《Rise of the Demon God》chapter 1 Reborn


So how long would I stay here for, I wish a way to get out of here but everything changed my mate, my family all gone, damn you Gods I will get my revenge. No matter what happen to me I will kill you one by one no matter the cost.

Hey.(???) Who said that.

It me. (???) Me who.

My name is call the Dark Goddess .(???) Your a God.

Yeah, but I am a special Gods that no ordinary Gods can be, as I can do thinks they can't do as they will suffer a painful death but for me it not even painful at all. They have to follow the law of the universes but some don't have to follow all of them like me. (Dark Goddess) What is the law of the universe?

It is a laws that Gods allow or disallow to do in the universe. (Dark Goddess) Who created the law of the universes.

The person who created the law of the universes is the person we Gods call the true God of all. (Dark Goddess) A true God of all, who that.

It the Gods that created everything after nothing so the true Gods created being like the lesser Gods and other things. (Darkness

Goddess) I thought that the big bang created everything in the universe.

Oh that was a big mistake, it was a lesser God being punishment for disobey the laws. (Darkness Goddess) What punishment did that God have to created the big bang?

Ah the punishments is that he was exploded into small little bits over and over again until he no longer alive. (Dark Goddess) Wait Gods can die for real.

Yes, they can die if they keep dying repeatedly until it is no longer alive.(Dark Goddess) Oh they can die thank for the info.


Oh look at the time do you want to reborn again. (Dark Goddess) Yeah, I want to reborn again as I stay here for who know damn long.

You stay in the void for about one trillion ninety nine thousands years now. (Dark Goddess) What!!! I stay for that damn long, no!!!

Don't worry all the people you know are still alive as they grow strong each day. (Dark Goddess) what people I know are still alive, impossible it being more than a trillion year so how can they live for that long.

It is because they live in a world that have qi that people can cultivation to become stronger than they can normal be. (Dark Goddess) Would I be reborn there then.

No, you wouldn't be reborn there but will reborn into a world where any Gods can't go to. This world is call Xeno, where there is also have qi but not much denser but have a very lot of qi to cultivation into a strong omnipotent being. (Dark Goddess) what being live in these world calls Xeno.

All beings who lives in Xeno are creatures like Humans (Humans, Dwarves and Elves) , Demons (Fairy's, Skeleton's and other demons form creatures) and Beast, (Dragons, Phoenix's and other like beast form creatures) although there are monsters that also live in the planet but don't have a mind to think as they are dumb to think for them self ( Dark Goddess) So these are beings that live in these world where I'm going to live in, OK then let go.

OK , first I need to touch your forehead so that I can sent you there.(Dark Goddess) OK. She went closer to me a touch a forehead it was so smooth and the scene disappear so I have reborn huh.

I'm so sorry that you have to endure this Lucifer, I will make them pay for what they did to you darling.(Dark Goddess) she disappear after saying these.


Wow I born in a forest but I didn't expect it be so dark and cold here. I look at myself and I kind of look like a Hell Hound but I not sure. I try to sense the qi from this world but fail, then I try put qi in my eye to see it, It work yes.

Ding! you have learnt a skill call Sense qi

What is it possible that these world have a states window like the one in light novels, let try it by thinking or saying the words

"state window"

Name Lucifer

Race Hell Hound

Age 1 hour ago

Level 1

Exp 0

Hp 100/100

Qi 10/20



WIS 14

INT 14


LUK -10

Affinity Darkness, Void and Fire


Sense qi

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