《Yggdrasil Story》Chapter 7: Magic Kingdom -- everything went on so easy... under a plan of someone.
Chapter 7: Magic Kingdom
[In the morning]
Violet: No matter what I do, Iris doesn't wake up.
Ruby: Sis.
Almond: Iris, are you OK?
Lord, whispering: Ruby, tickle her.
Iris: Ok..ok...I'm going. Next time I don't wake up, kiss me in the cheek, OK?
[In the town]
Little girl: Mom, buy me a flower girl costume like that one.
Iris: It seems the flower girl's fashion has spread to this town.
Almond: Good. We attract much less attention this way than if they think we are a real fairy or something.
A man nearby, shouting: For only 1 gold coin, if you can beat our arm wrestling champion, you will get 10 gold coins.
Ruby: That guy is so big.
Iris: Hmm, interesting.
Almond: Better not attract any attention at all, Iris. Let's go.
Iris: Hmph....
Ruby: Look. A lot of beautiful jars. I'll buy some for Lily.
Violet: Hmm...this grilled fish tastes so good, right, Jasmine?
Jasmine nods.
Astille: I like bacon.
Iris: This steak is juicy. Almond, let buy all of these businesses and relocate them to Radish market, so we can eat them everyday.
Lord: Are you girls plant or carnivore?
Iris: There is a weapon shop over there. There are all kinds of weapon and armor. Let go check it.
Almond: The most expensive sword in this shop is 500 golds "Thunder Roar". The description says: Emit thunder when slash. Better try it, my lord, since it doesn't seem to require any skill to use.
Lord: Hiyaaa... Sorry, too heavy. I can't lift it.
Almond: ......
Iris, whispering: If he can't even lift that sword, then these heavy armors are no use then.
Almond: Guess so.
[Advanced item shop]
Shopkeeper: Hi, you girls. Do you want to buy my whole business again?
Almond: Not today. I will let you live here a little longer.
Shopkeeper: I told you have a good sense of humor..haha. I don't have many items to sell yet, because you girls just bought everything from me a few days ago.
Ruby: I'm so sorry.
[A few seconds of silence have passed]
Shopkeeper: But, here, check this new item, 5 golds only.
Iris: Necklace with a beautiful pendant filled with strange green liquid. OK, I will buy it.
Ruby: Does it have any magical property at all?
Almond: I don't feel anything, but I don't know for sure.
Iris: It looks so cute on my neck, right?
Astille: It looks cute on you.
Iris: Let me carry you like mother and child. [giggle]
[Fortune teller shop]
Iris: This one has her own shop, instead of a table and a crystal ball.
Almond: But this shop doesn't seem to have many customers.
Fortune teller: Welcome, tell your future or your past, pay 1 gold coin, ask 1 question, and I will try my best to answer it.
Iris, whispering: It's rather expensive. No wonder there is no customer here.
Lord: Ok, let do it. Could you tell me about my past? Like a summary of what happened in my entire life before 2 years ago.
Fortune teller: Hmm...let me see. I don't see anything. The cloud is blocking my sight.
Iris, whispering: Is she a charlatan again?
Almond, whispering: It's easy to test this. Let me ask.
Almond: Here is 1 more gold coin for the second question. Could you tell me about my past one year ago?
Fortune teller: You were standing still near a river for so long, all the time, never go anywhere. Hmm.. a weird vision, but that is what I saw.
Iris, whispering: Wow, she is the real cheese.
Almond: So, what the fortune teller in radish market told us is true then, about something blocking her sight.
Iris: In retrospect, we should go back and pay her 1000 golds, to save all of these troubles.
Almond: I don't see her anymore on our way here.
Iris: Ah! We should have asked our test question with the one at radish market.
Almond: Exactly, I totally miss that.
Iris: Fortune teller, how can we overcome the cloud that is blocking your vision. What about 3 days and 1,000 more gold coins?
Fortune teller: I'm not powerful enough to do anything against this kind of obstruction. Please find another fortune teller.
Almond: Do you know any good one?
Fortune teller: There is one who travels around from town to town in this region. She is very powerful. Or you can find a lot of other fortune tellers in the magic kingdom on the far east of this continent.
Ruby: Let go to magic kingdom everyone!
Almond: It's more than 4 months of travel, Ruby. It's like on the opposite side of the continent.
Lord: Let go home then. I don't really need to know my past that much. I'm already very happy with all you girls.
Ruby is blushing.
Iris: What are you blushing for? He meant all of us.
Ruby: [giggle]..Sis.
Fortune teller: Oh, better keep that green pendant you just bought with you. It will be of some use in the future.
Ruby: Wow, lucky you have bought it, sis.
Fortune teller: One event leads to another event. Most of the time there are more than one way to reach the destination......mumble...mumble....
[Still in Morroc]
A girl in shoulder-length, light blonde hair, wearing a magician robe of yellow-tinted white color, shouts to the group.
The girl: Hi, over here. My name is Angel. Special discount for the first customer. Teleport to magic kingdom for only 1 copper per person.
Iris, whispering: Isn't it too cheap for something that can replace 4 months of travel.
Almond, whispering: Way too cheap. Anyway, let talk with her first.
Iris: Sorry to ask this, but your name is Angel, right? Not Angela or anything. Isn't it a rare name?
Angel: Yes, Angel, like an angel in heaven.
Almond: You are not a real angel, right?
Angel: No...no.. [giggle] Just a name. I am a magician from the magic kingdom. Lady Priscilla wants me to expand our teleport network to this place, so people can travel easier and faster.
Almond: It's almost like you know we want to go there. No trick right? We won't be warped to death or anything.
Angel: Absolutely not. Do I look like a bad guy? And since when a person named Angel is a bad guy.
Iris, whispering: Although the reason is weird but she does have a point.
Violet: What should we do, my lord?
Lord: Don't ask me. I don't know.
Almond: How can we know for sure that it's safe?
Iris: Beat me.
Almond: Arh...wait. I got an idea.
Almond run somewhere for a few minutes and back.
Almond: [pant....pant....] The fortune teller said it's OK. We will reach the destination safely.
Iris: Let's go then.
[Magic kingdom]
Iris: Wow. So easy. I just stand there and it's done.
Ruby: I thought it would be more twirling.
Angel: 7 people. I will give you a volume discount. Please pay 5 coppers.
Almond: Best deal I ever had in my life.
Angel: Welcome to the magic kingdom. Please enjoy yourself.
Violet: Thank you. I hope we meet again.
Angel: And that doll is cute. Love it a lot, OK? Bye.
Angel teleports away.
Violet: She talked like she know Wevil is not a doll.
Iris: She is a magician who can bend the fabric of space. I won't be surprised at all if she know what Wevil ate last week.
Ruby: Wow. This place looks so magical like it should be. It has a tint of heaven.
Almond: Let go find fortune tellers first, I guess. Arrh..I forgot to ask Angel where to find a good fortune teller.
A portal appears and Angel come out of it.
Angel: You can find several of them in the town square, bye.
Angel teleports away.
Iris, whispering: She is definitely stalking us.
Almond, whispering: Certainly. Better not say something bad about her while she is still around.
[An hour later]
Iris: Damn. Everyone gives similar answers. Fog blocks the vision.... Mist clouds the path... Something powerful is in the way of my sight.... What should we do next?
Angel, appearing: Let go ask Priscilla herself then. She is the most powerful oracle.
Iris: Whoa. I had a hunch that you might appear. But isn't she the ruler of this place? How can we pass the guard? And will she talk to us?
Angel: Surely she will allow it because she ask me to... oops... forget about it ... I meant better give it a try because we have come this far.
Iris thinks: [Oh, right...that's why a teleport girl appeared exactly when we needed it]
Angel: Oops. Almost time. Got something to do. See you later.
Angel teleports away.
[The castle's main gate]
Guard1: Sorry, sir. Today the queen is expecting a special guest. The throne room is closed to the general public.
Guard2: Go away.
Iris, whispering: I can put these two down in half a second.
Lord: No! Do you want to start a war between two kingdoms or something.
Iris: Then how can we get in. Angel ain't here anymore. Angel...Angel...are you under the rock...come out... See? She ain't here, or won't appear, at least.
Girl: Hello, you guys want to get in?
A kind yet seemingly powerful magician is standing behind your group.
Girl: These people are the queen's special guest. Let them pass.
Guard: Sorry we didn't know, Lady Luna.
Luna: It's our fault we didn't provide you with details of the guest. Keep up your good work.
Guard: Yes, my lady.
Iris, mumbling to herself: I know it. Everything went on too smoothly. This is the queen's plan all along.
Ruby: What are you mumbling, sis? We are so lucky today. It must be the luck from your green pendant.
[Throne room]
Royal guard: All hail the guardian of magic kingdom, ruling queen of the eastern region, headmaster of the magic university, protector of the light, a holy maiden and messenger of .........
Priscilla: That's way more than enough, guard. Get out!
Priscilla: Hello, everyone. What bring you here today?
Lord: Thank you for letting.....
Priscilla: Although I am good at predicting the future but seeing the past is not my specialty. However, I can lead you to the best magician for this task.
Lord: Where can...
Priscilla: Angel, bring her in.
Fortune teller: Hi, everyone. We meet again.
Iris: You are the fortune teller we met at the radish market.
Fortune teller: Yes, nice to meet you again, Iris.
Iris: Arrhh..we run around all over the region...no...I'm not complaining...I'm not complaining.
Fortune teller: 1000 golds please. I don't need preparation time anymore because I have started the required process 3 days ago.
Iris: ......... yeah..yeah...it's all my fault.......mumble......mumble....
Fortune teller: ....and that pendant please.
Iris: Ok...ok. Get it all. I surrender.
Almond: May I ask what the pendant is for?
Fortune teller: Nothing. I just like it.
Almond: .....
Fortune teller: My lord, are you ready?
Lord: Yes. What shou.....
Fortune teller: OK, it's done.
Lord: .....
Fortune teller: In the past, you are the most powerful swordsman who is called by everyone "Swordmaster". You traded all of your power, swords and memory for an yggdrasil seed. The seed has grown and is creating maidens and trents like you see today. Fair trade, isn't it. Also, one of the side effects is that everyone, too, seems to forget who Swordmaster is. That's all.
Ruby: Wow, you traded all your power for our life? Love you so much, my lord. You are so kind.
Lord thinks: [Uh...maybe my old self just wanted some harem]
Lord: Greatest trade I ever made, Ruby.
Ruby: Love you.
Iris: Hmm.. Forgotten Swordmaster, right? Fortune teller, you know anyone named Swordmaster who lived 2 years ago?
Fortune teller: No, the first time I heard the name is from this vision.
Iris: What about you, Angel?
Angel: No idea.
Iris walks to Luna, who is also standing in the room and asks her.
Luna: Nope.
Iris: Lady Priscilla, may I ask you about....
Priscilla walks away.
Iris: ....... hmm....it's obvious that she must know something.
Almond: So, it seems practically everyone forget the old self of our lord "Swordmaster"
Lord: Doesn't matter. I'm happy with my life. Let end this memory quest and go home.
Ruby: Or enjoy this town a little bit more, as we're already here, right?
Lord: So, you are the best fortune teller after all?
Fortune teller: My true specialty is memory observation and manipulation, not seeing the past itself, nor the future. However, I can do all of these to some extent. Fortune-telling is one of the advanced courses in the magic university that everyone can try to learn. In this world, there are several magicians who are better than me at seeing the future. We call them 'Oracle'.
Lord: If you say you are not good at seeing the future, who are good then? [Memory manipulation huh? Sound scary. Better not piss her off]
Fortune teller: The most powerful oracle I know is the guardian of magic kingdom Lady Priscilla, whom you have already met. Don't be confused by the word guardian though. She is a ruler, a queen, the big boss, you name it, of the country everyone calls magic kingdom.
Fortune teller: There is another one named Parma, who is a ruler of small town northeast of your castle, and another one named Isabelle, who is a maiden and a guardian of your vassal state, residing in her Windy castle in the north. Some of your maidens should know her well. Maybe there are more but that's all I know.
Lord: May I ask you why Priscilla has to close her eyes all the time?
Fortune teller: It's what oracle do. To see the future better, I guess. Don't worry they can still see the walkway through their mind. Even me can walk blindfolded.
Lord: We still don't know your name, fortune teller.
Fortune teller: I'm sorry. I still refuse to tell you my name.
Angel: Rene, why don't you tell them your name.
Rene: Angel! You broke the mystery of my character. Grrr...
Angel: Oops.
Angel teleports away.
[Somewhere near Windy castle]
Purple: Can't I just dip normal sunflowers into a bucket of blue paint?
[In Peony's room]
Pink bird: You seem so tired. You don't sleep well last night?
Peony: Last night...oops, [blushing] ...I ...uh... no, I was thinking about the kingdom's affairs late at night.
Several blue birds outside are chirping noisily as if they don't like someone lying.
Pink bird: Take care of your health. Sleep a lot, OK?
Peony: So, what's news today, Meadow.
Meadow: Giant worms are eating our tomato trents again. It seems our giant tomatoes are irresistible for them.
Peony: Deploy all available trents and eradicate them all at once.
Meadow: Yes, my queen.
Peony: Never call me queen. We already have Queen of Rose.
Meadow: Oops. I forgot again.
Meadow flies away.
Peony: Queen, huh, with my lord....no...no...no... dirty thought again. I have to go out and exercise or something.
[On the Magical kingdom's castle grounds]
Ruby: Everything went on so smoothly, sis.
Iris: I'm sure this is all Priscilla's plan.
Almond: Yes, but that's not a bad thing, right? We've got what we want, quite easily.
Violet: These oracles are scary. They know everything. They predict every move. It's better if we have one.
Lord: Eh? Didn't Rene mention that we have one. Isabelle or something. You girls don't know her?
Ruby: Errr.....
Almond: I don't know.
Iris: Quite sure she lives somewhere in our northern territory. We don't contact her much. Sola or Peony should know better.
Ruby: Can we stroll around here a bit. This castle is so beautiful, like it is in heaven.
Astille: It is emitting holy aura too.
Jasmine nods.
Iris: Oh, is that Luna? If I remember her name correctly.
Luna is approaching with a young girl who has short light-blonde hair, decorated with jewels of various color on her head. She carries a one-handed straight sword on her waist.
Almond: Thank you for everything. After a short walk in this garden, we will travel around this city for a while, then probably go home.
Luna: [giggle] ...are you forgetting something? It would take about 4 months to travel back to your home.
Violet: Oh yes! I totally forgot about that. That would be a really tiresome journey.
Iris: Ain't there any teleport service in the magic kingdom at all? Angel said something like she is expanding the teleport network.
Luna: As you might have some suspicion, it's her ploy to get you here. There is no such thing as a teleport network, not yet at least. Only a few magicians who were born with the gift like Angel can teleport.
Almond: Too bad, then I hope Angel will appear and help us again.
Luna: I will give you one white stone. It is a magical stone we use to call her whenever we need a teleport. Just throw it on the floor and call out her name. A stone can be used only once.
Iris: You saved my life. I thought we might have to spend 4 months of our life on a wagon.
Almond: Four months on a luxurious wagon with a lot of money to spend along the way ain't that bad, but people at home might really worry about us.
Luna: It might be a little too late for an introduction. The girl with me is Ira. She can use elemental magic and imbue them on her sword to enhance its power.
Ira: Hello, nice to meet all of you. The queen sent me to be your guide in the magic kingdom, but Luna wants to come along.
Luna: [giggle]...who wouldn't want to stay with these flowers. They are beautiful and smell nice too.
Ruby: Thank you. Let me hug you. You are so lovely too Luna.
Luna: Oh? Is this a doll, right, Iris?
Iris: It's....
Luna: You're lucky it's a doll. Trents similar to this one are strictly forbidden to enter our kingdom, let alone in this royal palace's area. If we catch one, there is a severe punishment to both the trent and its owner.
Iris thinks: [Hey, hey, you made that up, right? OK, have fun harassing my doll]
Luna: Come here, Ira. Let me check if this is truly a doll.
Ira: You know full well that...
Luna: You tickle its left side. I tickle its right side, OK? Start.
Ira: Oh, I get it. You are not gonna survive, little doll.
[A few minutes later]
The doll's eyes are full of tears from the tickling but still doesn't make a noise.
Luna: I'm so tired...haha.
Ira: This is so fun, Luna.
Iris: OK, let go already, you girls.
Ira: Where should we go first? What about our grand library.
Lord: Sure. I think Almond is smiling.
[Grand library]
Almond: Wow. So many books. Too bad I can't borrow them.
Iris: Let apply for the membership or something, Almond.
Almond: But I wouldn't be able to return the book in time, since our home are 4 months away.
Luna: Librarian. Go get a really big sack for us.
Lord: Huh? For what?
Luna: For books. Take as many as you want, Almond.
Almond: SERIOUSLY?! Isn't that against the library's rule or something.
Luna: I certainly have the authority to change the rule as I see fit.
Iris: Uh...what is the name of your position again?
Luna: Grand advisor to the queen.
Iris: Oh, yes. I should have realized this sooner, and don't tell me Ira is a general or something.
Ira: Grand general of the army and admiral of the fleet.
Iris: And the queen sent her grand general to be our tour guide...damn.
Ira: Your position in your kingdom isn't far away from mine, Iris.
Iris: Come to think of it, that's quite true. I usually think I'm just his concubine and a bodyguard.
Almond: You girls continue the talk. I will go get the books. Can't really miss this opportunity.
Ruby: You look like you come to rob the place, Almond. Sounds fun, I go too.
Almond and Ruby scurry away.
Lord: You look so young, Ira. Something like 17? How come have you got the highest military rank?
Ira: 16, my lord. It might sound arrogant but I'm here just because of my fighting ability and intelligence.
Luna: Our queen is a powerful oracle. She got Ira from her family since she was 5, and train her well since then.
Violet: That's so amazing.
Luna: [giggle] ... Don't say that. You flower girls are not even 2 years old and you are as good as Ira in fighting.
Ira: You should have realized by now that we know practically everything about you.
Iris: Oh, all these assistance and hospitality. What the queen wants is the friendship between our kingdoms, I guess.
Ira: That's right, Iris. Come here. Let me show you something.
[On a big magical board in the grand library]
Total Military Strength:
Magic Kingdom: 25
Yggdrasil North: 29
Yggdrasil South: 13
Dark Kingdom: 12
Ice Kingdom: 9
Midland: 23
Water world: 21
Ira: This is the closest estimate we can get, from our various sources of intel.
Violet: Yggdrasil North? That's us? South? Probably, Queen of Rose? How come we are so strong in the chart, my lord.
Lord thinks: [Yeah, yeah, one of you can fight 10 giant trents. No wonder we are strong.]
Ira: We want to be as transparent as possible. Magic kingdom is a peace-loving country. In order to maintain peace, we need strong alliances.
Lord: Sure. As the lord of yggdrasil, I accept your peace offering. But if you want to joint attack someone, let me think again at that time.
Ira: Thank you. That's all we want.
Lord: I can surely play with this screen for a while, right? ....Aha.
Total Economic Strength:
Magic Kingdom: 52
Yggdrasil North: 7
Yggdrasil South: 19
Dark Kingdom: 2
Ice Kingdom: 10
Midland: 147
Water world: 19
Iris: That's why people say Midland's vault contains half of gold coins in the world.
Lord: Dark kingdom: 2. Probably there are only undead around there. Brain...brain....
Iris: Don't eat me like this my lord. Take off my clothes first.
Ira: [giggle] You guys seem fun. My lord, do you need more concubines?
Lord: Uh...hmm... I ... I....
Iris: She is joking, my lord.
Ira: From the chart, you can see that richer kingdoms don't always have higher military strength. Money certainly can buy a lot of things but not everything. In your case, your maidens have absolute loyalty to you, making you the strongest kingdom in this continent. Likewise, the majority of magicians graduated from the magic university are loyal to our queen. Those sea creature in water world are also loyal to their lord in the same manner.
Lord: Good analysis, Ira.
Iris: I can do this too. Touch...touch...YES!
Magic Kingdom: 547,521
Yggdrasil North: ??
Yggdrasil South: ??
Dark Kingdom: ??
Ice Kingdom: 120,000
Midland: 3,700,000
Water world: ??
Lord: Seem you got only exact number for your own country. Make sense. What about those question marks? Don't you even have an estimate?
Ira: Well, scholars are in dispute how to count population in those countries. For example, in your kingdom, should we include insect, worm or bird? Some of these are sentient, some are half-sentient. Should we count those white radishes too?
Lord: Ah, yeah I get it, and you're not sure you should count zombie in dark kingdom? As it is not a living creature.
Ira: Yes, we are not sure what to count or not count. As contrast to counting human, it's very clear.
Luna: Forget those scholars. Let me fill in the numbers so at least you can have some rough picture.
Magic Kingdom: 547,521
Yggdrasil North: 10,000
Yggdrasil South: 15,000
Dark Kingdom: 80,000
Ice Kingdom: 120,000
Midland: 3,700,000
Water world: 2,500,000
Luna: Yeah, something around this.
Lord: Oh, thanks, Luna.
Luna: My pleasure.
Lord: Anything I should know about Midland? Comprising more than 30 cities like that, no doubt it's strong in all aspects.
Ira: A man named Kazar is the king of Midland. He is a good guy as far as we know. After the great war has ended 2 years ago, Midland is peaceful, and we are also on good terms with him.
Lord: What about other kingdom?
Ira: As far as we know, dark kingdom doesn't contact anyone. All of the emissaries we sent are attacked by undead in the area. Ice kingdom is located too far in the blizzard-ridden north, so we haven't contact them for quite some time.
Lord: What about you send Angel as an emissary?
Ira: She can only teleport to the place she has visited before, and she hate cold air, so we can't send her by wagon either. Moreover, there is no urgent need to.
Lord: Thank you for all of the information.
Ira: One important thing I forgot to mention. We are at war with the water world. That's probably one of the reasons my queen wants to be friend with you.
Lord: You are very transparent, Ira. I'm sure we can be good friends, both on personal level and the kingdom. What is the cause of this water world war?
Ira: The water world claims a piece of land on the southern part of our territory as theirs.
Lord: Quite a common cause for war, isn't it.
Ira: Yes, let go somewhere else, my lord. Before Almond get all the books in our library. [giggle]
[Grand cauldron]
Ruby: Look at that giant transparent bowl over there. I'm sure we can put an elephant in it.
Ira: This structure is called the grand cauldron. As you can see, it's a very big cauldron raised 50 meter above the ground.
Lord: There is a lot of transparent blue water in it.
Ira: It's mana, my lord. Any magicians registered into the system can donate or receive mana from it. Mana is very important for magician. This cauldron can transport mana very far, almost to the edge of our kingdom. However, the farther it is, more loss of mana sent or received.
Iris: This cauldron must be an important tool in time of war, right? Your magician can shoot magic forever.
Ira: Yes, so, we built this device in a safer location quite far away from the southern wall, which is the front line against water world's attack. There are also those shock towers, which will automatically vaporize anyone who try to attack or get close to the cauldron and potentially harm it.
Iris: Ahh...too bad. I want to swim in the transparent blue water in the cauldron.
Ira: I can disable the tower, but it might take some time.
Lord: Hey, Iris. Stop bothering our host all right?
Iris: [giggle] Now I want to try those shock tower's attack at least once. Don't worry, I won't die even when I got stomped by the war trents.
Lord: Hey....hey....what about those delicate girl image of yours.
Ira: .....war trent's stomp? seriously?....is that a bluff? ...mumble...mumble...
[Stone Golem]
Lord: This elephant-sized statue. Finely crafted sculpture, isn't it. I have seen several of them.
Luna: They have a mind of their own and can move in time of war. Think of them as your giant trents in rock form.
Iris, whispering to Almond: It would be fun if it duels with our giant trent.
Almond: [giggle] Quite sure stone is stronger than wood, but hard to be sure. It might break at a joint, and ours are bigger too.
Ira: Apart from magic beasts, which we calls 'Familiar', these golems are important in time of war. Despite their slow movement, ordinary foot soldiers have no chance against them.
[Magic Cannon]
Ira: These cannons can shoot magic shell. It can obliterate an army in one shot. Our primary line of defense against the waterkind.
Lord: With all these powerful cannons, you still have trouble fighting them?
Ira: Yes, they are quite numerous. We are fighting the whole ocean, more or less.
Lord: Where do these waterkind live?
Ira: Basically everywhere in the ocean, but their capital is Atlantis, an underwater city located unexpectedly close to our shore in the south.
Lord: The city's name sounds familiar, but never mind.
[Magic University]
Ira: This is where most of our magicians learn their spell. There is no tuition fee but the applicants must have some talent in magic to enrol. The queen pays for everything.
Ruby: Wow. Cool. She is so generous.
Ira: Well, it benefits us too, as majority of the graduates continue to be loyal to her and the magic kingdom. These magicians and magical creatures they create make us one of the most powerful kingdom in the world.
Lord: Reminds me of Hog... uh... never mind.
Astille: I will study here.
Ira: You're welcome, but plant and human are different. I'm not sure you can learn human's spell.
Astille emits grey aura.
Violet: It seems we attract some attention from the students around here.
Ira: Everyone loves beautiful flowers, I guess.
Almond: Look. They are duelling over there.
Luna: They practice fighting by shooting [Magic Shot] at each other. Since this is the least damaging spell in the magician's arsenal, and our magic resistance is generally high, the duel is fairly safe.
Lord: Don't tell me they also ride brooms and catch some flying ball?
Ira: We don't have such a silly sport. Moreover, brooms are for cleaning floors. Where did you get the idea from?
Lord: Never mind.
[Item shop]
Iris: Wow, this one doesn't have the word 'Advanced' in its name like the one in radish market, but the quality is much better. However, the price is higher accordingly.
Ira: Get anything you want, we are paying. It's just trivial amount compared to the royal revenue.
Lord: I prefer to pay it myself. So, we can deny it easier if one day you ask us to fight the Water world.
Ira: You are good at diplomacy, my lord.
Almond: Wow, mana potion. This is the first time I saw a real one. Transparent blue liquid in a clear bottle. So beautiful.
Ira: I think you know how to use it. My throat is a little dry. Luna will take over my responsibility for now. Let me rest a bit, see you shortly.
Luna: Any of you are magician?
Astille: Me...me... I shoot fireball.
Luna: Carry a few with yourself all the time. It will be useful.
Iris: I doubt that. Most of the time after she has a chance to shoot one fireball, the enemy approaches, and she always crouches in fear.
Astille emits dark aura.
Luna: [giggle] Just carry it as a decoration then. It looks cool on any magician.
Almond: I'll take 50 of them, just in case. At least I can use it to decorate my library.
Ruby: The liquid in mana potion is delicious.
Violet: Really? Let me try some. Wow.
Jasmine drinks it and nods.
Lord: Let me tr....
Luna: Stop. You might get ill from drinking that, my lord. I'm not sure what will happen if the person having zero maximum mana like you drink it. It's hard to find people having zero mana. So, I am not sure.
Lord: Ok...ok...a weak man have to stay low....mumble...mumble.
Almond: Here, I found a lot of red potions. Surely this can heal our lord when our healers are not available. Let buy all of the best grade.
Luna: That's entirely unnecessary. His HP is like 35. The lowest grade can overfill it.
Lord: ......
Almond: Then let buy them all and think later. It might be useful for us too.
Luna: You can try, but the potions are not made to be used on plant. It might not be very effective.
Almond: Iris, stay still and let me slash you, to test the potion effectiveness.
Iris: Heeeeelp me, my lord. I'm not a guinea pig.
Jasmine cuts her own arm and drinks the potion.
Iris: Wow. My lord, you must give some reward to her tonight, OK?
Almond: Hmm...doesn't heal yet. Probably her Max HP is too high too. Never mind. Just buy it for our lord then. Everyone, carry one red potion with you all the time. Who knows when our lord might need it.
Luna: They have limitation, you know. Drinking 50 of them consecutively won't make you invincible.
Lord: Unlike those blacksmiths in Ragnarok On... hmm... never mind.
Ruby: Look at this section. They are full of dispel potions. De-petrify, antidote, eye drop, voice potion, panacea.
Almond: Herbs from our trents can also dispel these effects, but yeah, let buy them all just in case.
[Accessory shop]
Luna: This shop may be the most useful for your lord. Since he is too weak to wear armor, let's find the best ring with protection boost.
Shopkeeper: This is all element resistance +30 rings. Good all around. One of the best I have in my shop.
Lord: Great. It's light-weighted too.
Astille prepares to shoot fireball.
Almond: No..no...no. That's too powerful. Our lord might die, since his hp is very low.
Shopkeeper: Physical def rings are rare and hard to make. You can get like +400 physical def from a full plate armor. Magician can get like +100 physical def from the best kind of robe. That's why no one bothers to research or make physical def ring. Here is physical def +10 ring. Highest of its kind.
Lord: Better than nothing, I guess.
Iris: Ha! Robe, let find a robe shop. If it's still too heavy for our lord, I don't know what to say.
Almond: Do you have invisibility cloak by any chance? It could be very useful for our lord.
Luna: Nope. Never see one before in my life.
Lord: What about phoenix down?
Luna: What is it?
Lord: Never mind.
[Premium Item Shop]
Ruby: Look sis. There are white potions too. Wow, 20 gold coins a bottle.
Luna: That's the best kind of health potion. Not only it gives +1000 hp and +30 hp regen per seconds for almost an hour. It can cure all status ailment and effect too. In fact, it's a new merchandise. The active ingredients are white leaves that can only be obtained from one your trent.
Lord: Oh, there are some existing trade routes between our kingdoms?
Luna: The path is far and dangerous, but the profit is worth the risk. You pay 1 gold coin to buy a leaf from some certain place in Yggdrasil and then sell it in our market for 5 gold coins.
Lord: Hey, Almond. Let plant a lot of that kind of trent, will you. We got 1 gold coin a leaf. The whole tree can give us 1,000 or more.
Iris: This magic board has a price tag of 500 gold coins? What does it do?
Luna: Oh, I forgot this device exists. You write some message with a recipient's name, and the message will appear on the recipient's magic board. You should buy one so our kingdoms can communicate at any time.
Shopkeeper: Here is the best robe with protection boost you asked for. It was made for our queen but she said the attribute boost is a bit too low for her. +150 physical def +100 all resistances +20 hp regen per second, at a price of 2000 gold coins.
Iris: It's just our pocket change, right?
Almond: It's just about 2 days of our revenue, let buy it. Better wear it now, my lord.
Lord: It looks cool on me, right? Hope some bandits won't rob us for this expensive robe.
Almond: It doesn't look that expensive, and practically everything has its cost.
Lord: Well said, Almond.
Iris: Hmm...even my petal can barely penetrate it. Must be a real thing.
Almond: I'm sure the shopkeeper won't dare sell us a fake robe. The grand advisor of his kingdom is standing with us.
Lord: It seems magical items and accessories are an important source of income for your kingdom.
Luna: Yes. However, these shops are private businesses The queen get only a part of its sale value through tax and various tariffs, and we have expenditure too. Officials at all level requires salary, including me, Ira and Angel. Unlike your country where everyone is working for free. Overall, I think the queen might be even poorer than you on a personal level.
Lord: It's good we have those slave trents, right, Iris? Oh, I have already distributed some of the gold coins to these maidens. I'm not a slave lord, OK?
Luna: [giggle]
[On the street]
Iris: It's almost evening. Let call Angel and go home. We can come here again anytime. We have Angel now.
Luna: Nothing to be seen at night. People here sleep early.
Iris throws a stone onto the floor, calling Angel.
Angel: Hi, time to go home, I guess.
Lord: Goodbye everyone.
Luna & Ira: Bye.
A young girl in magician's dress run in.
Alicia: Hi, my name is Alicia. The queen instructed me to go with you to your castle as our kingdom's ambassador, if you allow it.
Lord: Oh, welcome, we have a lot of vacant rooms in the castle for you, let go. Our maidens can learn more about human from you too.
Angel warps everyone back home, including Alicia.
[Luna and Ira talking alone]
Luna: Hmm...new girl? I never saw her before.
Ira: Me neither. Probably new girl.
Luna: Perhaps we should go have some fun at their castle for a few days.
Ira: I heard fruit and vegetable there are very delicious too.
[Radish market]
Lord: Oh, you can't teleport me to the castle directly?
Angel: The destination must be in the vicinity of the places I have visited in the past. Your castle is out of range.
Lord: Welcome to our castle then. You are welcome to rest a night, or as long as you want here.
Iris: There are many vacant rooms in the castle, as most of the maidens sleep in the lord's room, and trents sleep outside, or where they stand.
Almond: Angel, I can give you a room, permanently, as long as you teleport us from time to time [giggle]
Lord: Priscilla must be mad if we try to steal her personnel, Almond, but then again, she might already know this and all of what is going to happen.
Astille: If you stay, I will give you some legendary grapes.
Angel: Sure. I will stay for a while. You flower girls are so cute.
Iris: Oops...I think we left our coachman and other human servants in Morroc.
Almond: Don't worry about them. They are grown men. Plus, I have ordered them to return to the wagon post if they can't find us for a few days.
Violet: Let go home, then.
Jasmine nods.
Almond: Let our lord and the magicians ride the giant trent and we walk, as usual.
Lord: The giant trent is still waiting for us around here? It's like 2 days already.
Almond: He is a tree, my lord.
Lord: Oh, yeah, yeah, I get it now.
[The castle's grounds]
Almond: Please wait here while I prepare 2 bedrooms for our guests.
Iris: Or you girls can sleep with us in the lord's bedroom. [giggle]
Ruby: What can you do, Alicia?
Alicia: I am an offensive magician. What I can do best is shooting magic beam like this...
Alicia shoot a powerful ray into a nearby tree, piercing a hole into its trunk.
A faint voice from somewhere: .......a...r...r...h.............b....e.....e.....c....h...e....s
Alicia: Eh? You girls hear something?
Iris: Please don't worry about it, Alicia, but please try your magic on non-living things like a rock, not a tree, while you are around here.
Ruby: And that big book of yours?
Alicia: It's the book of knowledge. Its pages can sometimes show any knowledge you want to know. The rare item given to me by my family.
Angel: I'm sure it's rare. Even me never heard of it before.
Almond: The rooms are ready. You can ask the maidens or the trents I assigned specially for you if you need anything. Please enjoy this place as your own home.
Lord: Good job at welcoming our guest, Almond.
Almond: I will be in the library for a while [giggle]
Iris: For this amount of books, she won't come out of the library until next month.
Angel: Oh, I almost forgot. Here are more white stones. Use them when you need me.
[In some dark corner of the castle]
Lord: Holly, I was searching for you all over. I...
Holly: I understand my lord. Please excuse me.
Holly is running away.
Lord: Holly, stop. Your lord commands you to stop.
Holly stops.
Lord thinks: [Aha, I know this trick will work on you]
Lord: Now please stay completely still. Do not move a muscle, Holly.
Holly nods.
The lord kisses her cheek.
Lord: Here is my apology. Sorry I forgot you. Next trip you jump in immediately, OK? If you miss it, then this time it's your fault.
Holly nods and smiles with some tears still in her eyes.
[Dinner table]
Wevil: Eat this grape, Alicia. Our special menu.
Alicia: The food here is so good. I want to live here forever.
Iris: Sure, Alicia. Please live here, so we can learn more about human, in order to serve our lord better.
Alicia: So, you all are the king's officers? This kingdom's officers are mostly women like in the magic kingdom.
Iris: We all are his concubines.
Alicia: Wha?
Almond: What? Why do you seem so shocked? King of Midland also has a lot of concubines. Other kings throughout human history often have concubines.
Alicia: I'm sorry. I don't go out of magic kingdom often, and history isn't my favorite subject.
Angel: You don't seem to know much about this place. I'm not sure why the queen sent you here as her ambassador.
Alicia: The person she planned to send got sick all of a sudden, and I'm her replacement.
Angel: Oh, that makes sense.
Lord: Don't worry too much, Alicia. You can slowly learn about this place. I don't need top-notch ambassadors.
Astille: I'm not his concubine. I'm his adopted daughter.
Alicia: Oh, you look like you are 7.
Astille: My body has stopped growing for quite some time and I think I am stuck in this form forever no matter how old I am. Then when will I be allowed to do what adult can do.
Alicia: Hmm...seem complicated. I don't have the answer to your question, little one.
Violet: Could you explain a little bit more about this, Almond?
Almond: Human laws prohibit marriage or physical relationship with a child. The definition of a child is a human younger than 15 to 18 years old, depending on country. The year separating an adult from a child is called 'age of consent'. Human adult will be punished severely if they have physical relationship with a child younger than this age of consent, even when the child is willing to do it.
Ruby, whispering: What is physical relationship, sis.
Iris explains it to her.
Ruby is blushing.
Alicia: So, how old are you girls?
Ruby: Me 7 months [giggle]
Alicia: Wha..?
Violet: We were born from a big tree. Most of us are born fully grown. I'm just 1 year 1 month old.
Alicia: I'm lucky to meet you girls. You are so interesting and very cute too.
Ruby: You are cute too, Alicia. May I sleep in your room tonight?
Angel thinks: [Hmm...her knowledge of this place is way too low, even for a replacement. What was the queen thinking?]
Almond: I don't think our lord plans to follow this human law, right? As human and us are very different.
Lord: Uh......
Almond: Otherwise, none of us would pass the standard.
Ruby: I can't........I don't........It's.......
Ruby runs out of the room.
Iris: Let me translate. She said she can't accept it because she would have to wait too long before.....uh.....you know the rest.
Iris: Look. We are already fully grown and very beautiful like this.
Iris jumps onto the dinner table and spin herself, showing off her beauty.
[Bedroom, almost midnight]
Lord: Holly, it hurts, stop. I am bleeding.
Holly: I don't care. I love you so much.
Lord: But I CARE! Damn it.
Holly: Feel my thorns. It's full of my love. Where there is love, there is pain.
Lord: I'm sure they don't mean this kind of pain, damn it.
Lord: What a bloody nightmare.
- In Serial44 Chapters
Come Sevenfall
Number 7 is smart for a boy who’s only been alive for two years, but he’s never been free. Locked up in a high security research facility run by the organization, Pandora, he has only ever known the life of an expensive human experiment. Pandora’s aim is to create an evolved superhuman for military purposes, and you guessed it, Number 7 is anything but ordinary. When WWV breaks out in 2236 CE, Seven has to deal with the pressures of war along with the pressures of growing up too quickly. But, what happens when the war is over? What happens when the world ends? 14+ (or something) - for some gore and psychological stuff. Come check out my Wordpress ----> https://comesevenfall.wordpress.com/, and my new story Seren Ynys Online Temporary cover drawn by me, (Idk if I'll keep it, but I like it better than the one I had before). © [koallary] and [Come Sevenfall], [2015]. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to [koallary] and [Come Sevenfall] with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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Sybil's Cloak
Two beings have collided in the most peculiar way. As one sets out to remember her forgotten past, another sets out to find the truth in her false memories. Their paths intertwine across time, space, and dimensions, only to find one thing they have in common - the land they know as home.
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Lord Azul
In the world of Darsus, a young child was born. His fate was doomed from the start, as he was born unbreathing. His mother prayed to a legend, and her wish were fulfilled.Azul was given a life. But is being blessed by a being of war really a good thing?Not a Reincarnation or world transportation story. This story is for a more mature audience.
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The Realm Reborn: Small Closed Demo (LitRPG)
One of the world’s top competitive gamers, Theo Robinson, has been invited to demo The Realm Online, Radical Interactive’s second attempt to delve into the VRMMORPG industry. Their first attempt had critics cringing at blocky graphics and less than realistic NPC interactions. Now, after over twenty years of marrying virtual reality and medical technology, Radical Interactive is ready to try again, and they have something really big in store.But Theo Robinson has no interest in The Realm Online. A MOBA player, RPGs have never been his thing. The only reason he accepted the invitation was because of another secret project that Radical Interactive has been working on. Word has it they have been trapping people with brain injuries inside of The Realm Online. When Nancy Shelton, YouTube's most famous female Let's Player (and Theo's best friend online), got into a car accident and ended up in a coma, it was suspected that her consciousness had been ported into the game. Theo's quest isn't to demo The Realm Online but to try to find his friend. But will he even be able to look for her when the immersion is so intense that he forgets who he is?
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Completed. FOX is the most mysterious person you could ever meet. All that they know about her is that she is a girl who joined the ANBU at age 4 and then mysteriously disappeared with little notice at age 5. Little did they know, FOX never left the village. A matter of fact, she has been under their very noses this whole time.Where was she? Well, the better the question is- who was she?One name: Naruto Uzumaki. A trouble maker. A dead last. A person that hid under a henge with almost nobody's knowledge.FOX was doing well at not being figured out... well... not till the age of 11. Slowly, male after male will discover her secret, and FOX will do anything to keep them from talking.But... how long can she keep it a secret?Let me tell you this, the FOX is closer than you think.Highest Rank: #33 in Naruto #1 in Fox #1 in Menma #6 in Hinata #1 in Kakashi-sensei #1 in narutoshippuden #19 in Sakura #1 in Iruka #1 in femnaruto #34 in anime #3 in kurama #3 in longstory #3 in longchapters I own nothing but the plot and the characters I make up.Started: May 22, 2018Ended: June 14, 2019
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Dreamnotfound Fluff
So just random bits of Dreamnotfound fluff. This isn't really scripted or outlined or anything, just me practicing my fluff writing skills. No smut, although there are a few implications oopsie. Requests and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)Cover: https://twitter.com/ATiredMasa/status/1276579662248865793If you can draw better than me (so like pretty much everyone), feel free to send me covers!!!! :)
8 115