《Fortune Lord: A LitRPG Superhero》Fortune Lord Chapter Five


“How in hell are we gonna hijack an alien spaceship?” asked Helen as she, Lawrence, Alicia, Danny, and you sit discussing the subject in the living room of the diviners. I paced back and forth much to Alicia’s chagrin.

“First we need to get onto the ship, this involves being abducted. Once on the ship we incapacitate or kill the crew but not the slaves. We use the slaves to control the ship. As a bonus, I think we should make it seem like the ship was destroyed. We turn the ship invisible and at the same time we set off some of the more powerful munitions,” you say.

“Quite the plan you finally reveal, now please sit down so we can discuss it,” says Alicia.

“How do we get ourselves abducted?” asks Helen.

“We will be at the wrong place at the wrong time,” you say.

Lawrence says, “Or where we know where they will be.”

“You had a vision?” you ask.

“A vision?” asked Danny.

Lawrence spoke up, “our family can see into the future.”

“Among other things,” you say.

Helen asked, “What was your vision of Lawrence?”

“I saw a child running from what seemed to be an alien in the armor you described Michael, riding a huge beast. The beast was slow at first as if it just learned to walk. This allows the child to get some distance.”

“I think they are abducting samples of the population,” you say.

“Why?” asks Helen.

Danny stands and begins pacing, “intel. They need to know about us. The more information one has on an enemy the greater the chances of victory. Thanks to Michael here, we have an advantage. We know the enemy.”

“What am I chopped liver?” asks Lawrence.

The talks and preparations went on into the night. You know what, but you don’t know where or when. This is not a problem with your fortune, you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time and join in the abduction.

You know from Lawrence that the abduction will be at night. The child seems to be, from what Lawrence has said, about fifteen years of age. You see him running. You decide to use four options.

You five are in two cars and first see a huge rider and beast, then you see a boy running.

You five are on foot when you see an explosion and a boy running from a beast and rider.

You five are on foot when you see a boy throwing rocks at a beast and its rider.

You five are on three motorcycles when you see a boy running from a beast and its rider.

You choose these options, summon a die and issue the roll command. Then it’s done.

“First part’s done,” you say as you part is to get us abducted.

“As is the second part of our plan,” says Danny who would incapacitate the crew.

“I got the third handled with four options,” says Alicia she will tame the slaves.

“I got the fourth part done,” says Helen whose job is to make the ship blow up without blowing up.


“I feel so much like chopped liver,” says Lawrence. Smiles.

Lawrence got three motorcycles from his Family so you could scout the neighborhood where the abduction would take place. You also got six short-range radio transceivers to communicate from a local electronics store. You also had six guns of which you for one don’t know how to use. You never fired a gun before, though everyone else had.

While returning from the electronics store, Lawrence calls out that he spots the boy he saw in his vision walking into a building. It is a sperm bank, the one Helen and Alicia’s mother used. You all stop and park near the building, and enter it. You arrive to see the young man arguing with a receptionist. He is shaking with wide, pleading eyes.

“Look I got my birth certificate. I got my five hundred bucks, why can’t you tell me who my father is. You gotta help me,” says the boy trembling.

“The Internet is down and has been for a few hours. I would love to help you young man but I can’t. That information isn’t held locally. That information is overseas.”

“That’s crazy. Why is it overseas? Lady, I went to the hospital cause I was glowing. Here see. I need to know what I got. They didn’t know anything about what it was. Help me!” He shows her his phone.

You listen in on their conversation. You suspect but to be sure you call out, “you were glowing, I glowed too.”

The boy looks at you. His open mouth and furrowed brow suggest he is ready to believe anything. You walk over to him and the others are not far behind. “It was scary but I lived through it. You will too. I think …”

“You think I’m crazy. You all …”

“No we don’t …” began the receptionist.

The boy ran from her, past you, into the streets.

“That poor boy,” said the receptionist.

“No, if I am right … if I am right that boy is about to receive a legacy greater than you can imagine,” and with that, you leave.

When you were on the street the boy was gone.

“Is there a chance he is not one of us?” Helen was teary-eyed, “he was so scared.”

“Get a grip people he’s just a kid, like about three or four other billion kids on this planet,” said Lawrence.

You look at Lawrence for a moment before, “He is not like three or four other billion kids. He may be Family. Family sticks together.”

“Some families,” he said.

“Our Family,” you say.

“Whatever,” he says and you continue to search for the boy. You split up and search and night arrives. Night arrives and you find him. He is running, screaming for help. You and Helen are on a motorcycle and you hear her call in your location on the transceiver. You take out the gun as you see the rider on the beast. It has that crossbow pointing at the fleeing child. You pull out a gun as you create four options.


You watch as the rider toys with the boy, close but missing on purpose.

You watch as the boy escapes the rider and flees into the arms of one of us.

You watch as the rider’s mount gives in due to the extreme gravity and falls causing the rider to miss.

You watch as the boy runs to you as you shoot the rider and the beast.

Options selected, you summon the die and command the roll.

You gun the bike towards the kid who sees you and runs toward you. You swerve and turn, rolling off the bike in one motion as Helen holds the bike. You finish the roll onto your feet turn and fire into the beast. It goes down. Another rider shows up on its beast as the downed rider stands and fires the crossbow at you. You dodge as Helen pulls the boy on the bike. Two more riders show up with crossbows drawn.

A creature the size of the riders, standing on four legs and with two arms a torso and a head points at you saying to its master, “that one is an alien. The others are from this world, but they are different.” This is said in Arkanian, the language of the Empire.

You shout back in Arkanian “Warriors of the Arkanian Empire, I bid you greetings and blood from The Family! Turn back or your slaves will revolt, your beasts will die, and you will bleed! This world is protected!”

“How is it that you speak our language?” called the Arkanian Master, lowering his weapon and walking forward.

You reload the gun and put it back in its holster, and you walk up to the alien.

“You dare attack a child?” you scream and charge him, but he dodges under your blow. This one was different from the first one you captured. It launches a kick that you leap over. You perform a flurry of blows to the face that is blocked on each account.

The other aliens ride tall on their beasts but do nothing. After blocking your blows the alien launches its own flurry of attacks that you expertly avoid. You attack with a feint followed by a palm strike that he avoids and lashes out with a roundhouse kick that you slide under. You punch, it connects and the alien screams, and backs away. You got first blood and you smile, showing your teeth.

“You will die for that slave!” screams the alien. It charges you. You dive underneath it grabbing its neck for a sacrifice throw. It lands on its back but before you can roll on it, it flips to its feet. Claws grow out of its fists, and you reach for your gun.

It charges you as you open fire. Cracks appear in its armor and the creature reaches you. It claws at you as you avoid it kicking at the fractured chest plate. A kick it blocks. It swings its claws and you dive out of the way reaching for your ammo. It comes at you again and again and you dodge. You reload and fire. The armor fails and the falls dead. The other aliens scream and raise their crossbow arms to the sky. The four-legged creature calls out to you, “you are a mighty warrior, worthy of a warriors death.” You look around to see nine more aliens and their beasts.

“Consider carefully who you think will die today,” you yell back. It bows its head in respect. You nod.

With ten plus slaves against five plus a boy, the odds are not in your favor. You consider the options. People are coming out of their homes with guns now. You hear sirens in the distance. You look around but options don’t come to mind as quickly as you need them to.

Twenty slaves came out of nowhere with nets that were wired. Each threw electric stunning nets on us. You of the Family shared looks. Trust. You did not fight the nets, they trusted you to get them onto the ship safely. The charge knocked all of you out.

You were all naked and in a small room. You stand to look for a door and found none. The room was white with a ceiling light. It felt cool but that could be because of your attire.

“How do we get out?” asked Alicia.

“We have options.” You say as you consider your options.

Power could go out on the ship because of a freak accident.

Power could go out on the ship because of a slave revolt.

Power could go out on the ship because of trauma caused faulty connection.

Power could go out on the ship because of a traitor.

Options selected, you summon dice, and you roll.

And you wait. It isn’t long before an entire wall vanishes leaving a corridor that goes off in two ways, right and left. An Arkanian stands before you.

“Come with me,” he says and you follow him down the corridor to the right. You go to a room with more of the four-legged creatures. They all bowed to you.

“What race of creatures are these?” you ask.

“They are Larians, a psychic race that we enslaved several of your centuries ago,” it said in English.

“How did you learn English?” asked Helen.

“This is a secret sect of Larians, they foresaw the destruction of the Arkanian Empire by a race calling themselves human over five centuries ago. They were protected by a member of a powerful race called the Family. Only death comes from opposing the Family. You are the Family, aren’t you?”

“We are.”

“Not all of you are Great Ones. That one is human,” said one of the Larians pointing at Lawrence.

“Chopped liver I am,” said Lawrence.






Char Values

Fortune 15

Arkanian Culture



Travel 1

Arkanian Tech



System 0

Mythrian Sci



Mythrian Tech



Kung Fu



Human History



Human Sci 3



Human Tech 3



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