《A(n) (Other)worldly Tale.》Chapter 12: Aun-Principal Rai / Liam And A Magical Experience
Chapter 12: Aun-Principal Rai / Liam And A Magical Experience
“GAH! Aunt Rai, why do you always do that? You even do it to Rin. Actually, how do you even sneak up on someone like that?” Renji asked.
“Renji, I asked you a question about martial arts. How do you think I snuck up on you? It’s something your uncle Gin taught me. He’s been trying to teach you, too. You realize that, right? You need to work a little harder. Also, Renji. Here at school, I’m the principal, not a lazy couch potato.” Rai said.
“Once a lazy couch potato, always a lazy couch potato. So what’s up?” Renji asked.
“Mean. I came to ask if we’re watching a movie or playing games tonight. Ah. Is this your friend? Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’m au-principal Rai.” Rai said.
Renji and Daisuke laughed a little, repeating what she said.
“Why you two little! It was a slip of the tongue!” Rai said, putting a Knuckle down on the top of their heads.
“Aunt Rai, we chose to watch a movie.” Nozomi said.
“Oh, what are we watching?” Rai asked.
“Ugh. That hurt. We were waiting for you, aunt Rai. You’re late.” Renji said.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Work stuff. Anyway, what's your name?” Rai said.
“Ah. Um, it’s nice to meet you principal Rai. I’m Liam. I wasn’t planning on coming over tonight, but if it’s fine with you guys… you did say not to worry about it, right?” Liam said.
“Hey, Renji. This guy is pretty cool. How did you meet? A blonde American is pretty cool.” Rai said, pointing.
“I have so many things to say about that. First, you’re also blonde. A pretty beautiful blonde, at that. Second. Liam, it’s fine with me. Third. We met right over there. Apparently.” Renji said, pointing at his seat.
“Renji, I think she was asking how we became friends.” Liam said.
“I know. Your side of the story is better. You tell us.” Renji said, smiling.
“Fine. Well, yes. We met there at the desks, I sit across from him. As for how we became friends… it’s actually pretty dramatic on my side. Well….. I guess it all started when I was born,” Liam started.
“Nonononono! Why did you start there.” Renji said.
“Payback. You made fun of aunt Rai quite a lot. It’s also just funny to see that face.” Liam said, hiding behind aunt Rai, sticking his tongue out.
“Yeah, but you started with that last time, and you actually told me your whole life story. I even know what color crayons you liked to eat. Given, it didn’t actually take that long, but still. Also, how is a blue crayon the perfect level of tart?....” Renji grumbled.
“.....Fine. I’ll start for real.” Liam sighed.
Liam was late for school. As in, it was already the middle of the day.
He ran to the bus stop, and read the schedule.
It was a no show. He was too late. He had to run.
So he ran.
As he was running through a destroyed lot in the abandoned part of town, he noticed a girl standing at the end of it.
She had his schools’ uniform on. She also had black hair, and beautiful blue eyes. They were bright blue, as if they were glowing.
The wind blew dust in his eyes, so he couldn’t get a clear look at her. Her outline became blurred, but yet the crystal clear blue still shone.
“Damnit, why did it have to be this city? Stupid dimensional rift!” The girl yelled.
An explosion happened right in front of Liam, knocking him into a pile of rubble in the nearby abandoned building. Hard.
His blurred vision became worse, and his mind started to dull.
An old man wearing a tattered robe started to speak, emerging from a hole that had just been blown in the wall behind Liam.
“A mere schoolgirl wishes to fight against me? Be it man or woman, child or adult, I’ll remove every obstacle that gets in my way. Are you an obstacle for me, girl?” The man asked.
He was old. But despite a hunched back and the look of a grandpa on him, he seemed anything but frail.
“Jeez! Why don’t any of you idiots learn! That stone isn’t some toy! Do you even know how to use it if you got it?” The girl asked.
“I-That doesn't matter.…...You! Die!” The man cackled, chanting a long spell that sounded like an ancient language, summoning 4 balls of electricity.
“Woah! She is totally not fine, umm. How the heck do you fight against a wiz-ow! Nevermind. Can’t move.” Liam said, unable to move.
“With this spell, a girl like you can never win!!” The man cackled again.
“That’s it? Pfffft.” The girl laughed.
She waved a hand, yawning.
She summoned 8 giant spheres of different elements, fire, wind, water, and lightning.
They changed from spheres into what looked somewhat like giant needles, or spears.
“Shame I can’t make arrows or lances too easily, like aunt Rai. It would hurt a lot less than getting burned, shocked, cut, and drowned.” She said, grinning.
They started spinning, and looked more solid than they did a normal form of their element at this point.
She released them, and they went through the balls of electricity like a ballista popping a balloon.
“I may or may not be fucked.” The man said.
Then he got skewered.
The man screamed in pain.
The sharp looking elemental spikes started to shake, and exploded.
The man fell to the ground, unconscious.
“Did… did you just kill someone?” Liam asked.
“Huh? Wait, there’s someone here? Did dad’s dimension barrier thing not work? Ah! Shit! I didn’t activate it at all! No wonder. Hmm. I can’t use memory manipulation magic, but you seem dizzy. Don’t worry. It’s all a dream. I’m pretty sure you didn’t get a good look at me, anyway. Huh. I’ll have to heal you. I’ll call someone to come help you.” The girl said.
“Uhhh…. I want…. fruit loops.” Liam said, halfway passing out.
“Yep, definitely a concussion. Why fruit loops of all things? Well, at least he isn’t dead... There we go, good as new, I’ll prop you up against this wall so someone can find you. Hm. Oh, I know how to make him worry." The girl said, covering Liam in a glowing, sickly green light.
"Annnd you are now officially sick. Congratulations on getting a cold, blonde stranger." She said, getting up and facing towards the old wizard.
"Let’s deal with this prick..... There. He can’t use magic anymore. I’ll take him to dad. God, Why did that dimension open up here? I still don’t understand dad or aunt Akaris explanation. Ah, whatever. Let’s go, you old weirdo.” The girl said, tying up the old man and dragging him away.
Liam passed out completely.
“Hey! Wake up! Hello?” A voice said.
In front of Liam stood a boy, around his age. One of his bangs were orange, but he seemed otherwise very plain.
“Uhhhgg.... “ Liam groaned.
“Oh, crap. That’s a pretty bad cold. I’m guessing Sis won’t mind if I tell her why I didn’t get her a donut. Let’s go, we’re going to the nurses office. I’m Renji. Kami Renji. Nice to meet you.” Renji said.
“Ugh.....nurse is… far away.” Liam said.
“I have a six pack from martial arts training. I’ll be fine.” Renji said.
He ran all the way to the nurse.
“I….told you…..it was far” Liam said.
“I’m…. fine….” Renji said, sweating and panting.
He ran over a mile without stopping, though. So it’s understandable.
“Who…. are you….. wait. Magic…. you….. magic? Were...you...the ones… fought? Are you ...magic?” Liam asked, his mind still not quite working right.
“Huh? Am I magic? I wish! Magic stuff is awesome!” Renji said.
“Ha. Nice.” Liam said, passing out.
When he woke up, the sky was orange when he looked out the window.
“Uggg.” Liam grunted.
“Huh? This guy is still here? Wait, did this guy pass out with me?” Liam asked.
“Huh? Oh! You’re up! Are you okay?” Renji asked.
“Yeah, other than a massive headache. I’m fine now.” Liam said.
“That’s good to hear. Why did you come to school in that state? You’re horribly sick.” Renji asked.
“I’ve got a question myself. Did you stay here the entire day?” Liam asked.
“Hm? I guess so. It looks like the sky is orange.” Renji said.
“Why? You definitely weren’t asleep the whole time.” Liam asked.
“Well, you talked about magic. I assume that there was a fight there right? I wanted to hear about it! Plus, I don’t have any class today, actually. So it doesn’t matter. Cooking and magic are my passion and my hobby.” Renji said, yawning.
“I’m pretty sure it was a fever dream. I can’t remember being sick this morning, though.” Liam said.
“Just tell me what happened. Please! It sounds awesome!” Renji asked. He seemed pretty excited.
“Oh, sure. You did help me, so I guess I owe you at least that much...” Liam said.
He recounted what he remembered of the fight, leaving out the minor details that he forgot.
“Woah! It must have been awesome.” Renji said.
“What are you talking about? It’s a dream.” Liam said.
“There were signs of a battle there. The ground was all scorched, torn up, wet, and there was a metal pole that was oddly cut into pieces next to it. Even if that wasn’t what happened, something definitely happened there. Those are marks of a supernatural event. I love magic, and I’ve always wanted to see it, so I’ve read a lot about it. There is no doubt. Definitely magic. Other than the electricity one, which I can’t really verify. Well, the pole gave me an electric shock like a balloon, but it was that kinda metal so it probably had nothing to do with magic. The other ones all match up to the marks that were left at the place I found you. I went back to check it out earlier and grab your stuff. It’s right here, by the way.” Renji said.
“Thanks. It’s nice to meet you again, Renji. I like magic too, actually. I don’t think I know anything close to how much you know, though. Tell me about it... Actually, let’s walk home and talk about it, we can meet up tomorrow. I sit next to you, by the way, Kami Renji.” Liam said.
“Oh. OH! That’s you! I thought I recognized you.” Renji said.
“Yeah, sorry. I didn’t actually introduce myself to the class. The teacher skipped me accidentally. I also never talked to anyone, didn’t really need to. I don’t mind having someone I can hang out with, if you don’t.” Liam said.
“That’s a strange way of asking to be friends, but it sounds good to me. I’ll explain what I know about the kind of magic the old man probably used. You said he chanted something right?” Renji asked.
“Yeah, In an ancient sounding language.” Liam said.
“Cool, ok so…..” Renji said.
They talked on their way home, and exchanged numbers before they parted.
They became friends and hung out together at school daily, with Renjis other friends.
“Dayum. That is some seriously….. wait…. What did the girl say? A rock?” Rai asked.
“Yeah, and a dimension.” Liam said.
“Huh...That sounds like... Odd. Oh. I have some stuff I have to talk about with Shizu, I’ll meet you at home.” Rai said.
“Then we’ll see you there, aunt Rai. Are you guys ready to go?” Renji asked.
“Yep, got all my stuff right here, I don’t need to get anything else. Unlike someone and his precious camera.” Nozomi said.
“Hey! Taking photos is fun!” Daisuke said.
“Oh, right. That reminds me. Thanks for helping us with the family photo this year, Daisuke. It turned out better than most.” Renji said, picking his stuff up.
Daisuke looked proud.
“I’m ready, too. Let’s go.” Liam said.
They left for Renjis house.
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