《Daughter of Dragons》Execution
The morning was cold and damp. The sun was rising in the sky as Azareth peered through the hole in the stone wall. She could hear all the sounds of the people waking for their day and she could sense their excitement growing. The sounds of people in the castle waking could be heard from above.
Azareth sat on the small cot on the corner of the room, her limbs stiff. She looked forward the bars of the cell, waiting for her captors to retrieve her. She didn’t know what was going to happen today, all she knew what today was the day she was scheduled to die.
Her small cuts were healing. They had scabbed over in the last twenty-four hours, which was comforting for her. She only felt the sting of her bruises and wounded feet. The chain around her neck was chaffing now, feeling raw and burning. Azareth hugged her knees to her body, resting her chin on her knee for support.
She thought about her friends and family, wondering if they would make it in time. Jurah would do whatever he could to save her, she knew that. Jurah would be gathering the men and getting them ready for battle. Lords preparing their dragons for flight. Artibain and Jurah would be arguing on the best way to attack.
Jurah would suggest going in silent at first, to find her. Once she was safe with them, he would want a full force attack on the kingdom. No one would be allowed to harm a citizen, only the men who fought back. Artibain would argue that the best plan of attack is to attack full force. He of course would go along with Jurah, but only after he fought for his plan. Sana and her parents would be forced to stay behind. None of them were equipped for war, but that was for the best. Azareth shivered at the thought of seeing them on the battle field.
Azareth jumped when she heard a door open at the end of the hallway. She tried to make herself as small as possible as footsteps grew closer. Shutting her eyes, she listened to serval people began to whisper. The voices stopped when the people stopped walking. The sound of keys jingling caused her to open her eyes. Two women stood behind Prince Federyc and Powel as they opened the door of the cell and stared down at Azareth.
“Get her ready,” Federyc said. The two women walked around the princes and towards her.
Azareth noticed that one of the women was carrying her clothes she arrived in. The other women was carrying a small bucket and a cloth. The two princes stepped back out of the cell and locked the door again. It was quiet as the women pulled her off the cot and took off her dress. Azareth shut her eyes and tried to control her emotions as she was being cleaned.
Once she was clean, the women dressed her in her black leather pants and white shirt. They had to remove the chain from the wall to make it easier to dress her. Azareth felt comfortable in her own clothes, it was nice to know she would die dressed as herself. The women put her black leather jacket on her and helped her put on her black boots.
“Are you done?” Federyc snapped. The women jumped and moved away from her quickly. The princes turned to face Azareth and saw that she was dressed.
“Finally,” Powel said. They opened the door again, letting it slam against the wall. Powel stepped into the cell and grabbed the chain, yanking it forward. Azareth stumbled as she was dragged from the cell.
“Where are you taking me?” Azareth asked. She struggled to walk, her feet still weak from the bare foot walk to the kingdom.
“The king would like to see you,” Federyc said. Azareth focused on not letting her fear show, she needed to be strong and to have faith.
The dinning room was large and full of people. Bledric was sitting at the head of a long table covered in dozens of different dishes. No one else was sitting with him enjoying the food. Azareth could see the faces of the people along the walls, they looked longingly at the food.
Powel pulled Azareth forward, dragging her towards the king. When they stopped, Azareth glared at the king in disgust. He was eating like a pig, spewing food everywhere. His beard was full of different bits of meats and crumbs from the array of pastries.
“The prisoner for you father,” Powel said. He dropped the chain and left me to stand in front the king. Bledric swallowed loudly and wiped off his face with the back of his hand.
“Please, join me,” Bledric said. He gestured to the seat next to him, where a large plate of food sat. Azareth didn’t budge. He sighed and looked to his sons. Federyc came over and forced Azareth to sit in the chair.
“See? Much more comfortable,” Bledric said. Azareth stared down at the plate of food, feeling her stomach ache. “Are you ready to make a deal?”
“Why would I make a deal with you?” Azareth asked. She looked over and saw the king take a large bite out of a biscuit “You’ve sentence me to death, I think I know where you stand.”
“That is true, but what about my other prisoners?” he asked. Azareth looked at him a bit stunned, she had nearly forgotten the guards that traveled with her father. Their dragon’s were also trapped unable to leave this dreadful place. “Ah, yes, you remember now.”
“What do you want?” Azareth spat. He smirked at her, as he lifted his goblet.
“How about you make no trouble today, then I’ll let them all go free?”
“How can I possibly agree to that? If you kill me I have no way of knowing if you’ll honor your word,” Azareth told him. He nodded, taking a long sip from his goblet. Once he sat the goblet down, he whipped off his mouth again and leaned back in his chair.
“I understand your hesitation, so let’s change the deal shall we,” he said. Azareth narrowed her eyes at him, unsure of what he was plotting. “I’ll let the men and dragons go free, you tell them to return home without retaliation. Not that they are strong enough to fight back, then you die knowing you’ve saved your people.”
Azareth dropped her gaze, looking at her hands. It made perfectly good sense, if she could see them all of before her execution, she would be at peace. She was distracted when the doors flew open and the rest of the princes walked in. They all looked full of rage as their gazes turned to Azareth. When her eyes landed on Emeric, she could see the fear in his eyes. Something wasn’t right.
“I have your word?” Azareth asked. She looked back towards the king and he nodded his head at her. “You’ll let them all go?”
“You have my word, I’ll let them all go.”
“Then I won’t cause you any trouble, I’ll die willing,” she told him. His smile twisted and he looked at her pleased with himself.
The princes all stormed forward, making their way toward Federyc. Azareth watched out of the corner of her eye, as Renfry whispered something to his older brother. Azareth watched as Federyc’s eyes widened for a split second and then he briskly walked to their father. As Federyc whispered into the king’s ear it was dead silent. Federyc leaned away from Bledric and watched carefully as the king thought about what he was told.
“Thank you,” Bledric said. He looked over at me and grinned maniacally. “Let’s take a walk.”
Bledric pulled Azareth long by the chain around her neck. They were walking through the crowed kingdom. Every person they passed dropped to their knees and bowed to the king. It was horrific to see, the fear in their eyes as he walked by. Azareth avoided the stares of the citizens, trying to stand proud even though she was bruised and limping.
The crowed streets were decorated with multi-coloured banners and lanterns. As they made their way closer to the center it grew busier, people setting up different tables of wares. They rounded a corner and Azareth spotted the large cage that housed her father’s men. They looked sickly, but alive. Bledric led her past the men, they looked at her and she could see the hope leave their eyes.
As they walked further through the kingdom, Azareth noticed the buildings were crumbling around them. The people looked sick and starving, all of them dressed in tattered rags. They would run back into their homes when they saw them coming, afraid for their lives. Azareth looked around seeing their frighten faces peaking through the broken windows.
“Ignore them,” Bledric said. “Ungrateful lot.” Azareth didn’t say anything, she only winced as Bledric yanked on the chain.
They finally stopped walking, Azareth caught her breath as they stood on the edge of the city. She looked across the large river and saw them. The dragons. They were all huddle together wounded and thin, unable to lift their wings or heads. Azareth felt her heart break as the largest dragon, a beautiful green and golden pattern, stared at her with sad eyes.
“Azareth,” the dragon’s voice was in her head. Her father’s dragon, Pendrie.
“Why did you bring me here?” Azareth demanded, tears threatening to spill over.
“I just wanted to remind you what will be lost if you don’t cooperate fully,” Bledric said. Azareth sighed and dropped her gaze away from the dragons. “Let’s return, there’s still one thing you have to do today.”
“What is that?” Azareth asked, horrified.
The sun was high in the sky now. Azareth was sitting tied to the pole from her first day in Asleria, waiting for the time. Castle officials were making their way towards the center of town and Azareth could feel the tension in the air. She heard cheers as the doors of the castle opened. She looked over her shoulder to see the princes’ were coming down the long flight stairs.
They gave her smug expressions as they past, staring down at her. Federyc stopped in front of her and untied the end of the chain. He yanked her to her feet and glared into her eyes. Azareth clenched her jaw, trying to fight back the pain as the chain dug into her neck.
“Are you ready?” Federyc asked her. She didn’t answer, she gave him a short nod and followed him. As they walked towards the center of town. The streets were lined with people, waiting to watch her execution.
Azareth took in everything around her, wanting to see everything clearly before she was gone. The sun glowed high above them and the sky was a bright blue. She smiled thinking of the first day after she left Truffween. How bright and hot it was, how annoyed Jurah was from her constant complaining. She looked at the wispy white clouds and wished she was up there. Cephie and her flying through the clouds, feeling the wind on her face.
Azareth walked forward, day dreaming of what life could have been. She was brought back to reality when she was dragged up the steps of a wooden platform. Her heart began to race as she stared out at the sea of people. Bledric and his sons stood along the far side of the platform, dressed in their best clothes. Azareth was forced to stand in front of the chopping block, stand a dark burgundy colour from the poor people before.
“Today is a great day for the kingdom of Asleria,” Bledric yelled, getting everyone’s attention. He turned to focused on the crowd and held is sword out in front of him, leaning on it. “The end of the royal bloodline of Berlar. The kingdom that threatens our very existence. Queen Azareth has confessed to committing treason. She knowingly took the throne of Berlar and unjustly imprisoned an ally of the crown. For her crimes she will be sentence to death.”
Azareth stared forward, that’s when she noticed the large cage again. Her father’s men were still imprisoned and looking at her in disbelief. She took a step forward, but was jerked back to her spot. Bledric looked back at her and he could see it in her face, the rage that was bubbling up.
“That is not all,” Bledric said.
“We had a deal!” Azareth shouted, causing the crowd to gasp. “Let my men and their dragons go!”
“She corrupted one of our own into helping her,” Bledric yelled over Azareth. “Prince Emeric has betrayed us all!” Azareth gasped and looked at Emeric, his face full of dismay.
“Father, I don’t know what you’re-” Emeric was cut off when Sargus punched him in the stomach. Emeric dropped to his knees, coughing and gasping for air.
“Prince Emeric, I find you guilty of the crime of treason. You will be executed along with the traitor queen.”
“No!” Azareth cried out. Prince Wiscar and Sargus grabbed Emeric by his arms, dragging him forward towards the chopping block. Federyc pulled Azareth out of the way and grabbed her arms. With her arms being held behind her back, Azareth fought against the oldest prince.
“Any last words?” Bledric asked his son.
“Mother was right, power has made you sick,” Emeric said. Bledric glared down at the man on his knees, he nodded to his sons. Wiscar and Sargus pushed Emeric down and he leaned over the chopping block. He turned his head to look at Azareth, her eyes full of tears. She stopped fighting as Emeric shook his head at her.
“I’m sorry,” Azareth whispered to him. Emeric smiled at her, she couldn’t read his expression.
Azareth watched as Emeric shut his eyes, then in one swift movement Bledric swung his sword down. Azareth froze watching as Emeric’s head dropped to the platform, blood pooling around the severed head. Emeric’s body slumped to the ground, more blood seeping out onto the wood. Silence filled the air, everyone afraid to move or say anything.
“Move it,” Bledric snapped. Wiscar and Sargus quickly moved their dead brother’s body out of the way. Azareth watched in horror as they dropped the body of the side of the platform and handed Emeric’s head to Bledric.
“Treason will not be taken lightly,” Bledric said. He shoved Emeric’s head onto the end of a spear that was attached to the support of the platform. the delusional king turned to face Azareth, gesturing for Federyc to move her forward.
“No! We had a deal!” Azareth cried. She kicked her legs, fighting against Federyc’s grip. He threw her to her knees behind the chopping block, grabbing her hair to force her still.
“I don’t make deal’s with traitors,” Bledric told her. She looked over at her father’s men and shut her eyes disgusted with herself. “Any last words?”
“I’m sorry,” Azareth said. Federyc shoved her forward and she felt the warm thick blood still fresh from Emeric on her neck. Azareth closed her eyes and prayed to all the gods for forgiveness. Suddenly a loud roar broke the silence.
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