《Other World Engineering》11. Sil-chan is scary


I see so that mountain over there is not a natural formation huh but a Sil-chan accident.

👹🗡. Lau-chan have you heard that people who talked about that mountain went missing?

@#&/!¥€$... Wwhahht are you talking about Sil-chan what mountain?😱 (where's my cute Silvia)

(Well she isn't mine yet but where's the cute Silvia)

Sisisil-chan where did you get that sword? put it away first.

Rae lends me this.

(Rae I wish you good day tomorrow 😈).

Speaking of which where is Srigano.

I think he fetch the thing he was researching.

Srigano arrived. Before he even explains I know what is he holding. It's freaking tires the greatest innovation of mankind towards land transportation.

but ifs form is not what you are familiar with it was white and with no treads.

After discovering this latex I want to end the journey asap so I ask Silvia of we can leave the day after tomorrow I also ask if Srigano wants to join us and discover more things with our curiosity.

He immediately agreed and plan to discover other things that uses the latex. I also teaches him of the additives he should use to have the tires more useful. while wondering at the town there's almost nothing to know about they were just living a good life content of what they had. What a great life...😱is that clothinv mad of cotton I take a closer look and it seems really a cotton(Well no a closer look but using the IE-Identification eye).

Lau-chan what are you looking at?

That clothing looks interesting.

Ohh that from what Know that was made with a plants bearing white like fruits but they are not edible.

The day of departure. we met the other two me and Silvia are together because I know nothing of everything. Desirae on the other hand was looking for something it's textiles. 😑 I really underestimated this town they got so many good products. Srigano have arrived. 😱 He is carrying to much luggage too much in fact larger than our carriage and so we delayed for a day because it's about to get dark

The next day everything looks ok so we set off

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