《Fortune Lord: A LitRPG Superhero》A Lord of Fortune and Travel Chapter One


They are still there. Your legs burn as you continue your mad dash away from them. You pant as your lungs burn. People curse you as you run into them and then push them aside. You chance a glance back and you still see them. They are gaining on you. Someone screams “gun!” as you duck into an alley and race into a brick wall. You are trapped. Is this it? Are you going to die here? You turn to see them stopped a few steps away from you. Cars drive by in the distance.

One of them reaches into his clothes and pulls out a gun. There is a smile on his face as he looks at you. You know that you are about to die. Options. What are the possibilities in this situation? Your mind races as you list possible outcomes.

He shoots you to death.

He shoots you but the gun jams.

The police arrive now and he shoots you.

The police arrive now and he puts the gun away.

You choose those four possibilities as you imagine in your mind a four-sided die rolling. You cast your Fate and see lights flashing within a moment of the sound of a gunshot. Your torso sears in pain. You back against the wall as shouts come in the distance.

You smell antiseptic. You open your eyes and curtains around you. You lay in a hospital bed. You hurt. You sit up and become woozy, and lay back down again. You cough and yell “help”. Moments later a nurse opens the curtain and enters your rest area.

“How can I help you?” She asks.

“I am in extreme pain and I need something for it,” you say.

“One moment and let me get the doctor,” she said.

You curse silently that you didn’t wake up before being sent to the hospital as you could have tried to reduce the damage with a choice.

“Thank you,” you say and continue with, “how bad is it?”

“I’ll let the doctor answer those questions.”

“That bad huh?” you ask.

“Actually you are a very lucky man, the bullet went through your torso hitting no organs. If it wasn’t for the entrance and exit wounds I wouldn’t have known you were injured,” said a new voice. The doctor was a young woman, easy on the eyes.

That was to be expected with your ability. Your Luck Ability is unique across the Multiverse, and you wouldn’t switch it for the world. Unique to your family that is. There were other magics, but yours was the most powerful, as well as the weakest.

Your Talent is quite simple. You have the ability to select options of fate to an extent. You can select four, six, eight, ten, twelve, or twenty possibilities, the larger the number the greater the chance of getting what you want, but the longer the time it takes to manifest. The only limitation is that it must be a possibility. All actualities are set in stone. This means that before someone observes the thing, all things are available to you. After the observation is made, you only have your own ingenuity.

You curse your luck that you passed out from the pain. But your Luck stat is still your best stat and it has feelers in everything. This is a bad start to your mission. You can’t save the planet from a hospital bed now, can you?


In this Universe, no one is talking about the rock. At least as far as you have heard. You were here for only a day before those people started following you. You have no idea why as they said nothing to you before giving chase. Your luck ran out momentarily when they caught you. You will need to figure out where they are from and why you are a target.

“Is there any way I can watch the news?” you ask.

“Of course Mr …” The doctor began.

“Oh, I’m sorry. You wouldn’t know my name, would you? My name is Michael Tanner,” you say.

“You had no id or wallet on you, were you robbed? I am guessing you were,” said the doctor.

You need to take care of that. You needed a social security number. You could possibly take care of that when they leave. A yawn comes out. You must still be tired.

“You are still healing and need your rest. I have the solution for that,” said the doctor as he motioned for the nurse to follow him out. You close your eyes and sleep takes you.

You open your eyes to see nothing. You hear footsteps though. You hear a gunshot and the sound of a body colliding with the floor. You hear footsteps become louder and louder. You take a deep breath to calm your nerves and begin selecting possibilities.

The next person they get to is me.

The next person they get to is a highly skilled warrior monk

There is a broken guard rail beneath the bed

There is a heavily armed force of FBI agents protecting a snitch.

The footsteps stop outside of your area as you imagine dice rolling. That done you swing yourself over the guard-rail on the bed. Nothing under the bed as the curtain is pulled back. You suddenly hear thumps and thuds. You turn to see a man with a gun turning to the right, trying to pull the gun from you to someone else. A kick and the gun is in the air.

You need a guard. You can solve that problem right now.

The martial artist does not know you from this universe.

The martial artist knows you from this universe.

The martial artist is your best friend.

The Martial artist is your brother.

You roll your imaginary die and a figure blocks the light. It is your brother. He, like you, are wearing hospital gowns. His head is wrapped.

“Michael is that you?” Your brother asks.

“Hi Danny, good to see you. We need to get out of here,” you say.

“We were told you died in the army, in Afghanistan. What’s going on?” Your brother asks.

You stand saying, “We got to get out of here now.”

“We could use some clothes,” says Danny.

“These guys are all pretty big, their clothes should fit us,” you say.

You two empty the pockets of the gang of criminals chasing you. You find a bit over three hundred dollars in cash and two car control key chains. There are six men stripped and tied, as well as the dead bodies of the staff.

You and your brother make your way down to the parking garage and use the car control to sound the alarm on one of the cars. You drive into the blackness of night.


“Now that we are driving, what’s going on Michael?” We were hidden off the road.

“I don’t know where to begin. First is the fact that although in one sense I am your brother, in another I am not. I am from another Universe. Where I am from our family has two unique abilities. One is called Fortune while the other is called Travel. Fortune lets us influence … well, Fortune. Travel lets us go from one Universe to another. Travel takes a year to charge and Fortune makes us select a possibility from a list of four or more possibilities. We will awaken your abilities in a moment. As my brother, you have access to all the family’s talents,”

“Ok I listened, now tell me the truth,” said Danny.

“It is the truth Danny, but in order for you to believe it, you must do it. Remember though, when you get your abilities, twenty possibilities can do the impossible but take a year to recharge.and may take twice that long to manifest. Fours are immediate,” you warn your brother.

Throughout the Multiverse, there are twelve families. Ours, the Tanner Family has three abilities, Fortune, Travel, and System. We don’t know what System is. There are three other families with three Talents, the next four have two talents, and the final four have one talent,” you continue.

“Pull over someplace, I don’t want to have an accident when you freak out,” you say.

The car pulls over and you select four possibilities.

Danny’s potential will awaken immediately.

Danny’s potential will awaken in one minute.

Danny’s potential will awaken in one hour.

Danny’s potential will awaken in 12 hours.

You summon and roll the mental dice.

It started to rain as we waited. The drip-drip on the roof of the car was pleasant at first. Then we started to get hungry. Then we started to get irritable. Still nothing. An hour passed. Two hours passed, then four.

“This is really not fun man, quit the joking, it’s not funny anymore. I am …” Danny started glowing.

“My hands, Michael what’s happening to me?”

“Relax your powers are awakening, it will take a few hours,” you answer. He continued to glow throughout the night.

“Ok, do not focus on going anywhere. If you disappear I won’t know where you went and you will be stuck there for an entire year. Do something small. Choose four possibilities and think “DIce” as hard as you can. Then command “Roll”.

A car pulls up to yours and stops. You hear the engine turn over and over again without starting. Two of the most beautiful women you have ever seen get out. Gesticulating wildly and yelling at each other, they notice you in the parked car. They get back in the car and lock the doors. They pull out phones and their shoulders slump.

You all wait. They get out of their car and approach you. Long blond hair, wide hips, long curvy legs, and the swell of large breasts invoked a response from your body. You breathe in and out as they get closer and closer. You breathe as your body reacts to them and as always you freeze. Danny does no such thing. Getting out of the car, he smiles at them and calls.

“Hi ladies, I’m Danny … looks like you could use some help.”

“Hi Danny, I’m Helen and this is Alicia. Can we use your phone, our car died on this shortcut,” said Helen.

“Do you mind if I take a look? I know a little something about cars,” said Danny, he continued with, “that’s my brother Michael, he’s a little shy.”

Alicia looks at you, smiles and comes over. She knocks and motions for you to lower the window. There is a roar of a bear at that time. You open the back door and Alicia jumps in. It is a large brown bear with white foamy stuff coming out of its mouth. Danny grabs Helen and swings her car door open and shoves her in. Before he can jump in, the bear is there.

You jump out and charge the bear. The bear swipes its claws twice on Danny and once Danny dodges. As fast as you can you select, summon the die, and roll.

Danny’s clothes get ripped.

Danny gets deep gashes in his skin.

Danny gets deep gashes and internal organs are torn.

Danny gets out of the way at the last time.

Summon the die and roll.

You leap on the bears back and hold on tight. Danny leaps back, slamming the door closed with a kick. Helen is screaming while Alicia is getting out of the car.

Danny is near nothing of value.

Danny is near a sharp stone.

Danny is near a jagged branch.

Danny is near a deep puddle of water

Summon the die and roll.

The bear charges Danny. One paw enters the puddle of water that is deeper than it thought you shift your weight and the bear is thrown over at the wrong angle. You hear a sickening pop and Danny and you get a momentary reprieve. You roll off the bear and onto your feet.

“Alicia get back into the car!” Danny yells. The bear stands on its back two legs and roars. Danny dashes a few meters into the distance and the bear turns to you. You dash away from both cars and Danny and the bear follows. You hear Danny’s voice after a while, “Michael lead it back here. The bear, running on three paws, doesn’t catch you, and you lead it back. Danny has a shotgun.

“Move out of the way,” Danny shouts as he positions himself so the blast is away from the cars. You dive out of the way as the shotgun blasts and the bear falls and is still.

Danny looks at me with shocked eyes and an open mouth, “it works Michael. Fortune works.”

“Yeah, its great ain’t it?” you answer as Danny reloads the shotgun. He walks over to the bear and puts it out of its pain.






Char Values

Fortune 13

Arkanian Culture



Travel 1

Arkanian Tech



System 0

Mythrian Sci



Mythrian Tech



Kung Fu



Human History



Human Sci 3



Human Tech 3



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