《Genesis》Genesis log: Helix Database
With new Helixes both good and bad popping up almost every day, I think it's important that now that the helix types are complete, it's time to categorize this world gone mad properly.
Name/Codename: Derek Lewis/ Wildfire
Activity type: Active
Power type: Enhancers
Rank: High Viper (could be higher and lower due to temp)
Description: Derek can move, perceive, and metabolize at super speed for myriad effects while also giving him a well-toned superhuman physique and heat shield to compensate. He is also has a heat shield that grants him the ability to give himself and others in his vicinity safety at even his fastest velocities. The heat shield gives Derek the ability to store heat through conduction as he runs to become even faster. Derek can use this stored-up heat for a period of pyrokinetic effects displayed later. His top speed is now 780 mph.
Weakness: cold temperatures make Derek significantly slower; if he loses focus, then he gets tunnel "vision," If he uses one of his more powerful pyrokinetic abilities, his speed will temporarily be gone. Derek also needs proper traction to travel. His high metabolism can also make his speed and strength suffer.
Name/Codename: Kate Adams/ N/A
Activity type: Passive (formerly) Active
Power type: Enhancer
Rank: Low Viper (possibly stronger given initial chapter)
Description: Kate can vibrate her molecules at incredible velocities. To compensate, Kate's body was transformed to accommodate durability greater than Wildfire but lower than Gargoyle and increase her physical attributes to a superhuman level. Originally Kate's powers were uncontrollable and vastly more powerful than almost any helix up till this point. At first, they were vibrations made her unable to be perceived and heard by others and with the ability to phase through most matter, unless other helixes can perceive her at roughly the same speed. After her subsequent "reset" by Wildfire and months of training, Kate has gotten a decent grasp on her powers, with them being only a fraction that they were before. She now can phase herself through matter with proper concentration, use her vibrations in the form of sonar and even shoot out concussive blasts of force.
Weakness: It is highly likely that Kate is holding back her potential from previous trauma. Despite that fact, it seems Phazer is susceptible to blasts of energy considering their naturally fast vibrational rates.
Name/Codename: Maria Mendez/Blackout
Activity type: Active
Power type: Radiator
Rank: Low Viper
Description: After careful research, Blackout's bioelectric field has now become far more concentrated and potent than the average human. Using this dominant mutation, she can consciously activate this field through the power of electrokinesis, which she can shoot and absorb for various effects. Through training, her blasts can now range from voltages of a small jolt (110 volts) to the full-on the electric fence (10,000) to around (12,000) with proper stress and charge time. The problem is that each usage of her powers results in drainage of her bioelectric field, which is now ties to her vitality. While future applications of her power are currently being explored, she has also proven the capability to absorb and resist outside sources of electricity (with difficulty) and emit a bright light that can confuse others (with proper concentration).
Weakness: The more she uses her power, the more her stamina is drained; her absorption of electricity is limited minimal. Also, like any machine, she can short circuit if her powers are exposed while she is wet.
Name/Codename: Sofia Mendez/Alchemist
Activity type: Active
Power type: Transmuter
Rank: High Bunny
Description: Deciding to give the laws of physics the finger, my apprentice can transmute anything she touches as long as she knows the atomic structure of the transmutation. More complicated compounds can take slightly longer than pure elements. This is usually portrayed in a trail of blue lighting. Her maximum range is about a 10-foot radius from wherever she stood. Alchemist has also developed a "protective aura" that reflexively transmutes dangerous materials into much more harmless compounds. Sofia's transmutation can also trail off from the intended product, but that requires the objects to be close in proximity (like grabbing a trenchcoat to trail off into someone's clothing like pants and shirts.
Weakness: So far, Alchemist has yet to transmute organic beings (helixes with the ability to change their molecular structure withstanding). Her transmutations happen to be slightly selective and unable to trail off Ex: she can't transmute the water inside a bottle without changing the whole bottle, or she can't transmute the ground beneath her to transform and change the clothes of everyone who is in that the radius. Her protective aura has also shown to work on lethal attacks considering other tests have proven to be effective (i.e., fly swatters, gloved flicks, and joy buzzers). Of course, since this aura is instinctive, Sofia can't control it, and it's useless if she's knocked out.
Name/Codename: David Wiseman/Gargoyle
Activity type: Passive
Power type: Morphers
Rank: High Viper to Low Tiger.
Description: Arguably, one of the most transformed from Genesis Gargoyle is a bipedal draconic man who sits at a healthy 8 feet tall and 603 pounds. And after months of inspection and observation, I've managed to summarize every detail of his new form accurately. Gargoyle's wings are unlike almost any animal that I've seen.
His wings have both the ability to fold into themselves when not in use but are also capable of unfurling at a wingspan of 8 feet. Yet despite the skill, they are incredibly powerful with their strength and speed being able to throw people aside from a mere flap. Through study, Gargoyle's flight has been incredibly intricate; he has shown the ability to glide, hover, loop de loop, break and dive with no strain. His fastest speeds have had him clock in at 90 mph while in a straight line and over 200mph in freefall.
To compensate for his flight gargoyles' senses, including his sight and hearing, have all increased beyond that of a human. He can a whisper form 30 ft, and his eyesight is now around the level of a hawk, with added resistance to irritation though both maximum uses of this require great focus him. Without his wings, Gargoyle is equipped with casually stone-cutting claws and a prehensile tail he has trouble using. He also has an incredibly tough skin that is invulnerable to conventional weaponry and resistant to more extreme temperatures. Finally, Gargoyle's bulk isn't for show as he can lift upwards to 30 tons 50 while pissed off and can run at 45 miles per hour maximum with a jump of about 20 ft upwards 30 ft.
Gargoyle's metabolism and the immune system might have also changed drastically given his capability to not get sick once after nearly a year of living in the sewers and has healed from incredible wounds in a manner of days.
Weakness: Unfortunately, despite having immense durability, Gargoyle is highly susceptible to electric attacks. He also can be poisoned and drugged like any other man. Also, like Derek, his high metabolism can make his speed and strength suffer without food. He can be big and clumsy with his huge size and a new body.
Name/Codename: Ivan Peterov/ Winter
Activity type: Active
Power type: Radiator
Rank: Mid Viper
Description: Ivan essentially is a living winter wonderland, always waiting to happen. Through his training with the Bratva, Winter has much better control of his powers than most of the Champions. From his hands, he can shoot ice snow and everything in between to make concussive blasts propel himself and even make constructs through concentration and placing his hand onto the ground. He also has a slight temperature resistance.
Weakness: But every time he uses his powers, his body becomes colder to the point of freezing. Also, if his hands get hurt, he is powerless.
Overall Power
Due to our experience and numbers, The Champions are pretty much the strongest and longest-running vigilante group in Philly. With our variety of powers and incredible research done by Moi, we have managed to come out on top. While we are at high viper level, most are making the way to becoming Tiger level soon. Our synergy needs some work, but I think that even with new complications, we are on the stronger side of the helix spectrum with Winter and Blackout as long-range fighters, Alchemist providing versatility, and Gargoyle and Wildfire being our big bruisers.
Ursa's Volgograd Bratva
Name/Codename: Stone
Activity type: Passive
Power type: Morph
Rank: Low Viper
Description: Transformed with dark grey skin, he has enhanced strength, durability, and endurance.
Weakness: Pissing Gargoyle off. Blunt force trauma with a wall.
Name/Codename: Scanner
Activity type: Conditional
Power type: Radiator
Rank: Low Bunny
Description: He can get the full schematics of said structure implanted into the phone; this includes any people in the structure as well.
Weakness: Must be holding his phone while having his hand touch a building in the daytime for it to activate.
Name/Codename: Putty
Activity type: Active
Power type: Radiator
Rank: Mid Viper
Description: Can secrete an adhesive substance for various needs. He can shoot out this adhesive over a distance and make shapes out of it. The adhesive is also incredibly sticky and durable.
Weakness: He can get stuck to his adhesive, which can last for about 2 hours. While he does have a limit to the amount he can spray his speed can suffer, the more he uses it.
Name/Codename: Eraser
Activity type: Active
Power type: Radiator
Rank: Low Viper
Description: Can shoot a blue beam that can "erase" anything it touches. The object can be put into an alternate dimension that holds said objects. The size of the object doesn't matter.
Weakness: The dimension basically can only hold three objects at a time, and the larger the object erased, the faster it comes back. If he erases more than three, than the object will be brought back immediately.
Name/Codename: Nadia/ N/A
Activity type: Passive
Power type: Radiators
Rank: Low Bunny
Description: She can sense if someone is a helix or not. She can even get a sense of the power of the helix and the type of powers of the helix itself.
Weakness: She gets blinding headaches when she is near a helix, though they can be used as a way to better locate them as they get stronger the closer she gets.
These guys were small potatoes, from Winter's notes it seems that Ursa kept these guys around for robberies while also being weak enough not to pose a threat to him. We were able to take most of them out though a team they could be formidable, their cooperation seems minimal.
Unaffiliated Helixes
Name/Codename: Cutter
Activity type: Active
Power type: Manipulators
Rank: Mid Viper
Description: The ability to generate wind at such high velocities in the form of create a wave of wind that cuts through most materials.
Weakness: Needs to charge each shot for at least a minute.
Name/Codename: Rebound/Raphael Fern
Activity type: Conditional
Power type: Enhancers
Rank: Variable at least Bunny
Description: Rebound's body is almost indestructible, considering conventional weaponry is useless against him. Though interestingly enough, it seems he can absorb the kinetic energy of any trauma that befalls him and proportionally use it to increase his physical attributes in the form of purple lighting. There is no known limit to the energy that he can absorb.
Weakness: Rebound can't store the energy for very long; he also is privy to energy attacks and the weaknesses of the human body. This includes concussions, drowning, and also drugs (when he doesn't have kinetic energy).
Name/Codename: Yamato Lee/Marauder
Activity type: Active
Power type: Radiators
Rank: High Viper
Description: By absorbing the sun's rays, he can consciously shoot out beams of deadly energy. While he can fire at various ranges and powers while even being able to condense the power into his fist, the beams are fast as bullets.
Weakness: His energy can be condensed, refracted, and reflected. He also can't recharge in dark areas.
Name/Codename: Mike Quick/Gyro
Activity type: Active
Power type: Enhancer
Rank: High Viper
Description: Gyro can turn into an unstoppable, indestructible ball of kinetic energy for 40 seconds. The ball is incredibly fast-moving up to about the speed of sound. However, once his time is up, his momentum completely stops.
Weakness: It takes a minute for him to charge back up again.
Name/Codename: Jenna Hearts
Activity type: Active
Power type: Radiators
Rank: High Bunny
Description: Barrier can summon well barriers of varying sizes, all of them being the same rectangular shape. Each barrier has a thirty-minute time limit, and only 20 can be maintained at a time. They can be summoned inside another person and or object without causing any harm, and they are transparent with a blue hue. They can also be dispelled with a thought and can be created from anywhere in her line of sight, including through cameras.
Weakness: The more durable the barrier, the stronger the mental backlash is if it breaks.
Name/Codename: Alex Stalin/Ursa
Activity type: Passive
Power type: Morph
Rank: High Viper to Low Tiger
Description: Ursa is essentially what Derk has called a "bootleg Yogi bear." Winter has also said that he can move at 80 miles per hour, can smell him from over 40 miles away and bite with the force of 33303.198 psi. His strength is comparable to Gargoyle and has incredible claws that can tear through metal.
Weakness: His senses are well, sensitive to extreme scents and bright lights.
Name/Codename: Slime.
Activity type: Passive (formerly) Active
Power type: Enhancer or Morph
Rank: Low Viper
Description: With his recent appearances in December, it seems that Slime can transform into a slime-like state that can change shape. He can also reform form most damage and control pieces of him from far away.
Weakness: He can "die" if he is separated. He is also susceptible to shocks as well.
Name/Codename: Dawn Manson/Scale
Activity type: Active
Power type: Manipulators
Rank: High Bunny
Description: An effect on the gravity and density of an object or objects to make it lighter/ soft and heavier slash tougher. She can also control a target's movement by only focusing on that one object.
Weakness: Concentration can give her a backlash that could knock her out. She can only control three objects at a time.
Crusaders are pretty much our anthesis in every way. And given that all their members gave us trouble at one time or another, they certainly are a force to be reckoned with. But given they're infrequent appearances and taking advantage of our group during /the Vacumn, their synchronicity and confidence in their abilities aren't at their peak yet. Which could give us an advantage for now? Rebound and Ursa are some of their most powerful bruisers, Marauder as an effective leader with a versatile power and defensive/evasive users like Scale and Barrier they're a well-balanced team with a lot to be scared of.
As the late Francis Bacon once said, Knowledge is Power. And I intend to be far more powerful as we enter this new year. And look at every single curse of blessing I wrought, intentional or otherwise.
Rank: High Bunny
Description: Barrier can summon well barriers of varying sizes, all of them being the same rectangular shape. Each barrier has a thirty-minute time limit, and only 20 can be maintained at a time. They can be summoned inside another person and or object without causing any harm, and they are transparent with a blue hue. They can also be dispelled with a thought and can be created from anywhere in her line of sight, including through cameras.
Weakness: The more durable the barrier, the stronger the mental backlash is if it breaks.
Name/Codename: Alex Stalin/Ursa
Activity type: Passive
Power type: Morph
Rank: High Viper
Description: Ursa is essentially what Derk has called a "bootleg Yogi bear." Winter has also said that he can move at 80 miles per hour, can smell him from over 40 miles away and bite with the force of 33303.198 psi. His strength is comparable to Gargoyle and has incredible claws that can tear through metal.
Weakness: His senses are well, sensitive to extreme scents and bright lights.
Name/Codename: Slime.
Activity type: Passive (formerly) Active
Power type: Enhancer or Morph
Rank: Low Viper
Description: With his recent appearances in December, it seems that Slime can transform into a slime-like state that can change shape. He can also reform form most damage and control pieces of him from far away.
Weakness: He can "die" if he is separated. He is also susceptible to shocks as well.
Name/Codename: Dawn Manson/Scale
Activity type: Active
Power type: Manipulators
Rank: High Bunny
Description: An effect on the gravity and density of an object or objects to make it lighter/ soft and heavier slash tougher. She can also control a target's movement by only focusing on that one object.
Weakness: Concentration can give her a backlash that could knock her out. She can only control three objects at a time.
As the late Francis Bacon once said, Knowledge is Power. And I intend to be far more powerful as we enter this new year. And look at every single curse of blessing I wrought, intentional or otherwise.
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