《respawn》ch8[warning: there is a slight lewd scene]


(as the duo play mind games[snrk] worm1 and worm2 are done, not needing matrixes due to being animals, on top of having brains the size of a fist, they slither out of the pods and past the unconscious body of jane, knowing their job is defending the area from the delicious metal creatures. after some tunnelling and eating and pooping, they feel vibrations of a pack of drill-dogs, when they are right over them, the pair spit acid onto the foremost ones, and drag them down to consume, the other dogs confused about what happened, until they scan the ground, and dig down to attack, only to be short-circuited by the death worms bioelectric shocks. if the death worms could be happy, they would be right now...maybe they are happy, they are wiggling in a seemingly jubilant manner between munching on robot parts..or that could just be them wiggling food down...your choice on which to believe.)

(inside the headspace the duo finishes their pool game the time elapsed outside being way longer than the time the two experienced, using the leftover processing power to build janes friends personality matrixes in the background, an hour inside, a week outside, James body is looking a little dehydrated, upon noticing this, the pod extends a tube into her mouth and down her oesophagus, pumping some water and nutrients down it... after it is done, it pulls out of her mouth and just to stimulate the brain somewhat[as to keep it from atrophying due to complete lack of brain activity], pats the left buttock once. after it is retracted, a robotic arm comes out of the pod, and picks her body up by the head, and sets it down in a chair, it then stimulates it with light, electric shocks, and vibrations, then a second arm comes to it, this one more human in design, this one is for treating buildup of lactic acids; in other words, it will give Janes body a massage and move her joints with the help of the other arm. as it was doing this, the oddest thing happened: it "woke")





"..what is this even."


"...is...is this....her..brain..without her in it?"

(it flails its arms around randomly, bumping its own chest)?.....?

(the body then began rubbing it's....self.)

"...oh...fuck...stop! stop it!"

(the hands slap the bodies hands away from its chest to make it stop)

?...ewaaaaaa!! ? (crys)

"...shitshitshitshitshit!..think!..what do you do when dealing with.....what is basically an infant....i need to do something quick, before she notices my lack of attentiveness in our current conversation, and finds out her body is moving in it's own...thinkthinkthink!!!.....babies like milk, but they like the sucking motion involved in getting the milk more....that's it...it is REALY stupid but..it could work."

(one of the arms gets a baby bottle from the pods black sludge and pushes it into the bodies mouth, it begins sucking drinking it and falls asleep)

"fwew..seditives in a baby bottle apparently worked...but I need to keep it from waking again before jane gets back in it....maybe not be so thorough next time...and never have a person separated from their body for too long outside some kind of suspended animation chamber or something..because that was just.....terrifying. and would have been embarrassing for both of us if she saw her body feeling itself up.....actually, I'm just gonna send her back right after the sedatives wear off in a few hours.... I might still need to process what the hell just happened....and save and hide the recordings of it crying in case I-... need to prove it happened to a scientist, so they can tell me how and why exactly the body did all that on its own despite it supposed to be without any intelligence or higher brain function."


(back in the mindspace)

"uh, so, you gotta leave soon, but we can still play a game of darts"

@huh? what , where did that come from, we just played pool and now you want me to [email protected]

"..i used time dilation so, outside it has been a week, don't worry, i made sure your body didn't atrophy- and why are you picking up all the darts from the holster?...."

(a dart just misses them)

... I should run.

(and run they did)

(while chasing them and in between throwing darts at them)@YOU... KEPT... ME... IN... HERE... FOR... A [email protected]

"I needed to conserve resources while putting almost all my processing power into the creation if your friends!"

(before they reach a wall, it opens up to a stairway)

"please stop chasing me, my plan was for you to wake to your friend's births soon after"


(they are caught in the arm and tumbles)"ow!"

(she catches up to stab them)

"WAIT!..i will give you a merica gun!"

(stalls)@..America [email protected]

"no, A merica gun, it's something from a game mi can make you, just don't stab me, it would actually hurt!"

(lowers arm)@...what is [email protected]

"it is a gun made up of a Light Machine gun, Sub Machine gun, Auto Shotgun, Heavy Pistol, Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Flamethrower, and A huge Combat Knife...oh, and it shoots them off like fireworks, all at onece"

@...that sounds excessive...but sick as hell...make it when we need that ridiculous firepower, FOR [email protected]

"I'm from after world stopped fighting one another, so-"

(she kicks them where their privates would be)@FOR [email protected]

"..owie....you fucking suck...oww."

@so you do have something [email protected]

"yes, the same as you"(punches her in her crotch)

@[email protected](falls back, down the stairs)

"i was fine with the dart throwing, but never bring crotches into the fight...i still can't get up."(slides down the stairs) oh-no.

(they end up a pile at the bottom of the stairs)

"...we never speak of this again, agreed?"

@[email protected]

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