《TeamFortress2's New Addition》Chapter Twenty
That night after dinner you were browsing the internet and watching YouTube, procrastinating on what you planned to work on still in your merc outfit. You know staying up to work is unhealthy, but this is just a waste of time! Why not just go to sleep? You read the clock, it said 11:09 PM. Eh, I'll go to sleep after this next video. The video said it was thirty-five minutes long.
At about ten minutes into the video, you heard what you thought was faint steps heading past your bedroom. What the heck? You quickly put your computer into sleep mode and kept as silent as possible. Sure enough, a pair of footsteps softly walked past your door. When you heard them fade away, you started the video again. Then, right after it finished, the footsteps came back. You barely had time to turn off your computer. You slowly slid into bed just deciding that sleeping in your clothes one night wouldn't hurt anybody. You then fell asleep as exhaustion took over.
You woke up at 6:12 AM the next morning. You didn't get as much sleep as you wanted to have, but you felt more energized at least. Why did I let myself stay up last night watching YouTube? What a waste of time! You stared at the ceiling for a moment. It was funny though. You sat up and got out of bed. You took a shower and then you changed into a clean outfit, leaving your weapons there for a bit. It wasn't like you were doing anything with them in your room.
You got on your phone and saw everyone was asking where you were. All of your friends were worrying about you, freaking out. You had thirty-two missed calls. Looking through them, the only thing you could conjure in your mind was "Oh crap."
You pulled up a note-taking app on your phone and wrote a long letter to copy and paste to everyone. It took you at least thirty minutes to get to where you liked it and thought it explained enough to your friends. Of course you would have to answer their questions after, but this at least cut down on the time you would have to spend typing with only thumbs. You had to make sure it sounded as if nothing changed, so you tried pretty hard to sound like you were just updating them on the situation. You read over it one last time:
"Hey guys! No, I'm NOT dead (lol), but I won't be coming back to school. Remember those crazy dudes who visited our school the last day I was there? It turns out they were looking for kids to attend a new experimental school in New Mexico. They came to my dad at church basically inviting me to join it. I'm glad I can keep in touch with you, but I won't be able to visit often. The school has a tight schedule and the teachers are crazy about work. They wake me up earlier than the other students and tell me to do insane things with little practice or prep. I really wish I could have had the chance to see you one last time, but my mom was persistent and my dad let her make me go. We left the very next morning for the school like JEEZ! Anyway, I'll try to return your calls and I'll answer your questions as quick as I can, but who knows what I'll be having to do when we try to talk. I miss you very much to no end! Signed: The very not dead (Y/n)."
You copied and pasted it to everyone who texted you or called you. Surprisingly, your dad hasn't said anything yet... it hurt. You don't know if he's disowning you or if your mom is keeping him at bay and calming him. Then it hit you. I forgot to ask what Spy did to Mom! Oh that sounds weird... but still! She doesn't act all insane or overly excited! I need answers, but not now.
Almost immediately, Jack responded:
(Y/n): Awwww! I don't miss Chinese, but I miss you too! How was English?
Jack: Boring. How's your new school? You didn't have to flake on us like that, but parents will do what they want I guess.
(Y/n): It's really hard, but I don't hate the teachers at least. Even if they wake me up a 2 or 4 AM.
Jack: OOF sorry.
(Y/n): Hey I had a shower thought
Jack: What?
(Y/n): I just realized that asking for someone's name is like asking "What noise should I make with my mouth to get your attention?"
Jack: XD
(Y/n): What is wrong with me
Jack: I really dk, but I gtg ready for school now, so bye!
(Y/n): Bye
You knew your other friends don't touch their phones before school, Sam didn't have one to start with, so you put it down. You only see Jack on the other days of the class rotation, which included Chinese and English. You missed them, but you were the one who signed the contract. You had to accept this. At least I have a connection to my friends and family back home. You sighed and leaned back onto the bed. You checked the time. It was around seven o'clock. You heard multiple pairs of footsteps walk pass your door as you stretched and stood up. Then, you opened your door to see your teammates head into the kitchen. You could hear Engie whistling already inside, so you assumed he started breakfast. You slowly followed them and got in line to get your food. Engie was cooking and he made a classic: Eggs and bacon. You sat at your place besides Sniper and Engie. You thanked Engie for breakfast and he told you it was no problem.
"Y'know," Sniper said while chewing. "It's moi turn to train you today, so Oi decided ta let you sleep foirst." He laughed and you let out a small chuckle. You made eye contact with Spy and tried to send a non-verbal apology. He seemed to get it, but it didn't stop him from tensing up somewhat.
"Right," you said. "Uhm, when do we start?"
"Oh, roight afta breakfast. It won't take long with your aim, but there is the problem with Spies backstabbin' ya."
"Okay, I can't wait."
"I'm coming, too," Medic added in.
"Oh that won't be necessary, mate," Sniper told him.
"Just in case, I'll be vatching." You leaned closer to Sniper.
"That's not creepy at all," you whispered and he laughed. Medic glared at you two. You leaned back away from Sniper and finished eating. You didn't really speak much in the conversations at meals. You thanked Engie one last time for breakfast and sat in the living room waiting for Sniper to finish. You rubbed your eyes and leaned back on the couch.
"Tired?" Spy asked, walking up to you. You immediately sat up to face him.
"I guess you could say that. Hey, does anyone here walk around at night?" You asked, remembering the footsteps from last night.
"No, not zhat I know of. Why do you ask?"
"I heard someone walking pass my door a couple of times last night and it confused me." He looked confused.
"Zhat does not sound right. I cannot help you now, but if I learn anything I'll let 'ou know."
"Thank you, Spy. You wouldn't have to do that."
"Not a problem, it would be my pleasure." You nodded and Sniper walked in.
"Ready to go Strategist?" Sniper said.
"Yep, I'll see you later Spy," you said, and Spy gave you a curt nod before walking off lighting a cigarette. You stood up and walked with Sniper out to the training grounds.
"Now if ya didn't already know, the place outside has the track, the open area, the little building with cardboard cut-outs for target practice and we store supplies in there, and a tower for long-range practice."
"We'll be starting in the tower to practice your aim a bit, and then I'll run you down on the supplies and techniques to survive." You both walked outside and started across the track. "Alroight. I want ta see the outfit on ya."
"Oh! Right." You pulled out Sniper's disk and pushed the button. As quick as a flash you were rocking a vest, sunglasses, and a hat.
"That looks noice!" He flicked the rim of your hat up. You give a thumbs up as you two continue to walk. You had a sniper rifle in a holster strapped to your back, a machete in a belt holster, and a submachine gun on a holster on the other side of the belt. "Oi guess while we walk I could explain your weapons. That there rifle on your back will be the one you use. The others are for when you get found out or in a sticky situation. It's simple to use really: Look through the scope, aim at an enemy's head, and shoot. Ya don't want to shoot too much from the same spot or the enemy Sniper'll discover your location. If someone gets too close, use the other two to distract them, escape, or fight. The enemy Spy and Sniper will be your main problems." You both neared the tower, and you both started climbing up. When you reached the top, you could see a big, empty hole on the side of it. Scanning the area, you caught your eye on a familiar face.
"Hey Sniper," you called him over.
"What is it Sheila?" Sheila?
"I can see Medic sneaking around the supply building." He laughed.
"Good eye, mate." He was silent for a moment before a wicked grin morphed onto his face. "Oi got an idea." Though it wasn't as bad as Medic's, it still caught you off guard and made you a bit uncomfortable.
"Target practice."
"On Medic?" You were a little taken aback.
"Aw c'mon! When he comes stormin' back, I'll tell him it was my idea. What other targets can you see here?" He gestured in front of you and he was right. "Unless we go into the supply building and get cardboard cutouts, there's nothin' to use. We have a real version of a target right here."
"I'm prepared to run if he's after me."
"That's the spirit! Now let me tell you something." His expression became serious. "Professionals have standards: Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
"Got it." You pulled out the sniper rifle.
"Good, now take your time to aim when you can. If you miss, your target will know they're being shot at and will go for cover." You nodded and loaded the rifle.
You looked through the scope until Medic stood still long enough. Now! The bullet flew and you heard the scream pierce through the air as Medic fell. Simultaneously, you and Sniper pulled your hat off in respect. After putting them back on, you both high-fived.
"Now he's after our blood," you said, watching his body disappear.
"Yes, that's seems ta be the problem."
"Where should we hide?"
"I have no idea."
"I'm going to try in the storage building. If there are boxes in there, I might be able to fit inside one."
"I'll join you."
You both quickly climbed down from the tower and booked it to the building, holding on to your hats. You both rushed in. You didn't have much time to study it, but it looked like a target machine with cardboards in the middle and boxes on the side. You picked the biggest, farthest box from the entrance you could find and gently lowered yourself into it. It was full of grenades, but you didn't know how much time you had until... you shuddered. You closed the lid, making sure you could get out of it if or after Medic hopefully left. You don't know where Sniper went, but you hope he found one to hide in. You didn't bring your phone, so you didn't have the time. It felt like thirty minutes until the doors burst open.
"Vhere are jou two?" You heard Medic say. It was morbidly quiet, meaning you could barely hear him say it through the box. You held your breath. He started walking down your side very slowly. I'm gonna die today! I'mma have my first respawn, or I might not even respawn! I could just be dead!
You stiffened as he passed your box, but he only stopped for a second before continuing. You heard him walk across the far middle wall and then stop. He kicked a box and you heard a shout from Sniper. Then, you heard the lid get thrown against your box. You heard rustling and Sniper stammering:
"O-Oit was my idea Medic! She didn't even want ta-!"
"Vhere. Is. She."
"S-she ran to another building mate! Oi swear!"
"I searched everyvhere in zhis base. She is around here. I'll ask again. Vhere is she?" You heard someone being shaken and you took the opportunity to open the lid and slowly get out. Crouched, you walked towards the door. "Jou are going to help me find her or I vill skin jou alive!"
"Okay! Okay!" You made it to the door before Medic saw you.
"There jou are! Come here!" You took no time to run.
"Shit! Run Strategist!"
You internally screaming as you held onto your hat and ran. What the fuck, what the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK! Within a few seconds, you heard heavy footsteps charge behind you and they were getting closer. Curse my short stride! You felt a hand grab your vest and you instinctively rolled over, bring Medic with you. You landed on top of him and slammed your knees into his shoulders and grabbed his arms, managing to hold him down, but not by much.
"Sniper! Get your ass over here and help me! He's going to KILL us!" You shouted over to Sniper and he came running.
"Good job keeping him down, mate!" Sniper shouted, bounding to sit on Medic's legs.
"Just get over here!"
"Vhat is VRONG vith jou?" Medic shouted, struggling.
"A LOT OF THINGS MEDIC, MANY THINGS! YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT!" You took a breath and tried to calm down. "I'm sorry! I didn't think it would actually land, but Sniper insisted!" Medic stopped struggling and glared at you.
"She's right, mate. As Oi tried to tell ya, she didn't want ta do it!" Sniper chimed in, trying not to get kicked. You let go of his arms and rolled off, quickly standing. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Come on Sniper, get off of him please. We didn't get to go over the survival strategies yet."
"Oh, roight." He stood up and helped Medic up. "Sorry... again, mate."
"Don't jou anyzhing like zhat again," Medic scowled, staring you down. You nodded.
"Ya don't have to tell us that twice mate! C'mon Strategist, you're right." You let Sniper lead you back to the tower, leaving Medic to stand brushing himself off. When you both reached the top, you slid down the wall.
"Well, that happened," you stated.
"Yeah, Oi'm sorry Strat, Oi know how bad of an idea it was now," Sniper rubbed the back of his neck.
"It's over now, so no real harm done. I actually kinda wanted to do that to Medic, even the tackling him part." He laughed.
"Oi'm just glad he didn't skin me alive."
"Same here... what were the techniques?"
"Roight, roight. Well, say a Spy is coming after ya, you can usually hear them before you see them. That means tip number one is to just listen for them. Let your eyes do the seeing for targets and let your ears focus on Spies. Use your machete and dodge his strikes. It won't be easy, but I heard you hit our Spy, so do whatever ya did there I guess."
"Got it."
"Now if you think someone saw you, don't be afraid to duck behind cover and move to a different spot, even if they didn't see you. Your main targets are the enemy Heavy, Medic, and Demoman, and you can use other weapons in place of your secondary weapon, like jarate." I don't want to ask.
"What's jarate?" I have to.
"This is jarate." He held up a mason jar filled part-way with a yellow liquid. Oh jeez...
"That's not lemonade... is it?"
"Ah, no. It's not."
"'Cause it works!"
"I think I'll wait to use that."
"Fair enough. All you have to do is throw it at someone."
"Sure... got it."
"Anyway. That's all ya need to know. Oh! When using the machete, it's best to use it from behind."
"I'll remember that. Um what time is it?"
"Oi think it's about lunchtime."
"Alright let's go. Oh, right... Medic's cooking lunch."
"We have to talk to 'im again at some point, he is the Medic."
You both climbed out of the tower and headed into the base. Lunch was already being served. You switched back into your outfit and sat down with Sniper, your plates already in front of you. Medic sat down and you all thanked him. You and Sniper had your heads down in shame, fully aware of Medic boring his eyes into your heads.
"So, you and Snipah trained outside... how was it?" Engie asked you flinched.
"I-It was good. I learned a lot from him," you replied, not lifting your head up much.
"Yeah, she's got a good eye," Sniper added.
"Certainly told her how to avoid my counter-part yes?" Spy asked and you both just nodded.
Demoman looked between you two to Medic and back again.
"Alright, what happn'd?"
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