his card and showed the total value left in his savings account.

Such a deep pocketed customer's wallet was like being blinded by radiance for the mere middleman.

He felt like his eyes would be unable to handle the mighty presence of so many zeros on an account.

"Music to the ears." The man said ironically while opening the door and letting him in with a smile.

He seemed like some kind of ruffian- No… That's…

'Does this place have Scouts?' They weren't that strong, but we're specialised in finding and hiding.

Though that also made it easier for them to be enlisted into thief groups plaguing many kingdoms.

Alex walked deeper in…

He came to see an underground casino where people were betting large amounts without limit.

Some were even being driven out after losing their fortune. Becoming no more than a crying mess.

He felt bad for them…

Especially when he saw one of them was a fellow storekeeper. An acquaintance that recognised him.

The man came out and held his hand.

"A-Alex… You came here too? I mean, yes… of course you did. U-umm… Can I borrow some money? I'll definitely pay you back!" The tailor who owned a clothes store begged with pleading eyes.

But Alex shook him off.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, and the tailor gulped in response while his eyes swam.


"Yeah, you came here to gamble 'more money' so you could get rich quick." The youth spoke blandly.

"You can't say anything. You're rich… And I barely get by with what I earn. I have a daughter. Please, I only need a few thousand gold." The man held on more tight, with desperation growing within him.

Alex patted the man's shoulder.

He made eye-contact with him, and spoke while letting him cling on as much as he felt like doing:

"You screwed up big time."

"I already know that. Just give me some money. I'll do whatever. Please…" The man stared back.

"And lose it in another round of gambling?"

"…You don't know that." After the tailor spine these words, Alex moved to huddle him closer with his arms over the shoulders. He whispered something those playing against the man couldn't hear:

"The one playing you and the one rolling the dice are on the same side. Can't you tell from the way they're looking at each other and laughing behind your back?" These words were like a thunderclap.

The tailor tried to turn his head in rage, but Alex kept him held close so he wouldn't act irrationally.


"Cheated. Yeah… but what are you going to do about it? Call the State Knights? You're done here."

"Y-you have a friend in there, right? Couldn't he do something? Anything… just get my money back."

"My friend would lock you up purely for coming here. You know that and I know that. Give up."

"I can't…"

"You'll just have to."

"You lend money to your friend all the time, can't you help me?" The man continued persuading him.

"Stop this… Go home and explain what happened here to your family. And don't you dare ever come back. I know you haven't spent EVERYTHING. You aren't that thoughtless." Alex slapped his back.

The tailor staggered towards the exit weakly, and the Arcanist continued gesturing for him to get out.

The man finally left…

Truthfully, he DID feel bad for the guy, but there was a difference between being nice and being a meek pushover. Money wouldn't solve this man's problems, it would just blow it out of proportions.

The reason a mere tailor came here was out of temptation to get rich even if it meant losing it all.

And what almost happened was exactly that.

If he had given the man money, he would have came back to this place due to not learning at all.

At least poverty would end up ingraining some common sense into the man… if not anything else.

"Now… can you take me to someone worth talking to?" He spoke to the fake player in the crowd

The player looked around with a little panic, but was saved by the dealer in charge of the games.

The moustache twirler asked him:

"And how much 'worth' do you have?"

"At least this much." Alex flashed his card at the dealer, and his jaw dropped upon seeing the digits.

"…I'll bring you somewhere else. Please follow." The man hurriedly took him to the highest echelon.

Alex expected to be treated with respect for all that he was worth, but the situation's reality differed.

He was surrounded by men who had done a proper Class Change to become 'Pirate Class' criminals.

In front of him was the apparent ringleader.

A girl wearing smiling mask. Her iris seemed a little too dark… to the point he couldn't tell the colour.

Was it brown or black?

Regardless, it wasn't like there was anything inherently wrong with those types of eye colour.

If she had sky blue eyes instead, then it would have been a cause for concern about her being a Beast.

Moreover, he couldn't tell what she was thinking from the mask and way of covering all her skin.

Was she tortured by sickness, or disguised?

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't take that card and throw you out." The masked girl spoke blandly.

If Alex had prepared for a fight beforehand, he may have been able to escape… but this was useless.

He had to act based on the things he had right now. Regret wouldn't help him in this situation.

"Is this enough of a good reason?" Alex slowly reached into his inner pocket and revealed an ID.

The moment they read it, the greedy thugs around him were completely overwhelmed by his brilliance.

"He's a Level 5 Rune Enchanter. There's only one person who could have this…!" One of the Pirates spoke, and masked girl nodded in response. His name was famous throughout the five kingdoms.

"I didn't realise I was meeting a celebrity in the flesh. Please don't hold a grudge over this." The undercover Theatre Troupe member, Fear, showed an elegant demeanour despite wearing a mask.

One could feel the politeness in her voice.

"I wouldn't hold a petty grudge over those. Those who are reasonable people are treated reasonably."

"That's a great line. So… what did you come here for?" The masked girl cut straight to the point.

"I need a ticket for performance in five days."

"And you're willing to pay extra for it?"

"Pretty much."

"Then we have a deal." Alex didn't extend the conversation and let Fear end things with this.

After obtaining what he wanted through means that weren't predicted, he headed to the palace.

The reason for his choice?

He truly meant it when he said reasonable people should be treated reasonably, but that didn't count.

Even if things went smoothly after he revealed his identity, even anticlimactically, not all was well.

Reasonable people don't make underground ramblings rings, and he wasn't a heartless guy.

It was best to let Arthur know of this place.

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