《Daughter of Dragons》Freedom Caves
Artibain, Azareth and Jurah all rode on horseback as fast as they could away from the carnage behind them. They didn’t know that that would be the result of their teamwork. They were overjoyed to be free of the men but horrified. Trees were blurred around them, as they rode back down the mountain. They were risking a lot riding as fast as they were, it was pitch black around them. If even one of them tripped they would all be taken down and hurt. Jurah led the three of them South, his only goal was to get Azareth and himself as far away from the humans as possible. Jurah didn’t trust Artibain, but he knew Azareth did. Even after everything that had just happened, it would take so much more to prove he was trustworthy.
“Jurah?” Azareth yelled over the deafening sounds of galloping hooves. “Jurah we need to stop, the horses haven’t run this much since we were captured.”
“Not yet, they’ll be okay,” Jurah yelled back at her. He wasn’t ready yet. If they stopped now they’d have time to fully react to what they had done.
Azareth didn’t argue with Jurah. She also wanted to be as far away from Dorzic Rotapit as the rest of them. The feeling of what happened was still with her, was still on her skin and in her hair. The only thing she could think of was washing away the sinful feeling she had. She couldn’t understand why Artibain reacted the way he did. Throwing his father into the fire pit?! It was animalistic. The men were all too shocked to stop them from taking the horses and riding off. All they could do from what Azareth saw from afar was pull Dorzic off of the fire and try to save him. She was grateful for Artibain’s help but wished it had come just a bit sooner.
Artibain had never felt so sick, so distraught and so excited in his life. He knew it would be dangerous to leave his father. He knew that it would be the death of them all, but he was willing to risk that. Of course, he had prepared everything as they were hiking further into orc territory. Of course, he was smart enough not to get caught by his fellow men. He had been dreaming of leaving the group he once called family. Everything was going according to plan until his father began to drink the entire supply of rum. He could still hear his slurred words calling for everyone to listen.
“Everyone, shut up and listen,” Dorzic said. He was holding a canteen in his hand, as he stumbled over towards Azareth and Jurah. All the men knew what was going to happen, they had witnessed it before first hand. Dorzic licked his lips as he stopped right in front of Azareth. “This bitch had had it far too easy, I’m going to teach her a lesson.”
“Father, don’t,” Artibain warned him. He took a few steps towards his father. “You’re drunk.”
“Fuck off, I’m completely sober,” Dorzic grabbed Azareth’s arm. He dragged her into the middle of the camp.
“Let her go! Don’t you dare touch her!” Jurah’s words echoed all around them. Dorzic didn’t listen to him. He threw Azareth down on the ground and laughed at her.
“You’re such a weak little girl, raised to be a princess no doubt about that. Never been anywhere, never been hurt, never been lost. Well, I think it’s time you got your punches.”
Azareth was confused until Dorzic’s boot went back and forward right into her stomach. She doubled over and gasped for air.
“Father, enough of this,” Artibain said. His hands clenched and his eyes narrowed so tight on his father's figure. Dorzic didn’t listen, he picked up Azareth by her chin. Dropping the canteen in his hand, he brought her face to him and stared at her lips. Dorzic went to kiss Azareth, but she pulled away and his lips landed on her cheek. In frustration, Dorzic brought his fist back and punched Azareth. She could feel her right eye begin to swell as pain burned through her face.
“Stop it!” Jurah screamed. He struggled to get his hands free. He could feel his binds loosening with every twist and pull. Artibain walked past Jurah, dropping a dagger on his lap. Shocked, Jurah looked up and saw Artibain was walking right to his father. Taking his chance, Jurah took the dagger and began cutting away at the ropes.
“I said enough!” Artibain said, grabbing his father’s arm. Dorzic looked over at his son full of rage and confusion.
“I don’t take orders from you, boy.”
“And I no longer take orders from you, father,” Artibain spat. He pulled his father away from Azareth, dragging him in the direction of the fire. Dorzic fought against Artibain’s grip, but because of his intoxication, it was fruitless. In one swift motion, Artibain threw his father into the red and orange flames. As the rest of the men scattered or tried to pull Dorzic out of the fire pit, Jurah freed himself and ran to Azareth.
“Azareth! Az, are you okay?” Jurah asked. Azareth nodded and pushed herself off the ground.
“Come on, we need to go now!” Artibain yelled as he ran past them to the horses. Jurah helped Azareth over to Stormlight and lifted her into the saddle.
“Go, I’m right behind you,” Jurah told Azareth and Artibain. The two of them began to ride off, Jurah turned and saw Dorzic screaming as they pulled him out of the fire finally. Jurah climbed onto Foxtail and commanded him to go. It wasn’t long before he caught up and passed the others. Leading them away from the carnage.
The three of them were finally stopped. They didn’t know how far they had ridden, but they knew the horses needed to rest. Stormlight and Foxtail were drinking from the stream they had found. Azareth was kneeling at the edge leaning forward and drinking some water out of her hands. Jurah was staring at Artibain and watching his every move. There was something in him that warned him it wasn’t safe. Artibain was gently stroking his horse’s neck, calming her down. He couldn’t believe he was finally free from his father’s tyranny. Azareth stood up and cleared her throat.
“So, what’s the plan?” Azareth asked. She washed her face off in the water, getting the unsettling feeling of Dorzic lips on her cheek. She stood up and turned to see the boys looking at her. They looked shocked, horrified at what they saw. “What?”
“Az, uh your eye,” Jurah said. Azareth looked back at the water and focused on her reflection. Her right eye was a shade of deep purple and it was nearly swollen shut. She gently touched the edge of the bruise with her fingers and gritted her teeth.
“Well, I guess with the sunlight you can see it clearly,” Azareth said. She turned back around, she saw how concerned the boys looked at her.
“I’m sorry, I should have listened to you and gone when Jurah said to,” Artibain said. He looked at the ground, but Azareth sighed and walked over to him.
“It’s just a black eye, I’ll be fine. We need to figure out a plan, how are we going to get to Berlar?” Azareth said.
“Well, if we continue back the way we came we should reach the main road sooner or later. Then it shouldn't be more than a few days' ride from there,” Jurah said.
“Okay, but what about supplies?” Azareth asked.
“I packed as much as I could into the saddlebags,” Artibain said. He pointed to the saddlebags on the horses. “I even managed to get your weapons back for you.” Azareth smiled and walked over to Stormlight. She dug through the saddlebag and found her dagger and throwing knives. Jurah noticed for the first time his sword was tied to his saddle.
“Thank you,” Azareth said. She put her dagger on her hip and her throwing knives in her boots.
“We should find somewhere safer to rest, I don’t know if the men will come looking for us or not,” Artibain said. Jurah nodded in agreement. Artibain walked over to his horse and got himself ready to move on. Jurah walked over to Azareth and stopped her for a second. She turned to look at him and his hand came up and rested on her cheek.
“Hold on for a moment, let me look at this,” He said. His thumb caressed her cheek, Azareth tried to pull away from him.
“Jurah, I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt that much.”
“Az, it doesn’t look good. Can you see out of it?”
“Of course,” Azareth said. Jurah raised his eyebrow at her. His hand still resting on her cheek, she gently leaned against his hand. “It’s a little fuzzy, but I’m sure that’ll pass.”
“Tell me if it doesn’t, okay?”
“Alright, alright, I will,” Azareth said. She hoisted herself up onto Stormlight. Jurah walked over and pulled himself up onto Foxtail.
“There should be a cave a few miles ahead, shouldn’t take us long to get there. It’ll also be a safe place to stay the night,” Artibain said. He looked between Jurah and Azareth, he was a bit nervous still about being with them. He knew it was safer than being on his own.
The sun was setting now, the three tired riders were nearly at the cave. Artibain was leading Azareth and Jurah down the trail, one he had been on many times before. The three of them were silent, they didn’t know each other and weren’t sure if they should trust each other. Artibain turned and stopped his horse. Azareth and Jurah looked around, they couldn’t see an entrance to a cave. Jurah gave Azareth a worried glance. She shook her head and watched as Artibain climbed down off his horse.
“We’re here,” Artibain said. He led his horse around the next bend and was gone from sight.
“I don’t like this,” Jurah said, not moving a muscle. Azareth rolled her eyes and began to climb off Stormlight. She looked around and everything looked safe. The few trees around them gave a bit of cover. No one could see the cave from the trail, the large bushes and boulders helped keep the entrance covered.
“Come on, he helped us escape. The least we can do is give him the benefit of the doubt.”
“Fine, but if he does one thing I don’t like-”
“Jurah, enough.” Azareth was glaring up at him off the ground. “Get off the horse and let’s go inside.”
“Alright,” Jurah said. He climbed off Foxtail and followed Azareth in the direction Artibain went. The two of them saw Artibain sitting down at the entrance of the cave. His horse was tied to a log and was standing peacefully. Azareth walked Stormlight over and tied her next to Artibain’s horse.
“What’s your horse’s name?” Azareth asked, turning to look at Artibain.
“Uh, her name is Dewdrop,” Artibain said. Azareth smiled and gently stroked Dewgrop’s nose. Artibain was so entranced by this girl. She didn’t seem to let anything get to her, she just looked for the beauty in everything. She walked around Dewdrop and headed for the entrance of the cave.
“How did you know about this cave?” Jurah asked, walking into the cave a bit. He looked around and saw evidence of people being here in the past. An old fire pit, drawings on the walls that seem to dictate history.
“I was born here,” Artibain said. He looked around and sighed. Artibain quickly started a fire, letting the small flames grow in the old pit. “My clan lived in the caves along this ridge, it was out of sight and hidden from the kingdoms. I was seven when we were spotted and forced back on the run.”
“You know, I never understood why the kingdoms hated humans so much,” Azareth said. She walked over and down across from Artibain. He shrugged his shoulders, looking at his feet and playing with the edge of his mud-stained boot.
“Go on, tell her,” Jurah said. Artibain shook his head and Jurah scoffed. “What? Feeling ashamed of your kind’s history?”
“Listen, that was thousands of years ago,” Artibain snapped. “My clan had nothing to do with it.”
“No of course not, cause your all innocent aren’t you?”
“Jurah,” Azareth warned him.
“I never said that. Don’t you dare put words in my mouth,” Artibain said. He pushed himself off the ground and stood tall. Jurah took a few steps closer to him. “The past should stay in the past, so drop it.”
“Or what? You’ll enslave me and shave down my ear?”
“That’s enough.” The two men had turned to see Azareth was standing now and looking at them horrified. “You may not bloody like each other, but we need each other. The past is in the past, so both of you sit down and shut up,” Azareth said. She sat back down, sighing and running her hands over her face. Jurah and Artibain both sat down several feet apart. The air settled around them in a strained way, causing everyone to avoid eye contact. Azareth shifted in her spot on the ground, watching the shadows of the flames dance around her feet. She looked up to see Jurah and Artibain were staring at her hard.
“Why are you both staring at me?” She asked. “This isn’t my problem. Just because the two of you can’t get along.” She pushed herself off the ground, then left the entrance of the cave. Jurah pushed himself off the ground and followed after her, to make sure she didn’t get in any trouble. Azareth was pulling her saddlebags off Stormlight and muttering to herself. Jurah watched her carefully, he couldn’t make out any of the words but he knew she was frustrated.
“Azareth?” Jurah asked. He wasn’t expecting his voice to shake when he said her name. She turned and looked at him, her eye was still so swollen and the darkest shade of purple he’d ever seen. “Uh, how’s your eye?”
“Really?” Azareth raised her eyebrow and just sighed. “It’s fine, how’s your side?”
“It feels better, could you take a look at it? Make sure it’s healing properly?” Jurah asked her. Azareth blinked a couple of times and stared at Jurah.
“Uh, yeah, of course.” Jurah walked over and lifted his shirt to show her his bandaged wound. Azareth peeled the bandage back and took a good long look.
“The infection seems to have cleared and the redness seems to be going down. You will have a scar though, hopefully not a huge one.”
“That’s good.” Jurah watched as Azareth stood up straight and looked into his eyes. His breath caught in his throat, as he stared back into her eyes.
“What did you mean when you asked Artibain if he was going to shave your ears?”
“I don’t think I’m the right person to tell you.”
“Jurah, please, what aren’t they teaching us?”
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⛔️NOT MINE⛔️ALL CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHOR AND THE TRANSLATOR❗️❗️❗️I've just put it up for offline reading. If your the author or translator feel free to send me a message if your not comfortable with your work being put up. I'll take it down at once. 🔺 Author: 風流書呆; Feng Liu Shu Dai🔺Translator: Frozenmirage🔺Editor: Noks, Qiuxue🔺 Release schedule: Sporadic🔺 Original publisher: jjwxc🔻Author's page: http://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4161777🔻Translator's page: https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/psych/Synopsis: Have you heard? There's a certain kind of person in this world, who, even without any substantial contact, and with just a flash of thought, can discern a lot.Their eyes have the ability to penetrate through to the past, to clarify the present and to break the veil of the future. They can see what you see through your eyes, smell what you smell through your nose, taste what you taste through your tongue, and can even perceive what you think through your heart.This kind of a person is called-a psychic.A story about the awakening of a 'guabi', who is merely plodding through life, from his deep slumber. (*guabi, a slang term, meaning 'dead idiot' = people who are penniless and jobless)
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