《Other World Engineering》14. Home


We are finally home I flirted with Silvia all day long.

We planned to start our work after a week of rest Heria and Xerxes are busy from the facility I ask it was placed in the middle of the demon and human border.

We also decided not to go in the floating country because it's nearly impossible to go even Xerxes can't teleport there.

After 3 days the facility is done

I told them to build a huge room for the 6 of us to do our research I named it r&d(Research and Development) the building is just a floor and besides it is a shed where the materials are stored at back is a huge field where we can test out prototypes to do some real world testing.

Silvia ask me a simple question

Lau-chan why do we need such a huge facility?

It's because that's exactly what we needed specially for industrial purposes.

Industrial? what is that?

They are factories where products are produced at big quantities.

What's the point of that?

It can increase the economy of one country much faster that those who don't.

Ok but what are we gonna do first?

Our first step is electricity. By that we can increase our technological advancements.

🤨There you go again Lau-chan saying things I don't understand at all

When we started you will know it and how easy it is.

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